Read A Rancher's Desire Online

Authors: Nikki Winter

A Rancher's Desire (2 page)

BOOK: A Rancher's Desire
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Julian couldn’t say what it was that made him do it.  It could’ve been the need for some form of stability   or the need for solace. The problem was, his home was as empty as his heart. Julian wasn’t sure if it was his very own biological clock ticking or the desire for a warm body next to him at night, either way he’d been contemplating on it more and more.

He’d stop carrying the passion for traveling from place to place, beating out some of the best known bull riders. It was why he’d retired a few years ago. Julian was no longer looking for the confidence boost the competitions had given him as a rookie. Havan enjoyed the fast-paced life competing gave him but that was to be expected when considering where they came from.

His brother wasn’t planning on retiring or slowing down anytime soon. Havan enjoyed the frontier circuit entirely too much. The only reason he was stuck spending time with his sibling was the fact that Havan would be heading up to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania soon. They wouldn’t have the time to spend together being that he’d be in training until then. So much for him being family orientated.

To give himself something to do he’d decided to have the house on his land remodeled. Maybe he could start looking for an architectural contractor if he could focus long enough.

Already having left his brother to fend for himself, he dug around in his jacket pocket for his keys and was so preoccupied that he didn’t notice the woman walking towards him until she bumped into his chest.

His keys hit the floor at the same time as her bag, the contents inside spilling out.

“Sorry.” They both murmured simultaneously.

Julian bent to help her collect what had fallen and handed it to her.

“Thank you.”

Normally he would’ve nodded and went about his way but the sound of her husky voice felt like silk running over his skin. His head snapped up and what he saw held him hostage as they both began to slowly stand to their normal heights again.

During his ten year stint in the rodeo circuit, Julian had been tossed ass over head and back again more times than he could count. He’d had fractured ribs, sprains and a concussion or two but he’d
had the wind knocked out of him quicker than when he looked up and saw

For those few seconds that he let his eyes rake her perfect features before traveling down the bountiful curves of her tall form, he didn’t feel like the self assured grown man that he was. No, he felt like a boy staring into the eyes of his first crush.

And those large, doe shaped, brown orbs veiled behind heavy lids and thick, curly lashes weren’t the
things he was interested in staring at.
she was beautiful. Native American features battled for dominance in her face by way of high cheekbones along with the curve of her jaw that held a dimple. While the African American side won her full lips, proud forehead, and nose.

Both cultures met in the middle to create the flawlessly deep chocolate skin with red and bronze undertones that made up a gorgeous shade of brown. Her thick, black hair was cut into layers around her heart shaped face, slightly longish bangs stopping just a bit above her eyebrows but framing the beauty there just right.

Yet her body... that is what held his attention captive. Julian bit the inside of his cheek as his heart began to hammer and he gazed at the way her endless, shapely legs and wonderfully rounded hips fit into the skin tight jeans she was wearing.

She had to be five foot eleven at the least in her bare feet but her steel-toe work boots gave her an extra inch or two. Her waist to hip ratio created a coke bottle shape that made him think of at least fifty dirty things he could do to her if she let him. Julian was even a little disappointed that she was wearing a hooded sweatshirt seeing as how he desperately wanted to know what was underneath it.

Julian’s eyes found hers again and locked there.
“Le damos la bienvenida hermosa.”

One perfectly arched brow rose. “English please.”

Lips quirking, he repeated himself as she requested, “You’re welcome, beautiful.”



Fuck your reservations, take the panties off and throw them at him! Now!
It was a damn shame when a woman had to stand in a room full of people along with one of the most awe inspiring men she’d ever seen in her life and have an argument with her nether regions.

The man was...damn...just damn. If there were ever a time Aiyanna wanted to forget all the shit she’d put up with in past relationships it was definitely when those stormy, blue-gray eyes locked on her. The tone of his voice alone made her feel like she was holding the Nile River between her thighs.

Lightly accented with Southern and deep Spanish inflections, his voice rumbled up from one of the widest chests Aiyanna had ever seen in her life. Being that she was five-eleven and a size eighteen, that was saying a lot. He was so big he was taking up the doorway space, his shoulders blocking the view beyond where they were standing.

And for the first time in a long time, she actually had to crane her neck to look up at a man. He had to be six foot eight at the least and the visual feast didn’t end there. No, there was the shoulder length, wavy, black hair, the full lips, strong jawline, and those piercing eyes that were staring so hard she thought her clothes would melt off in a puddle. Not to mention the adorable slashes in his cheeks from when he’d briefly smiled.

Aiyanna hoped, for his sake, that he would either choose to keep that smile to himself or that she gained some self control in the next few minutes. If not, the whole bar was about to get an education on how to ride a man until he broke.

Shit, if he kept looking at her like that, it might just happen regardless. Lalani wasn’t there to keep her from doing it because she’d headed back out to take a call.

When he licked his lips real slow while staring at her mouth like he could taste the strawberry lip gloss she’d put on just a few minutes before, Aiyanna took a step back. “Okay, the undressing me with your eyes thing has to stop.”

His expression read confused. “Why?”

“Because it’s rude and—”

He stepped closer, eating up the space she’d put between them. “And you don’t exactly like the way I’m making you feel right now?”

The whispered words raked her body and her nerves. “No Captain Ego,” Aiyanna snapped. “It has more to do with the fact that I don’t know if you’re appraising my head to mount it with the rest of your possible collection.”

The frown was back, this time darker than before. “I don’t collect heads and I wouldn’t ruin one as gorgeous as yours.”

Aiyanna withdrew again.
He’d said the words that she needed to break the spell. It reminded her of something she’d heard constantly from the time she’d hit puberty.
“You have such a pretty face. Now if you just shed a few pounds...”

frowning. I said something wrong.”

Her eyes snapped up to his, noticing the way the dim lighting hit his bronzed skin. She ignored the scent of sandalwood that rolled off of him.

Aiyanna smirked. “It doesn’t really matter now does it? Sorry I bumped into you. Have a nice night.” She started to go around him but his hand reached out and gently gripped her arm as he turned her back around to face him. Her eyes stared up into his once again. “Wanna let go of my arm?”

He shook his dark head. “Not particularly. I’ll buy you a drink.” He smiled again like he’d accomplished something with his little announcement.

Biting the inside of her cheek, Aiyanna peeled his fingers away from her arm. “No.”

“But I want to.”

“Okay,” Aiyanna pointed to her face. “I want you to read my lips very well when I say this.
I don’t want you to.”

His eyes glazed over as he stared at her mouth. “I’m sorry
I was too busy envisioning all the productive things you could do with those lips to notice your blatant refusal to let me be a gentleman and buy you a drink,” he murmured, then focused long enough to stare into her eyes again. “Okay, now explain to me why you won’t let me do this simple task?”

“Because I’m not interested in anything you have to offer. So,” she waved her hands. “Shoo.” That was the truth. Aiyanna was in no way interested in being his bed warmer for the night. She’d had enough of that. He’d probably fuck her long and good. Fuck her until she was sore and hoarse then send her on her way with a pat on the head and a slap on the ass after an explanation of why a long term relationship just wasn’t in the cards for him right now.

And once Aiyanna did the walk of shame, he’d call one of the size two barbies that he had on speed dial. Nope. Not even. She was tired of that. Being that she couldn’t fit into a dress with a single digit, Aiyanna wasn’t the standard of beauty. Her intelligence, her heart, her humor didn’t matter to men like this one; men who had to do no more than wave his hand at a woman and have her fall into his lap.

It was all about the chase. Why should he take a clear rejection from the woman who
to be desperate for some form of affection, right? Wrong! She wasn’t playing this game anymore, trying to conform to what others thought she should be just so
could face themselves in the morning after fucking someone who wasn’t rail thin and had a mind of her own; while she could barely wipe the fog off the mirror and look at herself after giving in.

Aiyanna had had her self-esteem and confidence diminished enough times to know what would come out of this. Big man wasn’t interested in
he was interested in adding another notch on his bedpost. If he thought
was happening tonight he could kiss her
ass and not in the way he wanted.

he started in a silky purr but she held her hand up to stop him.

“Look, I said
interested so take your request and tuck it into one of those inhumanly sized pockets of yours. Now move outta my way or get knocked on your ass. Which one will it be?” A battle of wills commenced as they stared at one another again. Aiyanna kept her resolve hardened. This man would
get her panties. No, no, no.

Finally, he stepped to the side and waved a hand for her to pass. With a breath of relief, Aiyanna did just that and suddenly felt like lead had just dropped into her stomach the further away she got.


BOOK: A Rancher's Desire
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