A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set (15 page)

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can't believe you came all this way to tell me that. That girl in
there is my friend's girlfriend. I'm not with her. I know that I was
mad that you blew me off after I waited three fucking long months to
see you, but I would never cheat on you,” he said.

held up her hand to stop him from saying anything else. There was no
way she was getting sucked into anything he was going to say.

not going back to college next year,” she began, but he cut her

Why? Then you can come here and live with me while I finish school,”
he said.

shook her head no. He slid his hands from her cheeks down her arms,
and he took her hands in his. Just as his eyes moved down her body,
she made a noise. He looked back up and into her eyes. She heard his
phone buzz in his pocket. Rachel shook her head and pulled her hands
from his.

can't do this right now. I'm going to stay at a hotel in town. I need
to think. I need to go,” she said, as she turned around.

was thankful that her baby bump wasn't super huge and that she had
avoided him noticing it. As she pulled her phone out to call a cab,
she heard him mumble something.

he snapped. “What is my sister talking about?”

shit, Rachel thought. She turned around slowly and looked at him. He
held out his phone for her to read the message.

I have to tell you something. If I do, you have to promise not to
tell mom and dad. I promised Rachel I wouldn't tell anyone. I can't
hold it in. I have to tell someone. It's driving me crazy.

handed him back his phone and sighed. He stuck the phone into his
pocket. It's now or never, she thought. If she didn't tell him, he
would find out from his sister. She held her hands together in front
on her, and his eyes looked down at them. His eyes lingered a little
longer than they should have. She cleared her throat, and he looked
back at her face.

he said, in a nervous tone.

pregnant,” she said.

stepped toward her, but she took a step back.

wanted to be the one to tell you. She showed up yesterday and noticed
right away. I knew she was full of shit. She said I had a week before
she said anything. The one person I knew she would tell anyway was
you. That is the only reason I'm here. I was going to tell you. I
just needed to figure out a way to do it. I need you to know that I
don't expect a single thing from you. If you want to see the baby,
you can whenever you want. I would never keep you from doing that. If
you don't want to, that's fine as well. Whatever you want is fine.
I'm going home when my classes are over. I'll stay with my mom and
find an apartment. I've been saving money. I'm going to take a year
off from college. I have it all figured out.”

have it all figured out,” he said.

nodded her head.

didn't do it on purpose. I hope you know that. It was that night on
the couch. You never got a condom, and I was so nervous that I hadn't
noticed either. I don't want you to feel obligated or anything.
Finish college, have fun, and play pro ball. I would never stand in
the way of your dreams. I plan on staying close to my mom. You can
see the baby whenever you want. I understand that you'll be gone most
of the year. I'm sure your parents are going to be furious,
especially when your mom finds out that I'm the slut that bit your
neck. They can see the baby anytime they want as well. I just want
you to know that I love them like they are my own parents. Even if
they don't want to talk to me, they can go through my mom. I hope you
know that I would never try to ruin your life or do anything to hurt
you. I will also let you know that I am super happy about this baby.
I will always put him or her first in my life. I love this little one
with all of my heart and will do everything I can to provide the best
life I possibly can.”

took a deep breath and continued.

want you to know that I don't regret that night. You are the man I
dreamt a million times of being my first. I have been in love with
you since I was thirteen. That sounds silly and childish, but it's
true. There has never been anyone else for me. Sure, there were two
years that I didn't like you very much, but I never stopped loving
you. This baby is part of you. I never thought I could love someone
else as much as I love you, but I was wrong. I know that we can't be
together. You have a huge future and career ahead of you. I know
you're going to be amazing, and I would never hold you back. I hope
you know there was never anyone else at school. I pushed you away for
you, not for me. I'm here for three nights. At some point in the next
week, I need to tell my mom. Take some time to think about. I know
it's a lot to take in. I really do. I'm glad you have people here to
talk to. When you're ready, let me know how you want to tell your
parents. That's your decision. I'm sure you'll want them to know the
baby is yours. I'll wait to tell my mom until you decide. I don't
want her to run over to your parents and say something. I want the
best for you, Brad. I hope you know that.”

stepped toward her and took her hands in his.

of all, you will not be staying in a hotel. You will stay right here
with me. It seems to me that you have figured everything out
perfectly. Do you agree?” he asked.

nodded her head.

have been avoiding me the entire time because you are pregnant?”
he asked.

nodded again.

thought it was because you didn't want to be with me. I thought there
was someone else,” he said.

promise you there was nobody else.”

that what you want? Everything you just said,” he asked. “You
want me to either have nothing to do with my child or float in and
out when I'm in town?”

how it needs to be. I will not have you give up on your dreams,”
she said.

if you're my dreams?” he asked.

didn't answer him. He lifted her chin so she would look at him.

the baby due? Have you been to the doctor? Are you eating? Are you
sleeping?” he asked.

baby's due in August. I have been to the doctor twice. I eat, sleep,
go to school, and work.”

took their connected hands and put them against her stomach.

you know if the baby is a boy or a girl?” he asked.

yet. I go in almost two weeks to find out.”

you felt movement yet?” he asked.

she said. “I know this is a lot, Brad.”

need to talk,” he said, as he pulled her with him to his

opened the door for her to walk in. When they stepped into the living
room, she saw the girl that answered the door sitting on a guy's lap.
There were three couples total. Brad really wasn't with anyone. He
walked in behind her and introduced his friends to her. They all said
hello. Brad asked them if they could leave. He said that he needed
time with her. On the way out, one of the guys stopped and looked
back at her.

couldn't believe there was a woman who could nail this guy down. He
talks about you all the time. Don't break his heart,” the guy
said with a laugh as he walked out.

sat down on the couch and waited for Brad. When he walked back into
the room, he sat down next to her.

hope that you don't think for one second that I wouldn't be there for
my child. I also can't believe that you didn't tell me until my
sister went to spill the beans. You don't want to be with me?”
he asked.

moved closer and put her hands on his knees.

not it at all. I love you, Brad. I will always love you. I have never
wanted to be with anyone the way I want to be with you. I've cried
every night that I've pushed you away. It has been the hardest thing
I have ever had to do. You have college to finish and a professional
career ahead of you. It has nothing to do with not wanting to be with

you think I have the right to choose if I want to be with my family
or traveling around for football?” he asked.

you choose me and the baby over the career you have longed for your
entire life, you would wake up one day to regret me. No matter if we
are together or not, you will always have the baby. I know you would
never have any regret there. I don't want to be with someone because
of obligation.”

already asked you to live with me this summer. When you said you
weren't going to school next year, I asked you to live here. It has
nothing to do with obligation, baby. I love you. When I left for
school two and a half years ago, I thought I would be able to get you
out of my mind. It didn't work. When I came home, you were never
there. It tore be up inside. When I saw you at the door in November,
I knew I would never go without you in my life again. That was when I
decided that I was going to marry you one day. You are mine, Rachel.
I'm not going to let you push me away. You should have told me right
away about our baby. I would have been there for everything. I've
already missed two appointments. I'm not missing another thing.”

shook her head no.

shake your head at me, woman. I can't believe you. I have never told
a woman I loved them before you. You're it for me. I love you. If you
don't want to be with me because you don't love me, then I will let
you go. If it's because there's someone else, I won't keep you here.
I can't believe you would think I would turn my back on you. You are
mine. What do I have to do to show you that I mean it? I'm going to
be the best dad I can. This little one is going to be so taken care
of and happy. I can't believe you're having my baby. The woman I love
is having my baby. This is amazing.”

wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

sorry I didn't tell you. I wasn't sure what to think myself. I do
love you. I just want you to be happy.”

am happy. You make me happy. It was so hard not talking to you every
night. I would think about you and wonder what you were doing. I
haven't slept well in at least a month. We're having a baby. I'm so
damn happy. My mom is going to freak out. She's going to be so
excited. My sister might kill me though. Can you promise me

she asked.

you'll always be honest with me. That we can throw out your plan and
figure this out together.”

you sure? I want you to do what you want, not what you think you have
to do,” she said.

sure,” he said. “Your plan is awful. I'm not a part of
it. Do you care about me?”

she said with tears in her eyes. “I love you and care about you
more than anyone except for this baby. I can't imagine my life
without you in it. You have no idea how much I've missed talking to
at night.”

pulled her hand so that she moved and was straddling his lap facing

want us to figure it out together,” he said. “Will you
stay with me tonight and drive with me to see our parents together

shook her head yes.

soon as I get done making love to my baby's momma, we can talk about
our plan,” he said. “I've missed you so much.”

laughed and put both of her hands on his cheeks and leaned in until
their noses were touching.

missed you too,” she said with a smile. “Just being here
and touching your face has me ready to come. You have no idea how
hard the past three months have been. I just want to stay in this
spot forever.”

put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her mouth to his, as
he thrust his tongue into her mouth and took her breath away. She
slid her hands into his hair and held him tight as she kissed him
back. Their tongues both fought for control. That moment was hotter
than any moment she'd had been with him. The thought of him being
there for her brought tears to her eyes. He pulled back from their

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