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Authors: Temari James

A Question of Marriage (2 page)

BOOK: A Question of Marriage
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“I was only defe
nding myself,” Jordan reasoned. “Besides he provoked me.”

“It doesn’t matter who was provoked
, the point is, you fought,” his father said briskly. “First it was the fiasco in Central Park we had to clean up, now this fight. Cain and Associates is a well-respected law firm, the clients we serve want to know there’s someone solid and reliable handling their affairs and from what we’re seeing, you’re not that man. Our clients don’t appreciate being ambushed by the press and questioned about your exploits. They guard their privacy and expect the utmost discretion from us. This reckless behavior has to stop.”

He expected a confrontation not a full on assault.

“I don’t know what you expect me to do? Those things have already happened, it isn’t as though I can take it all back.”

True,” His father agreed. “Jordan you’re and not a kid anymore you need to stop this nonsense and start acting like an adult, which is why you’re here. Your grandfather and I have come up with a solution.”

Jordan didn’t like the direction th
is conversation was taking. Sure, he liked to be seen around town in the company of beautiful women, after all he was a red-blooded male. He worked damned hard in his position as managing director of the firm, why should he begrudge himself a little fun?

“I’m afraid to ask, what is it?”

“You could think about settling down, finding a wife and starting a family.”

“You’re kidding right? How am I supposed to do that e
specially since I’m not seeing anyone? Do you expect me to walk up to some women and say, hi, I need a wife wanna get married?”

be an ass,” his father retorted. “I happen to know Walter Ashmore’s daughter is interested in you, I’m sure she’d be more than happy to marry you.”

Not this shit again.
Allison Ashmore was “clingy” when it came to relationships; he sure as hell didn’t need that kind of women in his life.

“Yeah right,” Jordan scoffed. “Like that’s ever going to happen.”

“Then I advise you to come up with someone, otherwise you’ll end up losing more than you’re willing to.”

Jordan stiffened. “Meaning what?”

“Meaning not only will you be replaced as managing director of this firm, you’ll be disinherited.”

haken to the core, Jordan stared at his father, the color draining from his face, blood drumming in his ears.

“Are we clear on what you need to do?”

“Crystal.” Jordan said through clenched teeth

“You have ninety days
,” his father informed him, returning his attention back to the papers on his desk.

“This meeting is over
, think about what we’ve talked about.”

Shit, Jordan thought to himself as he headed back to his office, if his future depended on him
finding a wife, then a wife he would have and he knew just the person.




The city was coated with a heavy downpour most of the day, Payton had been inundated with meetings and problem solving most of the day, and she was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to go home and soak in a nice warm bath and have a glass of wine. When Jordan called, asking her to meet him at a local restaurant that it was important, she wanted to refuse but curiosity overruled her better judgment, so she agreed.

Bellini’s was an Italian restaurant on the edge of town. Jordan was waiting in the foyer when she arrived. The hostess greeted them
, then led them to a secluded part of the restaurant and left them with menus.

“Thanks for coming
. I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked you to meet me here.”

“The thought had
crossed my mind,” Payton admitted. “Why don’t you tell me?”

“I had a meeting the other day with my father and my grand
father was present. Needless to say, it wasn’t what I expected.”

“What happened?”

“They’re upset about me being back in the tabloids.”

“Are you surprised? Did you think this whole mess would just disappear without anyone noticing?”

The waiter arrived interrupting their conversation, filling their glasses with water then taking their meal orders, once he’d gone, they resumed their conversation.

y, I don’t know what I expected,” he admitted, then picked up his glass of water taking a sip.

“I warned you this would happen if you kept carrying on the way you have. I heard you broke Edgar’s nose
, is that true?”

Jordan shrugged. “I guess, anyway the prick deserved it.”

“What did your father say?”

“He b
asically issued me an ultimatum get married or lose everything.”

that’s kind of harsh, isn’t it?”

“Not to him
it isn’t, apparently he thinks it’s the perfect solution.”

“I see, so who’s the lucky girl?”

“I was thinking you and I could get married.”

Payton stared at Jordan as if all his marbles had fallen to the floor.

“Are you insane? We cannot get married.”

“Why not, we have a lot in common
. I think a marriage between us would work?”

Payton rolled her eyes. “That’s desperation talking.”

“Look Payton bottom line is you’re the only one I can trust to help me.”

“You mean I’m the only one that isn’t after your money.”

“There’s that and the fact that we’ve been friends for a long time, you know me better than anyone.”

Leaning back in her chair Payton stared at Jordan for a moment, he was actually serious about carrying out this absurd plan.

“Jordan you’re a brilliant attorney. As far as marriage material you’re not. You remind me of a carnival ride. Every woman has ridden you and there’s still some waiting in line for their opportunity.”

ha, very funny,” he gave her a dirty look. “I’m glad you think so highly of me.”

Payton shrugged. “Just being honest,”

Jordan leaned forward, placing his hands on the table. “Just think of it as a business arrangement, you help me and I help you.”

Payton crinkled her brow in confusion. “What do you

“If I recall you mentioned
something a while back about wanting to start your own magazine, I can provide the capital you need to do it.”

Payton’s eyes narrowed. “How could you use my dreams as a bribe to get me to help you?”

“It was the only thing I could think of. My entire future is in jeopardy.”

“Whose fault is that?
You were the one who chose to let his dick rule his head, that’s why you’re in this mess. No one held a gun to your head and made you make the decisions you have, then you have the audacity to use my dreams as leverage to get me to agree to this insane plan, how could you?”

He could always count on Payton to cut him down to size with her
honesty. She definitely didn’t pull any punches where he was concerned. He couldn’t pour on the charm and make her fall in a puddle at his feet, like most women he knew, which was why she was the perfect choice.

“I’m sorry, y
ou’re right no one is responsible for my actions but me. I was wrong.”

“You damn right you were wrong.”

Jordan leaned back in his chair. “Will you at least think about it?”

“I don’t know Jordan, I mean marriage? That’s a pretty big
step this plan could backfire on you.”

It’s a chance I’ll have to take I don’t really have a choice.”

“Alright,” Payton sighed. “Give me a week to think about it
, then I’ll get back to you.”

When their meals arrived
, their conversation shifted to an easier topic. Payton couldn’t believe she was actually considering helping him. She was either insane or crazy in love either way she was in big trouble.

Chapter 3



The City Limits was the newest night spot catering to the twenty and thirty something crowd.

It also boasted of having the best cocktails in town. Payton and her two best friends
, Mavis Tucker and Andrea Yates, sat at a table illuminated by candles in a glass bowl. The club’s décor was a mixture of hippy-chic and modern nuances that made it appealing to its intended crowd.

Andrea, how was your date?” Mavis asked, picking up her dirty martini and taking a sip.

“The worst,”
Andrea replied over the music playing overhead. “Remember the guy I met on line

a couple of months ago, the investment banker?”

“Didn’t you show us his picture?” Payton asked. “I thought he looked nice.”

“Oh, he was ni
ce alright,” Andrea assured her. “Right up until the moment he tried to grope me,”

“He tried to grope you? What did you do?”

“After rebuffing his advances in the restaurant hadn’t worked on the way home I grabbed a handful of his balls.”

Payton laughed “
I bet that put the kibosh on that. So what happened next?”

“On the way home I made the driver stop long enough to push him into t
he street. Then I had him take me home.” Andrea waved her hand, shooing away the memory of her bad date. “From now on, no more internet dates. I’m going to meet men the old fashioned way, in clubs like everyone else.”

Of the three of them Andrea was the most hopeful
when it came to finding love. A hopeless romantic, the petite blonde vowed she’d be married by the time she turned thirty-four she had two years left.

“I’m not sure looking for your future spouse
in clubs is such a good idea,” Mavis pointed out. “Maybe for a one night stand but for a husband, I don’t think so.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Andrea conceded. “What about you Payton, ever think about finding your one true love?”

“I haven’t given it much thought,” Payton responded as an image of Jordan flashed in her mind.

“I never think about those things,” Mavis told them, “I’m way too busy enjoying the life I have
, without messing it up, bringing a man into the mix.”

“Since when
did you become so cynical?” Payton wondered. “I thought you wanted that happily ever after.”

Mavis snorted. “You’re mistaking me for that on
e over there.” She pointed at Andrea.

a frowned. “Hey! What’s wrong with wanting a husband and family?”

Mavis retorted.

Andrea shot her a disapproving glare. “I bet before long you’ll find the man of your dreams and fall hopelessly in love.”

“Highly doubtful,” Mavis shot back then raised her hand signaling the waiter for a refill.

While she listened to her friends talk Payton’s thoughts went back
to the situation with Jordan, tomorrow she would give him her decision, the fact that she’d made up her mind to help him, knowing they were basically using one another as a means to an end. He needed a wife and she wanted her own magazine, but in the grand scheme of things, it didn’t make her feel any better about what she was about to do.




As she rode the elevator up to Jordan’s penthouse apartment, Payton was a bundle of nerves, butterflies fluttered around in her stomach. When the door slid open she stepped off the elevator walked up to the door took a deep breath and rang the bell. A few minutes later the door opened revealing a bare-chested Jordan, dressed only in faded jeans, his hair was damp and a white towel was draped around his shoulders. Her eyes followed a drop of water rolling over his well sculpted chest and abs until it disappeared past the waistband of his jeans she realized she was gawking when he cleared his throat.

“Come in.

tepping aside, he let her in then shut the door. “Give me a few minutes I just got out of the shower, be back in a second.”

While she waited, Payton surveyed the interior of his apartment with a mixture of surprise and awe. The living room was spacious and airy; there were floor to ceiling windows, the walls were painted
a cream color. There was a black marble fireplace against one wall and a black lacquer entertainment center stood against another. The furnishings were beige and brown, colorful paintings hung on the wall, a burgundy and beige Persian rug lay underneath a smoky glass table on top of a highly shined parquet floor and various plants sitting in different corners of the room. This did not resemble a normal bachelor’s apartment. No leather furniture or animal print rugs to be found, this was a place she felt comfortable being.

“Have you made a deci
sion?” Jordan asked, as he walked back into the room pulling down a black t-shirt.

BOOK: A Question of Marriage
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