A Simple Proposition (5 page)

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Authors: Jennifer O'Donnell

BOOK: A Simple Proposition
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Chapter 15


would again,” Pam said after a few days. “If you’re still into it. I haven’t got it out my system or whatever.”

“Me either.”

“You’re sure?”


“I’m sure.”

“Okay then. I thought I’d try the first guy again. Maybe go a little further with him?” There, she said it. She admitted that she wanted to go a little further with a stranger.

Steve nodded, and said, “Fine, whoever you like,” and that seemed to be all that needed saying.

found the guy’s card and saw his name was Joe. She phoned him.


“Hi.” Pam smiled just from hearing his voice. A memory of what she did with him flashed through her mind. “It’s me. Would you care for some head?”


“You know who this is, right?” she asked.

“I know. And yes, of course.”

“Same deal,” Pam said. “Okay?”




“We’ll be there.”

They went back, and Pam undressed and sucked Joe’s cock again. It was different going back, and it was different somehow now
that she knew his name.

He seemed more relaxed, too. He said hi to Steve, asked how Pam was, and gave Steve a beer to drink while he watched. Halfway through, perhaps because he’d gotten more relaxed, he reached down and held Pam’s tits while she sucked him, and Pam didn’t tell him to stop.

She didn’t mind, actually. It felt nice. She was achingly turned on still, and any touch, even just her breasts being cupped, was wonderful. She moved slightly, pushed her chest into his hand. He noticed and started squeezing gently. Caressing. It felt nice. She might have sighed a little, encouraging him.

He reached further, stretching and touching between her legs through her underwear. Pam jumped and wondered if she should stop him, then decided not to. She kept sucking, pretending she hadn’t noticed. Steve was watching too, of course. She could see him out of the corner of her eye. Wondering what she’d do, she thought.

She didn’t do anything, just kept pretending the hand wasn’t there. He pulled at her underwear, got them down slightly, and slid just the end of one finger inside her.

Pam stopped and pressed her face against his thigh and moaned. So much for pretending.

Joe moved his fingers a little, and she moved back, grinding on his hand, slowly.

Steve just watched, and Pam didn’t know what he was thinking, or if she was meant to be doing this. Right now she didn’t care.

She put Joe’s cock back in her mouth, and sucked him while he fingered her. His hand felt good. It felt all slick, hot and slippery, and she was aching, almost, for needing some.

They kept doing that for a while, long enough for Pam to get close just from being rubbed. She humped his hand, while she had his cock in her mouth. And then they both came together, almost, Pam just before Joe.

She felt a bit embarrassed afterwards, like she’d gone too far, or gone too far without asking, or lost something of herself by coming, too, and not just giving; but she decided not to care. She wanted to get what she needed out of this, too.

Steve didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Pam looked at him, and he just smiled, and didn’t seem to want to talk. He didn’t try and fuck her right away, like he had last time. He just he took another beer from Joe’s fridge and sat there while Pam and Joe kissed. Pam wasn’t sure what that meant.


When they left, though, Steve kissed Pam, kissed her hard, like he was trying to get the semen out of the back of her mouth. And when they got home, he fucked her like he had every other time, so she wasn’t sure if there was a problem or not. They didn’t talk about it and nothing seemed to have changed, so perhaps he didn’t mind. She told herself it wasn’t really reasonable to expect her to keeping giving blowjobs and not get anything back.

She’d given Joe her number, as they left, just because. She told him to
call, not sure he would. He did.

It was an excuse to ask Steve if they could go back.

“Yeah,” Steve said. “If you want to.”

“It’s okay to do Joe again?”

“If that’s what you want.”

Do you care? Do you mind if it’s always him?”

Steve shook his head.

“You sure? Completely sure?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“Okay,” Pam said. “But this time, I want some, too. Why should you guys have all the fun? I need a little action, too! I want him to go down on me, or I want a fuck. Not just blow him and then off he goes.”

“Head from him or head from me?”

“From him, I suppose. Otherwise there doesn’t seem quite as much point. I could just do you and not worry about all the rest.”

Steve was just looking at her.

“Is that okay?” Pam said.

“I don’t want you to fuck anyone else. I’m not sure I’m okay with that yet.”

“So he can give me head. That’s fair.”

Silence for a moment. Then, almost reluctantly, "Yeah, okay.”














Chapter 16


am was confused by Steve’s reaction; after all this is what he wanted. He’d been fantasizing about watching her for years and there it was right in front of him! There was chemistry between her and Joe and maybe that upset Steve, or maybe it was the fact that Joe wanted more? Now she was confused and had no idea how he would react about Mike. Mike was the man that lit her fire and, no matter what kind of mood she was in as soon as her eyes connected with him her arousal would start to build.


This time they had invited Joe over to their place, now trusting him to be safe.


Walking over to the couch, Pam grabbed the remote and turned on the i-Pod stereo. She flipped through and played her sexy play list, then sat down on the couch while Steve returned with fresh drinks.


Everyone sat there, not sure what to do…no one touched...no one talked.


Not one to sit back and do nothing, Pam took control.


Pam stood up, then unzipped her dress and pulled it off because there didn’t seem any point waiting. Steve would either have to man up or call off his obsession with a threesome. With Joe she could trust herself, as it was just sex and was mentally prepared to put him in that FWB compartment. What she didn’t trust herself with was Steve’s friend Mike, as the sexual tension between the two of them could overflow any mental compartment.


Still Mike was something to worry about at a later date.

She kissed Joe for a while, remembering what a good kisser he was. She hoped that this would put Steve at ease. She unzipped his pants and sucked him while he stroked her hair and shoulders and undid her bra while he was in her mouth. He took off her bra and held her breasts again, and then slid his hand down her tummy and between her legs causing her to shiver.

“Wait,” she said, and pulled her thong off. He grinned and pushed his fingers inside her.
She was being dirty again, was rubbing him on her face and breasts and sliding up now and then to kiss him some more. Every so often she would glance at Steve, and he seemed okay just watching.

“Do me,” Pam moaned into Joe’s mouth knowing that comment would rock Joe’s
, and, more importantly, Steve’s, world.

“Yeah,” Joe said, seeming surprised. “Of course.”

“Now,” Pam demanded.

Joe looked at Steve.

“It’s okay,” Pam said. “Do me.”

Joe proceeded cautiously by pulling her up and turning her over on the couch. He looked at her all turned on and horny like she was unspeakably hot, and she liked that. He rubbed the insides of her thighs, slowly, and Pam just about came from anticipation.

Then he licked her, and Pam pushed herself up onto him, moaning. She wanted to shriek. It was good. It was everything she needed. She wanted to lie there and hump his tongue and drink his semen until they both passed out from exhaustion.

“Pam,” Steve said suddenly. “Sweetheart, I can’t.”

Pam hesitated for a second, then pretended not to hear. It was terrible, and she knew it was terrible, but she did it anyway. She felt Joe’s mouth go still for a second. Go still, then move again.


He’d heard, too, and was also pretending. This was Steve’s idea, she told herself. She’d been giving blowjobs to other men for a couple of weeks. Finally it was her turn to get some and there was no way that Steve could stop this now.

“Pam,” Steve said. “Stop. Please.”

Pam reached down for Joe’s thick dark hair. Slowly she pulled him up from between her legs. “Sorry.” She could see his aroused state as he was fighting to maintain control. She knew that look of animalistic lust and he was in that zone. If Steve weren’t here there wouldn’t be any stopping Joe.


She had to pull some more on Joe’s shoulder to get him to actually stop, to come out from between her knees. Then she closed her legs as he sat up. She was careful not to show Steve any signs of struggle since she didn’t know where his state of mind was.

Finally, when Joe was sitting up, Pam looked at Steve.

She shouldn’t be a bitch about this, she knew, but she was horny! Steve had told her to do this, and now he was stopping her halfway through.

Steve looked at her with a sad puppy dog look that tugged at her heart.

“Sorry,” she said. “It’s okay. What’s up, baby? Are you okay?”

“I don’t think I can watch this.”

“Yeah,” Pam said. “I guessed.”

“I’m sorry.”

“This was your idea.” She watched him for a reaction.

Steve just kept looking sad, and she wanted to cry. She’d known all along it would end up like this.

“I don’t think I want to do this anymore,” Steve said. Then, to Joe
, “Sorry.”

“No problem,” Joe said, which Pam thought was pretty decent.

Joe didn’t seem to know what to do. He found his pants, and pulled them on. “I’ll give you a moment,” he said, seeming very uncomfortable.

“Stay,” Pam said. “I’ll finish you off, either way.” She looked at Steve. “Won’t I?”

Steve didn’t answer.

“Steve,” she barked to get Steve out of his funk. “Steve, I’m no tease and it’s only right that I finish Joe off in a way that you are comfortable with, right!”

Steve didn’t say yes, but he also didn’t say no.

“I will,” she said to Joe.

“Only if you’re both cool with that,” Joe said.

“We’re cool,” Pam said.

They all looked at each other.

“I’ll take care of him,” Pam said. “Then we
’ll call it a night. Do you want this to be the end of it?”

“This is the last time?” Steve said.

She nodded.

“Okay, continue,” Steve reluctantly said while doing his best to control his emotions.

Joe looked like he wasn’t sure what to do.


Pam looked into Joe’s eyes. “It’s fine. Don’t worry
,” she said, and he took his pants back off, his cock springing up almost hitting her in the face. While she knew Steve wasn’t comfortable with her doing more, she knew that Steve would still get aroused by watching her giving Joe a sloppy blowjob.


Halfway through, Joe slid his hand down her breasts, then they started to slide down to her tummy. Pam wasn’t sure how Steve felt about her being touched, so she moved to block him while not upsetting either Joe or Steve.

Joe noticed Pam’s reservations. “Don’t you want to be touched?”

She shook her head around his cock. Even with Steve’s unhappy ending, Pam was aroused and wanted to be touched. She thought about trying to grind on his leg, or getting him to finger her or even rubbing herself to an orgasm. Peeking at Steve, she noticed that he still looked, well, not happy.


“You’re sure?” Joe asked with disappointment.

She looked up then looked back at Steve.

“Oh, I want some,” she moaned with Joe’s cock still in her mouth. “But I’d better not.”

She blew Joe, as quickly and as sloppily as she could, and thought he was hurrying, too, not holding back. When he was finished, Pam reached for her wine. She washed out her mouth with wine, even though she hadn’t bothered last time, then proceeded to get dressed. She gave Joe back his card and said, “Sorry, but I think this will be our last time.”

He seemed to understand. He kissed her at the door, quickly, like a friend. Before leaving he shook Steve’s hand and then said, “I hope you get it sorted out and you guys work things out. I would love to see you again, even just for a dinner.”

“We will.”

“I hope so. You seem like a good person.”

Pam nodded in agreement, but still wasn’t able to get her
mind around what Steve was thinking! After all, Joe had come in her mouth three times, and their relationship was merely a sexual one. She wasn’t sure why Steve was upset and wanted to stop. What was he thinking? What was blocking him?  Why was it okay for some stranger to cum in her mouth yet totally not cool if the stranger goes down on her? This wasn’t right or fair. One thing was true - Pam wasn’t ready to stop.

But she had to.

Back in their family room, Pam walked over to Steve. “You’d better be planning to make this right.”

Steve looked at her with those puppy dog eyes of his.


Pam felt that she was being too hard on him. However, not only was this Steve’s idea, but it was Steve who had started them on this journey. Why did he leave her hanging like that? After all, time and time again she asked him if he was sure about this. She asked if there was anything that had gone wrong. If anything was wrong, well it was his fault, not hers! Pam wasn’t going to allow Steve to pin any guilt or wrong doing on her, even though Steve had only been watching and not playing with others.

Besides, she wasn’t completely sold on the idea that Steve was all that upset. Maybe she came close to his mental line in the sand, and maybe Steve was uncomfortable with his own reaction
. Maybe Steve was really enjoying watching and this is why he was upset?


Men and their double standards drove her crazy, even more so then their lack of communication. Not only would she have to navigate through Steve’s own double standards, but now she had to avoid the rocks with limited communication from Steve. Why didn’t he want Joe to go down on her? She had gone down on others with him watching so that shouldn’t really be a problem with what she’d been doing. She’d stopped when Steve wanted her to stop. Therefore, she had assumed that they were alright. She hoped that was true.

Pam turned to Steve. It was time to push his buttons and get some truth out of him. “I’m horny,” she stated. “I’m really, fucking horny.”

“I’m not really in the mood…”

“Don’t you fucking dare!" You told me that you wanted to watch Joe do me. I was ready for it and all worked up, but to be stopped! What was all that about? Why did you stop me? You need to fix this.”

He looked at her.

“Fix it,” she demanded. “Now!”

He started off only doing it because she insisted, that was pretty clear. But when he noticed her arousal, Steve started to enjoy it. It didn’t take long to bring Pam to an orgasm and when she came back to earth, it was then that he fucked her.


Once he finished, it felt okay again.

She looked up at him, breathless and sweaty, and said, “We’ll be okay, won’t we?”


“You sure?”

“We’ll be okay.”

“And we’ll keep having sex like that?” She reached for a Kleenex knowing that Steve liked watching her freshen up.

He grinned. “That, too.”

“We’re really okay?” she said.

“Yeah,” he sat there for a moment. “We are.”

“Cool,” she said. “I’ll organize with Joe to go next week.”

He looked at her for a moment, startled, until she started to laugh, and then he smiled too. That was when she knew they really would be okay.




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