A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3) (24 page)

Read A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3) Online

Authors: K. F. Breene

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)
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It was all perfect. Everything!

When we sat down with our drinks William put his arm around me. He continued our conversation with, “I thought you might be ready when I heard that you called me your finance in the hospital. I never did thank you for all you did that night. And while I was in the coma.”

He face took on a somber look.

“I never thanked you for saving me from Dusty,” I retaliated, knowing he’d quickly change the subject.

He smiled haphazardly. “Then at your surprise party it looked like you were expecting a ring. Lump thought so, too. I’m sorry about that. I tricked you on purpose with the size of the box. I just...wanted to be sure. There is a lot on the line when you ask for forever.”

“I can’t believe you love me enough to want me forever,” I said, tears springing again. I nearly told him to scrub his eyes first before he actually went through with it, but I thought better of it. I didn’t want to ruin my chances.

“I’ve loved you this much from the beginning, Jessica. I would have given you that ring a long time ago if I thought you were ready. I bought it a day after you picked it out.”

You did?”

He smiled, his eyes reaching into me again. “I have been ready for you all my life. I was just too stupid to see it in the beginning.”

“And you are saying I was too stupid for most of our time together?” I asked in mock anger.

“Well, if the shoe fits.” He laughed and hugged me closer.

“Ass,” I said, wiping the tears away again.

We spent the rest of the ride back to the dock dancing slowly together, bodies pressed firmly against each other, and kissing. They made us sit down when they were tying the ropes, which made me sad that the evening was ending. I desperately wanted to get William alone, but I didn’t want this perfection to be at an end.

“How long did it take to plan this out?” I asked as we waited.


“Give it up, Davies.”

“Honestly... I was the idea man. The assistants put the plan into motion.”

“Uh huh.”

We headed to the waiting town car. Once inside I cuddled up next to my man. After the door was closed he pulled me closer.

“I do love you, you know,” he said softly in my ear.

“Oh really? Is that what this big rock means?”

“Is it too big?”

I looked at the ring again. I had been glancing at it constantly. At first I was so excited by the design and the fact that he was proposing that I didn’t notice the extent of the sparkle. Now, however...

“Yiks.” It was probably two ct. and the cut and color were remarkable. I had a feeling the clarity was also above par.

“Yeah, I intended to get one smaller, but the ever-nagging voice of my mother was in my ear.”

“Go big or go home, right?”

He laughed. “The Texas way.”

“But...what do you mean the voice of your mother?”

“Oh. She says a diamond on a woman’s finger is a status symbol. People will be looking at it and comparing it with your monetary value. Being that you’re in my family now—“ His eyes got so mushy that if I squeezed them I’d get a glass full of love, ”—I was told, under no uncertain terms, that I would do our family proud and give you something to show off.”

“Huh. She doesn’t know me all that well.”

“It’s not about knowing you, it’s about impressing her friends. And while I’ve never really bought into that where you are concerned, I figured you didn’t want her making snide comments for the rest of her life.”

“You’re right. I don’t. Also, it is beautiful, so I ain’t complainin’.”

He laughed, “Ain’t, huh?”

The car stopped outside a large building with lights and people.

“Wait,” I said as the door opened and William got out. He put his hand back in to escort me out as well.

We were in front of a hip San Francisco club with a line down the block. I climbed out into the crisp night air. Only San Francisco could be crisp in the summer. Well, and Alaska.

“You didn’t think I would keep your beauty to myself tonight, did you? I want every man to envy me my bride to be.”

“It’s good to be King.”

“Hey, that’s my line!” he said with a smile that couldn’t light up his face enough to match the twinkling of his eyes.

Was this real? Is this what all women felt when they got engaged?

William led me to the door and stepped arrogantly in front of the line. No one complained.

“Two for Davies,” he said curtly.

He never acted this way at Froggy’s. But then, Froggy’s had nothing on this place. Ruby something it was called. Apparently a happening spot for the young and beautiful, judging by the overly made up beauties waiting patiently outside. It was a terrible place to get a guy for keeps, but a great place to flirt and maybe get a guy for the night, depending on the level of drunk. I was going to have one guy for the rest of my life.

But I already decided I wanted that.

But one guy. One penis. One set of tools. One set of comfort levels.

But a really hot one. A really good set of tools. A willingness to explore his level of comfort.

Yeah, I made the right choice! I was so excited.


The door man looked at his list and gestured us through. Through the doorway and we were accosted by a really large, really effeminate black man in his late twenties. My God but he was big. Six-foot-four at least. Big like a truck; muscles all over the place. Looked like a Running Back. Gay as a spring day.

“Heeeelllllooooooo!” he called, mostly to William, who he looked up and down without reservation.

William blushed furiously and mumbled, “Hi.” His arrogance was long gone.

I started to chuckle.

He stamped William’s hand with a lingering look. He turned to me next.

“Giiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrl, look at

I smiled proudly and gave him a little swish to show off my dress. You were never as appreciated as with a gay man. They really made you feel hot and sexy without being slutty. I loved the whole breed! But then, who wouldn’t love someone telling you that you looked fabulous, and wholeheartedly meaning it without trying to stab you in the back directly after?

Beware looking like shit, though. Same rules.

“That dress is...” He shook his head and waved at me. “I need your tailor, girlfriend. I
your damn tailor! Send him my way!”

“What? You think I need competition?” I held up my nose.

He laughed in big guffaws and opened the door. I patted him on his huge shoulder and walked in. I wasn’t sure, but William might have gotten a little pat on the back. Or butt. He tensed up a little as he followed.

Welcome to
San Francisco. The gay men knew this scene back and forth and I was excited to be in a such a liberal culture. It was such a pleasant relief from the conservative culture I was living in. It was looser than L.A. It was faster, too. But it was more laid back, somehow. People here were fashion conscious, but they also dared to be different. People cared what other people thought, but only up to a certain point. Everywhere you looked there was a new style. Someone’s own style. Hippie-chic.

There was also the smell of marijuana. I didn’t miss that about California so much.

William tried to lead me by putting his hand on the small of my back and firmly pointing my body like a dance, but too many men stopped in front of me to say hello.

William then grabbed my hand and led himself, parting people with his large body. Men stopped and stared at William. The gay ones wanted to move in. The straight ones either wanted to fight him or dress like him.

We went up some stairs, then we went up more stairs. This place was freaking huge! And the beat. What can I say about the beat? It was intense. It infused my body. I could tell it was the best mixers on duty making something magical. Girls and guys alike moved pumped to the music, to the throbbing base. I couldn’t wait for another glass of champagne and to dance with my...fiancée!


We got to a VIP section, of course. When William made plans, he did nothing by halves. The entire area was sectioned off, but within, each person got a booth in an open floor plan. Or a collection of them, depending on party size.

We had a smallish booth, of course, being that we were only two, but had our own waitress, which definitely rocked. While the digs didn’t look rich by anyone’s standards, it seemed like a high dollar area. In fact, a famous rap star had a big area for him and his entourage next to us. I didn’t know which rap star because I wasn’t all that into rap, but some chick was gushing over touching him so I got the idea.

We settled in, me nestled against William, encircled in his hard inviting arms. We placed our order and he lifted my chin to give me a firm kiss. I could feel his urgency matching my own. We both wanted to be alone, but didn’t want privacy quite yet.

When the drinks arrived we saluted to life together. My heart started racing and my smile was basically painted on. I couldn’t ever remember feeling this elated. I was soaked in it.

“Are you nervous?” William asked into my ear.

“About what?”

“Life. With me.

“Honestly, a bit. I am excited, and so much in love it hurts. But yeah, still scared a little.”

“Me, too,” he whispered, “but in a good way. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Waiting for you for a long time. Thank God you are irresistible, or that I came clean before you moved away.”

I kissed him again, moving my hand down his chest, down his stomach, and over his crotch. I heard his intake of breath as he pulled his face away from mine. His eyes were smoldering. I smiled but kept rubbing.

“Let’s dance,” he said in a strangled voice.

We downed our drinks and he caught the waitress to order two more as we headed to the dance floor. In this place there were many areas to dance, all with writhing bodies. Small tables for standing dotted the walkways, as did dancers of all level of drunk. There were also paid dancers in skimpy clothes up on platforms.

We got amongst a bunch of people grinding to the music. William brought me close. He had taken off his jacket and was now wearing a tight shirt that accentuated his broad shoulders and delicious pecks. I rubbed those shoulders and put my thigh between his so I was rubbing against his hard erection. He grabbed my butt and ground me into him, kissing me intensely, opening my mouth with his.

We were more concerned with being close then dancing well, but we both had natural rhythm and kept up easily. It wasn’t hard with the base vibrating the marrow in my bones. He threw me in a sexy
dip and ran his hand across my chest as I came up. He pulled me closer, if that were possible, and moved our thighs in such a way that we were having sex through clothes on the dance floor.

I was grabbing him everywhere I could, kissing him hungrily, desperate to get him inside of me to ease this terrible ache. I moaned in his ear before I grabbed his earlobe with my teeth and sucked. I was going crazy with anticipation and certainly wouldn’t last much longer.

William must have thought the same thing because he grabbed my hand and led me back toward the booth. I didn’t want to go quite yet, but I needed to get him naked more than anything, so I made no complaints about his decision.

Instead of hitting the booth, though, he took a turn and pushed me into one of the bathrooms up by our booth. It was not as busy because it was in the VIP section, and we didn’t have to wait at all.

He followed me in.

He would never have made that dancing display in Texas, I realized. And sex in a bathroom? Not a hope. But in the land of strangers, apparently William let his hair down.

As soon as the door was locked William was on me. His hands ripped my dress up to expose my hips and moved my underwear aside as he pushed two eager fingers into my warm folds. He rubbed and stretched, creating a beautiful friction that just wasn’t enough.

His other hand had the top of my dress down below my breasts and his hot mouth found a nipple and sucked. A cry escaped my lips as I yanked his pants down and quickly pulled out his rock hard erection.

He pushed himself up against me, moved my undies more, and inserted himself with one quick thrust to sheath himself fully. I could hear a low growl in his throat as he held me there for a minute, savoring my hot, wet grip.

I brought my legs up around his hips and started moving him inside me, needing him hard and fast. He complied immediately, pulling himself out almost completely, leaving just his swollen head in my opening, then thrusting back in.

He was pushing into my core savagely with an animalistic desire, kissing me deeply and holding my legs around his hips. I was grabbing his shoulders with claw-like hands and clinging on for the ride.

I crested in a gush, crying out in ecstasy. William followed right behind with his last hard thrust, then eased us down with a few softer, yet still firm, slides into and out of me. His kisses became softer and moved to my neck then back to my lips.

He brought my legs down and secured the top of my dress. A moment ago he was ravaging me, but now he was tenderly caressing me and kissing me, having sedated his wilder urges.

“I feel much better,” I said with a sigh as we cleaned ourselves up.

He smiled at me with warm eyes and glanced his soft lips against mine. “I’ll take more time tonight, I promise,” he said with a wink.

He put his arm around my shoulder as we left the bathroom. There were two drunk girls waiting and they looked at us with giggles. I smiled silkily and let William lead me away, not the least embarrassed. William I saw, wasn’t either.

“Dark horse,” I muttered as we made our way to our booth.

“No one knows me here. No one can tell my parents. Same holds true of L.A.” His eyes glinted.

I got a surge of excitement. I would get to see William without restraint. I wondered how big his bad streak was. And if he could hold a candle to mine.

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