A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) (2 page)

BOOK: A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1)
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Chapter 2

Two Days Away


The words from the professor’s mouth were going in one ear and out the other. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to know my Matched. Luckily, I only had one class today and the girls and I were going to the mall before I went to work this afternoon.

Class ended, and I headed out to the front of the building, waiting for Amaya’s car to pull up. What was I going to wear on Saturday? I gazed at my outfit that I had on today, khaki trousers and a light pink blouse. Of course, the best part was my pink Gucci heels.

Shoes are my weakness.

The horn pulled me from my thought and the fact that I’m worried about my shoes for the picnic almost as much as finding out my Matched. Amaya was yelling for me to hurry up. I smiled at my friends and got into the car.

“Let’s go to the mall, ladies,” Amaya announced.

We didn’t talk on the way to our destination, we sang. The air conditioning was blasting, cooling us from the heat of July in Vermont. I had my hair in a tight bun, as did Gia. Amaya’s pixie cut kept her cool enough. I was glad the windows were up because we didn’t sing well, at all.

When we reached the mall, we went straight for my favorite store. I knew that we didn’t have much time to shop because I was due at the bank in a couple of hours. Amaya was the first to start pulling dresses off the rack. Of course, I said no to almost all of them. However, there were two that I liked, and I quickly tried them on.

The first one was a sky blue, long cotton dress. The problem was the top of it. I felt a little bit exposed. I did have a half cardigan that might match it. I slipped off the dress and put on the other one.

It was perfect.

It was bright pink that stopped mid-calf and came with a three-quarter length sleeve jacket. I stepped out of the dressing room, and both of my dearest friends gasp collectively.

“You have to buy that right now,” Amaya said.

“I have to agree with her,” Gia concurred.

“We’ll need to find shoes.” I clapped. I’m more excited about finding the shoes and trying to keep my nerves down from the meeting of my Matched in a couple of days.

“Of course,” Amaya said as if it was always the plan.

I changed back into my clothes, and I pay for it. Making my heart beat faster because this is the dress that I’ll meet my Matched in.

We go next door to the shoe store, and I find a pair of pretty sandals to match the dress. Gia suggested grabbing something to eat in the food court.

As we headed up the escalator, I asked Amaya about her Matched. “You know your birthday is a couple of weeks after mine,” I teased her.

“I’m not nervous like you,” she said confidently. “I know that my parents picked someone perfect for me, and if they didn’t.” She shrugged instead of finishing her sentence.

“Are you still thinking about leaving?” Gia asked.

“Come on, you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it?” Amaya challenged her.

“No.” Gia shook her head. “I like living in Unit. I like the safety of having my family close, and being Xaviera’s Controller.”

I understood what she meant because I liked those things too. But I wanted to see the world. I know that there is more to it than Unit.

“There’s Oliver.” Gia quietly pointed over to him on the other side of the food court.

“You want to be Matched with him, don’t you?” Amaya teased her.

“I wouldn’t mind it. I mean,” she blushed, “our families are close and have been for years.”

“We live in Unit. All of our families are close. It comes with the territory.” Amaya rolled her eyes.

I watched Gia eyeing Oliver. Since both of them were Controllers it wouldn’t be farfetched for them to be Matched.

“Oh, looks like Thaddeus has joined Oliver.” Amaya cooed over him.

I looked over to see them standing in line for sub sandwiches. He was wearing a tight gray t-shirt and loose fitting jeans.

“He looks so hot,” Amaya moaned as Gia and I gasped.

“You can’t say that,” Gia chastised her.

“Why not? He’s good looking. I think he owns a mirror and knows that,” she explained. “If my parents loved me, they would make him my Matched.”

We all giggled at that. I’m sure her parents did. Poor Thaddeus, Amaya was going to be hard to reign in.

We stayed a little bit longer, talking about the party for my birthday. I was lucky that my birthday is July Fourth and this year it was on a Saturday. The downfall was I wasn’t going to be able to enjoy it much because I’m nervous.

“I need to get to work,” I finally said trying not to sound like I’m on the verge of fainting, which I felt like I was going to.

I work at the Unit Bank. My father holds the title of President of the Bank, which sounded strange because he is the King of Unit. However, to the outside world, it wouldn’t seem out of place.

Dad felt that I should know all aspects of the bank, in and out. He always said that being leader wasn’t about barking orders. It was about knowing the people and since all the money people made came through the bank, it was the best way to get to know the citizens.

As Amaya drove me to work, I thought about Saturday. Wow, I was turning twenty. Not only was I meeting my Matched, I’m also starting a new chapter in my life. I was on the verge of graduating college, and my teenage years will be officially over. Let’s not forget I am in line to take over Unit.

Could I handle all of this?

I said goodbye to my friends and headed into the bank.

“Princess,” my father’s secretary called me over. “Your father wanted to talk to you before you start your shift.” She smiled sweetly, and I nodded heading into my father’s office.

“Hi, Dad,” I announced.

“Hello.” My dad looked up from the stack of papers in front of him. No one could ever say I wasn’t my father’s daughter. We had identical hair, eyes, and dimples. The only thing I ever got from Mom was her curves. “Just got off the phone with your Matched parents.”

I gasp.

Oh my word.

My heart began to pound, and I was sure I really would faint right there.

He chuckled. “Calm down.” He got up from his chair and put his arm around me, towering over me. “It’ll be fine. I wanted to let you know that everything is good to go on Saturday.”

My mouth was dry, and I couldn’t even think straight. It was like I was in a dream.

“Did you hear me, Xaviera?”

“I’m sorry, what?” I shook my head trying to focus on my dad.

“I said, take over station number three and don’t worry about your birthday.” He kissed my temple and hugged me tightly. I never grow old of my father’s hugs. I felt safe there.

Would I feel the same in my Matched arms?

Would he protect me or have Amaya do it?

When he lets go, I head to clock in and begin work. As I got to my station, I tried to turn my brain off from thinking about my Matched. The problem was, we weren’t busy, so my mind wandered.

What if he wasn’t tall enough?

I always imagined him to be tall, maybe blonde, like Paul Walker. Or maybe he was more of a Vin Diesel, the strong, silent type. Then again, I could be watching too many Fast and Furious movies.

Someone cleared their throat bringing me out of my daydream of hot guys and fast cars. I was staring into the eyes of Thaddeus.

“Are you open, Princess?” he asked.

“Yes, sorry.” I shook my head trying to regain my composure.

“I need half of this in my checking and the rest in my savings, please,” he instructed handing me a check.

“Of course.” I smiled at him, punching in his name into the computer.

“Thaddeus.” My father came up behind me. “How are you?”

“I’m well, Your Majesty, thank you,” he said politely.

“I hope that the Queen and I will see you Saturday? It’s Xaviera’s birthday,” my dad said proudly.

“Sorry I have to decline. I’ll be out of town and won’t be back until late that night.”

“Really? Well, stop by when you get in there will be plenty of food left.”

“Thank you.” Thaddeus nodded as I handed him his deposit slips. “Happy birthday, Princess Xaviera.”

“Thanks, Thaddeus.” I smiled as he turned to leave.

Well, I knew one thing, Thaddeus wasn’t my Matched.

Chapter 3

My Birthday


Today is my birthday.

Today is my twentieth birthday.

Today is the day I meet my Matched.

Those were my first thoughts as I opened my eyes. Then, I needed to throw up.

I raced to my bathroom and became sick. I kept my head in the toilet until I felt a cold wash cloth on the back of my neck and hear my mother laughing at me.

“Well, it seems strange, but twenty three years ago I was in the same position when I was about to meet my Matched,” Mom joked.

“I think I’m dying.” I breathe out lifting my head.

“I doubt it, my dear.” Mom rolled her eyes at me, helped me get to my feet and led me to the sink.

I brush my teeth and wash my face trying to regain my senses. Mom made my bed and had some toast and juice waiting for me.

“I don’t think I can eat,” I told her while my insides did backflips.

“Eat a little.” She patted the bed, and I sat down. She handed me the plate, and I nibbled on the toast.

“Were you this bad the day you met Dad?” I asked sipping on the orange juice.

“Oh my.” She laughed pushing her long strawberry-blonde hair behind her ears. “I think I was worse, but I made it and you will too.” She rubbed my back, and I felt a little calmer.

“Do you know what time I’ll meet him?” I asked quietly.

“I don’t, sweetheart, but I know that he’ll be here for your party.” Mom smiled brightly at me. “So, finish this and get showered and ready.” She kissed my forehead and left my room.




I was shaking so bad that I couldn’t even put on my makeup. I tried three times to get my eyeliner straight, and it wasn’t happening.

“Happy birthday,” Gia and Amaya announced opening my bedroom door.

I gave them a small smile.

“What’s wrong?” Gia comes over with a concerned look.

“I can’t get.” I couldn’t finish the sentence because my mouth felt like sand. “Gia, I know I hate to ask this, but I can’t take it anymore.”

“Say no more.” My sweet Controller walked over to me, taking my hands in hers.

Gia took a deep breath, and I felt the rush run through my vibrating veins, calming them. Even though I was nervous, only a little bit, my body was calm.

“Gia.” I looked at her firmly. “Thank you, but for the rest of the day I order you not to control any of my emotions.”

My friend, and Controller, bowed her head. “As you wish, Princess.” With my order, she wouldn’t be able to use her power on me.

“Okay, I’m finishing your makeup.” Amaya pushed me into the bathroom and guided me to sit on the toilet, taking the pencil from my hand. “Close your eyes.”

I did as she said, and she began to put on my makeup. The three of us remain quiet as they help me finish getting ready. They help me into my dress and made sure everything was in place.

“You look beautiful.” Amaya smiled brightly at me.

“You really do.” Gia clasped her hands together with a gleam in her eyes.

“Wow.” My mom breathed out behind me, standing in my doorway. “You’re,” she couldn’t say anything else, but I saw the tears forming in her eyes.

“Your Majesty, please don’t make her cry. I spent a lot of time on her makeup,” Amaya said.

Mom waved her hand at her. “I can cry if I want. My baby is being Matched today.” She swiped the tear from the corner of her eyes. “Now, guests are arriving, so you need to come on.”

“Is he here?” I asked before I even thought about it.

Mom gave me a stern look, and I quickly looked at the ground.

“I couldn’t tell you if he was.” She rubbed my arm leaning in. “However, he isn’t here yet.” I raised my head, and she winked at me and left the room, leaving me alone with my friends.

“Let’s hurry and get downstairs to see who is eliminated,” Amaya said quickly pulling on my arm down the stairs.

I hated to admit it, but I was curious too. We headed outside, where there were several families already gathered. Everyone was telling me ‘happy birthday’. I thanked everyone for the wishes and the gifts. My parents were playing the perfect hosts and there was an abundance of food. Then again, almost the whole town would be here.

I talked to a lot of people and most wanted to know if I’d met my Matched yet. I would smile sadly and say no, wishing I had already.

Two hours had passed when Amaya pulled me over to the other side of the yard.

“Okay, we’ve been figuring out who it is and we have it down to four or five,” Amaya told me quickly.

“Who?” I wanted to know so badly, I would have sold my soul to know at this very moment.

“Well.” Gia sucked in the air between your teeth. “One of the Johnsons’ sons, Mr. Franklin’s son, and,” she stopped leaning in further to me. “Thaddeus.”

“Well, Thaddeus is out because he’s out of town. Mr. Franklin’s son is younger than me, and I don’t think my parents would pick him. As for the Johnsons’ sons, that could be possible, but I’m really afraid it’s Graham.” I put my head in my hands. I didn’t want it to be Graham.

“How did you know Thaddeus is out of town?” Amaya crossed her arms at me.

“He told my dad when I was waiting on him at the bank. Why?” I asked.

“Well, I heard my mom on the phone with Mrs. Edwards for a
time. I think he’s my Matched.” She smiled all knowing.

“Wait a second, why do you think Graham?” Gia asked me.

“I don’t know, but I have this strange feeling it’s him. Graham is…vocal and popular in Unit,” I whispered to them.

That was when I felt the raindrops and the wind picking up.

“You have to calm yourself,” Gia instructed me.

My powers were becoming stronger, and as the Princess of Unit, I could command all four elements: water, air, fire, and earth.

“Oh man, that means it’s going to be Graham.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. I can’t believe my parents would do that to me. “Gia, I order you to calm me down.”

“You told me—.”

“Please disregard my last order and get me to relax before I cause a tornado,” I almost yelled at her.

“Yes.” She took my hand, and the wind subsided, and the rain stopped.

“Thank you.” I felt relaxed and at ease.

“I’m starving.” Amaya changes the subject quickly. “All this detective work and watching you have a nervous breakdown is tiring.” She rubbed her stomach and headed over to the buffet.

“You want something?” Gia asked.

I shook my head. Even though I felt better, I wasn’t hungry. I studied the crowd that was in my yard. There was laughing, joking, happiness, and all I could think about was if one of these guys were my Matched.

“Stop worrying,” Mom whispered in my ear causing me to jump.

“Is he here?” I know my eyes are wide hoping that she was telling me it was time.

She slightly shook her head.

“Is it Graham?” I whispered to her praying that she would tell me.

“You know I can’t tell you.”

I nodded knowing that she wouldn’t say anything, even though I wanted her to.

Mom leaned into my ear and kissed my cheek. “It’s not him. Your Matched will be here soon, and it’ll be worth the wait.”

My heart was pounding as I looked at her. She broke a rule. Mom told me it wasn’t Graham, and that he would be here soon. She winked at me as she rejoined the party. I couldn’t believe the relief I felt knowing that my life wasn’t going to have to revolve around him. I know we’re taught tolerance and not pass judgment, but I don’t think I could do that with Graham Centers.

With my mind a little bit more at ease, I grabbed a bottle of water greeting more guests. The minutes ticked by, then another hour, then another, and another. I didn’t think I would ever meet him.

Soon, my father stood on our porch calling for everyone’s attention. My nerves went into overdrive, and I held onto Gia’s hand, and she continually tried to calm me.

I was about to be Matched.

I look up at my dad who stood tall, but he seemed to be a little sad.

“The Queen and I would first like to thank everyone for being here to celebrate this day with us. Unfortunately, the Princess’ Matched has been delayed, and will not be here until tomorrow.”

There was a collective gasp, and I thought I might faint. Gia gripped my hand tightly and the waves of calmness washed over me.

I have to wait.


I’ve already waited twenty years.

“Please stay as long as you want and enjoy yourselves.”

My mom came over to me, hugging me. “It’ll be fine.” She smiles at me and goes back to the party.

“Well, that’s a turn of events,” Amaya said as we sit down at the table.

“Do you want something to eat?” Gia’s still holding onto my hand.

I shook my head.

Shortly after Dad’s announcement people began to leave, wishing me luck and happy birthday. Then it was only my parents, Amaya and Gia. The sun was setting, and my heart sank. My birthday was pretty much over, and I wasn’t Matched.

“Do you want us to get you anything?” Amaya asked softly as we walk into my bedroom.

I shook my head not able to say anything.

“Girls, it’s time for you to go.” Mom walked in with a sad face.

My best friends hugged me as they left. I could see the tears and sadness on their faces and in their eyes.

“Xaviera.” Mom hugged me. “I promise you’re going to be okay.”

I nodded even though at this point I wasn’t sure I believed her. “I think I’m going to lie down.”

“You want something to eat?”

“No, thank you,” I said pulling out of her hold.

When she left my room, I went over to my bed curled into the fetal position and let the tears finally fall.




“Xaviera.” I heard my name being called from inside a tunnel. “Xaviera,” it was my mom’s voice. “Get up, my dear.” My eyes fluttered open, and my mom was looking down at me. “Come on, you need to wake up.”

“Mom?” I questioned because I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or not.

“Get freshened up. There are some people here to wish you a happy birthday.”

I nodded, rolled out of bed and headed towards my bathroom. I touched up my makeup and slipped my cardigan back on along with my sandals before I headed downstairs.

When I stepped into the kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were there. I wasn’t surprised because Mrs. Edwards had been my mom’s Protector and best friend. Mr. Edwards is a Royal and adores his Matched to the ends of the earth. He goes wherever she is. On top of that, Dad and he would do a lot of business adventures together.

“Happy birthday.” Mrs. Edwards hugged me tightly.

“Thank you.” I closed my eyes trying not to seem sad.

“You look lovely,” she whispered in my ear making me blush. Mrs. Edwards was beautiful like my mom. For her to give me a compliment like that I must look okay, even though I just rolled out of bed, literally.

“Happy birthday, Princess,” Mr. Edwards said standing next to my dad. He slightly bowed his head to me. Some Royals would bow to my parents and me, but it wasn’t common. The reason was because they didn’t want to do it outside of Unit and have people become suspicious.

“Thank you.” I nodded to him.

“Thaddeus?” Mrs. Edwards released me, and I noticed that he was standing in the corner. He was in gray trouser pants and a bright white button up shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and his forearm muscles were tight.

“Happy birthday,” he said dryly.

I gave him a small polite smile.

“Why don’t we all sit down?” My dad pointed to the table, and we all headed that way.

“Princess Xaviera, we’re so sorry we missed the party. We got delayed at the airport,” Mrs. Edwards explained.

“It’s not a problem,” I said. I wanted to add that it wasn’t a big deal because I’d probably never meet my Matched so why celebrate any more birthdays.

“You know most Unit citizens usually meet their Matched at the party, but these are different circumstances,” my father began.

I was confused on what he was saying, and I glanced over to Thaddeus, who was glaring at his mother.

occurret vobis pares conjunctio amoris in perpetuum
,” Dad smiled as he spoke the spell in Latin. “Meet your Matched and forever be bonded in love.” Dad smiled pointing to Thaddeus.

The words washed over me as if I gained another layer of skin.

“What?” Thaddeus and I shouted at the same time.

Thaddeus jumped up. “Are you kidding me? I can’t be Matched to the Princess.”

“Oh, thanks a lot.” I leapt to my feet shouting at him, while hearing the lightning strike outside the window.

“Well, this is an interesting twist of the evening,” Mrs. Edwards said making my mother snort in laughter.

BOOK: A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1)
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