A Double Dose of Billionaire: Part Two (5 page)

BOOK: A Double Dose of Billionaire: Part Two
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She was joking, wasn’t she? “No,” I said, pushing the briefcase away.

She curled up her lip in disbelief. “Two million isn’t enough for you? You are one greedy little minx. How about three? Is three enough? I’m even willing to go for four.”

I shook my head. “It’s not about the money. I’m not going to leave the twins, regardless of what you give me.”

She sneered. “You want the whole pie, don’t you? The whole fortune.”

“Why are you trying to split us apart? Is it about something they said when you came over?”

She gritted her teeth. I supposed I struck a nerve. “Let me tell you something, whore. My sons will be bored of you before you know it. They’ll leave you in the dust, and you won’t be getting a single cent from me.”

I had to remind myself they’d break up with me eventually time and time again. But something didn’t make sense. “Then why are you giving me money to leave them now?”
Was it because they didn’t want me to leave?
Hope gripped at my heart.

She ignored my question by puffing out a breath of frustration. “You’re not suited for my sons. You’re of a lower breed. Imagine going to functions with that crass attitude of yours. You’ll end up mocking my whole family. What will you bring to the Crawford family? Nothing but shame.”

A lower breed?
Just because this woman had money, it didn’t mean she could go around insulting everyone. “That’s not very nice to say. My parents raised me well enough.” I definitely wasn’t going to accept her offer after her slew of insults, as enticing as it seemed.

“I only want the best for Ryan and Riley. They deserve only the best, and unfortunately, you’re not it. Take the money and leave. You’ll be doing the both of them a favor. You don’t belong in the world my sons live in. You’ll stick out and be mocked for the rest of your life.”

“I’m not leaving, Mrs. Crawford.” I stood firm with my decision. What made me so firm? It wasn’t like the twins and I had pledged commitment to each other. I wouldn’t exactly be betraying them if I left. They’d simply lose a sex partner. That’s all.

And then, I said it. “I love them.”

My words surprised her as much as they surprised me. I didn’t want to believe my feelings myself, but Kristie was right—people could fall in love in a week. Every particle of me hoped the twins felt the same way. That was the reason why I hated it when they talked to other girls. That was why I didn’t want them to leave me.

She raised a finger and stared at me so intensely, I could imagine her bending over to try and land a bite. “I won’t fall for that so easily, you crazy slut. You’re in this for the money. You want my family’s fortune—and don’t you dare think for a second I’ll hand over all my wealth to some dumb whore like you.”

“I don’t want any of that. I love Ryan and Riley. I'm here for them, not the money.” Saying it out loud again affirmed my feelings. “And you’re not so much of a saint, are you, Mrs. Crawford? Two divorces before meeting their father?” I read about that slice of information when curiously researching the twins last week. I absolutely adored the internet.

Her cheeks turned into splotched shades of red, and her hand balled into a fist.

I shut the briefcase and shoved it into the hands of her assistant. “Take your money. I don’t need it.”

She pushed herself up and wiped her dress down, puffing up her chest as she did. “I’m not giving it to you anymore. You’ve had your chance. I’m not willing to continue discussions with a Neanderthal. Be warned, Ms. Fontaine. I tried to be nice, letting you off the easy way. I have other means to get rid of you, and I’ll make sure you’ll suffer as you go down.”

Her sentence wiped the smug expression off my face and set a lump in my throat. I couldn’t take the threats of a billionaire lightly. I had nothing to hold myself against her. She could ruin my life and send me away if she wanted to. Heck, she could hire someone to kill me by tomorrow, or at least my imagination thought so. I was starting to regret how brash I had been when talking back, but I couldn’t change my mind now.

“I’ll see you next time, Ms. Fontaine,” she said, spinning around on her heels. She strutted off as her assistant followed closely.

I swallowed my saliva in fear.

I had just waged war with a powerful billionaire.


Kristie sat next to me, biting her nails with a deep frown cut into the center of her forehead. “You have to tell the twins.”

“What if they agree with their mother?”

“You’re still going on about that? Getting rejected is better than getting killed!”

I nodded. “I know, but how am I supposed to bring it up to them?”

“Tell it straight to their faces. Tell them their mother is up to something. Seriously, keeping secrets isn’t worth the risk of getting screwed over for the rest of your life.”

I covered my mouth with my hand and took a deep breath. “I’ll try.”

“You have to.”

The twins were timely. My cell phone trilled just as Kristie insisted I spilled everything out. The screen flashed Riley’s name.

“I’ll have to go now; Keith is probably waiting for me. Remember what I said. You've got to start being more open." My best friend gave me a tight hug.

"Have fun at your date."

"I sure will."

I picked up the phone as she walked to the exit. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Riley."

Hearing his voice cheered me up. I hadn't realized how much I missed the twins until now. Their flight would arrive home in a couple days. The mansion felt too big without them around.

But hearing him also sent an aching need to my core. Just the thought of them whispering next to my ear while taking me from behind managed to send my panties into a bunch.

"How is Paris?" I asked.

"The negotiations are going well. I think we might've tied in a deal with their director. We're going to open a few more joint ventures there."

I smiled. "That sounds good."

"How are you doing?"

I thought about their mother's visit and what Kristie told me to do. "I'm great, really."

"Did Kristie come over?"

"She just left, actually. She really enjoyed your pool."
Until your mother interrupted her.

"Good, good." I could imagine him nodding beside the phone. "I can't wait to get home. Ryan and I miss you so much."

My heart started to throb against my ribcage. His sweet words pained me, but it was a good kind of pain. The kind that came up because of excitement. They truly might've loved me, but I wasn't going to raise that subject until they got home. I wanted to hear the answer, regardless of whether it was positive or not, in person.

"Do you?" I asked. "I miss you, too. Where is Ryan, by the way?"

"He's taking a shower. I want you all to myself now."

That possessive side of him had started to show. My lower belly always tightened whenever I sensed it.

"I want to see you," Riley said. "Turn on the web chat."

"My laptop is in the bedroom."

His voice took on a darker tone, and it started to sound breathier. "I can wait. Call me on the chat when you get upstairs."


He had something planned; I could tell from the way he sounded. I ran up the steps and briskly walked to the bedroom.


When he answered the video call, I knew the more aggressive side of him had taken over. No longer was Riley in his usual sweet and sensitive mood.

He didn't look as amazing as he did in person, but he was still a damn fine piece of art, pixelated or not. His steely, green eyes stared at me through the screen. I longed to touch him and feel his skin on mine, even more now that I could see him. Why did the trip to Paris have to be so long?

"I want to see all of you," he said. "Take off your clothes."

I hesitated. What if he took a snapshot and blackmailed me with it? And then I mocked myself with inner ridicule. What could he possibly need from me to warrant blackmail? Money? Definitely not. "Should I?" I replied, raising a brow. I tried to play coy, but I knew that in a few minutes, I'd be lying on the bed with my legs spread out, eager to let him see all of me. The thought made me wet.

"I'd spank you right now if I could, Scarlet. We'll have to save that for later. Don't test me."

My pussy clenched tighter at the notion of another spanking. I'd be disobedient when they were away, and when they came back, they'd give me all sorts of wonderful 'punishments'.

"Why don't you take off your shirt, sir? It's not fair if I have to do it alone."

He growled at my defiance. "Do what I say, or you'll hate it when the Paris trip ends."

Oh, I'd like it; I'd
it a lot. Getting tired of teasing him, I smiled and unbuttoned my shirt.

"Do it slowly. You're touching yourself as a show for me. Let me enjoy it." His hungry eyes scanned over the sight of my lusty behavior.

I obeyed and took off my shirt slowly, starting to feel like a dirty stripper—it was a good feeling. All I could think about was how much better it'd be if Riley was here in person to fuck me himself. Once my shirt came off, I wandered my hands to my breasts, giving them a light squeeze before moving them to the back to unclasp my bra.

He took in a sharp breath as my bra slipped off my shoulders to reveal my already-hardened nipples.

"Now, the skirt," he said.

I lifted myself to my knees and turned around so my ass faced him. I leisurely reached around, took the back zipper in my fingers, and unzipped myself.

I dragged my panties off and laid on my back, spreading my pussy wide open, so Riley had a full view of it. He let out a growl of approval.

 As my fingers danced their way down my stomach and to my wet folds, Riley said, "Stop. Don't touch yourself yet. There's a plug in the drawer of the side table to the left of you."

A plug?

I searched the drawer for whatever he was referring to until I came across a pink, phallic object. A butt plug. My insides coiled as I thought about what he was about to ask me to do.

"Stick it up your ass," he ordered, a sly smirk spreading across his cheek.

The object was medium-sized, with the girth of the twins' cocks. "I don't know..."

"Do it."

I opened my legs again and reluctantly pushed the thing in, following his instructions. I didn't have to. I could've dropped it back into the drawer and ended the call. But I didn't want to. I wanted Riley to have control of me, to dictate my every action. Thinking about it made my walls throb harder with need.

I moaned as the plug slipped into my crevice. I stared at Riley and imagined it was his cock that had entered me.

"You can touch yourself now."

I shoved my middle finger into my slit unceremoniously and began to massage my insides.

"Use two fingers."

My index finger went in as soon as he asked for it. I arched my back to the pleasure and moved my hips into my digits. The plug and my fingers weren't enough to bring me satisfaction. I needed to have the cocks of the twins buried into me, both fucking me in tandem.

Riley watched as I pleasured myself in heat. "Good. Fuck yourself."

Having Riley there, his eyes exploring the way I rutted, made the experience more pleasurable by tenfold.

"I need to come, Riley, please," I said, tears brimming in my eyes.

, not yet

I strained myself, trying to hold it in as it threatened to burst through. "I can't."

"Not yet."

I threw my head back and cried out in pleasure as my climax hit me. Both my walls pulsed as my body shuddered. I bucked toward the bed. My cries soon lowered into a mere whimper, my mind still in a dizzy whirl.

It hadn't been enough.

His mouth had set into a grim line. "You didn't do as I said."

I lowered my head in shame, although not knowing what exactly I should've been ashamed about. I was a grown woman. I could come anytime and anywhere I wanted to, as long as I didn't offend the public. "I'm sorry." I might've been getting too used to the submissive lifestyle the twins had offered me.

"There will be repercussions, Scarlet. When I get back."

Riley had barely moved since the video chat started. Intrigued, I asked, "Didn't you masturbate?" Probably not the wisest thing to say after disappointing Riley, but the after-effects of coming were still reeling around my head, making me bolder than usual.

"I'm not going to do anything until I get back. I want to fuck every last inch out of you."

And suddenly, my pussy was wet again for another go. But I intended to wait for them to get back. My hand was simply not enough, even with a pink butt plug stuck up my ass. Speaking of which, it was still snuggled deep in my asshole. I reached down to pull it out.

"Don't. I don't want you do take it out," Riley said. "Leave it in there until we get back."

My lower jaw nearly dislocated itself from my skull. "Are you fucking kidding me? How the hell am I supposed to go to work like this?"

An evil grin split his face. "You'll have to deal with it."

Like hell I was. Playing around with the twins entertained me, but there had to be a line drawn between my personal life and work life. Feeling rebellious and a little ticked off, I pulled the object out from my behind and threw it onto the bed. "There has to be a limit to things."

The grin slipped away. "There is, but I decide what it is. I'd have my hand on your ass right now if I were there, and you'll be sorry you ever dared go against my orders."

"I'll handle whatever you throw my way."

"I doubt so—"

I shut the laptop mid-sentence, not giving him enough time to finish. It wasn't difficult to imagine him getting mad.

There would be hell to pay in two days. And I couldn't wait for it.



BOOK: A Double Dose of Billionaire: Part Two
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