Read A Bride Worth Billions Online

Authors: Tiffany Morgan

A Bride Worth Billions (13 page)

BOOK: A Bride Worth Billions
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Vincent, Kyle and Therese led a group of ten huge men and surrounded the intruders. He searched for Leila and saw her unconscious, almost lifeless. His insides churned seeing how badly Leila was injured and his fear of loosing her was right at his face.


“Denzel! Pray that she survives this or I swear to hunt you down to the ends of the earth.” He clenched his fists, ready to shift.


“Your bitch will die and there is no stopping it, Vincent. And you get to watch her bleed to death.”


“I will kill you!” Vincent growled.


“Easy Vincent.” Therese called out to him. “You wouldn’t want to loose control now, not when Leila needs you.”


Vincent looked at Leila’s curled form and breathed heavily. He needed to focus on saving Leila first. He would deal with Denzel once she’s safe.


“Leave now and live for another day.” Vincent warned.


“Not after a blood bath Vincent.” Denzel challenged him.


But Vincent was set on saving Leila. The pool of blood around her kept spreading, he had to get her.


“Kyle, Therese, you know what to do.”


He shifted and jumped over the enemy then landed on Leila’s side. His body served as a cover to protect her.


Denzel shifted back to his wolf self and rushed towards him. He took a combat stance and waited for Denzel and attacked before the black wolf could fully land on top of him. The two wolves bit each other and rolled in the sand, clawing and kicking.


The white beach was stained with spots of blood as the fight continued on. Kyle and Therese’s team were biting and clawing the other two wolves and in no less than five minutes, their two heads rolled over the sand.


Therese and Kyle, along with the other wolves shifted back to their human form, and she rushed to where Leila was.


“Vincent!” She cried out to him.


Leila’s skin was cold and she was turning gray. The bleeding still continued and she was at the brink of death.


Vincent stepped away from Denzel’s bleeding body after hearing Therese. And he saw what was causing her to panic.


“Leila.” He whispered her name hoping her eyes would miraculously open and look at him.


“You’re not going anywhere leech!” Denzel yelled before shifting back into a wolf.


He dashed forward and clawed Vincent’s back. He pushed his paws further into his flesh which made the other wolf growl in pain. He then drew his other paw to severe his head but was pulled away. Kyle kicked him hard on the face.


Vincent turned human and fell on the ground, blood spurted out from his back wound. His breathing went heavy making it hard for him to walk. He got wounded pretty badly and the healing process was taking time. Frustration filled his heart as he glanced up and saw Leila slipping away.


“No...” He murmured in despair.


“Vincent, Denzel is unconscious.” Kyle said while he was helping him up.


His wounds were partly healed but he was still bleeding. Kyle had to drag him to where Leila was. He dropped to his knees and cuddled her frail body. He leaned down to kiss her but her lips were as cold as ice and his energy couldn’t touch her. Her body didn’t accept his life force which only meant she was far beyond whatever he could give her.


“Leila, baby. No!”


He kissed her again and again but nothing happened.


“You can’t do this. Leila, sweetie. Wake up.”


He tried again.


“Please, baby.” Vincent cried out her name as he buried his face on her bloody neck.


“Vincent..” Kyle squeezed his shoulder.


He shook his head.
He refused to let her go. Not in this lifetime and the next. She will live and he would see to it that she would.


And so with the last straw of hope and his promise to keep her safe, Vincent bit his arm and made her drink his blood. Then he started chanting.


“Oklaham Akyahum.”


He kept repeating the chant until a loud thunder roared in the sky. He smiled weakly and relaxed, though he kept her close to him. His wounds had already healed, the torn bloody shirt on him was the only trace left from the fight.


Minutes later, Leila coughed out some blood as the color in her face returned, and her body started to warm up a bit. Then she opened her eyes and looked at him with worry. That was all he needed before he kissed her lovingly.


Vincent carried her back to the house and allowed her to rest in his room. He kissed her again before giving her time to rest. Therese was waiting for him when he came out.


“What was that spell Vincent?” There was conviction in her tone.


“It was meant to save her life.” He answered and walked pass her.


Therese grabbed his arm to stop him.


“No spell could save her Vincent. She was dead.”


“Her heart was still beating, Therese. Faint but alive.” He answered coldly.


“What did you do?”


“I did what I could to save her.”


He left and walked towards the wine room. He needed a drink. Time went by as he gulped down every glass right after refilling it. And when he had his fill, a bit light-headed but sober, he stood up walked towards his room.


Leila was asleep when he came in. Her soft breathing filled his ears with delight. Everything he did was worth it seeing how peacefully she was sleeping. He sat beside her and raised his hand to caress her face. The warmth of her skin tingled his fingers.


She stirred a bit but stayed asleep. She was so beautiful he couldn’t help but lean down to give her a chaste kiss. She moan ever so softly against his lips and this pushed him to deepen it.


Leila slowly reached for him to kissed him back. As the kiss heat up, she felt his hand caressing her side then up to her belly. It tickled and she moaned in pleasure.


His lips left hers to trace the curves of her neck. His lips were warm leaving moist tingles on her skin. He explored every side of her skin leaving Leila breathless, wanting for more. He kissed her lips again before moving down to her stomach.


He pulled up her top to nibble on her skin. The soft bites his pearly white teeth made left pinkish marks on her belly. She had to grasp when he played with her belly button using his tongue. Butterflies fluttered endlessly inside her as the new blissful sensation reared her to arched her body.


She pushed her hip upward to beg him for more but a sudden jolt of pain made her cry.


“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” Vincent was quick and was now seated next to her.


“No. Not you. My back suddenly hurt a bit.” She winced when her slight movement caused so much pain.


“I’m sorry. I should have waited.”


“I’m not... So don’t be.” She smiled at him.


“Alright.” He smiled back.


Vincent helped her settle back in the bed before lying beside her. He wrapped his arm around her tiny waist and closed his eyes.


A few minutes later, Leila was soundly asleep beside him but he couldn’t do the same. He remembered the worry on Therese’s face and he understood her perfectly.


He was a future Alpha and a trainee Spellcaster under his mother’s supervision. But he wasn’t trained to cast a powerful and forbidden spell. And he knew that someday, he would pay for breaking the rules, either with someone’s life or his own.





Every day, she awoke to the smell of young leaves moist with the morning dew, the earthly scent of freshly cut woods and the cool vapors from the freshest spring. Nature was her best friend and her soulmate. The training camp was a site to see.


Mia Evans - a red-haired woman with chocolate brown eyes and a petite frame, had a rough start at the training camp. Two years ago, after she gave up college and pursued her passion for hand-to-hand combat and close-range weaponry, she was scouted to impart her skills to a group of young boys. She was offered her own cottage complete with modern amenities and her personal needs would be provided, plus many more. It was a chance she could not allow to pass.


But what was supposed to be a group of young boys turned out to be young men with strong bodies and uncontrolled tempers. The site bewildered her, however she was not one to back off easily. She took it as a challenge and two years after, every new batch of trainees remained a challenge.


Today was no different. A new batch of hot-tempered little wolves had arrived last night and she was told the group were quite difficult to handle. She smiled after reading the list and placed it on her table. Indeed, she had found some interesting characters who would definitely question her authority.


After putting on her suit, a black turtle neck sweatshirt, leather jacket, stretchable jeans and hi-cut navy boots; she came out of her cottage. It was still dark outside since and the first glimpse of sunrise had not graced the camp yet, but it was already 5am and breakfast will be served in 30 minutes. She purposely rose early because she wanted to see who the future rule breakers would be.


She walked passed the row of cabins for the trainees and went straight to the dining hall. It was a good 10-minute walk which gave a moment to appreciate the beauty of the greenery surrounding the camp. Tall tress served as the gates, while a huge stretch of land with fertile soil was where all the cabins and cottages where built with wood. The training grounds was located fifty meters below on a different plane.


The mess hall was empty except for the kitchen crew and a few number of the wolf guards. She took her usual inspection routine and when she found no hidden threat or unusual activities, she proceeded to the Commander’s office.


The Commander had long, braided gray hair. He was a big man who can be intimidating most of the time, but he was a just leader. Mia admired him for his sense of leadership. He was seated behind his table and smiled when she came in. A folder neatly placed on the center of the table peaked up her curiosity.


“New training module.” He patted the folder before pushing it near her.


“And so I heard this batch is special. Too many wild dogs?” She raised her brows.


The Commander eyed her for a moment while playing with his pen. He then stood up and walked around the table.


“Not the batch, but a certain wild dog.” He answered while he stood by the window.


“What about him?”


“He is young and went astray before his father had finally pinned him down with a deal.” His shoulders sagged a bit and there was a hint of worry on his tone.


“He must be a very interesting character. And a rule breaker, I suppose.” Mia knew the boy, whoever it was, wasn’t just a normal trainee. He must have some political status.


“I had always hope he was a rule breaker so I can personally mandate his punishment. But he had never done so.” There was a hint of fondness in the way he spoke of the trainee. “He is good at bending rules to his advantage and favor, thus he always gets away without punishment.”


Now, Mia understood why the new recruit was being treated “special”.
A bender, huh?


“I’d like you to personally watch over him, supervise his training and make sure he wouldn’t find a single reason to bail out. Do you understand, Mia?” He was dead serious when he turned around.


“Loud and clear, sir.”


Mia saluted her superior and took the folder from the table.


“And Mia..”


She stopped right before the door to face him.


“Don’t fall for the brat’s charms. Do you understand?”


She wanted to laugh but held it back when she saw that he was dead serious. She nodded instead and went out.


The conversation must have taken longer than she anticipated. The sky was already bright with the morning light and the field was filled with new faces, aside from the facilitators and the guards.


She walked back to the dining hall and settled on her designated place. As she waited for the food to be served, the trainees in platoons had entered together with their immediate supervisor. Minutes later the food was served and she filled her growling stomach.


After breakfast, everyone was given another thirty minutes to digest and prepare for the training, which will last the entire day. The next meal would be served after sundown. Scavenging for food deep in the forest was part of training so the young wolves would have to fend for themselves during lunch break.


A ceremony commenced before the distribution of assignments and training proper would start afterwards.


Mia was assigned to close hand-to-hand combat and was one of the three instructors for the program. She was the only female instruction and one of the few abled humans in the camp. And thus, her battle to prove her worth and to gain respect would start again.



BOOK: A Bride Worth Billions
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