A Taste of Honey (28 page)

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Authors: Jami Alden

BOOK: A Taste of Honey
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“God, it feels so good inside you, nothing between us,” he murmured. “So hot and tight.”

Karen’s only response was a whimper as she worked herself up and down in tiny little strokes, working him in inch by inch. Finally he was fully embedded, so deep she could feel him against her spine. “You feel amazing inside me,” she whispered, arms looping around his neck. She wriggled experimentally and gasped as the thick press of his cock brushed against her G-spot. His hair-roughened thighs brushed against her back as he shifted to get better leverage.

She sucked greedily at his mouth and ground her pelvis down to meet every upward thrust. She’d never experienced such unrestrained pleasure, never so wanted to give someone ecstasy in return. She clenched her muscles around him, and his groan sent an answering current through her body as though she felt that hot clasp of flesh herself. He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her close until they were all but glued together.

With every downstroke her clit ground against his pubic bone and his cock filled her to bursting. She consumed him, was consumed in return, as he thrust and heaved under her. She opened her eyes and met his.

The look of unadulterated need on his face sent her over the edge. The moment she convulsed around him he let out a bellow and pumped hard inside her, his cock jerking as hot jets of liquid bathed her. His orgasm sparked hers until they slumped, panting into the now-tepid bathwater.


Mike gathered her slippery-wet body close and nuzzled his face in her hair. Wet curls tickled his nose as he inhaled the fresh fragrance of her shampoo, and through that, her own unique scent. He slid his hands up and down her back, luxuriating in the silky texture of her skin. He tried to remember a time when he’d ever felt this kind of bone-deep contentment.

“I could stay like this forever,” he murmured.

“Me too, but my knees are going numb,” she mumbled into his chest.

He laughed and pulled her, wobbly kneed, to her feet. Served him right for getting all romantic and mushy on her. Mike, as a rule, did not do romantic and mushy.

Still he couldn’t keep from taking the towel from her hands to dry her, chasing any stray droplets of water with his tongue.

“You’ll spoil me,” she said.

“That’s the plan.” If she wanted him to carry her around on his shoulder and feed her grapes, he’d probably do it.

“You know, I never really enjoyed bathroom sex until you,” he said, wrapping his arms around her from behind and propping his chin on her head. He studied their reflection, she, golden and feline, tucked against his dark brawniness. The princess and the barbarian. They looked awesome together.

“I never enjoyed any sex until you,” she quipped.

He couldn’t suppress a surge of masculine pride. “Does it make me a total asshole if I say that’s a complete turn-on?”

She turned in his arms, tipping her head back so she could see his face. “You enjoy having power over me?”

He shook his head. “I won’t say it’s not an ego boost, but it’s more than that.” He struggled for the right words. “To know that you want me half as much as I want you…” He bent to kiss her and felt his cock make a feeble attempt to rouse. “To know you trusted me enough on some level, even that night at Caesar’s, to let yourself go.” He didn’t have words. “I’m a prick, aren’t I?”

She shook her head against his chest.

He swallowed hard, suddenly afraid
was going to burst into tears this time. “I just want to make you happy, Karen, in bed and out.” He grinned, looking down into her moist eyes. “Or in the bath, or wherever.”

She threaded her fingers through his hair and nestled close. “Multiple orgasms are great, but you know what would make me


“A cheeseburger.”

Mike carried her into the bedroom and they both donned spa robes while Karen ordered cheeseburgers, fries, chocolate sundaes, and a bottle of champagne.

An hour and a half later, Mike was licking the last of the whipped cream from a very satisfied Karen’s breasts when he again noticed her tattoo.

His index finger traced the bright lines of green and yellow ink that graced her hip bone. “I like your tattoo,” he said, softly kissing one of the frog’s feet.

“I got it after my mom died,” she said, settling herself against a pile of pillows. “Every time I pull down my pants, I’m reminded that I’ve kissed enough frogs,” she smiled.


The smile faded from her face as she looked down at him. Her fingers traced his jaw, and he leaned into her caress like a dog seeking a pet. “You were the only prince in the bunch.”

Had he been standing, the look on her face would have brought him to his knees. Her eyes were bright with love and joy, and the wary, guarded look that had always haunted them had disappeared.

And just like that, he knew. This tiny, smart-mouthed, hot-bodied woman had him by the balls, and he couldn’t have been happier. He scooped her up and carried her into the shower where they rinsed off the bits of sundae their tongues had missed. She was half asleep by the time they were finished and snoring softly as soon as her head hit the pillow. He couldn’t wait to wake up with her in the morning. His fingers grazed her cheek as he curled himself around her. He loved her. And this time he was never going to let her go.


aren winced as the sound of her suitcase zipping roared through the dead-quiet room. She glanced at the bed, relieved to see Mike still blissfully asleep, and again fought the urge to jump back in and cuddle close.

No, this was the smartest move. Save herself the awkward morning-after scene and make a clean break. Leave with only the good memories of Mike and the incredible night they’d spend together. Now she could finally let go of the past and move on to a brighter future.

How bright do you think it will be without Mike?
an inner voice scolded.

It’s not as though I have a choice. Mike’s a good guy and he wants to do the right thing, but just how far can guilt carry a relationship?

Because for all his tender care, she couldn’t afford to hope that he loved her back. He hadn’t loved her before, so what made her think that one more night of hot sex would be enough to make him start?

She ruthlessly squelched the sob that clawed at her throat. She’d cry later. Now she had to make her escape before Mike woke up, before she completely humiliated herself by blurting out how much she loved him.

She tiptoed to the door, ignoring the voice that called her a coward. For a long minute she drank him in, burning this last image in her brain. Someday she’d see him again, but never again like this. Naked, sheet tangled at his hips and exposing an expanse of dark skin and rippling muscles. His face was relaxed, lips faintly smiling as though he was having a very good dream. “I love you,” she whispered inaudibly, almost wishing he would wake up and stop her. Finally she stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind her.


The click of the latch rang like a bullet through the room and sent Mike jerking upright, fully awake.

“Karen?” But he knew she was gone. “Goddamn you!” he howled, surging out of bed.
Maybe he should just let her go
. Clearly she wasn’t interested in more than a one-night stand or she wouldn’t have snuck out.

No, he couldn’t let her go, not without a fight anyway. She needed to understand exactly how he felt, and if she still wanted to go, he’d deal with that rejection later.

He yanked on his tux pants, fastening them as he sprinted barefoot down the hall. He ignored the curious looks of other guests as he sped through the lobby and out into the parking lot.

He saw her across the lot, hefting her suitcase into the trunk of her cherry red Acura. He raced through the rows of cars and slammed his hands on the trunk just as she was backing out. She stomped on the breaks just short of hitting him.

“Get out of the car,” he yelled.

She pulled back into the space and killed the ignition, and he waited, arms folded, for her to get out of the car. He became aware of several curious stares aimed in his direction.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Her chin tipped up and she glared at his tone. “Home. I do have a life there.”

“And you were just going to leave without saying a word?” He braced his palms on either side of her shoulders and leaned in menacingly.

“You should be grateful. I’m saving you the awkward morning-after scene.” Her wary blue gaze met his and just as swiftly shifted back to her red sandals.

He took a steadying breath. After everything she’d been through, bullying her was not the right approach. “Karen, I don’t want you to just leave like this. I was hoping to spend the day with you, maybe—”

She cut him off. “Mike, last night was wonderful, but I don’t expect anything more out of this. You don’t have to go all romantic on me for the sake of your own conscience.”

Damn gorgeous frustrating woman. She made him want to shake her in one breath and kiss the life out of her in the next. “What did you think last night was? A pity fuck?”

She shrugged, but her hunched shoulders and folded arms said that was exactly what she thought it was.

“Karen, believe me when I say nothing could be further from the truth.”

She shook her head, and his gut clenched at the resigned look on her face. “Even so, Mike, we both know better than to try to make more of this than it is.”

“So this is how you work now? Reject me before I can reject you?”

“That’s not what this is about. What happened was amazing.” She swallowed hard, willing her voice not to crack. “Wonderful, even. And now thanks to you I have closure and can move on. Let’s not make it any more complicated by trying to turn this into something it’s not.”

Then it all became horribly clear. “You can’t forgive me, can you. That’s why you’re leaving.” Not that he blamed her, but still…Something cracked inside as he realized how stupid he was to think he’d ever really get a second chance. But how could he let her go without a fight?


The utter devastation on his face stunned her. “Mike.” She reached up, but he shied away before her fingers reached his cheek.

“I know it’s crazy,” he said, “but I hoped…” his voice trailed off.

A pearl of hope blossomed in her belly. “Hoped what?”

“I hoped after last night you’d give me another chance. I want to get things right this time.” He grasped her hands in both of his and squeezed his eyes shut. “I never stopped loving you, Karen. I don’t know if you can ever forgive me, but you have to know that.” He raised her hand to his mouth, his lips a hot brand against her palm.

Her mouth fell open. “You never stopped loving me? When did you start?” She got a strange floaty feeling, like she was watching herself from one of the puffy white clouds that decorated the vivid morning sky. Surely this could not really be happening.

“I never told you I loved you because I was scared shitless. It never occurred to me that I’d find the love of my life at age twenty-one.”

Her fingers clutched his hand in a death grip.

“And you love me too, admit it.” He pulled her against him and kissed her hard. She opened her mouth on a sigh and tasted his love and desperation.

“I love you,” she said against his mouth. “But I’m afraid.”

“Afraid of what?”

“That you’ll realize you made a huge mistake and leave me,” she said, knowing she sounded pitiful but unable to stop herself.

He pulled her against his chest, and for the first time she realized he was wearing only his tux pants. Smooth skin rippled under her palms, and she inhaled his spicy, masculine scent. Even if he left her in the end, how could she possibly say no to him?

Suddenly, he pulled away. “I’ll prove it.”

“Prove what?”

“How serious I am about you, about us.” He took her suitcase out of the trunk and led her back to her room.

Her nipples tightened in anticipation as she thought of the many ways he might prove his love. To her surprise, he didn’t put the moves on her. Instead he gathered up his clothes and kissed her with such love she could practically taste it.

“Meet me in the lobby in an hour,” he said with a self-satisfied grin. “Wear the dress you had on yesterday.”


Mike couldn’t stop grinning. He’d been half-afraid she would take off after he left. But no, she’d met him in the lobby looking sexy and gorgeous in her flirty little sundress, hair tousled to perfection.

What he was about to do was by far the craziest, most impulsive thing he’d ever done in his life. And also by far the smartest. For once, his head and his heart were in total agreement.

“Where are we going?” she asked for the twentieth time.

“I told you, it’s a surprise.”

It took only thirty-five minutes to get to the Nevada border and only two to find a wedding chapel. “The Little Chapel of Love” advertised twenty-four-hour services.

Kit and Jake waited at the door, Kit wearing a smile that took up the bottom half of her face. Jake looked like he wanted to cart Mike off for a psychiatric evaluation.

Karen’s jaw dropped open as he pulled up in front. “What are you doing?”

“Marrying you, if you’ll have me.”

“Isn’t this a little sudden?” Her eyes were darting around frantically.

“I wouldn’t call eleven years sudden.”

“But we don’t even know each other anymore. We have totally different lives, and—”

“And I love you.” He leaned over and silenced her protests with his lips. “I love you,” he repeated between kisses, “and I want to marry you.”

She was silent for several moments, and his stomach knotted. Maybe she was right. This was too fast; he was scaring her away.

“Jeez, Karen, say yes already,” Kit said, exasperated.

Karen looked dazedly at Kit, then back up at Mike. “Okay. Let’s get married.”

Five minutes later they stood in front of the minister and, with Jake and Kit as witnesses, Karen became Mrs. Mike Donovan.

When it came time to kiss, she clutched at his shirtfront and her mouth trembled underneath his. “I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered soothingly.

“I love you too,” she whispered shakily, “so much.”

He pulled her to him, and he kissed her so fiercely she squealed in protest. Immediately he gentled his caress. “I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to be worthy.”

“It’ll probably take you that long.”


Marriage is full of compromise, or so Karen had always heard.

She received her first real-world lesson later that afternoon.

She remained dazed for about an hour after their quickie wedding, during which time Mike retrieved her suitcase from the hotel and drove her back to his house.

She’d snapped to attention as he carried her over the threshold and into the bedroom, where they wasted no time in consummating their union. The entire time the thought that Mike was now her husband gave their lovemaking an extra level of intensity. A few hours later he rolled her out of bed and took her on a hike. Though she would have been content to spend the day rolling around in bed with Mike, she supposed she needed the exercise to work the kinks out.

And, as Mike pointed out, the ten-mile hike was the perfect opportunity for them to fill in the gaps of the last eleven years.

She already knew that he took his work very seriously and was dedicated to maintaining and growing the business his father had started. By the time they arrived back at the car, she also knew that Mike liked to cook and was somewhat of a neat freak. Which was great since her culinary skills were limited to microwaving and she hated mess and clutter.

They still hadn’t resolved whether they would have two kids like she wanted, or four, like he did, but they had time to figure that out.

To her horror, Mike still listened to Van Halen, but she figured she could get used to that.

Mike learned that she kept herself in very good shape, as evidenced by her ability to keep up with him on the trail even with the increased altitude. He also knew she took her own career very seriously and that she still devoured romance novels.

All in all, nothing pointed to any major incompatibilities.

Until now.

“We’re going where?”

They had gone back to his house to clean up for dinner. Somewhere special, he said. Sneaky bastard, he’d waited until she was in the car and buckled in before he told her where they were going.

“My folks’ house.”

Karen swallowed hard and looked over at the speedometer. Damn, at this speed she would be seriously injured if she bailed out. “Mike, your mom hates me. I can’t possibly have dinner with you.”

“Karen, you married me this morning, remember? You’ll have to deal with her sooner or later.”

Karen snorted. “I still don’t see why we have to ruin a perfect day by having dinner with your parents.”

“Trust me. It’s better to get it over with. The sooner she realizes this is forever, the sooner she’ll settle down and accept it.”

A panicky thrill shot through her at the thought of forever. Forever with Mike sounded pretty damn good to her.

Forever under the disdainful eye of his mother, however, was another thing entirely. “Why did Kit have to leave after the wedding?” she groaned. “At least if she were there I’d have an ally.” She was silent for a moment. “You realize, of course, that your mother will probably have a stroke.” Mike laughed but didn’t deny it. “This is really important to you, isn’t it?” she sighed, slumping against the passenger door.

Mike reached across the seat and grabbed her hand, the warmth of his caress penetrating her anxiety. “I love you for understanding.”

Every time he said that, she practically melted into a puddle. She supposed she could put up with his mother for a few hours if it meant he would tell her he loved her for the rest of her life.

They pulled up to the Donovans’ house within a few seconds of Nick and Kelly. They stopped short when they saw Mike and Karen on the front stoop, hands clasped.

“What are
doing here?” Nick asked bluntly.

“I should ask you the same,” Karen replied. “Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon?”

“We’re leaving tomorrow,” Kelly said, squeezing Nick’s arm and gazing up at him adoringly. Karen wondered if she got that same dopey expression when she looked at Mike. Probably. Kelly leaned in close to Karen and said in a low voice, “I’m taking Maria’s baby away. This is the least I can do to keep the peace.”

“Don’t worry. She’ll be so horrified when she finds out what we’ve done she’ll forget your transgressions.”

Kelly’s eyes bulged and her hand flew to her mouth when she spotted the simple gold band adorning Karen’s finger. She looked wildly at Mike. “You didn’t—”

Mike flashed a matching band. “We sure as hell did.”

Kelly let out a horrified laugh and hugged them both. “She’s going to have a kitten.”

Mike kept a firm grip on her forearm as they walked inside, sensing her overwhelming urge to flee.

“Oh, are the newlyweds here?” Maria called as she bustled into the entryway. She froze when she saw Karen, and Karen felt her glare like a laser beam. Somehow Maria managed to loom over her even though Karen’s platform sandals afforded her a two-inch height advantage.

“Michael, I didn’t know you were bringing a guest.”

Mike laced his fingers through hers even as he bent to kiss his mother’s cheek. “There’s plenty to eat, right?”

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