A Shade of Vampire (8 page)

Read A Shade of Vampire Online

Authors: Bella Forrest

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Vampires, #Young Adult, #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

BOOK: A Shade of Vampire
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What happened next was unlike anything I

d witnessed before. Derek let go of Husky

s neck and without a single moment

s hesitation, dug his claws into Husky

s chest. I could practically hear the sound of flesh breaking as Derek pulled out Husky

s bloody, still beating, heart. My knees weakened and I found myself falling to the ground. I never imagined

even for once in my life

that I would ever see someone literally rip another person

s heart out. I couldn

t even stand watching gory films. Having to see something like that in person felt like far more than I could handle.

Derek now focused on Pitchy who was spitting out profuse apologies. “Be silent.”

Pitchy lost no time in shutting his mouth and sparing us the annoying sound of his voice.

“Never touch what

s mine. Sofia Claremont is mine. Whoever harms her answers to me. Understood?” Derek growled.

Pitchy nodded. “Of course, y-your M-Majesty.”

Derek let go of Pitchy

s throat and the guard lost no time in scampering away from the prince. Derek tossed the then very much dead heart he was holding with his right hand and threw it to the ground. He then wiped Husky

s blood off his hands using the dead guard

s shirt. He rose to his full height and turned, his eyes settling on me. I thought of backing away from him, but saw its futility. He was glaring at me and I found myself fearing his anger.

“Get up, Sofia.”

I lost no time in rising to my feet. I was fully expecting to experience some form of pain. Instead, I found him looking at the length of my legs, concerned by the scratches he saw there. He brought out a dagger he had hidden up his sleeve. I stared at it, wondering if he was going to use it to teach me a lesson of sorts. Instead, he cut through his palm with it.

Despite my fear of him, I stepped forward, momentarily concerned.

“What are you doing?” My eyes were glued to the deep red blood now spilling from his palm

his blood.

“You shouldn

t have done what you did,” was all the response that I got. He lifted his palm, directing it toward my mouth. “Drink.”

My eyes grew wide open as I stared at his bloody palm. I gulped, disgusted.

“I can


“You will. It will heal your scrapes,” he insisted. “Marching you back to the Residences with all those bloody scratches will only make you a walking target for every vampire we pass by.”

I gave him an incredulous look, wondering if he too wanted to drink my blood at that moment. Tears were beginning to moisten my eyes, but I knew from the look on his face that we weren

t going to leave that spot until I did what he was telling me to do.

“Drink, Sofia,” he repeated

more sternly this time, impatience obvious in the tone of his voice. “My palm will heal in just a couple of seconds. I don

t want to have to cut myself again.”

I once again looked at his palm, unable to believe what I was about to do. I held his wrist with one hand, his fingers with the other. I noticed how his jaw twitched the moment I touched him. I gulped before doing the unthinkable

I began sucking the blood off his palm until his self-inflicted gash closed. I stepped back, the strange taste of his blood overwhelming my taste buds.

“Good,” he said and wiped off the thick red liquid dripping from the corners of my mouth.

I checked the gashes I had on my legs. Just like he said, all of them had gone. I didn

t know whether to be relieved. I still could not wrap my mind around the fact that I just drank blood, a vampire

s blood. I didn

t even think they
their own blood. I was aware of how badly I was trembling.

Derek inched closer to me and brushed his thumb against my cheekbone. “Are you alright?”

I stood, unmoving, my eyes drawn to the guard

s corpse on the ground.

“You killed him,” I said, betraying how stunned I felt. “Just like that… He

s dead.”

Derek heaved a deep sigh, a stoic expression coming over his chiseled face.

“I had to make an example of him. The other guard will make it known to the entire coven that you are not to be harmed because of what I did. You

re safer that way. Besides, he

d tasted your blood. He had to die.”

I still looked at him with a stunned expression on my face.

“He was going to kill you. He

d tasted your blood, Sofia. I doubt he would

ve had enough self-control to keep himself from devouring you completely.” He raised a brow, his mood lightening up a bit. “From the expression on your face as they were both about to sink their teeth into you, I figured you knew that you wouldn

t be able to talk them out of supping on you like you did me.”

Recollections of the previous night flowed through my head. I remembered how conflicted Derek seemed as he raised me up on that pillar ready to sink his teeth into me. There was no conflict of that sort evident in the vampire he just killed.

I found myself intrigued by Derek

even more so than I was before. He was a paradox, a walking contradiction. How he could do such a violent act with no hesitation in one moment and be as gentle as he was with me right afterwards was something that left me completely unnerved.

I could sense his eyes traveling my body from head to foot, then back up.


ve been running for hours, haven

t you?” he concluded.

I almost felt embarrassed to admit it. “It feels like it.”

“Even if you get past the wall, you

re on an island, Sofia. Unless you can swim for miles, past the sharks, and get back to the mainland, there

s no way out of here.” Before I could respond to that, he scooped me up in his arms and in a matter of minutes, we were back at his Penthouse. He carried me to my bedroom and laid me on the ground.


ll have breakfast in a couple of minutes. Get dressed in something other than
,” he looked at my outfit pointedly. It dawned on me that considering the time he

d been asleep, he

d probably never seen a lady wearing a hoodie with shorts before. Considering how my outfit was tattered and worn down after my morning “run”, I saw why it lacked appeal.

Before he turned toward the door, he stopped and asked, “Is there anything you need, Sofia?”

I need to get out of here
was I wanted to say. Instead, I shook my head. “No.”

He nodded and headed for the door. He stopped just as he was about to open it. He gave one final warning.

“You will only risk your life trying to escape, Sofia. So let

s make this simple. Don

t ever try again.”

Chapter 12: Derek

Despite my efforts not to, I kept staring. I was seated over the edge of what Sofia called a counter, watching her as she made her way around the kitchen in a light yellow dress clinging to her curves at just the right places. She was making her breakfast

two pieces of bread that she stuck in a contraption she called a toaster. She retrieved a bottle of strawberry jam and a slab of butter from the “two-door refrigerator,” which was apparently a cooling closet for food.

As she began dabbing butter over one piece of toast, her emerald green eyes rose to meet mine. She stopped what she was doing and stared for a couple of seconds.

I found it rather unsettling to have her look at me that way. I couldn

t even understand why.

s just a girl, Novak. When have you ever been so riled up over one girl?

“What?” I asked her.

“Thank you… for rescuing me this morning. I was pretty sure nothing would stop the guards from turning me into their breakfast.”

I didn

t answer. She was my responsibility. It was my duty to see to her safety.


m sorry you were taken away from life outside. I understand how all this could be…
” I said.

She focused on preparing her breakfast, though her long lashes fluttered at my apology.

After a pause, she spoke up. “I can

t make this clear enough. No matter what you think, I

m not
, Derek. You told the guard that I was yours. I

m not.”

I admired her boldness. She was talking to me like she would an equal, never holding back from speaking her mind and yet she managed to pull it off with a feminine grace I found charming and rather off-putting. I debated with myself whether I should address her statements. As far as everyone in the Blood Shade was concerned, she was mine. It was just the simple truth and no matter how she would like to believe otherwise, it remained true. I heaved a sigh and let it go.
Let her believe what she will.


s never morning here. Why is that?” She perhaps realized that she wasn

t about to get a response from me regarding her statements about how I didn

t own her, when I actually did.

“A witch

s spell keeps the sunlight away.” I looked out of the window. “Here at the Blood Shade, it

s forever night. I haven

t seen the sun in five hundred years.”

When I gazed at her, I was taken aback by the way she was looking at me. It felt like she was seeing through me, studying me.


re five hundred years old?” She asked after a pause, seemingly satisfied by whatever it was that she saw in me.

I shook my head. “I

m eighteen. I will forever be eighteen.”


s how old you were when you…

I nodded.

“Who turned you?”

Unnerved by the barrage of questions, digging up unwanted memories, I lifted myself off the counter and looked her straight in the eye.


s have breakfast now, shall we.” I said, bluntly.

I was relieved that she didn

t pry further. She picked up her plate and headed off with me to the dining area. A smile formed on my lips when I found a glass of blood already waiting at the table for me.

She stared at it even as she took her seat.

I found myself amused by the expression on her face even as I sat across the table from her, taking a sip from the glass.

Sofia watched, her eyes wide with a mix of fascination and horror.


ll never get used to this,” she muttered.

“Get used to what?” a deep baritone voice asked from one corner of the room.

Her eyes shot toward the direction of the voice, but I didn

t need to look to know who it was.

“Lucas.” I said, flatly.

“You killed a vampire

a guard at that.” Lucas eyed Sofia curiously. “For


ve heard.”

“Pitchy and his squeaky voice have been chirping about it all morning.” Lucas took a seat beside Sofia.

It didn

t take a lot of perception to see that she was uncomfortable around him. I wondered why. Knowing my brother, I wouldn

t have been surprised to find that he tried to pull something with her.

Lucas set his eyes on her as he laid an arm over the back of her seat.

“So what makes Sofia

stunning as she is

worth the life of one of our own, Derek?”


” I repeated, giving Sofia a pointed look. “The guard assaulted her, tasted her blood. He had it coming.”

My brother

s left brow quirked at the mention of the guard having tasted Sofia

s blood. I was certain from the expression on his face that he wasn

t thrilled by the news. The reaction drew my curiosity.
Does he want Sofia?

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