A Question Of Size: Stacey's Story (The Right Fit Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: A Question Of Size: Stacey's Story (The Right Fit Series Book 1)
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“Don’t get it twisted Stace, you’re my wife because I fancy you. Don’t think I haven’t caught some of your friend’s husbands eyeing you up.” His voice now serious.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Whose husbands been eyeing me up?” I laughed, but there was no humour in Jeff’s face. The look he cast had me questioning him further. “Come on Jeff, give, which one of my friend’s partner have you seen giving me the eye?” I teased him.

“It doesn’t matter, we won’t be inviting him as a third anyway. Let’s just get back to the list; I’ll be heading out soon.”

Whoever this person was, just thinking about them seemed to change Jeff’s mood. He quickly jotted down a few more ideas. On leaving, he suggested I check online and not to forget Craigslist. Then he was gone.

Left alone, I began to clear the breakfast things. My mind constantly went back to what Jeff had said about one of my friend’s husband fancying me. I had no clue who it could be. I’ve never known any of my friend’s partners to be anything but courteous. None of them had ever shown the slightest interest in getting off with me. Jeff had to be wrong. Those thoughts running through my head gave me a headache.

By midday, I gave up trying to work out who the elusive man was and sat down to look at Jeff’s list. Surprise, surprise the first name listed there is his gym friend Kenzo Mathews. Well I hope Jeff’s friend it attractive.

Damn it’s only just dawned on me, what if I don’t think they’re good enough. ”Shit!” I really need to get my head in the game. Oh well, it’s too late now. I’ll just have to text Jeff and remind him I have a say in this too. If I don’t like him, I’m not going through with it.

I continued to go down the list. He’d listed a couple of wine bars and a nightclub over in the other part of town. Also on the list was the name of a swinger’s bar I’d heard Jackie mention. How did Jeff know about this place? Thinking about it, he may have found out about it the same way I did through a friend. I picked up the pad and went to the study to do some research.

 “Google, here I came,” I chuckled to myself.

With the thought that I’d add to the current list in my hand—I imagined I could be spending the next few weeks sprawled out on my back. My chuckle turned into a full-blown belly laugh. I slapped my hand across my mouth as though someone else was in the house. I took control of myself and switched on the laptop, wiping the tears of laughter from my cheeks. This was serious business and I needed to treat it that way.

I suppose it was just my nerves.


The chime on the phone woke me. How long had I been asleep? My gaze landed on the clock. It was four thirty in the afternoon. “Shit.” I rose from the sofa and headed for the phone.


“Hi honey, I was about to put the phone down and try your mobile is everything alright?”

It was Jeff.

“Yes, everything’s fine, why are you calling me? Shouldn’t you be making your way to the gym?”

 “Yeah but I wanted to check in with you first. I was thinking of inviting my friend over for dinner tonight so you two could meet.” There was no denying the excitement in his voice Jeff had already made up his mind who he wanted to be the first to be our third. I could see no reason to argue with him. Didn’t this kill two birds with one stone? I get to see if I like him and vice-versa.

“Sure. I can add another helping to dinner tonight. Do you have any idea what you’d like?”

“Lord no, babe, that’s your department and I’ve learnt the hard way to leave those decisions up to you. We’ll be there around seven-thirty. I’m taking him for a drink first. Will that give you enough time to prepare?”

“Prepare for what? You’re not expecting us to do it straight after dinner, are you? What if he doesn’t like me?” I felt my panic charge to the surface.

“Are you crazy, if he has a pulse, he’ll like you?”

“Well then, what if I don’t like him?” I snapped, Jeff just wasn’t getting it. It was too soon for me.

“Look, babe, if you don’t like him or you don’t want to go through with it, you don’t have to. I’m not about upsetting you. I wasn’t planning for it to happen tonight. I just wanted you to meet him and then make up your mind,” Jeff said.

His enthusiasm ebbed and no longer rang in my ear. He sounded dejected, if I was being honest.

I felt guilty.

“Sorry, Jeff, I just panicked. I was asleep when you called and woke feeling fretful. I’ll be fine. I’m looking forward to meeting your friend.”

“Okay, love, I’ll arrange everything my end, and Stace… I know you’re going to like him. See you tonight, love.” Jeff was gone, but not before I heard the eagerness creep back into his cheery farewell.


Chapter Eight

I stared at my refection in the mirror. I liked my new look and felt passable. I was still in awe of the courage it took for me to step out of my comfort zone. To leave myself open to what could have been the disaster of the century. I turned to admire the simple yet elegant figure hugging designer dress I’d chosen. I needed to make Jeff proud. My mission was to ensure Jeff’s friend liked me even if I didn’t like him. Dressing to impress for my grand seduction. I smiled at the thought.

The dress was the sister to the black number from the night before. Made of jersey, grey in colour, long sleeved and knee length. It had a high neck, squared off front and scooped back down to my coccyx. Underwear under the dress was a big, fat no-no. I grabbed my hair and pulled it up off my shoulders then turned sideways, left then right. Admiring the perkiness of my breasts and fullness of my bottom, accentuated by the dress.

I felt and looked hot.

I glanced over at the clock—ten minutes past seven. I decided to leave my hair down the way Jeff liked it. Coupled with the fact I didn’t have much time before they arrived.

I still had vegetables to steam.

One last look and lipstick refreshed, I went back to the kitchen.


The table was set and dinner was ready. It was seven thirty. I heard Jeff’s key in the lock. My heart was racing, palms sweaty and my mouth went dry. I moved with speed to the sink and got a glass of water. Gulping it down so fast the water spilled over the rim and down my chin. “Shit.” I grabbed a tea towel and dabbed the side of my mouth just as Jeff pushed the door to the kitchen.

“Mmmm… Something smells good, what are we having, love?” he asked, kissing my lips. Glancing over his head, the first thought that rushed to mind was Oriental spice. As I looked at the tall, tanned athletic man standing behind my husband, I was glad I’d made the effort. Boy, he was fucking gorgeous. I struggled to keep my mouth from falling open and my eyes from springing out my head like a cartoon character as I ogled him.

Chanting in my mind,
must be discreet, must be discreet.
Jeff had chosen well. I couldn’t have picked a better looking man out of a line-up.

Holding my hand Jeff drew me over to his friend. “Kenzo Mathews, this is my wife Stacey.”

Kenzo looked at me like a man who hadn’t eaten for days. Lust oozed from him as he took my outstretched hand and brought it to his lips.

“How do you do?” I asked. I felt stupid for asking such an obvious question, this man was ‘fine,’ in more ways than one.

I turned to Jeff. “You’ve changed out of your gym things. Why?”

“I showered at the gym. I didn’t want everyone waiting for dinner,” Jeff said.

“Okay, well dinner’s almost ready. Why don’t you and Kenzo have a seat in the lounge and I’ll bring you both a drink. What would you like, Kenzo?”

“I’d welcome a Southern Comfort if it’s not too much trouble.” His smile was so engaging—sending a fluttery sensation through me. It began in my stomach then seemed to travel north and south to the rest of my body in unison. I had to look away, fearing Jeff would see my eagerness to get this show on the road tonight.

I didn’t have any more knockout outfits and was damned if I was shopping for a new wardrobe after spending a small fortune on the two nice dresses I had. As I moved to fetch the drinks, I couldn’t stop my gaze from landing on Kenzo’s crotch. He wore jogging bottoms and his package looked impressive.

I poured the drinks and returned to the men, handing each of them a glass. I didn’t need to ask Jeff what he wanted. He always drank malt whiskey, neat. I invited them to take a seat at the table while I served up dinner. We were using our dining room and not the table in the kitchen where Jeff and I normally had our evening meal.

I was deep in thought as I busied myself, designing my plates for maximum effect. I arranged the braised lamb in mint sauce I’d made, with rice shaped as a cone and seasoned vegetables on the plates. Then loaded them onto the hostess trolley with the basil salmon terrine starter, and the crystal bowl of sherry trifle. I almost jumped out my skin when I felt the warm hand pressed in the small of my back.

“What the FU… Jeff, you frightened me.”

“Sorry, love, I was just too excited to wait until after dinner. What do you think of Kenzo, is he the right fit?”

“He’s alright, I suppose,” I said. My mind screamed
are you fucking kidding me?! He’s sex on legs. I wanna lick him like a lollipop. I can’t wait to spread my legs.
Instead, I said, “He’s very tall.”

“Good because, I was thinking… if you’re agreeable, we could do it tonight.” Jeff took my hand. “He likes you; it was his suggestion not to wait. To be honest, love, I don’t want to wait either, but like I said this morning, it’s your call.”

I stared open-mouthed at Jeff. Shutting my legs together as the dampness increased between my thighs at the proposition placed before me. Fuck yes! I wanna do it now, but Jeff’s my husband. I don’t want to appear too eager to cheat on him right under his nose. I had to style it out.

“Are you sure this is what you want Jeff. It’s a little, emm… out there. Will you be able to handle it?”

“I don’t know, but I want to find out. My dick gets hard every time I think about it. We’ll have to see. If I can’t handle it, we won’t do it again. So maybe the sooner we get it over and done with, the quicker we’ll know.”

“Okay, if you’re sure,” I said with just enough doubt in my voice. “We better get dinner over with first. This hostess trolley is good, but it’s not magic so we better get going before the hot food gets cold and the cold food starts melting.”

“You go through love. I’ll just grab us a few bottles of wine.”


The starter was eaten in silence, which was alright by me. It gave me time to get a good look at Kenzo. He was not your typical oriental gentlemen. He had to be almost six five in height. With hazel eyes the light brown kind with flecks of green. His chiseled features were European looking. Such a strange combination, but it worked for him. His big hands and long fingers were a little intimidating.

Two glasses of wine later, I had to know. “Kenzo, where are you from?”

“I was born in the UK. But I know that not what you’re asking,” he said with a smile that had me weak. “My mother is Korean and my father is Irish American.” Staring deep into my eyes, he continued. “I’m always asked the question, my height and eye colour have people curious to know my background. Interestingly enough, Jeff’s the only person who’s never asked me.”

A proud smile rushed to Jeff’s lips as he patted Kenzo on the arm.

“I didn’t ask, because it didn’t occur to me. To be honest Kenzo, I never really thought about it.”

“And that’s why we’re friends, Jeff. Your lack of interest in my origin, told me ethnicity wasn’t important in our friendship.” Kenzo smiled at Jeff, it felt like the beginning of some kind of bro-mance between them. I’m not sure I liked it. Kenzo kept talking, his gaze turned on me. “Your husband is not like the other guys I meet at the gym. He doesn’t judge, nor does he get involved with some of the sordid banter that goes on in the changing rooms. He a straight up guy.” He winked at me then turned back to Jeff. “You, man, are one lucky son of a bitch. Your wife is beautiful and she can cook. Now tell me where I can pick me up someone like her?” Staring straight at me, his gaze serious. “Do you have any sisters?” His question was so unexpected, we all laughed

Four bottles of wine later I pushed the hostess trolley into the kitchen. Jeff and Kenzo, with a glass of spirits each, went into the living room. I joined them there after loading the dishwasher.

“Arr… good, Stace, you can keep Kenzo company while I run upstairs to get something,” he said, squeezing my hand and kissing my cheek before he left the room.

Kenzo walked over to me. His gigantic frame cast a formidable shadow over me. I’m not a tall woman. At five foot three, I vanished in his presence. He reached his hand out and touched my hair.

“You have beautiful hair,” he said, running his hand down my cheek. My legs felt weak. My knees almost buckled. “You know why Jeff left us alone together?” Before I could answer, he continued, “He wanted to give us time alone. See if we’re compatible so to speak and to spare your blushes.” He seemed to force the chuckle from his lips. “If you were my wife, I could never share. Let alone watch another make love to you.” his hand returned to my hair, his voice so low I struggled to hear what he was saying.

Rendered mute, I was unable to respond to the things he’d said. I wanted to defend Jeff. I opened my mouth to protest, and inform him Jeff was doing this for me. But he took my open mouth as an invite. A groan escaped as he lowered his lips to mine. I felt the warmth of his breath, smelt the alcohol before his lips reached mine.

I swooned and he caught me, picked me up, and carried me to the sofa. He placed me on his lap. His tool pressed against me through the fabric of the dress covering my bare arse. He nestled it between my butt cheeks. I wondered if he felt my arousal, the heat emanated out of my sex. It felt hot and damp to me. My body tensed.

“Relax Stace… can I call you Stace?” Staring into his eyes, I nodded. “I’ll be gentle. It will be as if it was your first time.” he laughed. “Well, it’s sort of like your first time. With me, that is.”

Before I could answer, Kenzo’s lips found mine. He kiss, deep and satisfying. The thumping in my chest, unbearable. Wandering hands found my breast, and the gap at the back of my dress. His hand slid a slow trail down my spine to the bottom of my dress. I trembled to his touch. He raised my butt and slipped his hand in farther. Running a finger down the crack of my arse. Sending heat waves through me.

BOOK: A Question Of Size: Stacey's Story (The Right Fit Series Book 1)
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