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Authors: Mia Natal

A Heart for Rebel (9 page)

BOOK: A Heart for Rebel
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“Yes, please!” I cried
out, feeling my orgasm break against my pussy. I felt the hot wetness flowing
between my ass cheeks and Wyatt is happily lapping the juices that run down my
sex. I arched my back as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my body. My
body shivered, convulsions wracked me and a deep throbbing pulse fluttered between
my thighs. My breath is ragged and the only noise I hear. He made his way back
up my body and I buried my face in his neck. I can feel his watchful, lustful
eyes on me. Tiny aftershocks continued to rock my body following the quake of
my release. My breathing slowed and steadied. I opened my eyes slowly. I sought
him out and made eye contact. He is smiling down at me and I smiled back. He
lovingly kissed my lips and entered me. He moved in and out of me slowly. My
body hummed and my senses were in hyper alert. He ground his cock into me and a
delicious overwhelmingly intense feeling triggered something inside me.

“Harder,” I said.
Wyatt picked up his pace. Energy radiated between us, embracing us both in a
ball of pent up feelings, heightening our mating. He lifted one of my legs and
wrapped it around his waist. A pleasure filled moan escaped my lips, as a
trickle of wetness cascaded down my thigh.

Wyatt groaned, “Fuck,
Rebel, you are so fucking wet.”

I felt moisture
pooling between my legs as my pussy pulsated, pleading for release. I don’t
know how much longer I can endure this titillating torture. A minute? An hour? I
don’t rightfully know, all I know is that my body cannot withstand much longer
before he pushed me over the edge. I clenched my inner walls and my body convulsed
violently, screaming out in pleasure. He pinned me with his hips and shuddered above
me as I felt him ejaculate inside me and groaned out, “Rebel.”

I lose all
awareness. The only thing that exists is him…him and the maelstrom of pleasure
and emotion raging through my tattered body. It feels like a life time has
passed before I float back to reality. He leaned down and gently kissed my
cheek. I smile since I’m unable to form a coherent thought. He moved us so that
I am lying on my side and he stroked my back, my buttocks, and legs until I am
finally able to focus.

“God, I think I’m
in love with you,” I blurted out in the heat of the moment.

He fastens his eyes
on me and says, “I think I’m already in love with you. I know this seems soon,
but some things can’t be measured by time. I want to talk to you forever. I
want to stay with you forever. I’ve never felt this way before, and I know I
don’t ever want to let you go.”

I can’t say how
long we lay that way, but eventually we drifted into a blissful sleep. My front
was tucked into him with my head under his chin and my legs tangled with his. I
woke up to the sound of Wyatt muttering, “Fuck.” I opened my eyes and lean back
to look at him, “What’s wrong?”

“Shit, Rebel, I’m
so sorry,” he whispered. I started to panic at the distraught look on his face.

“Oh my god, what’s
wrong? Was it something I did? Do you regret having sex with me?” I cried.

“Rebel, shit, I’m
not sorry about having the most incredible sex with you. I’m sorry because I
didn’t wear a condom,” he said. My heart rate picked up and my fight or flight
instinct kicked in. I have never, ever…ever had unprotected sex. I inhale,
exhale trying to calm my beating heart and racing thoughts. I’m covered. I’m on
the pill, but now I’m thinking Wyatt didn’t really mean what he said to me
earlier, that he was falling in love with me. How could I be so stupid to
believe those beautiful heartfelt words he said in the heat of the moment? Was
I just a conquest?

“Breathe, pretty
girl. I can see your mind racing twisting everything around,” he said.

“I’m on the pill,”
I blurted out.

“I know. I remember
you telling me that the first night. I just didn’t want you thinking I’m not
clean, because I am,” he calmly said.

“Yeah, whatever,” I
said, trying my best not to give my thoughts away.

“Hey…hey, look at
me,” he whispered. I look up into his eyes and I know he can see the tears
pooling in them.

“I meant what I
said earlier, Rebel. I thought I was in love with you, but now I know I am in
love with you. I’ll always love you, no matter what happens between us,” he
softly said.

I instantly felt my
body relax. I looked at him and whispered, “I’m sorry I panicked. I love you
too, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you, completely




FTER REBEL'S MINI freak-out, she got up from the bed
and made her way towards the bathroom. I couldn't help myself. I had to stare
at that luscious ass of hers sway as she walked. Right before entering the
bathroom she looked over her shoulder and winked at me. Okay, so I got busted
ogling my beautiful girl's ass and those winks she gives me fucking do it for
me. Any typical man would be cowering in fear and running away for admitting
they fell in love, but I'm not that typical kind of man. I'm not one to run
from fear. I always meet my fears head on and tackle them. Surprisingly, I'm
not afraid to admit I'm in love with Rebel. It feels natural. I have been
waiting for this girl my entire life. Sure, I know it's soon, but it feels
right. She was made for me. Rebel's voice drifted from the bathroom. I knife up
from the bed and joined her in the shower. I pressed up against her back and
cupped her breasts.

"Wyatt, don't
you think it's strange?" she asked. I placed a kiss on her right shoulder
before answering her, "What's strange, baby?"

"Feeling the
way we do, declaring our love for each other. I mean we hardly know each
other," she said. I placed another kiss on her shoulder, only this time I
nipped it with my teeth.

"How can love
be defined by time? Love is timeless. It happens when it happens," I

"I've never
known love. No one besides Bailey has ever said they love me," she

"What about
your mother?" I asked.

"My mother has
never shown me affection. She's never even hugged me. Growing up in her world
was a nightmare. I always had to fend for myself and Bailey. I made sure I showered
her with love. I took care of her since the day she was born. It was hard at
first. My little sister was born a crack baby. The first few months I hardly
slept because she cried a lot from the withdrawal she was going through,"
she said.

My heart broke for
her. She is truly precious and sweet. I was angry for her. Someone should have
taken care of her. Someone should have shown her unconditional love. I turn her
around in my arms. Looking into her eyes, so warm and trusting I realized I
want to hold her forever.

"I don't
believe in love at first sight, but I know I lost my heart to you from the day
you came into my life. I willingly give my heart to you, Rebel. Yes, it might
be too soon, but nevertheless it's real," I said.

She pulled my face
down and kissed me. She lightly brushed her tongue against my lips before
darting into my mouth. She clutched me desperately as the kiss intensified. My
heart lurched up into my throat. Our lips were wet and hungry searching and
reaching for more. I cupped her ass and lifted her up until my cock was lined
up perfectly at her entrance. I pushed her against the tiled wall and slide in,
in one hard thrust. She clutched my hair and moaned, "Wyatt."

I kept my thrust at
a slow and steady pace, savoring how it felt to be deep inside her. Her eyes
are closed and her lips are parted. Her breath comes out in little tiny hitches
and the sound is sexy as fuck.

"Tell me,
Rebel. I need to hear it," I whispered before sucking on her neck.

"I love you,
Wyatt," she moaned.

"I love my
name when you whisper it," I groaned.

she said.

I increase the pace
of my thrusts. She's on the verge of letting go. I lower one hand to her pussy
and stimulate her clit. She gripped my dick within her walls and shattered within
my arms. Her juices flowed and soaked my cock. Harder and faster I thrust until
I grind deeper in her and explode.

We quickly finish
showering and got out. I grabbed the towels that were on top of the vanity and
dry her first. She takes the other towel and dries me off. We go back to her
room and get dressed. Rebel leaves the room to make us a bite to eat.

Rebel and I are
having lunch when her little sister comes in with tears running down her cherub
face. Her blonde ringlets are in a ponytail and she has a pretty pink dress on.
Her knees are scraped. Shit, the poor little angel must have fallen and needed
her sister to comfort her.

"Reby, I
fe-fell," she wailed.

Rebel drops to her
knees and opened her arms out wide. Bailey runs right into them, burying her
head in Rebel's neck. My girl soothingly rubbed circles down her back and says,
"It's alright, munchkin. I will take care of it and make it feel

She stood up with
her and carried her toward the bathroom. I quietly follow them. She placed Bailey
on the vanity and pulled out a first aid kit from the medicine cabinet. She
took out a large gauze and absorbed the blood, then washed it. She sprayed Bailey's
knee with an antiseptic and blew on it. She's such a loving sister and I can't
help but fall for her more. She puts a hello kitty band aid on it and kisses
Bailey on top of her head.

"All better. See
that wasn't so bad," Rebel said.

"Reby, when
are we going home back to mommy? I want my mommy," Bailey sniffled. I took
that as my leave. I lightly touched her arm and mouthed, "I'll be outside
if you need me." I went outside and sat on the steps.




AILEY WAS HAVING a temper tantrum. I was at my wits
end not knowing how to deal with it. She has never acted out like that before. I
didn’t know how to explain to an eight year old why we couldn’t see our mother
or live with her again. Wyatt was trying to be sweet by offering to wait
outside. I wanted to grab a hold of him and beg him not to leave me. I didn’t
know how to handle this delicate situation. I've never let the adversities that
plagued my life hold me back from feeling positive that I can overcome those
obstacles and succeed, but dealing with screaming, demanding eight year old had
me literally terrified.

“Bailey, I know you
want to go see ma, but at the moment we can’t,” I said soothingly.

“Why can’t we see
mommy? I wanna see my mommy!” she screamed.

“Calm down Bailey.
Mommy is sick right now. We have to wait until she’s better before we can visit
her,” I said, hoping to diffuse the situation. She only cried harder. Big drops
of tears pooled in her eyes and ran down her face. My heart broke for her. She’s
too young to understand that our mother was an addict. I had no idea how to
explain to her the situation we were living in was not good or healthy for
either of us.

munchkin," I said, while trying to soothe her. I tried to pick her up from
the vanity to hug her, but she kicked and punched me with her little hands and
feet. I reacted on instinct and smacked her. She started to cry in big gulps,
"I...I hate you Re...Reby." She jumped off the vanity and ran
screaming, "I hate you and I don't want to see you."

I tried to run
after her to say I'm sorry, but she was out the door. I felt like the worst
sister ever. I was struck dumb. I've never seen Bailey act out in this manner
before. She's always been a sweet tempered child and her outburst had me
questioning if I made the right decision in removing her from the volatile
environment we were both subjected to by our mother. She was out the door
before I could reach her. I looked out just in time to catch a glimpse of her
running inside Victor's house. I was pacing up and down the hallway, clenching
my hands self-doubting myself for taking Bailey away from the only mother she's
ever known. I hit my sister and now she hated me. Tears are rolling down my
cheeks. Wyatt came back in and pulled me up into his arms. He sat down with me
and held me until my sobbing subsided.

"She hates
me," I whispered.

"Baby, she
doesn't hate you. She's angry. I'm sure she's confused, scared and doesn't know
how to express her frustrations. She's only eight years old," he said.

"I smacked
her. I smacked her across her beautiful little face and now I feel like the
worst sister ever. I've never hit her before," I wailed.

"Baby, you
didn't do that maliciously. We are all humans and react in tense situations.
You know she loves you. She knows you love her too. Let her calm down and then
go talk to her," he gently said.

I was a massive
ball of nerves, feelings, and too many emotions at once. I felt sad...sad
because I just had my first argument with my little sister. Hunger...hunger for
the most beautiful, caring and tattooed hottie holding me. I couldn't help myself;
I strategically placed my lips on his and kissed him. Our tongues were in sync
as our kissed deepened.

Wyatt pulled his
lips from mine and said, "The first time I saw you it was, but a glimpse
on a crowed train. A glimpse of cute girl, but the first time I really saw you
I was mesmerized. I was speechless. Time stood still and all I could focus on
was you. I've never felt that before. You graced me with a beautiful smile, a
wink and I was lost...lost in you."

"My whole life
was filled with chaos. In the middle of it all I met you. I'm a strong person.
I can handle anything thrown my way, but I also need someone to take my hand
and tell me everything is going to be alright. You, Wyatt, are the something or
rather the someone special I've been waiting for my whole life," I

He looked deeply
into my eyes, smiled and said, “Your lips look lonely, maybe we should
re-introduce them to mine." He cradled my face and kissed me. I returned
the kiss with fervor as if my life depended on it. I’ve never wanted to be
involved with anyone or be in a relationship, but being with Wyatt felt right. He
was filling a void in my heart. These feelings I was having felt foreign to me.
Meeting Wyatt only showed me how alone I was and how much everyone needs
someone else, even me. He’s integrated himself into my heart and life. Meeting
him has altered my life in a catalytic way and my life would never be the same.
There are seven billion people in this world and he had to walk into mine. He
left me with no choice, but to give him my whole heart to. I kissed him again
and whispered against his lips, “I guess I better go talk to Bailey.”

“Yeah,” he
whispered back and licked my lips. I got off his lap and reached out and
grabbed his hand, “Come on, the sooner I make up with her, the better I will

“Lead the way,
pretty girl,” he said. We made our way to the door and knocked. The door opened
and Bailey threw herself on me. She hugged my legs tight and cried, “I’m sorry
Rebel. I love you.”

I picked her up and
looked into her beautiful baby blues and whispered, “I’m sorry too, munchkin. I
love you and I am so sorry for losing my temper.”

“I just miss mommy,
Reby,” she muttered.

“I know. I miss her
too,” I said. I did miss my mother. Not knowing if she were okay or even eating
was bothering me. I worried if she was able to pay the bills or still employed.
I know I told her I was never going back and I’m not, but I was going to go and
check on her. I needed to see for myself if she was alright. I had a guilty
conscious and it was eating me alive.

“Can we go see
her?” Bailey asked.

“Not today,
munchkin, but I promise one day we will go visit her.” I lied. There was no way
I would take her back there with our mother in the condition she was when we
left. I left my mother for a reason. She needed to realize that we were no
longer putting up with her alcoholic and drug induced life. If she wanted to be
an active participant in our lives, then she needed to change. Wyatt patiently
waited while my sister and I had our little talk. He even chose to stay for
dinner. It was nice having him here. Victor even approved of Wyatt, which gave
me the confidence to do the same, to let myself open up even more to him. After
dinner, he invited me to come over. I kissed my sister goodnight and slipped
out with Wyatt after she drifted into a deep slumber.

BOOK: A Heart for Rebel
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