A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three (10 page)

BOOK: A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three
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She cupped his face in her hands, searched his eyes, her heart overflowing, her chest tight with emotion. “I love ye, Conall. I don’t know when it happened or how, but it did. And I swear I’ll not hurt ye.”

His gaze trailed over her face as if searching for the truth in her words. He brushed the hair from her eyes, and then kissed her, slowly, sweetly, as if they were the only two people in the world. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t spoken the words in return, not when she could read his emotions so easily in his touch, his kiss.

She lost herself in him, left to wonder how he could claim her heart in so little time, yet no longer able to imagine her life without him in it. What she felt, how he made her feel…it didn’t matter that they’d not known each other long.

When his kisses slowed, he still held her close, cradling her against him. “By the gods, Maggie…this isn’t what I expected or wanted.”

She pulled out of his arms, confused and starting to feel like a fool. She should have kept her mouth shut. “Well then, I’m sorry for putting ye in such an awkward position.”

“Och, love, that’s not what I meant.” He shook his head with a laugh and blocked her slap to the chest. “Bloody hell, woman, ye have a wee temper, don’t ye? I’m trying to tell ye that I hadn’t expected to fall in love with ye.”

Her heart hitched to hear him say he loved her, not quite believing it. “Are ye sure that’s what it is?”

He shrugged, his face blank. “Either that or it’s the airline food giving me indigestion.”

She burst out laughing as he pulled her into his arms, her heart ready to burst with happiness.

“I love ye, Maggie Brennan. Gods help me.”

Chapter Ten


After leaving the hotel for a bite to eat, Conall let Maggie show him around the city. Not that he hadn’t been to Dublin before, but this was
Dublin. Pubs that had been around hundreds of years, hole-in-the-wall eateries to sop up the drink between stops, and dingy used record shops. With luck, they’d still manage to crawl back to their hotel room-if they could find it.

Conall wandered behind Maggie as she dragged him into a music shop. Most of it was sectioned off to house used albums, with the remaining space used to display a wide variety of instruments, some new, most used. “Another one of yer hangouts?”

“Yeah…used to spend my paychecks here when I was in school. Could never resist. Wish I could play, but never had the patience to learn.” She flicked through a few albums, and threw him a sideways glance. “The guitar at your place-have you been playing long?”

He tensed at the mention of it. “Aye. Though I don’t play much anymore.” He really didn’t want to have to explain how he’d lost all desire to play during his troubles with Janet. And now? Playing it only reminded him of how happy he’d once been. Before he’d gotten his heart trounced on.

She grabbed his hand and looked up at him with a flirty pout. “Ye have to play for me once we get back. Please…”

He didn’t want to ruin the great evening they’d been having, but he wouldn’t make a promise he couldn’t keep, either. He let out a weary sigh. “Nae, love. I can’t.”

Her smile faded. “Oh…”

“Maggie, I’m sorry. It’s just…complicated. It has nothing to do with you, love.” He cupped her cheek and pulled her close for a kiss. “Can ye forgive me?”

He saw her struggle, but only for a minute more, a smile forcing its way to her lips. “There’s nothing to forgive. Ready for the next stop on our tour?”

By the gods, he was one lucky man. “That I am, love.”

With their arms wrapped around each other, they made their way to a pub Maggie used to frequent. And damn if that woman wasn’t going to drink him under the table. Sitting at the bar, Conall nursed his pint with Maggie tucked in at his side, this crowded pub just one of many Maggie had dragged him to.

“How do ye do it, lass? I must be getting old.” It’s not that they were necessarily having a lot to drink, but it’d been years since he had more than a pint or two.

“Ye can’t
go drinking with the lads in this industry. It’s bad enough I’m a woman, aye?” She ran a hand down his thigh while taking another pull of her pint.

“There’s nothing bad about it from where I’m standing.” He leaned over and nuzzled her, unable to stay away for long. She was so beautiful, so alive, it stole his breath.

He still couldn’t quite believe how things had turned out between them. He hadn’t expected to ever fall for anyone again, knowing the risks were too great and not worth the hassle. Instead he’d fallen harder and faster for Maggie than he could have ever imagined falling for anyone. She’d leave him shattered if she ever broke things off between them. And he didn’t think he’d ever recover.

He kissed her as if she alone could sustain him, his head dizzy with the feel of her in his arms, her sweet scent drawing him in. “Let’s head back, love.”

She nipped at his bottom lip and pulled him close, her arms wrapped around his waist. “Sounds perfect.”

“Little Maggie Brennan. Been a long time.”

Conall turned to find a man in his late twenties looking at the two of them, Maggie stiff in his arms. She straightened up and cocked her head. “Sean Flaherty.”

“Are ye not going to introduce me to your fella?” He flicked a look at Conall, but his gaze didn’t stray from Maggie long. It made Conall’s back go up.

“We were just leaving.” Maggie was already shrugging into her jacket and then grabbed Conall’s hand. “Are ye ready, love?”

“Aye.” Conall didn’t know how well Maggie and Sean knew each other. Nor did he know their history. However, it was clear she didn’t like the man, and he was happy to take his cue from her.

“Sorry to see ye go so soon, Maggie.”

But she was already heading through the crowd, not bothering to look back at Sean or acknowledge him further. By the time they made it out onto the street, her pace was brisk and she was in one hell of a mood.

“Maggie…” She slowed a bit, turning to face him. Conall didn’t want to pry, but if Sean was trouble, he’d like to know. “Do ye want to tell me what that was about?”

“No. Not really.” She continued down the road when Conall slowed to a stop, forcing her to do the same, their hands still linked.

“We’re together now, aye?” He brushed her cheek. “And I’m not trying to pry-yer business is still yer own. But Maggie…I don’t like to be left in the dark, especially if someone’s been giving ye a hard time.”

“It’s nothing, love. I swear.” Though she cupped his cheek and kissed him, her lips lingering on his, there was a tension in her body that had yet to ease-and that left him worried. “He’s not important and it’s been over a year since I last saw him.”

Something still felt off-and he wasn’t blind. “Were ye lovers in the past?”

She sighed. “He’s the son of one of me da’s colleagues.”

He shook his head and stepped away, knowing she wasn’t being completely honest with him. “I’d appreciate the truth, Maggie. It’s not like either of us was the Virgin Mary before this, and I get that ye won’t always be able to tell me everything, but I won’t tolerate lies or half-truths.”

“Ye’re right, and I’m sorry. It’s not like it’s a big deal.” She sighed. “I did see him for a short while, but it was ages ago when I was young and stupid. It was never anything serious-no more than a summer fling-and I rarely see him anymore, except by chance.”

Some of the tension in his shoulders eased. She’d told him the truth, and though he’d prefer to not have to prod her into it, he’d only needed to ask once. “I appreciate yer honesty.”

“I’m just not used to discussing my past. I try to keep my focus on the present and the future.” She shook her head, her smile long gone. “It’s not always easy to do, ye know.”

So unlike her bubbly self, he pulled her into his arms to comfort her. Maybe he wasn’t the only one with a painful history. “I don’t want to be dredging things up for ye, love. We both have pasts, aye? But I don’t want things to feel superficial between us. I’ll say it again-I love ye, Maggie.” By the gods, it sent a pulse of fear and excitement through him to speak those words.

“And I love you, Conall. Don’t doubt it for a moment, for those aren’t words I speak lightly.” She fisted her hands in his jacket and pulled him near for a kiss, her lips tasting like honey and hops.

He brushed her hair from her eyes as the wind pulled it free, his touch lingering, the need to feel her close all-consuming. “Whatever’s in yer past won’t change the way I feel about ye. Ye don’t need to rehash everything ye’ve ever been through, but know that I’m here for ye. Don’t ever feel like ye can’t speak to me about something, no matter what it is. I’ll always be here for ye, love.”

“And ye’ll do the same?” Her eyes searched his, and for a moment, as he lost himself in those icy blue waters, it felt like their souls were linked.

“Aye, love. I will.” He wished he could kiss her worries away.

“So, then…the guitar? Don’t tell me there’s nothing to it.” With her ice blue eyes locked on his, he knew there’d be no avoiding the matter. And it was only fair that he now fess up to a part of his past.

“I used to play all the time, but after Janet…I don’t know. It was sort of like I lost that part of me.” Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close, leaning his cheek atop her head. “Maybe someday, aye?”

“Let’s head back to the hotel. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. I’ll tell ye everything there is to know if you’ll do the same.” She looked up at him, her brow furrowed as if waiting for him to protest.

He found himself fighting back a flare of panic, but pushed his worries aside, knowing they had to do this. Neither of them could back down without leaving the other hurt or making them think they were hiding something. And given how quickly they’d fallen for each other, it would do them good to get to know each other better. Still…the whole thing had his muscles in knots, especially since he’d never really discussed his past relationships with anyone.

With her tucked in at her side, they wandered down the road and made their way back to their room, his mind still racing over what he’d tell her and how.

He locked the door behind them, the beat of his heart stuttering. He’d gone and dug himself one hell of a deep hole, and had little chance of getting out of it. At least she was right there with him in the same big hole and no doubt just as nervous.

Needing to feel her touch, he pulled her into his arms and then laughed at how on edge she’d made him. “Maybe we don’t need to do this.”

“Are ye wimping out on me, Conall?” She kissed the hollow of his neck, making him want to ditch talking and get her naked. “We can tackle the hard stuff tonight, like relationships. The rest of it-crazy nights, drunken escapades and college stunts-can wait for another day.”

Conall groaned, unable to ignore his growing need for her. “Can’t we leave the chatting ’til later?” Her hand slipped down his chest and continued south. “Bloody hell, woman. I won’t be able to put a coherent thought together if ye keep that up.”

“Might be fun to chat while getting naked. That way, we can easily distract each other if things start to feel too serious.” She bit his nipple through the fabric of his shirt, his self-control slipping another notch.

“That’s it.” He could take no more. No longer capable of thought, he picked her up and carried her off to the bed as she squealed with laughter. She was already wriggling out of her tight jeans while he made quick work of his own clothing, discarding them in a hurried heap before nestling himself between her naked legs. He nipped at her nipple and then trailed kisses down her side, murmuring against her soft skin. “By all means, feel free to start hashing out yer past.”

With a squeal, she pushed him away. “Okay, stop. I can’t concentrate when ye’re kissing me like that.”

“Ye recall, this was yer idea, aye?” He had to laugh. It was no wonder she left him dizzy.

She smiled apologetically, and pulled him towards her, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “Sorry…I swear I’ll make it up to ye afterwards. And I don’t know about you, but I won’t take long. The last thing I want to do is linger on this topic.”

“No worries, aye? Take however long ye need.” Doing what he could to ignore his aching need, he grabbed the throw from the bottom of the bed and pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “I’m listening, love.”

“If we’re talking about relationships, it’s nothing more than the usual. Dated a bunch when I was younger and while at university, before things got pretty serious with this one guy. Oliver. We were together years, yeah? He was smart, funny-great in bed-and could be so sweet.” She shrugged, her fingers absent-mindedly playing with the fringe on the blanket as he tried not to picture her naked in another man’s arms. “We were young. I get that. But I gave him everything. My entire heart. I held nothing back. Unfortunately…”

Conall sighed, her story too familiar. “You were the only one giving fully.”

“And I was clueless. Didn’t realize it until he broke things off. Like I said, it’s not any different from every other breakup story, but it really caught me off guard. If there were signs, I hadn’t seen them. And I took it hard. Spent months in a hopeless darkness, severely depressed, and I swear it felt like I’d never escape it.” She let out a long, weary breath. “By the time I managed to pull myself free of it, I promised myself I’d not waste another day-and if I gave my heart to anyone again, they best be willing to reciprocate fully. I don’t do anything by halves, Conall.”

BOOK: A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three
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