A Promise of Forever (36 page)

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Authors: M. E. Brady

BOOK: A Promise of Forever
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“If it’s important, maybe I should put on some clothes,” she teased lovingly. Her matter-of-fact attitude bothered him.

“I don’t give a damn about the way you’re dressed.
I want to know why you didn’t tell me about your visit to the doctor.
More to the point, is this baby really mine?” he asked.

She was vaguely conscious of the fact that she had raised her hand to strike him, until she heard the echo of the slap and saw the imprint of her hand on his face.
He pulled her body to him and kissed her and to lay claim to what was his.
His hands dropped to untie the robe and he let it fall to the floor.
He kissed her and then ran his fingers lightly over her erect nipples, which were begging to be stroked.
His touch again, setting her body on fire.
They both needed this more than anything right now.

She yanked him free of his shirt and opened his pants without faltering. They were both tearing at his clothes now, out of sheer desperation.
He was lifting her breasts in his hands, tasting and sucking them until neither he nor she could take anymore.
They never made it to the bed; instead he was desperate as he lifted her off the floor and lowered her body onto his, limiting the amount of foreplay.
They were kissing each other and crying out their undying love for one another. “I love you, Katelyn.
I wish I didn’t, but I do,” he said.

Did she hear him correctly?
Did he say he loved me?
Or did she so desperately want to hear the words that she heard.
“What did you say?” she asked as he held her above him with their eyes locked on each other.
It was time for the truth and if it hurt she needed to hear it.

“I love you.
I always have.
When I left to go back to Italy, seven years ago, it wasn’t because I wanted to.
I left because I thought you needed time to find yourself.
It wasn’t fair of me to take your youth from you.
You were barely a woman; in one sense you were a woman because I made you one.
I had always planned to come back.
I didn’t want to be in the same country while you dated other men.
I could never stand it, especially if I had to watch,” he added, telling her what would have happened obviously.
He couldn’t control his jealousy when it came to her.

“Do you mean to tell me that you returned to Italy because of me?
You had every intention of coming back?
Why?” she asked.
All this time he had been in love with me and somehow I had never believed it possible.
Was he saying all this for their unborn child?

“Katelyn, I love you.
I love you more than anything in my life.
I just proved how hopelessly in love I am.
My first reaction to the nurse telling me you are pregnant was, please let it be mine.
Now, I don’t care if this child is ours or not; we’ll raise it as our own.
I will love this child because it’s a part of you; I can’t lose you again,” he said, placing his hand on her belly.

She touched his shoulder and she could feel the muscles as they tightened.
There were no words to describe the feelings of relief and happiness she felt at this moment.
“Gianfranco, we are such fools; there were so many things we should have talked about before now.
This baby is yours.
This child was conceived out of love.
I love you too.
I’ve always loved you.
You’re our baby’s father, without question, because you’re the only man I’ve ever made love to.
There’s never been anyone else,” she stated with great conviction.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the expression of love and shock on his face was genuine, tears of joy running down his face.
“You waited all these years for me?
What about Brody and Adam?” he asked shocked.

He lifted her from his body and wrapped her gently in his arms.
Nothing could spoil this moment for them.
He stood with her in his arms, finally at peace with himself.
She is really mine.

“I never loved Adam.
He was just a friend,” she said as she leaned back against his naked body.

“I can’t believe I almost lost you because of my stupidity,” he said.
Suddenly he remembered the ring.
He reached over to his jacket and pulled out the chain that held the wooden ring on it.
“I got this from Jenny.
I should have told you the significance of it years ago.
When I gave you this ring, I made a silent promise to love you forever.
Jake and Kevin have the same rings.
When the woman on the reservation gave them to us, she told us each to choose the woman we gave the ring to very carefully because we would be bound to her forever.”
Gianfranco held her tightly and she could feel her body responding to him again.
“I have to tell you, I thought I was cursed forever.
I love you,” he said again and again because he loved the sound of it.

They both spent the next few hours rekindling lost love.
Finally, it was time to tell Katelyn why he had brought her to Italy in the first place.
“I want you to understand everything before we go on.
When I decided to bring you here, it was with selfish motives in mind. I was convinced that if I got you here, I could make you fall in love with me.
I believed that, with the right amount of time and lovemaking, I could wipe Brody and Adam from your mind.”

“Brody is in love with Eleanor.
They were married once and I never had feelings for him, other than friendship.
I wanted to tell you about Jenny so many times.
Every time I had a hard time with her or things got tough financially, I would reach for the phone and then hang up.
I didn’t want to have to force her on you,” her voice was cracking as she confessed what was in her heart.

Gianfranco pressed his hand to her abdomen and asked her jokingly, “When is our son due?”

“I’m sure this child was conceived the very first time we made love in Montana.
The night you galloping into the woods to save my life,” she teased as she kissed him.
He kissed her back and wondered if he could ever get enough of her.
“Does this mean you’re going to sleep with me tonight, my husband?”

“I don’t know about sleeping but after today we’ll never be in separate beds again.
That is a promise, one I fully intend to keep.”

“Good because my husband has been neglecting his wife.”

Chapter Fifteen

“Jenny, I think it’s time to take Momma home to America.
The baby is coming and Momma wants to be near her doctor.
Wouldn’t you like your brother or sister to be born where you were born?” he asked his little girl, hoping she would agree.

“I guess but I do like it here.
Maybe we can come back here when the baby gets older?
Do you think we’re going to have a girl baby or a boy baby Daddy?” she asked as she kissed her father on the cheek.
“I think it’s going to be a boy baby.
Our baby can play with Uncle Kevin’s baby.
They could be best friends Daddy; like you and Uncle Kevin,” she added giggling.

“I’m not sure what God has planned for us, Jenny, but I want you to know that whatever we have, you’re still my baby girl and I love you,” he said as she hugged his neck even harder.

Maggie and Katelyn stood nearby watching the exchange as father and daughter discussed the pros and cons of moving back home again.
Katelyn wondered if Gianfranco would reconsider the move if his daughter insisted they stay.
She has her father wrapped around her little finger.
Katelyn was showing now and the trip would be less traumatic for the baby if they left sooner rather than later.
Everyone was thrilled to hear the news that they were coming home; Jake was the only one who understood what the trip home meant.

Jake was at the airport waiting when they arrived.
He was more than happy to have Gianfranco resume control of the magazine.
It was time for him to move on.
He had stayed at the magazine longer than he’d intended.
Maybe it was his Indian blood but he hated being cooped up in an office, staying in one place for too long.
He was rich but only because he was a great investor.
Being independently wealthy gave him the opportunity to move around and do whatever he fancied.

“Jake, thank you again for all you’ve done for us.
If there’s anything we can do for you…” Gianfranco didn’t get to finish his sentence because the tall, dark man that stood before him finished his thoughts for him.

“I’m glad everything worked out for you both.
Maybe in a couple of months when I start the camp up again, I’ll call in that favor.
I was thinking of expanding to include more kids and I thought that if you did an article on the camp that maybe I could reach out to more reservations.
That will be payment enough,” he said.

“Then there’s nothing more to say, consider it done.
When you’re ready, give me a call and I’ll assign my second best because the first is going to be busy,” he teased her, pulling Katelyn into his arms. “Did we tell you baby number two is on the way?”

Jake grinned from ear to ear as he gazed at Katelyn’s growing belly.
“Only about one hundred times, my friend,” he said.

“I’m going to be a big sister, Uncle Jake.
I hope my brother isn’t bad though.
Momma said I could hold the baby too.
Maybe you can too?” Jenny asked with the wonder of a child.

The months that followed went by so fast that Katelyn barely had time to breathe.
The penthouse was more like a home now and since Gianfranco had given his daughter free reign there were toys everywhere.
He was pleased with the home Katelyn had made for them.
He was beginning to think she enjoyed being home with Jenny and he wondered if she would insist on going back to work after the baby came.
He wouldn’t stop her but he was hoping she would stay home with their kids.

Katelyn hadn’t mentioned it to Gianfranco yet but she decided that she was perfectly happy at home.
She knew he wouldn’t mind at all; they had more money than they could spend in a lifetime.
She picked up the picture of Amanda Catherine Donavan, her newborn niece and smiled.
She had just received the picture in today’s mail and was tickled pink to see how much she resembled her grandmother.
Kevin and Sylvia were so happy to have a child.
She was their gift from heaven.

It was at that moment that the baby chose to kick abruptly and Katelyn was reminded that her time was growing nearer.
If the doctors were correct, she would have another baby in three weeks’ time.
The noise of the helicopter overhead brought Katelyn’s attention to the window.
She watched with interest as the helicopter circled and then flew away.
It was a strange fascination she had; she hoped that one day she would get to learn to fly a helicopter but didn’t think she would ever have the opportunity.

“You look as though you’re a million miles away,” Gianfranco said as he wrapped his wife in his arms.
For him every day that passed was better than the previous.
There was nothing he could want more out of life than what he already had.
He adored his wife and daughter and was excited about their other child on the way.
He was looking forward to being there this time, from the beginning.
He placed his hand over her stomach where his child lay cocooned.
Katelyn was more beautiful and alluring now than before but he knew she would be even more beautiful after the baby was born.

He found it difficult to bring up the subject of her career but they needed to talk about it.
He didn’t want her to return to work and he hoped she wouldn’t want to either.
She surprised him with a strange look in her eyes as he watched her stare at the sky above them.
His private helicopter was circling above after dropping him off and she looked at it in awe.
“You’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?” he asked.

He might give in to her every wish but this would never happen.
Katelyn had a way of wanting things that most women never dreamed of.
That was why he loved her.
She was so different than the women who passed through his life.

“I know it’s crazy, I’ve always wanted to learn to fly.
Do you think that after the baby comes, I could take lessons?” she asked, glancing up at the helicopter.

She did it again.
Every time it seemed as though they were having a normal quiet life, Katelyn sprung something insane on him.
He had thought their first fight since the baby blowout would be about returning to work too soon.
He certainly never expected this.
He was selfish and greedy and was afraid she would get hurt.
“Flying lessons, are you crazy?
When did this idea spring into your head?” he asked.

“I’ve always wanted to fly; I just couldn’t afford it.
I promised myself that if I were ever in a position to afford it, I would learn.”
She felt an odd sense of anxiety as his expression changed.
“You see, I thought that since I wouldn’t be returning to work, I would need a hobby.
It would be something that I could do for myself.
We can certainly afford it,” she added with a childlike smile.

“You don’t want to return to work?” he asked.
This was more than he could have hoped for.
There would be no arguments and it was her idea.
But flying lessons could be dangerous.
“For the first time, I curse my money.
Flying a helicopter could be dangerous for you,” he stated briefly.

“I thought you would support the idea,” she added stubbornly.

“Katelyn…” He stopped her mid-sentence and kissed her to keep her from speaking another word.
“Of course, I want to support anything you want to do, but flying lessons… I’m not saying no and I’m not saying yes either.
I need to see how dangerous it is first.
If it’s relatively safe, I’ll agree but if it isn’t, Katelyn, I can’t go along with it.
I didn’t wait all these years to lose you now,” he said leaning toward her so that she could feel what she did to him.
“Is that a hint?”

“Only if you want me…”
Gianfranco knew they were alone for another hour or so and he knew just how he wanted to spend that hour.
Lovemaking was getting tricky but nothing he couldn’t handle.
His wife still had it.
He found her irresistible even now.


Gianfranco decided to surprise Katelyn so he asked Jake to help him to set up the flying lessons.
Jake was more than happy to help Gianfranco arrange for the lessons.
He had a friend who gave lessons from a small airport upstate; he would be happy to provide the services.
Gianfranco couldn’t think of a better gift to give her after the birth of their child.
He would wait until after the birth to tell her because if she was told any sooner, pregnant or not, she’d be driving him crazy.

“The baby is due soon, isn’t it?” his secretary asked him.

“Yes and it can’t come soon enough,” he said pulling a file from the cabinet.
The closer Katelyn’s delivery date came, the more useless he was becoming on the job.
He had to try not to let it bother him but he knew she was growing more tired and more uncomfortable with each passing day.
This morning when he left, she was trying, without success, to cope with back pain that wouldn’t go away.
When he suggested he stay home with her, she sent him away.

Maggie’s voice on the phone quickly sent him into a panic.
“Katelyn was having so much back pain that the doctor had her go straight to the hospital.
She asked that you meet her there.
Don’t worry about Jenny.
I will take of her and Rosa has gone to the hospital with Katelyn.
Good Luck son.” Maggie added lovingly.

As calm and collected as he usually was, this was one of those situations where he was glad he had a chauffeur.
He didn’t think he’d be able to find the hospital by himself.
On the way there, he convinced himself that he was the cause of the back pain she was suffering.
After all, wasn’t his idea that lovemaking might help bring on delivery.

He arrived at the hospital and was ushered into a birthing room where Katelyn was already practicing her breathing techniques.
He entered the room, dressed in the hospital’s finest and at first she didn’t realize who it was until those ebony eyes met with her own.
“I’m glad you could make it.
I didn’t think I could hold out much longer.
Are you ready?” she asked after he kissed her softly on the lips.

One hour after his father’s arrival to the hospital, Kevin Quinn Broccolini was born.
Jenny picked the names herself.
She wanted her brother to be named after her two favorite uncles.
Kevin and Jake, whose real name was Quinn.
No one knew that Quinn was his real name; that came as a shock to everyone when Jenny announced it to them.
It was a secret he shared with Jenny.
Kevin was thrilled and honored that they named the baby after him.
Gianfranco was happy to bestow the honor on the two men who took care of his wife and daughter when he couldn’t be there for them.

Katelyn held Kevin in her arms and smiled down at the face of her son.
He was dark like his father, with his jet black hair but his eyes were a deep blue like those of his grandfather, her dad.
She was so happy and certain her parents were happy too, knowing that her and her new family had found such joy.

Gianfranco pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to her as he took their newest child from her arms.
As she opened it, she couldn’t believe her eyes, directions to the location of her first lessons.
She was beside herself.
He couldn’t have given her anything more special than this because she knew how hard this was for him.

Gianfranco was happy with his family and, if he could just get past the baby’s christening, he knew he would make it through anything.
He wanted his wife so badly that it hurt.
He knew that the doctor would allow them to resume sex around the time of Kevin’s christening so he began counting the days.

“Katelyn, I’m so glad we could come.
I wouldn’t miss this for the world.
Brody wasn’t sure if Gianfranco would want him here but Gianfranco had already apologized up and down for misunderstanding your relationship with Brody.
They are downstairs now talking like old friends,” Eleanor said, pointing to the two men talking on the grounds below.
They had chosen to christen the baby in Southampton since the estate could house all their friends for a long weekend.

Katelyn took the baby from her breast and placed him in his crib.
Their son was beautiful and such a happy baby.
She covered him with a light blanket and turned her attention to her friend.
“I wanted all our closest friends to be here to share this day with us and that meant the two of you as well.
We might have started off rocky, when it comes to the men in our lives, but we’re good now.
I know Brody took the brunt of all the trouble from Gianfranco but I’m sure my husband is eating crow as we speak.
Gianfranco is normally not a jealous man but we were going through some stuff…”
Katelyn hugged Eleanor and led her to the window where they could watch the people gathering below.

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