A Christmas for Hope (9 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

Tags: #romance, #holiday

BOOK: A Christmas for Hope
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“Okay.” He eased away and stood mere inches away, covering her but not touching her. He put his hand next to hers holding the cots rim.


“That’s not what I meant.” She spoke through clenched teeth.


“Is this what you want?” The sound of him lowering his zipper competed with the muffled Christmas music. He bent and pushed up against her, his cock sliding between her butt cheeks.




He skimmed his shaft between her moist folds, pushing her on her toes as he grazed her clit. Waves of pleasure rolled through her. His fingers dug into the delicate skin of her hip, holding her in place as he ground his pelvis against her. He found the sweet spot below her ear and pressed his lips on the soft hollow. Hope wrapped her hands around the cushion pushing her digits under the edge. He moved his hands, sliding them down her arms and enveloping her hands with his to capture her digits between them. His cock was covered in her juices. He pulled away and thrust forward, slipping into her channel and filling her completely. He didn’t move for a few seconds then, sucking on her neck, he drove into her body, thrusting her forward. She pressed back, and reveled in the touch of his skin on hers, sure he could feel the hard thud of her heart.


The heat emanating off him warmed her and he pulled their arms in, wrapping them around her body as he drove deeper. She closed her eyes; vibrant shades of color blossomed behind her lids. His grunts deepened and his thrust quickened. They formed a rocking rhythm and a tingling started at her fingertips quickly spreading up her limbs. He released one hand and raised it to bury it in her hair, wrapping a lock around his fist, he yanked her head back.


“You’re mine, baby.” He slipped his tongue into her ear.


His declaration sent her over the edge. She bowed as her orgasm ripped through her. Juices poured into folds overflowing onto her thighs. He pulled out only to thrust so deep his balls tapped her inner thighs. He dropped his head and roared into her shoulder as his release came.


Chapter Eight


Hope sat up and stared at the carpet while rubbing her back. It was a week before Christmas and roughly three weeks before she got to meet her baby. She looked down at her belly and smiled. “We are almost there, Kira.”


This was the first time she’d truly been by herself since Thanksgiving, and that was only because Lucas had promised his grandmother he’d take her Christmas shopping. Hope chuckled. He’d wanted to take her along and she’d let the tears gush telling him how tired she was. With a peck on the lips, she rolled over and went back to sleep. She searched the room looking for the reason she was suddenly awakened.


The banging on her door startled her and she felt her baby jerk in her womb. She stared through the doorway to the front door, pushed off the bed, and waddled down the short hall. When she swung the door open, the smart retort she’d planned to say died on her lips. Staring at the man that had left her with nothing but a baby, she watched as he cocked a brow and placed a large palm on the thin wood of her front door.


“Charlie.” His name was the only thing she could bring herself to say.


“Hey, baby.” Charlie’s voice dropped to a deep octave, something that used to make her wet her panties. He shifted, leaning on the jamb while trying to see around her and into the apartment.


He hadn’t changed much. The navy blue dress set he wore with boots was classic Charlie. Her momma had called him a thugged-out white boy when she’d met him. A tattoo licked up from beneath the collar of his shirt. That was new along with the deep lines that fanned out from the corners of his eyes and the brackets surrounding his mouth. Now he just looked like a worn out wanna be.


“What the hell do you want?” She narrowed her eyes and smiled at the realization that his appearance did nothing for her.


“I’ve been watching and I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been trying to replace me.”


“I don’t have to try. It’s already done.” She held a hand up palm forward and tried to close the door.


He grabbed her hand yanking it down while squeezing her fingers together. Her joints pressed together and a sharp stinging shot through her digits. His lips spread in a big smile while Hope blinked back tears.


“Did you forget your place, baby girl? I mean I leave to handle business for a minute and you bring in another man. I have to say I’m not surprised considering your upbringing.” He leaned forward. His alcohol-ripe breath made her gag. “Are you going to invite me in?”


“Charlie, I’m going say this once. Leave.” She averted his stare and focused on a point beyond his body.


“Hope, baby, look at me.” Charlie raised his hand.


Hope flinched, covering her belly with an arm. He dropped the appendage and skated his fingers along her limb. She stepped out of his reach and eased behind the door. Charlie narrowed his eyes and shook his head.


“I won’t have another man take what’s mine, Hope. I suggest you get rid of the boy or someone could end up hurt. Do you understand me?” The sound of flesh slapping the wall caused her to jump then he turned on his heel and walked down the walkway. Mid-step he stopped and glanced over his shoulder. “I’ll give you a week to let the guy down easy then I’ll be back. That way we can start the New Year off right.” Charlie whistled a Christmas carol as he strode away.


Hope closed the door with a soft click. Quickly turning the deadbolt, she leaned against the barrier. She wrapped her arms around her torso and let the tears stream down her cheeks. Hiccups racked her body as she slid to the linoleum floor. She stared at the ornament-laden tree with the brightly wrapped presents that Lucas insisted on buying for her and Kira. Hope closed her eyes to stem the flow.


Memories ran through her mind like a movie reel. Her first encounter with Charlie when he was so attentive. Something she’d never experienced. Her mother was never around, working two, sometimes three, jobs to keep a roof over their heads. Her daddy…she snorted, she couldn’t remember ever meeting the man. But Charlie, he swooped right in and filled that void of loneliness, taking her out, showing her off to his friends. He was older and always around the neighborhood she’d grown up in. He felt safe. For the first time she’d felt cherished. Giddy in the knowledge that she was loved and desired. Hope wiped a hand down her face but the recollections wouldn’t be pushed aside so easily.


She gently bumped her head against the wood. Her mother hadn’t liked Charlie and told her he’d had the same gleam in his eye as her daddy. Hope couldn’t remember her father so she had no reference to compare him too. Linda had made it quite clear Charlie wasn’t welcome in her home which forced Hope to make a choice. It was years later before she realized she’d selected the wrong path. So many times she’d covered up the bruises and the black eyes, always making excuses.


The only thing she did do was finish school and that was with her mother’s help. Secretly attending classes when he thought she was attending to her ailing mom. Hope opened her eyes and gazed at the ceiling, stuck in the past. She didn’t even get a chance to go to her own graduation. When her mother passed, no one questioned the dark marks that appeared on her body. Quietly, she started saving funds. With that and the small inheritance her mother had left her, she’d get out and vanish to a place where he would never find her.


Until he found her checkbook and savings statement. That night he’d beaten her until it’d hurt to move, until she didn’t have any fight left in her. She’d crawled into the bathroom and slept in the tub. A month later, Hope discovered she was pregnant. Worry had eaten away at psyche, had he hurt the baby? Determination filled her. It was no longer about her. She had to protect her child and come hell or high water that is what she would do. She’d stood up to him again and this time she added she was pregnant. The beatings would stop. He’d raised his fist. She’d lifted her chin, she would protect the growing baby within her. He left after punching a hole in the wall. Resolute in her decision, she’d come home to collect a few things when she knew he wouldn’t be there and had walked into an empty apartment.


Her baby swiveled in her belly, shifting into another position. She caressed her stomach. “It’s alright, Kira. I will never let that man touch you.”


Hope ran her hands over her hair in frustration. Somehow she had to keep them both safe. She had a week and she would spend it with Lucas. Have the Christmas she so desperately wanted with a man that she knew she had fallen in love with. Pressing a fist to her chest, she swallowed the wail that threatened to overtake her and felt the hot tears that continued to roll down her face.


Hope got to her hands and knees and moved to the ladder back kitchen chair using it to get up from the floor. Charlie wouldn’t take this last bit of happiness away from her. She would live and love like there was no tomorrow then she would go with her original plan and get the fuck out of Dodge. Inhaling deeply, she took another look at the tree and nodded. No matter the way it felt like her heart was shredding in her chest, Lucas would be safe, they would all be okay. With nothing left to do, Hope shuffled to the bathroom to wash her face. It was time to make their memories count. They would have to last a lifetime.


§ § §


Lucas loosely held Hope’s hand, careful of the green and black bruises that covered two fingers. He lifted her palm to inspect them. She tugged the digits from his grasp and grabbed a belt loop to yank him in the direction she wanted to go. Her enthusiasm was contagious. She wanted to do anything and everything at once. He scratched his head and followed her to the next house on the Christmas Lights Home Tour. Something was off. He embraced this new Hope with both hands but it wasn’t her at the same time. His Hope had a bit of a dark streak and a lot of sarcastic wit, lately she was simply too agreeable. He dug his feet into the grass and wrapped his fingers around her wrist.


“What’s wrong?” She glanced over her shoulder at his hand.


“Nothing’s wrong. But it’s Christmas Eve, babe. I thought we would spend a quiet night at home, maybe open a present or two. Rest…you have been going non-stop for a week; aren’t you tired?” He’d had the night all planned out. The ring was sitting under the pine with a big red bow waiting for her to discover it. Instead, she’d dragged him out into the night for a festive Christmas parade and tour.


“No.” She turned and moved toward him and placed a palm on his abdomen. “I don’t want to see the holidays end.” Her voice held a note of defeat.


The way she touched him had him thinking of other things but that tone of despair made him narrow his eyes. “What’s going on, babe? This doesn’t have to end. We’ll have other holidays.”


Her lips lifted in a hint of a smile. “I know we will.” She went on her toes to press a kiss to his lips.


“As much as I’m enjoying our non-stop Christmas revelry I would really like to get you home.” He snaked an arm around her waist to keep her close.


“I bet you would.” Her hand slid down between them to cup his cock. “So, what’s taking you so long to get me there?” she whispered into his shirt.


He had nothing to add to the conversation, instead turning them in the opposite direction of the crowd. He weaved his fingers with hers and led her to the car. Careful of his pace, he took his time, tapping back the urge to gather her up and carry her. Why in the hell did he have to park so far?


The ride home was quiet and the closer they got to the complex the more Hope seemed to tense up. They swerved into the parking space in front of her building and he did his best not to smile when she arched a brow at him.


“In a hurry?” She trailed her digits over his.


“Yes, ma’am, I am.” Lucas pulled the lever that released the door.


He was on her side of the car in seconds, helping her out of the seat. The sadness in her eyes gave him pause and he absently stroked her face as unease slithered down his spine. His stomach clenched just like that day not so long ago when his convoy was attacked and his life was changed forever. Lucas searched the area around them and saw nothing amiss. Enfolding her hand within his, they started toward the stairs when a stranger walked out the shadows beneath them.


Placing a hand at the small of Hope’s back, he urged her on while she stood rooted in the spot on the sidewalk. Lucas looked down at her and felt fear at the despondency he saw in her eyes. Her gaze never left the man at the foot of the stairs. He studied the stranger. The man was an inch or two shorter with a thick build. He guessed the guy had once been muscular and had let it go to fat. He wasn’t a young man, but his wardrobe suggested that he wanted to be with creased jeans hanging below the waist and a white wife beater that was absorbing the different colors from the various lights wrapped around the poles and windows. Tattoos sleeved both arms and his hair was cut low. Lucas was guessing he was in his mid-forties.

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