Read A Future for Three Online

Authors: Rachel Clark

Tags: #Menage a Trois (f/f/m), #Menage & More

A Future for Three (5 page)

BOOK: A Future for Three
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He held her still as his own orgasm gripped him, the tingling sensation in his balls exploding through him as his cock pulsed his seed into her quivering flesh. She fell forward onto him as he cradled her possessively against his chest.

He smiled at the love he read on Casey's face. Love for Emma? Love for him? Could she really love them both equally?

The future beckoned brightly, his love for both of these women suddenly seeming more sane, more likely to lead to happiness, not heartache. He couldn't wait to make things official, tie them to him, watch them pregnant with his children. He wanted to throw the condoms out and start making babies right now.

He almost laughed as his flesh stirred and Emma lifted her head to look at him sleepily. She licked her lips as she lifted away from his body, holding the condom against the base of his cock so that it wouldn't spill. She pulled the used condom off, disposed of it, and then grabbed another. Jason's flesh tightened when she smiled and rolled it onto his rapidly recovering cock.

Chapter Five

"Come here, honey," Emma said to Casey. Emma knelt beside Jason's body and helped Casey into the same position, pressing Casey back against her own naked flesh. Despite her incredible orgasm, Casey's flesh thrilled at the touch of the woman she loved. She sighed as Emma wrapped her arm around Casey's middle, sliding her hand up to cup a small, firm breast and flick over the hardening nipple.

Emma lowered her head to Casey's neck, nipped at the flesh and then licked away the erotic stings. Casey felt her entire body quicken, the woman she loved making love to her from behind, the man she loved watching her as his arousal grew. Casey smiled and leaned forward to kiss Jason as his eyes darkened again and his cock grew stiffer.

"Come here, you two." Jason grabbed them both, wedging Casey between him and Emma as he pulled her over his body. "Casey, I need to be inside you."

She nodded, wriggling to angle her body so that she could take him inside her. His cock was thick, and her body took a moment to stretch around him, the muscles squeezing against his every small movement.

"Babe," he groaned, his voice rough and low, "you feel so incredible."

Casey moved slightly, her body twisting as Emma's fingers found her clit. Her pussy throbbed around Jason's thick cock, every muscle pulled tight. She puffed, trying to drag air into her lungs, barely remembering how to breathe. Jason pumped harder, slamming into her and pulling out again and again, the slick slapping sound filling the room as they both raced toward orgasm.

"Wait." Jason held her still, Emma's hands falling away as they both looked at him expectantly. He grabbed Emma's hand, tugging until she fell onto the pillow beside him, and then lifted Casey off his cock and arranged her on all fours so that her head hovered over Emma's pussy. She breathed deeply, inhaling the sweet smell of Emma's arousal before she dipped her head lower and ran her tongue through the pink flesh to circle Emma's clit. Emma cried out and grabbed Casey's hair, holding her head against her needy flesh.

She flicked her tongue over and over against the hardened nub, enjoying Emma's unrestrained reactions. She'd almost forgotten about Jason when he grabbed her hips and thrust straight into her from behind. Her breath caught as she was pushed deeper into Emma's moist flesh, the crisp curls tickling her nose, Emma's sweet sounds filling the air as she again shook with desire.

Jason grunted as he pounded into Casey, his hand straying to her clit and pressing against the stiff button of flesh. Her rhythm faltered, her body shaking, her anus pulsing as her body tightened for her own release.

Emma cried out, her pussy coating Casey's tongue with her cream. A loud slap on Casey's ass had her jumping back at the same time her own orgasm gripped her, the flesh tightening and gripping Jason's cock, milking his orgasm from him. Molten lava coursed through her veins, her flesh heating as her release flooded through her.

Jason held her to him for a moment, kissing the damp flesh of her back and shoulders, and then he carefully removed his cock and went to dispose of the condom. Casey fell forward, wriggling a little so that she could pull Emma's pliant body into her arms.

"I love you," she whispered to the woman who held her heart.

Emma didn’t reply, and it took a moment to realize that she'd fallen asleep, her breathing soft and even, her eyelashes resting against her pale cheeks.

Jason slid back onto the bed, circled Casey with his arms and rested one large hand on Emma's hip.

"I love you," he said as he pressed a soft kiss to the sensitive flesh under her ear. "Is Emma asleep?"

"Yes." She pulled her beautiful lover closer, unwilling to let the woman go now, even in sleep.

"Tomorrow, we need to talk about the future. I want so many things for the three of us. I barely know where to start."

Casey laughed quietly, her happiness bubbling through her. "I think this was probably a good place to start."

Jason chuckled in her ear, the deep sound reverberating against her spine. "I think you might be right, but tomorrow, tomorrow we start making plans. I have an almost overwhelming need to see you both pregnant to me."

She laughed. The thought of motherhood suddenly a much more appealing and interesting idea than it seemed just a few hours ago. Work didn't quite feel so important anymore. Damn—
—one little four-letter word that changed her entire mood.

"What was that?"

She tried to shrug, but he saw right through her.

"Case, were you thinking about what happened at work?"

"Sort of. More along the lines of not going to work."

He moved back a little and then rolled her toward him, making it impossible to hide her face.

"I have never known you to take time off, for any reason. Want to explain what happened at the bank on Friday?"

She shook her head, grimacing when he narrowed his eyes.

"Case," he said in a voice that held more warning than appeal. She closed her eyes and gave in, knowing that, considering the way both he and Emma cared for her, they at least deserved an explanation for her bizarre behavior.

"The problem is that nothing actually happened to me. I was barely even aware that there was a robbery taking place. I was in my office with a client going over a loan application when I heard yelling and screaming. I didn't even open my office door. I just grabbed my client, and we both slid under the desk and stayed there until it was all over." She shook her head in bewilderment, her eyes filling with tears even though she couldn't fathom why.

"We were never in any danger. The alarm was already tripped, so I didn't even need to make a phone call. We just hid until it was all over. I don't understand why I'm having nightmares or why it affected me so badly."

She felt Emma roll over and glanced over to see the other woman watching her with concern.

"The other day, you asked me if I'd ever expected to do one thing in a crisis but then did another. Do you remember that?"

Casey nodded, uncertain where Emma was going with this line of thinking.

"Do you think maybe the holdup has you reevaluating the person you thought you were against the person you are?"

"Sounds like a whole lot of psychobabble to me." She couldn't cover the smile that broke when Emma, in typical Emma fashion, rolled her eyes at her offhand comment.

"Maybe it's something worth thinking about." Jason's deep voice sounded very serious, and for a moment, she regretted her frivolous answer.

"Have you considered that you did exactly what you were supposed to do?" Emma asked in a soft voice. "You had a client who needed to be protected. You kept that person safe."

Casey shook her head a little, unwilling to accept the easy answer. She didn't feel like it had been the right thing. It had felt childish and cowardly to hide under her desk while other people's lives were at risk.

"I guess I expected more from myself. You know, the leader type who keeps things calm and makes sure everyone is all right. I'm not saying I'd jump in front of bullets like a superhero, just that I didn't quite expect to be the one hiding under a desk huddled up to a terrified client."

"Casey, I once read an article about how sometimes little things like the holdup can be a catalyst for other issues to surface."

Emma, sweet little Emma, nodded her head, agreeing with Jason. They were tag-teaming her again, except this time she knew it was because they both loved her.

"Casey, honey, I think you need to take some time to work through this. Maybe talk to the psychologist at the bank or," she quickly added when a deep shudder worked through Casey's body, "talk to us. Either way, I think you need time to work through whatever is going on in your head right now."

Casey nodded. She hadn't taken holidays for years, so she definitely had a few weeks owing. She'd speak to her boss in the morning, see if she could get some time off.

"Fine. I'll take some time off, but first I need you to kiss me. It's been so long I can barely remember what you taste like."

Emma giggled as Casey pulled her closer, and licked her tongue over the seam of Emma's lips before pushing past her teeth and exploring the dark cavern. She kissed Emma thoroughly, taking her time to learn what she liked. Jason wrapped his arms around them both, pulling Casey's back against his solid chest.

Eventually they had to come up for air, so Casey gentled the kiss, sipping at Emma's lips before kissing her on the nose.

"Get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning, Em."

Chapter Six

Morning came too quickly. Jason woke slowly, a smile spreading across his face as he realized that the dream he'd been having for too long had suddenly become his reality. Casey turned in his arms, kissing the underside of his chin as she mumbled a sleepy good morning.

"Are you going to work today?" He didn't want to badger her, but he admitted to having an ulterior motive. He wanted to make plans for their future, and it would be a whole lot easier if he could keep the three of them in the same room. He knew Emma didn't work Mondays, and he had nothing at the office that couldn't wait until tomorrow, so all he needed was to get Casey to stay home and he could spend the day convincing them both to marry him and have his babies.

"I'll call my boss at seven and see if I can wrestle a few days off. Maybe we could plan to take a holiday together."

"That's pretty much what I've been thinking, but I was thinking along the lines of a honeymoon." He almost laughed at the comical look on her face when he said the word “honeymoon.” Okay, so it wasn't exactly legal for him to marry them both, but they could figure out some sort of commitment ceremony, and if he was really lucky, he could convince them both to change their legal names to his own.

"Oh, Jase, I've wanted to hear you say that for so long, but I never believed that it would happen. I couldn't even imagine how the three of us might build a life together, and now suddenly here we are." She ran a gentle hand down the side of his face. "I love you."

"I love you too, and if our sweet little temptress would just wake up, I'd be more than happy to demonstrate just how much I love you both."

Casey rolled over to try to wake Emma, but Jason took one look at Emma's sleeping face and decided to wait a little longer. Emma looked really exhausted. They could wait until she woke by herself.

"Don't," he whispered against Casey's ear. "She hasn't slept very well this weekend. We can wait until she wakes up." He dropped soft kisses against Casey's ear and shoulder. "I've loved you both for a very long time. I can wait a little while longer."

She gently withdrew her arms from around Emma, rolled toward him, and wrapped them around his neck. The first touch of her lips sent a pulse of need straight through him, his cock surging to throbbing life at the first tentative touch of her tongue against his. He moaned loudly as she pressed her front against him, her naked breasts squashed against his chest.

He took control of the kiss, grasping her head as he aggressively pushed his tongue past her teeth and explored the moist cavern. She moaned softly and rubbed her lower body against the thigh he insinuated between her legs. Lost in the glory of finally being free to kiss Casey the way he wanted to, he almost missed the soft noise as Emma woke behind the blonde and tried to slip away without them noticing.

Breaking the kiss, Jason dived half over the top of Casey and grabbed Emma before she could leave. Casey squirmed about so that she could also wrap her arms around the woman she loved.

"We have something we need to discuss with you."

The panicked look that crossed Emma's features as her gaze alternated between them almost broke his heart. He knew her well enough to know what she was thinking.

"Nope. Wrong, babe. Well, right and wrong," he conceded. "Yes, I love Casey, but I also love you." The confusion on her face was almost comical, and if it hadn't been so important for their future, he would've teased her about it, but right now, he needed to find the words she needed to hear.

"We love you, babe. We love each other, and we think you love both of us as well."

* * * *

BOOK: A Future for Three
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