A Knight for Nurse Hart (15 page)

BOOK: A Knight for Nurse Hart
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“Rusty has learned to trust me, and I'm hoping you will, too, when I ask for you to give me another chance.”

Hope lunged in her heart, but she held back. “I don't know if that's a good idea,” she began.

“Wait, please hear me out,” he interrupted. “You were right, my problems weren't about you. They were about me. I needed to learn to trust myself. To let myself love you. It's a long story, but my dad made me realize what an idiot I've been.”

His dad? The kernel of hope grew bigger.

“I love you, Raine. More than I can say. Every time I pushed you away, it was because I was holding back, protecting myself from being hurt. But I've been hurting since I walked away from you. And even if you send me away right now, I'm still going to love you.”

She wanted to believe him, she really did. “I love you,
too, Caleb. But sometimes love isn't enough. I don't think I can live with a man who constantly doubts me.”

Contrary to her words, his face brightened. “But that's just it. I trust both of us. All I'm asking right now is for a chance to prove it to you.”

Rusty nudged her hand, asking for attention. “You're not fighting fair,” she murmured, glancing between the dog and the man she loved, who managed to gang up on her.

“I'm fighting for my life, Raine,” he said, taking her comment seriously. “But I understand I've hurt you, even though I didn't mean to. So if you need time, that's fine, you can take all the time you need. But know that no matter what happens, I'll be waiting for you.”

His willingness to back off surprised her. And she realized she couldn't let him take all the blame. “Not everything was your fault, Caleb. I didn't always confide in you. Living with three older brothers taught me that I couldn't talk about everything that bothered me because they would make such a big deal out of every little thing. So I learned to suppress a lot of what I was thinking and feeling. I'm sure my tendency to hide my deepest feelings didn't help your ability to trust me.”

“Sweet of you to try to take the blame, Raine, but it's not your fault by a long shot. But if you're willing to give me a second chance, I won't argue.”

Wasn't this the third chance? Maybe, but who was counting? Not her. Not any more. She was lucky enough to have people in her life who loved her unconditionally. Wasn't it time she did the same? Didn't Caleb deserve her unconditional love?

“I am willing,” she said softly.

“You are?” He looked afraid to hope.

“Yes. Because I love you, too. I've been miserable without you. If you really think we can make this work, I'm more than willing to try again.”

“Thank God,” he murmured, reaching over to pull her into a warm embrace. “Things will be different this time, Raine. You'll see.”

“I know.” She lifted her eyes to his and he bent to capture her mouth in a searing kiss. Instantly she melted against him, longing for more.

“Wanna come to my place?” Caleb asked huskily, when she finally came up for air. “You could help Rusty get acquainted in his new home.”

“Sure, I'll come over for a bit. But don't worry, he's going to love his new home,” she assured him, giving the dog's silky ears a good rub.

“I don't want to rush you, Raine,” Caleb said in a low voice. “But my home can be your home too. Rusty and I will be waiting for you whenever you're ready.”

She went still. “Really? Just like that?”

He nodded, no sign of hesitation. “Just like that.”

Wow. She wasn't sure what to say. “I should probably tell you that the police caught the guy who assaulted me.”

“They did?” Caleb looked surprised. “That's good news, Raine. I'm happy for you.”

“I had to pick him out of a line-up,” she confessed. “I wanted you with me so badly, but it all worked out. He's going to stay in jail without bail until the DNA results are in.”

“I'm sorry I wasn't there for you,” Caleb said, pulling
her close for another hug. “I hope one day you'll be able to put all this behind you.”

“I will,” she said confidently. She couldn't help wondering if her relationship with Caleb hadn't somehow grown stronger through everything that had happened. If she hadn't changed, would the two of them be standing there right now? She doubted it. “I can face anything with you beside me.”

Caleb gave her another one-armed hug, the other hand firmly on Rusty's leash. “I feel the same way, Raine. As if I can conquer anything with you at my side. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.” Her smile shimmered straight from her heart as she tugged Rusty's leash from his hand. “Take us home, Caleb.”

His eyes lit up with hope and promise. “Yes. Let's go home.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6933-4


First North American Publication 2010

Copyright © 2010 by Laura Iding

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BOOK: A Knight for Nurse Hart
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