Read A Wicked Game Online

Authors: Evie Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Short Stories

A Wicked Game (4 page)

BOOK: A Wicked Game
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Chapter Eight

Jack turned to his side on the bed and reached for Tori, except all he found were rumpled sheets. He opened his eyes and sat up, dragging his gaze around the bedroom. He glanced down at the white sheets, studying the dent on the pillow. The only reminder that someone other than him had slept in his bed.

“Tori?” he called out, getting out of the bed. Hearing no response, he figured she’d left. He sauntered naked to the master bathroom. The towels on the floor reminded him of the events from last night.

He turned on the water and stepped in the shower, letting the warm water run across his body. He closed his eyes, recalling how Tori sucked his cock into her delicious mouth. Jack shampooed his hair, trying hard not to think of her tongue twisting around his shaft, or how she’d dragged the tip along his length and then closed her mouth on it.

He rinsed his hair and soaped his body. He’d tangled his fingers in her hair, guiding her, keeping up her pace. His cum spurted in her mouth and she’d licked him clean. Just thinking of it made him hard again. His hand lingered on his cock, his soapy fingers closing around it, stroking it, bringing his body release.

Last night was supposed to have been, to settle the score. He’d imagined after they finally fucked their brains out, he’d be satisfied. He’d hoped to have closure on his life’s most embarrassing moment, except it didn’t work out that way. Jack wasn’t done with her yet. There were too many ways he wanted to have her first.

He shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. Jack stood in front of the mirror as he draped a towel around his waist. Propping his hands on the aqua-green glass countertop, he leaned forward and stared at his reflection. Seeing the truth in his eyes was the worst thing that could happen to him.

Dear God, Tori did it again. She’d thoroughly fucked him. No doubt.

How could he have not seen it? He’d been so into her, he forgot his own words. He’d been such an idiot, falling prey to his own supposed one-time affair. Closing his eyes, Jack let out a long breath. He walked out of the bathroom and went in search of his phone.

He paced in his bedroom, pressing the numbers on his keypad. “Chris?”

“Yes, Jack. Have you called your lawyer yet?” Chris asked.

“We had a deal. Tell me where I can find her and I’ll call my lawyer.” He’d find her, and when he did, Tori would be sorry she tried to outsmart him. Yet again.

Chapter Nine

It’d taken a month of arm twisting between Jack and his lawyer before Chris caved in and gave him Tori’s information. After all these years of not caring what the hell had happened to her, he never imagined his worst nightmare worked a few blocks away.

Jack got off the elevator on the eighteenth floor and headed straight to the floor-to-ceiling glass doors of the magazine Tori worked at. As he’d expected, the receptionist wouldn’t let him past the desk. If he wanted to see Miss Victoria Michaels, he’d have to make an appointment, the same way as everyone else. No exceptions.

He wasn’t making an appointment. Hell no. He’d come to see her even if it meant he’d have to camp out in the reception area. Jack exhaled, turning around. A slow grin formed on his face when he locked his gaze with Tori.

“Jack,” she said, halting midstride.

He advanced on her, studying her from head to toe, taking in how perfect her short, sculpted, white-and-gray dress highlighted every one of her curves. “Victoria.”

She straightened her back, dragging her gaze around the room. “What are you doing here?”

“I came looking for you,” Jack said in a low voice.

Tori took two steps toward him. “Why? Did you forget our agreement?”

“I bet you didn’t think I’d figure out what you tried to do.”

Her lips twitched into a sly smile. “It took you long enough to find me, which begs the question: how did you?”

He shoved his hands in his pockets, fighting the impulse to set her hair free from the french twist holding it up. Jack imagined curling his fingers around her nape and kissing her right there and then. “It doesn’t matter how I did. What matters is I’m here to call you on your bluff.”

She crossed her arms. “Listen, Jack. I don’t have time for this. Great. You found me out. I never thought I’d ever say this… you were right. We—” Tori gestured between them, “—will never have an even score. If you want me to apologize for my old prank, then please accept my sincerest apologies.”

Jack chuckled. “I don’t want an apology.”

She angled her head. “No? What do you want?”

He caught a glimpse of the receptionist’s curious eyes on them and looked back at Tori. “Have dinner with me.” Yes. This time he’d take a different approach. She wouldn’t know he’d seduced her until after she lay underneath him in his bed.

Tori opened and closed her mouth. Finally, she said, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

“Why not? I’m sure we can manage to have a meal together without killing each other. Come on, Tori. If there’s a way to bring closure to our years-old grudge, this is the way to do it.”

“I-I don’t—”

“I’ll pick you up at six. I’ll be just outside the lobby.” He closed the short distance, tipped her chin up with his fingers, and placed a kiss on her soft lips.

Jack left before she had a chance to say another word.

Chapter Ten

What was she doing? She must have been crazy to accept to have dinner with him.
With Jack
. Yeah, she’d lost it. She could stand him up. Skipping the lobby altogether and riding the elevator straight down to the parking garage didn’t sound such a bad idea. Not at all. Tori glanced at the elevator’s floor panel, rubbing her fingers together, fighting the urge to press the G2 button, where she’d parked her car.

The beeping sound of the elevator alerted her out of her thoughts. She pursed her lips, realizing she’d missed her chance when the doors opened to the lobby. Perhaps it wasn’t too late for her to dash to the stairs. She could try. Tori lifted her gaze, finding the familiar pair of those darn beautiful smoky-blue eyes she’d dreamed of during the past month.

A crooked smile formed on his lips. Jack stood by the reception desk, hands in his pockets. He wore his dark suit jacket unbuttoned and he’d gotten rid of his tie. His hair seemed tousled, as if he’d raked his hands through it several times.

Tori liked it—she liked it a lot. Deep inside, she knew this was all wrong, but temptation had a strong hold on her, pulling her to him. A hold so great, she’d let it take her where it would, which was bad, bad, bad.

“Tori.” He sauntered her way.

She stepped out of the elevator and met him halfway. “Jack.”

He grabbed her hand and laced his fingers with hers, guiding her out of the lobby to his car. The valet opened the passenger door to a black Mercedes, and she nodded a thank you while Jack walked around and got in the driver’s seat. “Do you have any food preferences?”

“No,” she replied.

“Good.” Jack smiled and merged into traffic.

Tori looked out the window, taking in the passing skyscrapers as Jack drove in silence. Some other time, with anyone else, she would’ve felt uncomfortable. For some unknown reason, she didn’t with Jack.

Fifteen minutes later he pulled into a crowded parking lot and drove to the valet. He walked to her side to help her out, then took her hand and led her to a black door.

Her jaw dropped the moment she stepped inside the place. Elegant tables sat under the open sky in a courtyard decorated with colorful flower displays. Lit candles were placed on the center of every table, and the dimmed lighting provided a romantic atmosphere. The setting was spectacular. It was as if she’d just taken a trip to a magical place in Greece.

“Jack, it’s good to see you.” A handsome, tall man approached them.

Jack shook his hand. “Aiden, it’s great to see you too.”

Aiden turned to Tori. “Welcome to my Mediterranean Cuisine Heaven.” He gestured with open arms.

Tori smiled. “It’s beautiful and it smells delicious.”

Aiden chuckled. “Oh, I think I love you. Come on, follow me.” He guided them through the patio to a private dining area away from the crowd. He waved his hand, motioning for them to walk into a medium-size room of white walls and azure-blue décor. Plants were strategically positioned to give the room an open-air atmosphere with their vibrant green color.

She glanced up and smiled, taking a deep breath, welcoming the warm soft breeze rushing through the open-ceiling room.

“I’ll leave you two to get comfortable. A waiter will be with you in a minute.” Aiden looked from Tori to Jack then left.

Tori walked in a circle where she stood. “This is beautiful.”

Jack grinned and advanced on her. “I’m glad you like it.” He circled his arms around her waist and brought her to him.

She sucked in her breath, looking at him. The warmth of his strong arms on her did wicked things to her body. Things Tori didn’t want to feel but couldn’t do anything not to. His searing gaze made her hot and thirsty for him. Her gaze lingered on his full lips.

He leaned forward and kissed her. She parted her lips slightly, sucking his lower lip into her mouth as he did the same with her upper one. His kiss was sweet with longing. Tori slipped a hand up to his shoulder and held on for support. If Jack continued kissing her like that, her knees would give away soon. She didn’t want the kiss to end. Her insides became soft with need and heat built everywhere.

Jack palmed her ass and gave her cheeks a squeeze. He broke the kiss and whispered, “Let’s eat.” He led her to a round table in the middle of the room and pulled the chair out for her, then sat on the chair next to her.

The waiter walked in with a bottle of wine. Another followed and set a tray filled with an assortment of Mediterranean appetizers in the middle of the table. Minutes later, Tori found herself alone again with the man… the man confusing her otherwise organized thoughts.

“Cheers,” Jack said.

“Cheers.” She took a sip from her wine. “How did you find me?”

He set his glass on the table and eased back in his seat. “Easy.”

“All right. Why did you want to find me?” Tori placed her glass next to her plate and served herself a Spanakopita.

He shrugged. “Why, to settle the score. End this stupid game.”

Tori took a small bite of her appetizer. “I didn’t think we were playing a game.” She glanced his way.

He grabbed a Greek salad skewer. “You started it, remember?” He popped a cherry tomato into his mouth.

She licked her lips and took a drink of her wine. “So, we’re back in college.”

“No, we’re not. I don’t want to play anymore. This is one game I never wanted to play.” Jack tipped his wine glass her way, then took a drink. “Tell you what. Let’s leave the past in the past, all right? I know you work at a magazine—what do you do there?”

She considered his words. Would this dinner finally end it? “I’m an Executive Director, a fancy title for an editor. I approve the photography used in each of our fashion magazine’s monthly issues.”

He speared a perfect square of feta cheese and half an olive. “It sounds like a fun job.”

“It is. How about you?” Tori helped herself to a lamb meatball and cucumber yogurt sauce.

“I’m the Technology Chief of Staff for a finance company.” Jack stared at her. “But you already knew that.”

Tori almost choked on her food, trying to suppress a giggle. Yeah, she did know. She’d learned where he worked and what he did based on everything she’d found in his wallet. He should’ve known better not to carry more than the minimum necessary personal information around. Tori reached for her wine.

“You think your latest prank was funny, don’t you?” Jack placed his hand over hers, leaning forward. “You got something here,” he said, licking the corner of her mouth.

She gasped, parting her lips. The warmth of his cheek brushed hers. Tori cast her gaze down, waiting to see if he’d kiss her. Instead, his hand slipped under her dress and stroked the inside of her thigh until he reached her core. He traced her pussy through the soft fabric of her thong.

“What are you doing?” she whispered against his cheek.

“No one can see us. In case you forgot, we’re in a private dining room. There’s just you and me here.” His fingers slipped inside her thong and flicked her bud before plunging into her.


“Did I do this?” Jack asked, brushing his lips over the corner of her mouth he’d just licked.

“Yes,” she murmured.

He traced her folds and stroked her clit before thrusting his fingers in her entrance again. “You’re so wet, Tori. Open for me.”

Heat crawled up her legs and through her back, fire invading her body. Her cheek touched his, and his hot breath swept down her neck. Tori spread her legs, giving him greater access. She’d definitely lost it. Her panting was an indication of how close she was to an orgasm in the middle of a restaurant—private room or not.

“What do you do for fun?”

? What the hell kind of a question was that? “Jack, please.”

She heard him chuckle. “What do you do for fun, Tori?” he said at her ear, then licked it.

“Power Yoga workouts...” she managed to say.

His finger moved in a circular motion on her clit. “Anything else?”


His fingers plunged into her. “Is that it?” He brushed his lips down the curve of her neck.

“Yes. Please, Jack,” she pleaded.

“Let’s play a wicked game.” His breath kissed her skin.

“I thought we weren’t playing a game anymore.”

“One last game. My game. How about it, Tori?” Jack asked.

“How wicked is this game of yours?” she whispered.

“Pretty wicked.”

“Your place or mine?” Tori swallowed back a cry when he withdrew his fingers from her after giving her bud one last flick.

“Dinner should be ready soon.” He dried his fingers with the cloth napkin.

“I’ve had all the food I can take tonight.” She stood, adjusting her dress.

Jack took his money holder out of his pocket and placed enough bills to cover their check. “My place,” he said, pulling her into his arms, and ravished her mouth.

BOOK: A Wicked Game
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