A Diamond in the Dark (12 page)

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Authors: Sassie Lewis

BOOK: A Diamond in the Dark
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Tia had no idea why Rick and Tiny gave Shelley such a hard time. And Shelley, being the outspoken person she was, had no problem dishing it back. When there were just two of the three in a room together, you could literally cut the tension with a knife. When it was all of them together, the emotional vibe became a little confusing.

“I’ll try, but Barbie just rubs me the wrong way.” He kissed her on her head before walking toward the door.

“I wish you wouldn’t call her that,” she said to his retreating back. Although ‘Barbie’ was a spot-on description for Shelley. She was an honest-to-God living Barbie, she just didn’t have the perky attitude to go with it. She was more of a tomboy than Tia, with a lot more feisty-bitch thrown in.

* * * *

Later that night Tia was lying in bed when her phone rang, playing
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
. She giggled, wondering what Ax would say if he found out the ringtone she’d set for him.

“Hi there, handsome.”

“Hey, baby. I’ve missed you today.”

“Same here.”

“Do me a favor, get BOB out.”

Tia scrambled under her bed to get her toy box.

“Have you got it?” Ax asked.

“Yes. Now what?”

“Are you dressed?”

“I have a shirt and panties on.”

“Lose them.”

Okay, this was starting to sound really fun. Putting the phone on the bed, Tia stripped, while running over to double-check that her bedroom door was locked. When she picked the phone back up she could hear Ax calling her name. “Sorry, had to put the phone down. Also thought I better make sure the door was locked.”

“Good. Go over to the mirror.”

“I’m here. What now?” Tia was starting to like this game, him being all commanding. The bossy tone in his voice was doing interesting things to her.
Something to explore later.

“What color are your eyes?”

Okay, that was a weird one, but she answered anyway. “A bluey purple color. Why?”

“Violets! I noticed that when you’re horny, your eyes go the color of violets. It’s good, I don’t even have to touch you to know that you’re wet for me.”

Tia’s nipples beaded to painful points at that, and a groan of frustration escaped her. They needed to get this show on the road.

“Lay on the bed, baby. Put BOB on your stomach.” Axton’s voice deepened further, the sound making her pussy cream and pulse in want. “Lick your fingers. I want you to play with your nipples. They’re nice stiff points, aren’t they, Tia?”

“Yes,” she hissed out. “God, Ax, you’re gonna make me cum just from doing this and listening to you talk.”

“Stop...I want you to run your fingers through your pussy. Is it nice and wet, or do you need to lube BOB up?”

“Wet. So wet, Ax.”

“Fuck, baby! I want you to put BOB inside you, nice and easy. But it’s not BOB you’ve got inside that tight cunt of yours, it’s me. Me that’s forcing my way through those clamping muscles. Me that brings you to orgasm, time and time again.”

Following Axton’s instructions, Tia slowly pushed the vibrator into her wet pussy. Her brain had no problem replacing the stiff, unyielding plastic with the feel of Ax’s hot, hard shaft tunneling deep inside her. “Oh God, Ax, I can feel you everywhere. You’re so hard. I’ve never felt anything like it. When you’re inside me I forget who I am.”

“You’re squeezing me so hard, it feels like you’re going to milk the cum from my sac. So good, Tia. Your juices are running down my balls. Fuck, I’m going to cum. Cum with me, baby. I need to feel you cumming on my cock. Now, Tia. Cum now.

Hitting the switch, Tia let the now buzzing rabbit ears bump against her clit while she increased the speed of her own pumping hand. “Axton,” Tia gritted out as the growled
from him rang through the phone.

Luckily, she had enough wit about her to turn her head into her pillow, muffling her scream. What a buzzkill it would have been to have one of the guys come running into her room to see what was wrong. Breathing hard, she started to giggle and couldn’t stop. She had dropped the phone when she had cum, and could just make out Axton calling her name.

With a trembling hand, Tia picked up the phone, hearing his voice get louder as he called out her name. “Sorry, I’m back,” she answered, still giggling at their antics.

“Baby, giggling at a man when you’re cumming is a bit of a ego killer.” He sounded so serious she couldn’t help but laugh harder.

“It wasn’t that. I was just imagining someone breaking down my door to see who was killing me,” she said, still in the grips of laughter. “God, Ax, I’ve never cum that hard by myself before.”

“Me either. I’m going to have to change my sheets before I can go to sleep. I better get going or I’m going to be dog tired tomorrow. You wore me out this weekend, woman. Sweet dreams, baby. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Night, Ax. Dream of me.”

Tia heard him answer “always” as he disconnected the call.

Chapter 8


The rest of the week had been fun. Tia and Axton had talked on the phone every night. Actually talked, not just had phone sex, although it generally ended that way. The few times they had run into each other when there was no one else around had resulted in him forcing her onto the nearest flat surface with his tongue down her throat, and on the odd occasion he would bring her to orgasm with his fingers. They had almost been caught once by one of the ranch hands.


Tia had been helping out with a downed fence that morning. She didn’t mind the hard labor, but it was a scorcher of a day and all she could think about was getting home for a cool shower.

Having ridden Thunder out when she had gone to help meant that her own shower had to wait while she rubbed her horse down. For a moment she was tempted to strip off her clothes and hose herself off at the same time. But anyone could walk into the barn. So she was just going to have to wait.

She bent down to pick up a piece of tack she had dropped. Two strong hands landed on her hips, drawing her back into some impressive thighs. She squealed in surprise at the sudden movement. She had known it was Axton almost immediately. She knew those hands.

Standing her upright, he placed kisses on her shoulder, then up her neck, turning her head to get to her lips. She was breathless when he spun her around and pressed her into the wall of the stall. Thunder stood nearby, happily eating his grain.

Ax placed her shoulders against the rough wood. Lifting her shirt to access her beaded nipples, he suckled at them through her bra. All the while undoing the buttons of her jeans with one hand and his own with the other. She couldn’t hold back her scream of pleasure at the first touch of his fingers against her cunt.

Ax must have heard feet running their way, because in the next breath she found herself on her ass, looking up at Ax, and thinking ‘what the fuck’. When Larry, one of the younger hands, came charging into the stall to see what had happened, Ax said something about Tia being clumsy and tripping over her own feet. He spoke without ever turning to face Larry. It was then that Tia looked down to see that all his buttons were undone and his cock was proudly pointing straight at her. She rolled to her side, clutching her stomach as she laughed, which also hid the fact that her jeans were undone.


It had been fun, but her body pined to have him beside her at night. Who knew you could get addicted to something so quickly?

The night she’d told everyone that she was now a doctor had been a bag of mixed reactions. Mara, the overly sensitive one in the bunch, had broken down crying because Tia had never told her about it. Shelley and Rick, seemingly unfazed by her announcement, had spent the evening glaring daggers at each other with Tiny egging them on. Uncle Jack was as proud as punch, already talking about setting up a lab on the ranch so she could go over blood samples there instead of having to go to Mason. Leonie had hugged her to death, and Luke had given her a noogie, telling her off for not calling him on Saturday like she’d said she would.

When she’d finally gotten back up to her room, there was a big box sitting on her bed. Opening it, she found a bright white lab coat and a gold chain with a gold Rod of Asclepius hanging off it. It showed Ax had paid attention when she’d gotten her tattoo done.

Bob had first drawn the design for the medical symbol as a rod with two wings and two snakes twining around it, which was what a lot of people thought was the universal symbol for medicine. But in fact, it was a five-pointed cross with a single snake winding up a rod. She had made sure to get Bob to change it before he started inking up her skin.

There was also a note in Axton’s handwriting.


To Doctor Tabbitha Teeford,
I couldn’t be prouder of you.
Yours always,


It was the ‘yours always’ that had done it. She’d called him crying. It had been so sweet. Axton had been attentive over the weekend, loving her body, considerate of her needs, but he hadn’t exactly been sweet. When he’d answered the phone and heard her sobs, he immediately thought someone had hurt her. Once he’d figured out—through her sniffled
thank you
’s—that he’d made her cry, he started telling her silly jokes and rude little rhymes until she’d been laughing so hard tears of a different kind had run down her cheeks.

Little Johnny, who had played a major part in some of Axton’s jokes, played a starring role in Tia’s dreams that night. She had still been giggling the next day when she’d gone down to the kitchen to get her morning coffee.

“What has you laughing so hard, sunshine?” Uncle Jack asked as he walked in to get his own coffee.

“Just this stupid joke I heard.”

“Well, you gonna share it? ’Cause it must be a doozy to have you still going.”

“Umm. Yeah, maybe not,” Tia said with a mischievous smile on her face.

“Uh. One of those kind of jokes?”

“Yup. But ask one of the boys to tell you some ‘little Johnny’ jokes. I reckon you’d like them. Just not from me.”

* * * *

On Friday night Tia was home alone. Everyone had gone out, even Uncle Jack. She hadn’t seen Ax all day as he was helping move one of the herds, so there she was getting out of the shower to go to bed at eight o’clock on friggin’ Friday night! By herself. Very depressing for a girl who now had a boyfriend. A large smile crossed her face at the thought of Ax being her

As she walked out of the bathroom, she saw the most glorious sight. Ax was lying on her bed completely naked, hair slightly damp, from what she could assume was his own shower. He had his cock in his fist, stroking it through sure hands. Tia simply stood there staring at him, taking in the sight.

“I got tired of waiting for you, woman. I think you took the longest shower in history. Drop the towel, baby, and get on this bed. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve held you.”

Tia did as he suggested. She dropped her towel and climbed up on the bed, between his parted legs. The whole time her focus was on his cock. She wanted to taste it. Reaching out her hand, she ran the tip of one finger along the protruding vein on the underside. Ax moved his hand away, allowing her to play.

She was fascinated. Over the weekend, in Houston, she’d touched him and made love to him, but she hadn’t had such a close-up view. His dick was long and thick. Her fingers didn’t meet when she wrapped them around his throbbing shaft; there was still a good two inches of space. The mushroom head was slightly purple in color, and he had large veins roping his length.

As she ran her finger down his cock, a bead of pre-cum appeared. Leaning forward, she swiped her tongue over it, taking in his flavor. She couldn’t say if she liked it or not. It was thick and salty, a little bitter. She moved her lips over the weeping head to take him into her mouth. She was stretched as wide as her jaw would allow, unable to avoid using her teeth just a tiny bit. His whole body quivered, and he moaned. A trickle of worry ran through her that she was hurting him. Watching and doing were two very different things.

“Am I hurting you?” she asked, lifting her head to look at him. “I’ve never done this before and you’re so wide.”

* * * *

In that moment Axton was reminded how innocent Tia was. Her eyes reflected not only her arousal, but fear as well. His dick pulsed as her breath fanned over the swollen head.

“No, baby, it’s good. Please keep going.” He didn’t care about the plea that could be heard in his voice. As she took him back into her mouth, Ax fisted his hands into the bedding. He was able to stop the urge to thrust more of himself into her mouth, but was unable to hold back the “fuck” he roared at the feel of his cock hitting the back of her throat.

“What? What did I do wrong?” The poor girl looked scared.

“Nothing. Keep doing it just like you were,” Ax gritted out. She had no gag reflex. She was fucking perfect.

“Ax, I just told you I’ve never done this before. You have to tell me if I’m doing something wrong. Umm, if I hurt you. I can’t cover my teeth properly.” She actually sounded terrified that what she was doing was wrong. Reaching his hand down, he softly ran it over her cheek.

“You’re perfect, baby. Nothing you’re doing is wrong. But I can’t have this conversation with your mouth close to my cock. If you don’t want to keep going, that’s fine.” Not really, it would probably kill him, but he could tell she was scared and worried. “But if you’re not gonna finished what you started, can you move away for a minute?” He had other plans for tonight. He just needed a little time to get his body back under control.

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