Abducted (3 page)

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Authors: Adera Orfanelli

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy

BOOK: Abducted
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Jacey stared at him. His green eyes looked unearthly. “What the hell are you?” She stepped backward. Her legs bumped against the bed, and she tottered for a moment, refusing to sit.

She stepped around the bed and looked for somewhere safer. It would be easy, too easy, to give in to her carnal desires and fuck this man. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She had to find a way back home. And he wasn’t a man. He was an alien.
My body’s response is just some crazy aftereffect of their gas. It has to be.

As she backed away, Aidan followed her, his gaze never leaving her body. He stared at her breasts, her nipples visible through the thin material of her gown, and Jacey couldn’t help but shiver at his intense gaze.

“I asked you who the hell you are?” Jacey demanded.

“I am Aidan Starsek, Lord of Balladarde,” he said in a condescending voice. “Do you not remember?”

“I remember,” she growled. “What do you want with me?”

“You will be my wife.”

“Never,” she growled.

Aidan stepped forward. He gave a low chuckle and slid the backs of his knuckles over her cheek. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,
,” he said with a sly grin. “All your questions will be answered in time. Just know that on my world, I am considered a god, and it is an honor for you to be chosen.” His hand lingered against her chin.

Aidan’s touch shook her more than she cared to admit. The low caress of his voice sent shivers down her spine, and she almost wished he’d slide that hand down to her breast again. “I want to go home,” she said.

“I can’t let you.” His voice held so much regret that for a moment, Jacey started to like him.


“Because if you will not consent to be my wife, then on Deactivation Night, I will die.”

He said the words so plainly that Jacey thought about laughing in his face. His pick-up line was original; she had to give him credit. Her lips had grown more accustomed to speaking the strange tongue, even if her mind had translated it into English. “And I care why?”

The man visibly recoiled at her sharp words. “You could prevent a death, and yet you do nothing to stop it?”

I could have prevented a death, and yet I didn’t object when Ebony drove home that night in the storm. She could have stayed at my house. She kept clothes there just in case a late-night planning session went too long. Instead, I watched my friend go. And she died
. Jacey sniffed back the tears stinging her eyes. “I—” She stopped, unsure how to answer this man. “Look,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest, “I’ve apparently been kidnapped from Earth. You’re an alien. This is all alien. And now I have to marry you to keep you alive? I don’t even know you.” She took a deep breath to calm herself. “And you gassed me, did something to me before. I don’t know what you want with me, but you picked a hell of a way to go about getting it.”

Aidan stepped forward. He cupped her cheek in his hand and brushed his thumb across her parted lips. Jacey cursed her body’s reaction, even as her eyelids fluttered closed. Her tongue slipped between her lips to caress his digit. “In all the universe, I have never met a woman as beguiling as you. From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. Tell me your name, dear lady, and I will make you believe that you must save me.”

“Jacey,” she breathed. “Jacey Cassidy.” The way he spoke, his actions could have made him her knight in shining armor, only she didn’t believe in such things anymore, and from what she’d seen he certainly wasn’t chivalrous. “From the moment you saw me?”

Aidan nodded. “I saw you two of your Earth days ago. You were sitting alone drinking a beverage. I believe you call such place a bar.”

Her eyes widened. If he’d seen her two days ago, then she had to have been out much longer after her accident than she thought. She hadn’t been out to drink alone, not for several weeks, which meant he had to have seen her the night of her accident. “Turn around,” she ordered. There’d been something about the man at the bar. It was a small place and most of the patrons were regulars. The man in jeans didn’t seem to fit in with the crowd. A sinking feeling filled her.

Aidan stepped away without question. He turned around and dropped his hands to his sides. The loose folds of his robe did little to conceal the taut globes of his ass and the long, lean legs beneath. The man in jeans across the room, the ass she’d thought looked so delicious. “I saw you there,” she whispered. “In jeans.”

Aidan turned around. “If that is what those trousers were called, then yes, you saw me in the bar. Please, Jacey, please don’t deny me.”

“Why?” Jacey sank to the bed, the strength suddenly gone from her limbs. She’d been abducted by an alien who had watched her beforehand. Way too much for her to deal with right now. Grief over Ebony’s recent death still tore raw wounds through her heart. Without her friend and business partner, she had lost her business and had sunk so low as to do contract work for a help desk. A warm body, that was all she was at her job, and after steering her own destiny, the blow stung. She had longed to leave that life, but for something better, not because she had no choice.

“Because I’ve searched galaxies looking for the right female.” Aidan knelt beside her. He rested his large hand on her knee, subtle warmth filling her at his touch. “You cannot go back to Earth, Jacey, but after seeing the wonders of my planet, BelaZed, you will not want to.”

He spoke so passionately that Jacey almost believed him. It would be far too easy for her peace of mind to throw all her troubles onto Aidan’s broad shoulders and let him handle everything. Not return to Earth? Well, that would fix the problem of her crappy job and even crappier life right there. She wouldn’t have one. Taking a deep breath, she reached out and brushed a lock of hair from Aidan’s forehead. His skin felt smooth and warm to the touch, his hair silky.

“No,” she said softly. “You want to march in and bundle me off to your world like a good little wife. I’m not that kind of woman, Aidan. You cannot make me love you. I don’t even know you.” She slid her hand back down over his chest, where the whirring still vibrated against her palm. “I don’t even think you’re human.”

Aidan gently clasped her hand and pulled it away from his chest. “I’m not a true-born,” he said. “I’m a domanin.” He stood, pulling her to her feet beside him. “Let me show you the wonders of my world.” Without waiting for a reply, he led her toward the curtained wall.

“Wait. A domanin? What’s that?” Jacey dug in her heels and made him stop.

“An android.”

“Like Data on
Star Trek
?” Jacey stared at Aidan with wide eyes. “Fully functional and all?” She laughed. She couldn’t help it and hated feeling as if she were laughing at him, but the idea seemed so silly. Even Data had looked different, not quite human. Aidan could have passed for any human and probably had when he’d come to the bar.

He looked at her quizzically. “You find what I am funny?”

Jacey tried to stifle the laughter. “I’m sorry. There was this television program with this android.” She shook her head, knowing he had no concept of Earth’s television programming, let alone the shows she’d watched. She sighed.

Aidan shook his head. “There is no television on BelaZed. Come, let me show you.” He propelled her forward.

She tried not to dwell on the reality of a world without television.
Of course, when you’re living like something out of a science fiction novel, I guess you wouldn’t need television. It couldn’t hurt to see his world. I have options. He can’t refuse to take me back to Earth. If he came there to abduct me, then he can go back. I may just have to make him see that
. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t see how he parted the curtains, nor found and opened the door that led from her chambers.

White light filled the hallway, though none of the fabric muffled the walls. Along her right, the gleaming silver expanse of what must be the inner hull of the ship seemed to stretch into infinity. On her left, blue disks dotted the wall at odd intervals. Door handles, she wondered, then tried to imagine how a door would fit so snugly as to leave no marks.

Jacey craned her neck to try and see, and she caught Aidan smiling at her out of the corners of her eyes.

He turned a corner, and here, doors lined both sides of the silver hallway, lending credence to her theory that the one wall must have been the outer edge of the ship. The craft seemed enormous. Nearly a dozen steps later, Aidan stopped in front of a blue disk to his right.

He touched it with his fingers. Sparks flew from his fingers to the disk, and she wondered again what his being a domanin meant aside from the obvious. He hadn’t shocked her when he touched her, and she worried her lower lip as she watched him twist his fingers against the blue disk. A soft hiss filled the air, and then the door slid into the wall.

He led her into the room. The large chamber looked like a big silver dome. The walls, ceiling, even the floor, were patterned in interlocking octagons of some silver metal.

“You said you were going to show me the wonders of your planet,” she said. She slid her fingers from his, suddenly upset at herself for not trying to get away sooner.

“I am,” he said with a grin. “Trust me.”

“Trust you?” she questioned as Aidan turned from her. He tapped against a panel in the wall, and a small console slid out. He keyed in a few commands, and the silver walls faded away. Momentary blackness surrounded her before she heard the sounds of birdsong. The air shimmered. Suddenly, she stood in a lush park.

The change in scenery disorientated her, and she reached for a nearby tree. Her fingers closed around the trunk, and she gave a gasp of surprise. “Where are we?” she asked as Aidan threaded his way through the trees, though he only walked across the room to stand at her side once more.

“On my palatial grounds.”

Jacey stared at her hand around the tree trunk, squeezing with her fingers. “It’s real,” she breathed.

Aidan stepped forward, pinning her between the tree and his body. “So real,” he said, dipping his head so his hot breath brushed the shell of her ear, “that I could back you against it and fuck you.”

Jacey inched back against the rough bark of the tree. It poked her through the thin material of her gown. Lightly, Aidan caressed her collarbone, and the fabric parted at his touch. A light breeze teased her bare shoulder. Jacey stared down at her exposed flesh in wonder.

“How did you?” She looked up at him with wide eyes.

Aidan didn’t answer. Instead, he trailed his fingertips over the front of her gown, the fabric falling away at his touch. He skimmed his hands over her body. The feel of his flesh against hers sent shivers through Jacey’s body. Her tongue darted out to moisten suddenly dry lips, and she watched, transfixed, as he knelt in front of her. He flicked his fingers across her hardened nipple.

Reaching behind her, Jacey gripped the tree trunk. Aidan leaned forward and grazed his teeth across the tight bud. Jacey shivered. Her pussy flooded, and for a moment, she wanted him to stand up, let her wrap her legs around his, and fuck her until she was blind. Aidan looked human. Right now, combined with the odd way his touch affected her and the strange circumstances she found herself in, that was enough to send her libido into overdrive.

He pulled her nipple into the hot cavern of his mouth. Jacey moaned. He sucked hard. His fingers skimmed her sides, sending the gown sliding to the ground. Jacey lost herself to the sensation of Aidan’s lips tugging on her nipple, and of the slight breeze caressing her naked skin.

Aidan pulled his lips away. He gracefully rose to his feet and extended his hand. “As much as I would like to make love to you, I haven’t yet shown you the beauty of my home.”

Jacey stared at the outstretched hand. She looked down at her nakedness. “You want me to go like this?” She gestured to her bare body.

“It is just you and I.” He lightly ran his fingers over the front of his gown, and the fabric parted. He slipped from it.

Jacey stared at his nude body. His smooth, hairless body fascinated her. His cock rose semierect, and she stared at it, noticing that tiny raised nodules covered the shaft. It looked like a silicone dildo she had at home, and she wondered if the bumps would stimulate her as much as her toy. Beneath her gaze, his cock grew. It hardened, becoming thick and hard. His admirable size made her want to test him, and she forced her gaze back to his face only to find Aidan smiling at her.

His gaze lingered on her parted lips, then drifted down to the tight beads of her nipples. “If you would prefer a different pattern, I would be happy to oblige.” As he spoke his penis shifted, until tiny rings circled its surface.

“What the hell?” She reached for him, ignoring the tall trees, the lush grass beneath her feet. As far as she was concerned, the shifting patterns on Aidan’s cock would be far more interesting than any sightseeing.

“I’m a domanin. I told you that already.”

“But what exactly is a domanin?”

“A mechanical man. An android, for lack of a better word.”

“You already told me that,” Jacey muttered, disgusted with the patterned answer.
I guess the only way to see what he is would be to explore him
. Reaching forward, she circled her fingers around Aidan’s shaft. The skin hummed warm to her touch. She stroked lightly, and Aidan closed his eyes. His head fell back, and Jacey marveled that he reacted just like a human male. Beneath her fingers, the skin of his cock shifted, nodules turning into rings, turning into smooth skin. Her vaginal muscles contracted as she imagined his shaft changing inside her.

She leaned forward and gave in to the moment.
Even if I do get to return to Earth, I’ll want to have an alien experience, right?
It was just the two of them, naked in some kind of holographic 3-D theater. On Earth she might not have been so bold. Here, under these circumstances, all propriety seemed tossed out the proverbial window. “Fuck me. For just a little while make me believe that I’m home.”

His cock smoothed, with long veins wrapped around its thick shaft. The head shifted shape, and a quick glance at it showed Jacey it looked circumcised.

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