A Taste of Seduction (25 page)

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Authors: Bronwen Evans

BOOK: A Taste of Seduction
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She eyed him warily. “Are you going to be a husband who expects blind obedience? Because let me tell you now, that won't happen. I've had that with one husband, and I won't have it with you.”

He grimaced, hating that he'd brought Lord Stuart's memory into this room on this night. “I don't expect blind obedience, but I would hope you'd listen to me and try to support me.”

“That sounds fair. I hope you return the courtesy.”

“Naturally.” He could do that. “Victoria said she told you a little of her ordeal, that she had a child and it died. Is it any wonder after all she endured that she would be eaten up with thoughts of vengeance?”

Evangeline nodded. “I can't imagine what losing a child in those circumstances must do to a woman. I can certainly understand her driving need for revenge but not against the innocent.”

“We are in agreement on that point. If she had taken revenge on those who were guilty of the crime, I'd have said bravo. But I think of Marisa and all she has lost, of the five years she stole from us, of all our son has lost…I cannot forgive her, but I want this pattern of perpetual revenge broken. Anyway, she hinted to me that she was tired of her vengeance plan. That it had not given her the peace she needed. I'm not sure I believe her, but I suggested a compromise.”

He explained to her what he wanted to do. As he'd thought, her immediate reaction was no, that it was too risky both for Arend and for him. “If anything happened to you, I'd be destroyed. I can't lose you again.”

Finally, once he'd pointed out that it was either trust Victoria or risk Arend's life, their lives, and their children's lives should Isobel continue with Victoria's quest, she agreed to back his solution.

Now all they had to do was convince the others. Marisa would be the hardest to convince. He suspected she had no pity for Victoria. She had lost the most, and she was out for blood. He hoped his plan would stop Marisa from spiraling into the same pit of bitterness and vengeance that had set Victoria on this path.


They finished their meal and returned to the furs, glasses of wine in their hands. They talked about where they would live. With so many estates and houses between his title and Sealey's, their time would be in demand. They would have to spend part of the year in Hardstone, Lathero, and Rossack Castle, when not in London. They
make this work and try not to be apart for more than a few weeks at a time. They discussed how many other children they hoped to have, how he couldn't spoil Sealey just because he had been wronged. But most of all they lay together, still in awe at the happiness they felt.

“I suppose we should get some sleep.” Evangeline's words would have been more convincing if she hadn't just untied his robe and stroked her hand down his chest, all the way down, her finger trailing down his stirring member.

“Something tells me neither of us is sleepy.” His thoughts scattered as his pulse quickened. “I don't want to wear you out before our wedding day.”

She kissed the tip of his nose. “I only have to walk down the aisle.” She giggled. “Of course, if you make love to me all night I might not be able to manage even that.”

He grinned. “I don't mind carrying you.”

Evangeline straddled him, her long auburn locks trailing over his chest, the sides of her silk robe feathering over his thighs. She leaned down and licked his nipple, her teeth lightly grazing the hardened nub. Every muscle in Hadley's body tightened with pleasure, that instant arousal incredible.

She rose up only to guide him to her wet, tight entrance before sliding slowly down. He loved watching her light blue eyes as they sparkled with passion. He should capture her like this on canvas. A canvas only he would ever see. It struck him instantly. This was the first time he'd wanted to paint anything in a long time.

She smacked his chest lightly. “Hey, you're woolgathering.”

“I was thinking how beautiful you looked and that I'd love to capture the essence of you on canvas. To keep it with me forever.”

“I will be with you forever, in this life and the next. Always.”

With that, she began to move, to ride him slowly, exquisitely, the movement driving him wild. Soon any thoughts of painting her, even thoughts of their wedding tomorrow, fled, and he lay back and watched the most erotic display he'd ever seen.

Evangeline moved with such grace, like a ghostly siren whose shape flowed and morphed into and out of the firelight. Shadows danced on her sheened skin, her nipples hard and begging for his mouth. He rose up to suckle her, and the soft moan from her open lips drove him close to the brink.

Her hands gripped his hair, holding him tight to her breasts; her legs gripped his hips, the ride building toward a gallop. He had to slow her down or this would be over too quickly. He wanted this to last all night if he could. He lay back and grasped her hips with his hands, slowing her movements.

She looked down at him, her face a mirror of frustration, until he angled himself and thrust upward. She groaned and closed her eyes, letting her head loll back, her hair competing with the silk of her robe to caress his legs.

He loved controlling their ride. Deciding how far to take her before pulling back. Increasing both their desires until the room rang with their harsh breaths.

Eventually he could no more hold back his quickening thrusts than he could halt time. Evangeline gave of herself without reservation. He could feel every blissful contraction of her sheath, every quiver of her inner muscles as she rode him, her bountiful breasts bouncing delightedly above his face.

“I love being inside you,” he groaned.

He knew she'd heard him, as she began to ride him faster, harder. One of her hands moved to stroke between his legs, gently squeezing the ever tightening sacs.

Their pace quickened, his thrusts deepening. Evangeline's eyes squeezed shut, her mouth issuing tiny cries of passion that made his body quiver and want to explode. But not just yet…not until he'd made her scream with pleasure. He wanted her to remember this night forever.

Each sumptuous stroke took them closer to that pinnacle. They moved as one, her legs gripping him tightly. He rose and took her lips, his tongue thrusting in time to his body. She was so close, he could feel her body tremble with her approaching climax. He tore his mouth away with a breathless order. “Look at me, my love. Let me see your love for me.”

Her eyes opened at once, holding his storm-tossed stare as he clenched his jaw, fighting back his need to release deep within her. His grip on her hips tightened and he began to buck, thrusting wildly, their eyes locked.

“Oh, God—Evangeline! I love you, sweetheart.”

They climaxed together with loud, breathless shouts of joy. Their sweating, straining bodies were slick with sweat. She collapsed in a satisfied heap on his chest, his seed still pumping deep into her womb. He pressed kisses to her hair, thanking God for giving her back to him.

Utterly spent, he fell back on the furs, pulling her into his arms as he slowly slipped from her body.

Her hands caught his shoulders. “Don't you dare leave me again! I've agreed to this plan, but you must swear to me that you'll not do anything heroic if it puts you in danger.”

He stroked her hair and sighed. “Do you think I would do anything to lose this? I have you in my life, and I have our son too. I've found happiness. I have my dream. I'll not let anything destroy that.”

His words were true. He hoped fate was listening.

Chapter 18

“You look beautiful.”

Evangeline smiled gratefully at Marisa. Her stomach had been a buzz of nerves ever since she'd woken up and shooed Hadley from her room so she could get ready. “I feel beautiful. I can't believe this day is happening.”

Marisa squeezed her hand. “Ready?”

“More than ready,” she laughed.

Portia, Beatrice, Serena, and Marisa escorted her across the manicured lawns to the small chapel. Serena stopped them before they entered. She made them all hold hands in a circle.

“We are all very lucky women to have found the men we married. Now we welcome Evangeline to our midst. Hadley is one of the finest men I know. He's a good friend who holds his honor and friendships above all else. I wish you, as I have wished each of you on your wedding days, as much joy and happiness and love as I have found with Christian.”

The women all smiled and wiped a few tears from their faces. Then the other four slipped into the darkened chapel, leaving Evangeline standing alone in the sunlight for a moment. She closed her eyes, a smile as wide as the vast oceans upon her lips. She gave thanks to God for listening to her pleas. For leading her back to Hadley.

Then a small hand slipped into hers. She looked down at her son, who was watching her with curious eyes.

“Father said to come and fetch you. He says I should walk you down the aisle in case you change your mind. You won't change your mind, will you? I like having His Grace as my father.”

Sealey looked so grown-up in his specially made long pants and jacket. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

“You look very handsome. I most definitely have not changed my mind, and I'd be honored to walk down the aisle with you.”

He held out his arm as Hadley must have shown him to do, and with happiness swelling in her breast she began the walk across the stone floor of the chapel toward the altar. In the dim light she could not make out Hadley's features until she was almost beside him. He looked to be the happiest man in the world, his eyes alight with love and pride as he watched his family move toward him. He held out his hand and she took it. Then he held out his hand to Sealey, and the three of them turned to face the vicar.

As the vicar began the service, Hadley squeezed her hand and whispered, “Thank you for coming back to me.”

His simple words stole her heart once more, and she could not stop the tears of happiness from welling up. The service passed in a blur of words; the next thing she knew, the grip on her hand tightened and she was turning in to his arms for a kiss as his wife.

The champagne was flowing and the joyous occasion lifted the mood in the house. Much drinking and eating and general tomfoolery occurred. It was as if everyone, including Marisa, had forgotten that Victoria was locked in the cellar below.

Later that afternoon Sealey was taken upstairs for his nap, and the Libertine Scholars and their wives settled into the drawing room.

“I'm proud to share my special day with you all, but I'm sad Arend was not here with us.” Hadley's words echoed in the quiet room.

“I've tried the gentlemanly approach with our prisoner downstairs, but she is holding firm on his whereabouts.” Christian's statement brought the mood crashing down.

Marisa fairly bristled. “If you'd let me in there with her for only a minute…”

Hadley cleared his throat. “I had quite the conversation with her yesterday, and I believe I have found a way to bring Arend back safe and sound.”

Marisa's fingers were drumming on the arm of her chair. He ignored the sound and continued.

“She says Isobel has Arend and that unless she meets Isobel at a predetermined place at a predetermined time, Arend dies.” The women gasped. “In addition, she swears Isobel will continue to wreak her vengeance upon us.”

Marisa jumped to her feet, her chest heaving. “She is pure evil. We have pure evil living below us. I can't stand it!”

Maitland hurried to her side and pulled her into his arms. “Shh. She can't hurt anyone where she is. Let's not react to her threats. We need clear heads if we are to defeat her.” He picked his wife up and settled back onto the settee with Marisa sobbing quietly in his arms.

Hadley flashed a look at Evangeline, and she smiled encouragingly at him. “I think we have one chance at saving Arend and putting a stop to Victoria for good.” He cleared his throat. “I'm proposing that we trade Victoria for Arend.”

“You must be mad if you think we should let her go now that we have caught her.” Maitland's tone was as cold as ice. He hugged Marisa tighter.

“I'm not suggesting we let her go. I'm suggesting we let her
we are letting her go.”

Grayson spoke calmly. “It's too risky. She's like a slippery snake. If we're not careful, she'll slither away.”

“I won't deny that's a possibility.”

“Probability,” Maitland muttered.

“I know it sounds stupid, but please listen,” Evangeline put in. “I think Hadley's plan is very clever.”

“It needs to be,” Maitland growled, but he nodded to indicate he wanted to hear more.

“I will accompany her. She won't tell me the meeting point in advance, and you can't be seen to follow us. She will watch me like a hawk watches a field mouse.”

“So how can we protect you, or even recapture Victoria if we have no idea where she takes you?”

“Christian, you breed homing pigeons, do you not?”

The men sat up straighter at his words.

“Yes. I find it faster to use them to send short notes between here and London.” Christian began to smile. “This could work.”

“I was thinking that I would put Victoria and a maid in the carriage with a guard. It would look odd if she were traveling without a lady's maid. I will ride behind on my stallion. I thought we could fashion two travel bags with air holes and keep the pigeons on my saddle. We will probably need four, as I suspect she'll zigzag across England to ensure no one is following. It wouldn't surprise me if one or more of her men know she's here and follow us.”

“How will you release the pigeons without her men seeing?” Sebastian asked.

“I'll go into copses to relieve myself and let them out then. If they see birds flying out, they will likely think it's because I've frightened them. Who would suspect pigeons?”

Maitland didn't look too enthused by the plan. “How do we get to you quickly if you travel far away?”

“That's why I'll need at least four. I'll send one the second day giving you my direction. Then you all set off following me. Runners will stay here and send word each time a pigeon arrives home.”

“That's good. At the most we should be only a day behind, and on horseback we can travel faster.” Maitland was warming to the possibility that this plan might succeed.

They sat in silence, each contemplating how they could protect Arend without releasing Victoria. Even Marisa seemed to know this was the only way.

“I think Hadley's plan is good. Besides, it's the only one we have, and each day that Arend is missing means he could be dead. I don't want my happiness and safety to be at the expense of Arend's life.” Evangeline's quiet words had the desired effect.

Marisa gave a weak smile. “You are right, of course. I want to see her hang but I want Arend back more. What I'm struggling to believe is that Isobel is involved in her evil plan. She was genuinely frightened when we were both abducted in that carriage. We both could have been killed. Why would she put herself in that danger? Surely not to appear innocent?”

The women begin to speak at once, all of them vouching for Isobel.

Hadley held up his hands. “Please. I promise I won't form any conclusions about Isobel until I have spoken to Arend. Arend was the only one who seriously thought De Palma was Victoria. He has been pretending to court Isobel in order to ascertain her part in Victoria's plots. He will know more.”

The women all looked at one another. “If she is not involved, Arend has a lot of apologizing to do” was all Marisa would say. “She would never have knowingly put Sealey in danger. I just know she wouldn't. No woman would.”

“I'm sure he'd be more than happy to apologize if she's innocent, but Victoria is a clever opponent, and I for one am not taking anything about this situation for granted.”

After the men all agreed to put Hadley's plan into play, Hadley sat back and smiled at his wife.
His wife.
Warmth flooded him. This was his wedding night. His friends had been there to celebrate in his joy, they had liked his plan, and his son had called him Father for the very first time this morning.

Sealey's little voice calling him Father made him want to drop to his knees, hug the boy close, and never let him go. He'd missed five years of his little boy's life. The anger in the pit of his stomach grew again, but if anything, Victoria's vendetta taught him that revenge was a wasted emotion. It didn't give him the five years back. He vowed he would not miss any more of his son's life.

He looked at his beautiful wife and also knew he wanted more children. A son to carry on the family name, as Augustus deserved, but also a little girl with flowing auburn hair and sparkling blue eyes. As if reading his mind, she smiled and blushed.

Christian noted the look. “I think our newlyweds would like to retire.” He rose and shook Hadley's hand. “Thank you. Your plan is sensible and may just work. Now take your beautiful bride upstairs. We will remain and discuss the operational aspects of the plan. Let's aim for you to depart as soon as possible.”

“Shall we?” He held out his arm for Evangeline. The blush on her cheeks deepened as they said their goodnights and made their way to his bedroom as husband and wife.

There were no words to describe what that phrase meant to them both.


Several hours later, Evangeline rolled over in their marriage bed. She must have dozed off. To her surprise and disappointment the bed beside her was empty. She ran her hand over the sheet and it was cold. Hadley had been gone for a while.

She sat up and looked round the dimly lit room. The only light was from the fire. A smile replaced her frown. Sitting near the fire was Hadley, naked. She loved his body, and she could look at it all day: strong, sleek, the definition of his muscles all shadowy in the light. She wanted to run her hands all over him. Her eyes finally reached his face, and what she saw there made her heart skip several beats.

“What is it?”

“You are so beautiful. I swear I will protect you this time.”

Evangeline held his gaze in aching sweetness, longing to reassure him, but life did not hold any surety. Instead, she decided to take his mind to pleasanter pastimes.

“What are you doing sitting way over there?” She seductively patted the bed next to her. He had made it almost all the way back to the bed before she noted the paper in his hand. She raised an eyebrow.

“I was sketching you in your sleep. You are my sleeping beauty. The dream I never thought would come true. I want to put on canvas exactly how I feel about you because words are inadequate. I wonder how I deserve you after—”

She rose to her knees and pressed her finger to his lips. “Don't. You did not fail me. We were part of a madwoman's plan, and we were younger and oblivious to the menace that snapped at our heels. How could either of us know the depths of evil she would plumb?” She pressed against his naked chest. Her breasts were still sensitive from their bout of lovemaking earlier, and her nipples hardened. “I'm more concerned at not being able to protect you. What happens if her men overpower you? What if she has lied and Arend is already dead, and she kills you too?”

He cupped her cheek. “My love, it's not your place to protect me.”

“Of course it is. We protect those we love above all else. You taught me that. How can you expect me to not want to protect my family, especially as I lost you once before?” Suddenly she added, “I want to come with you. I want to be the maid in the carriage. Then I can have a weapon trained on Victoria every step of the way.”

She wound her arms round his neck and kissed him, hoping to make him let her go with him.

It only took one of his hands to peel her arms from his neck. “No. I can't risk you. If she got in a position to harm you, she'd have me at her mercy. She knows how much you mean to me. Besides, if something does happen to me, Sealey will need you. You'll need each other.”

She shivered, and the reality of him leaving with a killer sunk in. She wrapped her arms round his waist. “Don't go. Send one of the others. I can't lose you a second time.”

“Whom would you suggest I send? Christian, a man who almost died for his country, a father of a young baby and ward to a young girl? Or perhaps Sebastian, who is also a father after almost losing both Beatrice and his babe? Grayson, whose wife is with child? Or Maitland, who will never be able to have a child of his own, a son to hold? Having met Sealey, I finally know how that must kill him. To see Marisa hurting so…I can't ask him to go; he might kill Victoria before we find Arend. Of course we could simply hang her and let Arend die. Choose which one to send instead of me, Evangeline, because I can't.”

She hung her head in shame. Hadley the protector was the man she married, and she loved that quality in him. Here she was making him feel guilty for leaving her when she knew if he had any choice he would choose to stay with her and Sealey.

“I'm sorry. It's just that I'm so happy right now, and I'm frightened that this is all too good to be true.”

His finger lifted her chin so she had to look him in the eye. “I'm bloody well coming back to you. You and Sealey. I've only just met my son. What's more, I'll rescue Arend to boot. We will have the life Victoria stole from us. I won't waste Augustus's sacrifice.”

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