A Contract Bride's Triple Surprise (46 page)

Read A Contract Bride's Triple Surprise Online

Authors: Reece Butler

Tags: #Menage Everlasting, #Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), #Inc., #Siren-BookStrand

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“I do!”

Daniel’s young voice rose high, echoing the words his new father and mother had just given to each other. His friend Billy cheered along with the rest of the guests.

“Then kneel and become one with us!”

Daniel knelt in front of Gillis. Ross placed a MacDougal bonnet on his head, the only article of clothing that would fit him. Gillis, frowning fiercely enough to scare the bejesus out of any foe, approached.

Daniel gulped as he looked up with awe. The mighty sword descended slowly to his shoulder. A tap, then over his head to the other shoulder, and up again.

Buaidh no bas
!” roared Gillis.

Buaidh no bas
!” echoed Ross, Nevin, Amelia, and Daniel.

Ross held out his arm. Daniel clamped his own and gripped as he’d been taught. He stood and turned to the crowd.

“I give you Daniel Ernest Thompson MacDougal, my son!”

Cheers erupted. A bagpipe’s drone rose, soon followed by the howls of all the dogs in twenty miles. Daniel made the rounds, shaking hands with his new Clan and their friends. Billy O’Keefe, wearing new clothes and a huge grin, stayed close.

“Can we slip away yet, wife?” Ross wrapped his arms around Amelia’s belly. She wasn’t showing yet but he knew his child rested within. He nibbled her ear. “You’ve been with the Elliotts for two weeks. It’s been hell for all of us.”

“I’ve had to listen to Beth enjoying all three of her men!” She moaned when he continued his nibbles down her throat.

“Nev is champing at the bit, but Gil is wild. He finally decides to join you in bed, and you move to Beth’s for weeks!”

“I wanted our wedding night to be special.” She flushed and bit her lip.

“We had the wedding. It’s night. You’re special. And I want you now.”

“I want you, too,” she whispered. “But don’t we have to stay for a bit?”

“We can take care of things quickly and come back.”

“Not if my dress is all rumpled!”

“Did you wear anything underneath?”


“Good, because I’m wearing a kilt.”

Ross towed Amelia backward and out of the circle of laughing guests. She giggled as he lifted her up and strode toward the trees. A raven followed, just out of Amelia’s sight. Ross let her down in the first clearing.

“What do you have in mind, husband?”

He knelt behind her and slid his hands up her legs, raising her skirts as he went. “I’m going to make sure you haven’t forgotten how useful a husband can be. Bend over.”

He rested her skirts over her back and lifted his kilt. His eager cock pointed to her like a compass at the North Pole. He guided the tip into her hot, wet pussy.

“Oh, yes,” he breathed. “That has got to be the hardest two weeks of my adult life.”

“Show me how hard.” She backed up, wiggling to skewer herself.

“I’m in charge here, woman.” He grasped her hips and drove forward. Her soft flesh enveloped him. He sighed, holding her still for a moment. He was home.

“Oh! Oh, yes,” she moaned.

Knowing he couldn’t last, he dropped one hand to her pussy and found her clit. He rubbed the erect bud of flesh as she gasped for more. He pounded into her heat, his balls slapping against her pussy lips. She inhaled, clenching his cock in her hot, velvet glove as her orgasm hit. He exploded, thrusting again and again, setting off her second climax.

He leaned against her back until he finally managed to get his breath.

“Can we do that again?” She wiggled her ass against his groin, still connected.

“Here they are,” boomed a familiar male voice.

Amelia gasped and struggled to escape. When he let her go she straightened and shoved her dress over her hips. He stood as well, his kilt settling into place as Nevin strolled out from between the trees.

Nev tilted his head one way, then the next. “Yep,” he called over his shoulder. “They were still joined together, like a pair of dogs.”

Ross sighed in relief when Gillis appeared leading a horse. No bagpipes, thank God. The man had spent too many hours practicing during the last few weeks. Even another two minutes would be too much of a good thing. Amelia smoothed her dress, pretending indifference that they all knew was forced.

“Now ye got that over, ye’ll be coming with us.”

“And why is that?” She gazed at her left hand as if the answer didn’t matter one whit to her.

Nevin admired her rings, then kissed her trembling hand. “Because you’ve got two more men needing to celebrate the MacDougal wedding.” Before she could snatch her hand back he lifted her into his arms. Gillis climbed into the saddle and held out his arms for her.

“But we’ve got guests to entertain!”

“That’s Beth and Trace’s job. They’re the ones throwing the party,” said Nevin. He passed her to Gillis then moved forward to take the reins.


“The boys have been working hard on a wedding present for you, my love. The least you can do is go see what it is. If you want to come back after, I promise to bring you.”

She pushed out her lip in a pout. “But we never go to parties. There’s dancing and… and this one is for us!”

“Chances are Ben will bring a wife with him from the East. He knows they’re as rare as hens’ teeth out here. We’ll make sure there’s a party for them,” said Ross. “Will that help?”

“No,” she grumbled, but said no more as Nevin handed the reins to Gillis. He set off for home as Nev brought out two more horses.

“I think the surprise will make up for leaving the party early,” said Ross. He led the way toward the MD. “Between the three of us, we should be able to make her scream.”

“This’ll be the first time with all four of us together.”

“The first of many over the years, I hope.” Ross clenched his left hand. His ring, crafted from gold found on their ranch, shone in the moonlight.

“If Amelia carries a son, the MD will be ours forever.”

Ross nodded. He should be happy that most of his dreams would now come true. A wife to share with his brothers, a son to forge their future with more children, including Daniel, to fill their lives. But would he ever find the man with raven scars on his skull?

He shook off the thought. His future waited. He would focus on his family and let the past stay buried. For now.

“Ross,” interrupted Nevin, “if we don’t hurry up, Gil might undress Amelia, take her upstairs and show her our wedding present. You okay with that?”

“Hell no!” He nudged his horse into a canter, guiding it down the trail between the ranches. Once the trees were gone and the path was safe he kicked his heels and went into a gallop. He leaned forward, the wind blowing his long hair back, and whooped a war cry. Nevin’s voice rang out like an echo behind him as they raced home.

* * * *

Amelia stomped back and forth on the porch while Gillis, Nevin and Ross put their horses away. “They better have a darn good reason to take me from my wedding party,” she muttered.

“Close your eyes,” ordered Ross, coming up behind her.

“Ye’d better tie a hanky over them. I dinna trust her.”

“Our sweet-tempered wife wouldn’t peek, would she?” Nevin tapped his finger on his chin a few times, frowning theatrically. “You’re right. I wouldn’t trust her.”

Ross handed him the white-on-white handkerchief she’d sewn while at Beth’s. She closed her eyes and let them fuss over her. Beth warned her they might have something planned and to go along with it even if they acted worse than Daniel and Billy on a dare.

One man took each arm while the other followed close behind. If she opened her eyes a bit she could see her feet, but she let them guide her up the stairs as if she was blind. When she tried to remove the blindfold all three complained, so she waited.

Someone cleared this throat. A moment later, three pairs of hands attacked her buttons. They quickly stripped her down to her blindfold and stockings.

The rustle of clothing and thunk of six boots hitting the floor suggested all four of them would soon be naked. That was confirmed when she felt the nudging of three cocks at her hips and belly.

“We’re going to take off the blindfold, but don’t open your eyes,” whispered Ross from her right side.

“Make sure you untie the knots so that all my embroidery doesn’t get ruined. It took me days to finish.”

“Is that all you did at the Elliotts while we broke our backs working?”

“They wouldn’t let me put my foot down, so I had to do something useful. I helped with the mending and kept an eye on James. As thanks for having me underfoot, I made charcoal sketches. Trace said he’d have them framed as a present for Beth.”

“You do any of us?”

“Not really.” Amelia held back a smile at the caricatures she’d done of Gillis, Ross and Nevin. After Trace had them framed, she’d keep them until Christmas.

“Open your eyes on the count of three,” said Nevin at her left. “One,” the other two joined the chant, “two, three!”

She blinked a few times before realizing what she saw.

“You made us a bed!”

She hurried toward the window. They must have lashed together four beds, just like the Elliotts did for Beth. Each held a couple of thick mattresses. The striped ticking matched so it looked like one bed from wall to wall.

“You like it?”

“’tis bigger than the Elliott’s—”

“—and we got feather mattresses over the straw ones, just like you wanted.”

“Try it out, wife.”

Amelia looked from one eager face to the other. Their cocks were equally eager, pointing the way forward. She sat down, smiling when she sank into soft feathers.

“What a wonderful surprise,” she said.

They looked at each other, silent messages sent and received.

“You need a glass of cordial,” said Ross. He strolled to the side table and poured ruby liquid into a wine glass.

“Aren’t you having any?”

“You’re the one who needs it tonight.”

She stood up when he brought it over to her. Instead of handing the glass to her he dipped his finger into the cordial. He let a drop fall from his finger onto her left nipple, then right. Nevin and Gillis moved close and licked them off.

The hot, fast sex with Ross had tempted her appetite for more. The tongues swirling around her nipples, teeth nipping lightly, made her twitch. They gave her one last kiss and straightened up, grinning like wolves.

“Why do I need to drink this?”

“Beth says Rowena Jones’s blackcurrant cordial is famous for its strength. It will help you relax,” said Ross. “And that will make it easier for you to take all three of us.”


He nodded.

“At the same time?” Another nod. She looked from Nevin to Gillis.

“We drew lots to see who got what part of you,” said Nevin.

“And?” When he hesitated she motioned for him to continue.

“And we want you to remember this night for the rest of your life.”

“So that you want to do it again, and again.” Ross held the glass to her lips. She sipped, enjoying the rich flavor, then drank deep. How would it taste when licked off the cocks of her men?

Ross handed the glass to Gillis and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his chest and inhaled his subtle mix of wood smoke, tobacco and sweetgrass. He smelled like home.

“Another wee glass,” ordered Gillis.

Already feeling a buzz, she sipped only half of it as the three men watched. “That’s enough for now. You don’t want me to fall asleep, do you?”

“Dinna insult us,” said Gillis with a scowl. “Ye canna sleep with three MacDougals lovin’ ye.”

“Are you sure about that? All of a sudden I feel tired. Perhaps I need a nap.” She yawned and stretched. Their eyes shot to her breasts, as always.

Ross grunted and swept her into his arms. He laid her on the middle of the soft bed. His eyes looked golden in the lamplight. He scanned her face as if memorizing every part of her.

She looked at Nevin, then Gillis, standing a few feet away. These were her men. It was their wedding night. She smiled and held out her arms to them.

“Close your eyes and let us love you,” whispered Ross.

The blackcurrant cordial made it hard to keep her eyes open and the new mattress stuffed with feathers made her feel like she floated on a cloud. She closed her eyes.

The bed shifted as men moved around and settled. Warm hands lifted her feet to their lips. They kissed their way up her legs, moving quickly until they reached the tops of her stockings.

At that point they bent her knees and pressed them wide. It opened her hot flesh to the cool evening air. She shivered when two sets of chapped lips brushed her inner thighs. She pressed her heels down, lifting her bottom to encourage them.

A moustache trailed across her breast. She gasped at the new sensation. Whether it was the cordial or something else, her skin felt a thousand times more responsive.

The men shifted. One kissed her belly gently and then settled between her legs. He licked between her pussy lips, long strokes up and back. Someone else nibbled her breast. She opened her mouth to a set of lips outlined in a moustache and beard. Gillis.

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