Read A Week for Love to Bloom Online

Authors: Scarlet Wolfe

A Week for Love to Bloom (10 page)

BOOK: A Week for Love to Bloom
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Ashley wrapped an arm aroun
d her back. “Just ask Justin. Don’t freak out on him due to your trust issues.”

I can’t promise that. Thank you for telling me,” she said between sniffles.

Ashley gave her
a hug goodbye. “Call me tomorrow, and let me know what you find out.”

n didn’t want to know the truth. She went to bed and cried herself to sleep.

Chapter Thirteen


Lauren could hardly sleep, so she got up early Friday morning to work in the nursery. She was becoming angrier by the minute. The way people gossiped in Masonville, she believed Justin would’ve mentioned the dinner if it meant nothing to him, especially since Ashley works with Beth at the bank.

She wasn’t about to call him, so lunchtime came and went. She didn’t
want to consider his persistent charm was all a move to get her into bed, but she couldn’t shake the possibility.


Justin figured Lauren was too busy to call him at lunch until four o’clock when he heard a knock at the door.

Andrew, what’s up, man? Did you just get off work?”

Andrew pushed him. “What the hell did I tell you about Lauren?”

Anger rushed through Justin. “What’s your problem? She knows I’m leaving for college, and she’s cool with it.”

I’m talking about Beth. Lauren knows you had dinner with her Saturday evening before we went to Goose Lake.”

I should’ve known Beth would run her mouth at the bank, and I’m sure Ashley’s the one who told Lauren.”

“Damn right she told her.”

“First of all, as long as we’ve been friends, I can’t believe you’d come over here and pick a fight with me. Secondly, I can’t believe you assumed I would see Beth and Lauren at the same time. Jonathan invited Beth to dinner. I knew nothing about it before hand. I left my parents’ house early and called you because I couldn’t stand to be around Beth another second.

I think I’m in love with Lauren. I’ve never felt this way about a woman, and I’ve only known her a fucking week! I would never hurt her,” Justin said as passion and anger oozed out of him.

, man, I’m sorry.” Andrew ran his hand through his blonde hair. “I shouldn’t have believed you’d do Lauren that way, but you and Beth have history, and since you didn’t tell me about it that night, I wasn’t sure what you were doing. I didn’t want to see Lauren get hurt. She’s been through a lot. You better get over there. Ashley said she took it hard.”


Justin sped out of the driveway. Within minutes he drove his truck into the parking lot, throwing gravel everywhere and causing a billow of dust to fill the air. When Lauren saw it was him she started walking briskly toward the house.

He jumped out of the truck and ran after her.
“Lauren, stop.” He grabbed her arm. “Andrew told me you know about Beth, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“Let go of me!
You would’ve told me about it if it meant nothing, but you were hoping I wouldn’t find out. If you can like someone like her then you’re definitely not right for me!”

“I don’t care
about her one fucking bit!”

Lauren couldn’
t hold back her tears. “I have customers here. They don’t need to see this, and I don’t want to see you.”

“Please, Lauren. I’
m begging you to believe me and let me explain.”

I want to believe you, but Ashley told me you and Beth dated for a year. My heart can’t take a chance on you changing your mind about her. You’re leaving soon anyway, so please let this go.” She started walking back toward the house.

Justin was on her
tail. This time he caught up and stepped in front of her, blocking her from the direction of the door. “I’m sorry, Lauren, but I didn’t think about it because you’re all I’ve thought about since,” Justin said.

felt a knot forming in her stomach when she saw the despair and urgency in his eyes. She looked to the ground. “I …I can’t. I just can’t do—.”

Justin grabbed her upper arms and kissed her
. Lauren felt the desperation in his touch.

The depth of the passion between them wa
s extraordinary. They were bound together almost instantaneously, feeling lost without each other from their first parting. It was as if they were created for the other’s soul, to feed it passion, hurt, desire, frustration, happiness and insurmountable love.

Lauren wanted to believe it was real, but she didn’t see
how it was possible for them to have that kind of bond and love in one week. She couldn’t give in to it and have it taken from her. She shoved him away and ran to the door.

I’m not going to let you walk away from me, Lauren. Your mom told me what your dad did to your family, so I know you’re just looking for a way out because you’re scared of getting hurt!”

slammed the back door behind her and slid her back down it until she was sitting on the floor. Not wanting to breathe another breath without him, the agonizing air caught in her throat between sobs.

What the hell am I doing? I love you, Justin.


closed his eyes and held the sides of his head as he released a deep breath. He charged to his truck and peeled out of the driveway. Emily was placing Jack in his car seat when Justin got home. He slammed the truck door and headed straight for the guest house with tears streaming down his face. He’d only cried a few times in his life, and it was pissing him off.

“Justin!” Emily yelled. “P
lease stop and talk to me. I’m worried about you.” Emily was standing by her car with her hand up, shielding her eyes from the sunlight.

stopped about ten feet from the guest house. One of the things he loved about Emily was that she listened without passing judgment. When Jonathan pushed too much, Emily would get him off Justin’s back. He turned around and walked to her car with white knuckled fists.

What happened?”

It’s Lauren, Lauren Evans. I’ve been spending time with her since I got into town.”

Jonathan told me you liked her, but I didn’t know it was serious already.”

Justin paced, running his hands through is hair.
“It is serious, but because of Jonathan, it’s probably over.”

What did he do to cause this?”

“He invited Beth Humphrey to
dinner without asking me. I didn’t think to tell Lauren, so she thinks I want to be with Beth and hid it from her. I’ve never felt pain like this before. I love her, Emily. I know it’s crazy with it only being a week, but I believe Lauren was driving on that road one week ago because we’re
to be together. There’s this intense thing between us that I can’t explain.”

I’m terribly sorry, Justin. Jonathan had no way to know this would happen, and he’d never want you hurting like this, you know that. Give her time. If she feels as passionately about you, then I believe she’ll come looking for you.” Emily gave him a hug goodbye.

Chapter Fourteen


Lauren woke up Saturday morning from the pelts on the gutters. It was the first rain since she met
Justin. She found the trickling sound and gloominess appropriate for her tears and hurting heart.

lay in bed and questioned if Justin was right about her being afraid. The way he mentioned her father hurting her ripped the bandage back off the wound she was already struggling to keep covered up. It upset her that she didn’t see her father’s feelings change toward her mother when they worked closely together. Having missed the clues of deceit, Lauren promised herself when her father drove away in the moving truck, she’d never be blind to a man’s betrayal.

Even if he told the truth about Beth
, he was moving away in two months, and Lauren couldn’t grasp the pain that would follow when it hurt to be apart from him already. Every pang of guilt for the affliction she unleashed on Justin felt like a laceration to her already wounded heart. Tears streaked her cheeks as she pictured the pain and desperation in his eyes when she rejected him.

Lauren told the other employees not to bother coming in
that morning due to the weather. She was working in one of the greenhouses around eleven o’clock when she heard someone pull up in the drive. Without putting her poncho back on, she walked out and approached the car.

recognized Emily as she got out and retrieved an umbrella. She suspected she wasn’t there to shop.

. I’m Justin’s sister-in-law, Emily.”

I’m sorry, I don’t feel comfortable discussing this with you.”

lease, it’ll only take a minute. He doesn’t know I’m here. I was at his parents’ when he returned home yesterday after seeing you, and he was devastated. I’ve never seen Justin like that. My husband, Jonathan, is overly protective of his younger brother. Sometimes he interferes in Justin’s life when he shouldn’t. It’s out of love, but that doesn’t make it right.

You need to know that Jonathan was the one who invited Beth Humphrey to dinner. He thought maybe Justin would be interested since they dated once. Jonathan was looking for something that would keep his brother in Masonville, but Justin made it abundantly clear to us that he wasn’t interested in Beth, and he thought he made it clear to her, as well. You were the one already consuming his mind.

“Justin has only had a couple of girlfriends.
He doesn’t let his guard down, yet he’s thrown it all away for you. Please don’t punish him for my husband’s mistake,” Emily pleaded.

Lauren’s tears mixed with rain as they coursed down her cheeks.
“Thank you for coming here and telling me that.”

“It’s the least I can
do for Justin. He’s a wonderful person, and you must be unbelievably special if he gave you his heart in one week.” Emily gave her a warm smile and got back into her car.  

Lauren felt utter panic
wash over her. She wanted to get to Justin as fast as possible to apologize for not believing him. It was crushing her soul to think about the agony she already caused him.


Lauren recalled where Justin told her his parents’ lived. She spotted the guest house and frantically ran to the door. She could see the misery on his face when he opened it. He appeared surprised to see her standing in front of him, and she thought she saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“Justin, I was wrong not to believe
you about Beth. I told you I’d give us a chance, and I went back on my word. You’re right. I’m afraid of getting hurt. I care for you so much, and it’s wonderful but also terrifying. Emily came and told me everything, and I pray you can forgive me for hurting you.” Lauren waited for his response as she stood in the pouring rain with dripping wet hair. Justin pulled her inside and buried her into his chest.

I’m so glad you’re here. You don’t need to apologize. I should’ve told you about Beth. I can’t stand the thought of leaving you, so I’m not moving to Nashville.” Justin kissed her passionately before he abruptly pulled away.

You’re soaked. You have to get out of these clothes. While they’re drying, you can take a shower here to warm up.”

looked up at him, longing for his touch.

“Only if you take one with me,
” she said softly, taking hold of her t-shirt and yanking it over her head. She watched Justin’s eyes as his attention went straight to her chest. Leaning over to untie her boots, Lauren hoped the cleavage shot would be too much for him to resist.

“I don’
t think that’s a good idea.” He rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

stood and tilted her head to the side as her hands went to her hips. “Then I’m staying in these clothes.”

“You’re a stubborn woman. Do you know that?”


He was determined not to give in, but he didn’t want to tell he
r until he got her out of her wet clothes and into the shower. He quickly helped her undress, removing all but her bra and panties at the door. Justin threw her clothes into the dryer and led her by hand to the large stand up shower in the bathroom. He adjusted the water and turned around. Anxiety washed over him.

Fuck, what was I thinking undressing you?” Justin said, dragging out his words. His eyes scanned her from head to toe as he ran a hand through his hair and groaned. “You have the most gorgeous body, Lauren. I have to get out of this room.”

I told you, only if you take one with me.”

“I can’t,” he said before he scanned her body again with his eager eyes. “
It’s one thing to be fully clothed rolling in the grass with you, but this is entirely different. When I said for you to have restraint, this isn’t what I imagined happening next. I’ve been trying hard to hurry this along and not think of you almost naked in my house. I’ll be out there.” He pointed to the door.

BOOK: A Week for Love to Bloom
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