A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1) (2 page)

BOOK: A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1)
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My hands are sweaty and I really feel like I’m going to be sick right now. It’s Friday morning and I’m sitting in a plush, fancy armchair in a really spacious lounge room. I can’t call it a waiting room because it looks so posh, and I’m not sure I’m supposed to be here. It has two big white leather sofas, a chrome coffee table and the walls are painted in cream. The only thing that looks out of place is the water cooler in the corner. I have a job interview as a Personal Assistant to Mr. Lynn at Lynn Publishing.

I wasn’t sure what to wear and I’m terrible at dressing myself. Yes, I know, I’m twenty-three and can’t dress myself? Ridiculous, but I’ve never been one for the latest fashion trends and I’m sure, I’m completely colour blind. It hasn’t been proven, but I can’t seem to understand what colours go with what, you know colour matching. It’s so frustrating being a woman sometimes. I decided after rummaging through my wardrobe for around three hours, on wearing black dress trousers with a white blouse which has beautifully frilly buttons, and a pair of black four-inch heels which I can’t walk in by the way. I have my new black John Lewis bag which my Aunt Sylvia bought for me for my birthday. I wasn’t sure what to do with my hair, so I left my brunette, long, wavy hair to flow down across my shoulders. I really want to make a good impression and I know that it’s imperative that I get this job.

Every so often I keep wiping my sweat covered hands on my trousers. I look over at the water cooler in the corner. I stand on shaky legs and cross the room. Grabbing a cup, I fill it with crystal clear cold water. My throat is very dry and I’m finding it hard to swallow. I hear the door open and in walks two models. I say models because they’re elegantly put together right down to the makeup they’re both wearing. One has long, wavy, brunette hair that’s been left down. She’s wearing a black all-in-one suit with brown heels and a brown bag to match. She’s gorgeous and definitely looks the part. The other is completely different. She’s wearing a tight, short, black mini-skirt with a bright pink boob tube.

Do people still wear them?

She’s finished it off with knee-high black boots and a black bag to match. She looks gorgeous with her long blonde locks down past her bottom. How she keeps her hair that nice is anyone’s guess. The blonde glances at me, but looks straight away again and then takes a seat next to the brunette. I can’t keep standing by this water cooler, so I walk back over to my seat, which happens to be right next to the blonde.

“Hi, I’m Annabelle,” I say.

The blonde looks over at me curling her lip in disgust and then averting her gaze which appears to be cold and flat.  Flinching as I’m unsure what I’ve done wrong.

“I’m Tammy,” she eventually replies, still not looking at me.

Tammy pulls out her mobile phone and begins typing away. I guess my conversation with her is over. I look over at the brunette and notice that she’s staring at me.

“Don’t mind Tammy, she’s always a bitch to people she doesn’t know. I’m Madison.”

I smile. “Hi Madison, it’s nice to meet you. I’m really nervous about this interview.” I give a nervous smile while wiping my sweaty hands once again on my trousers.

“Yea, I’m quite nervous too.” She gets up and proceeds to the water cooler.

“I’m not nervous at all. You both might as well go home because I know I’m going to get the job,” Tammy says snidely.

The door opens and in walks a middle-aged woman with grey hair piled up in a bun and a very expensive looking suit which fits her body perfectly.

“Miss Sanders, Mr. Lynn will see you now.”

Tammy stands up and follows the woman out through the door.

“Wow, Tammy seems lovely,” I sigh while fiddling with my fingers. The wait is killing me.

“Yea, she’s really nice once you get to know her. But she’s just a bit too self-assured at times almost bordering on cocky, but that’s just the way she is. I’ve been friends with her for a long time, so I just tend to ignore that side of her.” Madison comes and sits next to me while sipping her water. We sit in silence for a while.

I’m quite socially awkward at times and in situations like this I never know what to say or do. After half an hour, the middle-aged woman comes back in and asks Madison to follow her. I don’t know where Tammy went, but I’m really glad that I don’t have to be alone with her. I open my bag and pull out my Kindle. I’m currently reading
‘Little Women.'
I really love this book, and it’s one of my favourites. Nothing like a good classic. So, I sit here and get lost in the fantasy world the book has created.

I’m so caught up with reading that I don’t hear the middle-aged woman come back in, or her calling my name. I get a shock when a hand taps me on the shoulder. I look up to see the middle-aged woman smiling down at me.

“I’m sorry dear. I did call your name, but you didn’t hear me. Mr. Lynn is ready to see you now.”

“Thank you. Sorry, I was lost in my book,” I reply embarrassed.

I stand up and follow the middle-aged woman out the door and down toward the mahogany double doors at the end of a well-lit hall. The middle-aged woman knocks and I hear a very masculine voice reply, “Come in.”

The door opens and I walk into a massive office with floor to ceiling windows. Through the huge windows, I can see the river Thames, glistening in the low winter sun.

The office is decked out with mahogany furniture and a cream leather sofa down one side. The mahogany desk is in the middle with plush-looking chairs on both sides, facing each other. The office is amazing, but not as amazing as the man sitting in the black high-backed chair. Oh my God, he is beautiful. Beautiful in a masculine way, that is. He has short, thick, black wavy hair that’s styled to perfection. He’s wearing a white shirt that’s clinging to his muscular bulging arms. This man definitely works out. After giving him the once over, I look up and my eyes lock with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen. They are emerald green with little brown flecks near his pupils. I can’t look away and I’m sure my mouth is agape. I don’t even realise that the middle-aged woman had shut the door and left.

Mr. Lynn clears his throat. “Good morning Miss Connor, please take a seat and we’ll get started.”

On shaky legs, I make my way to the chair in front of his desk and sit down. My heart is thumping loudly, my ears are ringing and my hands are so sweaty.

I can’t stop staring at him.

Get a grip Annabelle. You’re making a fool of yourself,
I keep repeating to myself in my head.

“Miss Connor, I’ve been looking over your CV and I can’t find any previous experience as a PA, secretary or anything like that. It says here that you were at college studying animal care, and then went on and were employed by McDonald’s for two years, but that’s the only employment experience you’ve had?”

“Yes, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at college, so I studied animal care because I absolutely love animals. They’re just so cute and adorable,” I blurted.

Oh God, I’m so embarrassed. I look down at my hands and start fiddling with my fingers in my lap when I hear a deep-throated laugh. I look up to see Mr. Lynn laughing at me. I’m mortified. My face is beetroot red and I could really die of shame right about now. After Mr. Lynn composes himself, he looks at me with a smirk on his face.

“Well, that’s good to know Miss Connor. Why don’t I tell you what the job entails and see if it’s a job you could see yourself doing? My PA is required to take messages and book appointments. You will be working closely with me and helping me out with any jobs that need doing. If you get the job, you’ll be working alongside Wendy, my present PA to learn the role before she retires. Does this sound like something you would be interested in?”

Working closely with Mr. Lynn? Oh boy, this just got interesting.

“Most definitely. I know I haven’t had any experience, but I know I can do this job, and I will work really hard to get up to speed quickly. I really need this job and if you give me a shot, I promise I won’t let you down,” I plead.

Mr. Lynn stares at me with a scrutinizing stare. He’s silent for a while which is only making me more nervous. I feel like I’m going to vomit.

“Where are you from, Miss Connor?” His emerald eyes capture me and I can’t turn away.

“I grew up in Harrow. I went to live with my Aunt Sylvia when I was nine.” I shift uncomfortably under his gaze. “I moved to London when I left college.” My throat is feeling very dry and I cough unexpectedly.

“Would you like a drink, Miss Connor?” Before I can reply, he gets up and makes his way to a cabinet in the corner. It’s an old looking mahogany cabinet, probably an antique. He opens the doors and pulls out a bottle of water. “Would you like a glass of water?”

I smile when he looks at me over his shoulder. “Yes… please.”

He pours a glass and places in front of me on the desk. He doesn’t move from his position, but perches himself on the desk. His leg brushes my arm and a bolt of electricity surges up my arm.

What do you do for fun, Miss Connor?”

I’m a little shocked by his question and his closeness. I can smell is cologne. Oh my God, he smells good.

“Fun?” I gulp. I can’t seem to speak. I look up into his eyes and see his emerald green eyes are now darker.

“Yes, Miss Connor… You like to have fun, right?” He smirks and I’m not sure what he’s talking about anymore.

“Yes, Mr. Lynn… I try and have fun when I can. I do like to read a good book and sometimes… ” I smile, “I even have a hot chocolate with marshmallows.”

He laughs a deep throaty laugh. Even his laugh is intoxicating
. What’s he doing to me?
I look down and my hair falls around my face. I’m glad I made him laugh, but I’m not sure if he was laughing at me or with me. He tips my chin up with his finger and I lock gazes with him. His eyes are smouldering and he smirks.

“You are very funny, Miss Connor.”

Am I?
I smile.

“God you're gorgeous,” he mumbles very quietly, but I hear it.

He thinks I’m gorgeous?

I’m doing a little dance inside with that compliment. I lick my lips and I notice his eyes are drawn there. I want him to kiss me and he looks like he’s going to. He inches closer and my eyes instantly fall shut. I can’t believe this is happening. I don’t know this guy, but I don’t seem to care. I wait in anticipation. Suddenly, Mr. Lynn clears his throat. I open my eyes to see him jump up and return to his chair across from me.     

“Well, Miss Connor, I’ll give you a ring if you’re successful.” He smiles.

“Thank you for your time, Mr. Lynn.” I stand to walk out when I hear my name.

“Miss Connor, it was very nice to meet you,” he says in a deep husky voice. I turn around and lock eyes with him once more. I feel this deep pull toward him that I find hard to ignore. I’m sweating and breathing rapidly. The air is thick with sexual tension and I’m finding it hard to think straight. It’s a struggle, but I quickly look away and head for the double doors. I tell myself not to turn around, but I can’t seem to help it. I put my hand on the doorknob and glance over my shoulder to see Mr. Lynn staring at me and smirking. I quickly open the door and walk away.

What’s wrong with me?

He’s so sexy and his eyes, oh my, his eyes just light a fire inside me with just one look. If he can do that with one look, then what will it be like working with him? If I get this job, what am I going to do about this feeling?

BOOK: A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1)
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