A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance) (25 page)

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baby," he whispered. "I'm going to fuck you."

I whimpered.

he said.

I begged. "I need you."

need me to what?" he asked.

wanted to hear me say it. I would have given him anything he wanted
at that moment.

need you more than I've ever needed anything. I need you to fuck me,
Z," I said.

thrust into me without warning. I cried out his name and lifted my
hips to meet his. His body hovered over mine. I could feel the heat
flowing from him. My heart was racing. My eyes were covered and my
hands were being held above my head in his. With each thrust, my body
moved upward. He was reaching so damn deep inside of me. Every tiny
sound in the woods seemed like it was ten times louder than usual.
The smell of whatever he was wearing was so strong. I loved that
smell. It was one of the things I missed. He had smelled the same
since high school. It was familiar. I had to touch him. I needed to
feel his skin.

wrapped my legs around his waist and enjoyed the feel of his skin
against me. I pulled my feet in to pull him closer to me. He moaned
my name as he plunged into me over and over. It was like neither of
us could get enough of the other. He covered my mouth with his, and I
pulled his lip between my teeth causing him to hiss. I pulled at my
hands, but he held them tight.

yourself," he said, as he pulled back from our kiss. "It
won't take much for me to spank your ass. You've deserved it for a
long time now."

I cried out.

baby," he said.

could hear the smirk in his words.

need to touch you. Please let me touch you."

want you to remember who makes you feel this way, Livie. Nobody will
ever make you feel the way I can. I want you to think about me when
you touch yourself. It will be my hands touching you and giving you
pleasure. Do you hear me? I want it to be my cock you think about
sucking. I want you to see my tongue licking and sucking your pussy.
I want you to feel me tomorrow when you're at the bakery. When you
get home tomorrow night, I want you to need me. I always want it to
be me that you see in your dreams."

I whispered. "Let me touch you. I want to feel your skin, baby.
I can't wait. I need to know this is real. It's not a dream."

let go of my hands, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled
him closer to me. My hands gripped his back.

me hard, Z," I begged.

let out a growl as he pounded into me. I loved feeling the muscles in
his back move as he fucked me. I kept my legs around him and met him
thrust for thrust.

me everything you have, Z," I said, as I ran my fingers through
his hair before going back to hugging him. "Don't hold back. I
never want to forget this moment with you."

reached around my head and pulled the blindfold from my eyes. I
blinked a few times and moved to look to the side, but Zander took my
chin in his hand and looked into my eyes.

here," he said. "I want you looking at me. I need to see
those beautiful eyes when you come undone beneath me. Don't look away
from me, baby."

nodded and kept my connection with his eyes. They were a darker shade
than usual. I'd missed seeing his face so badly.

missed you," I said.

missed you too," he said. "It feels so damn good to be
buried deep inside of you. I could have you every day and never get
enough. You are so beautiful."

took his cheeks in my hands and kissed him hard.

me, Z," was all I said.

hands went to his back. I held him as close as I could. When he
kissed me, if felt like he was trying to tell me something. My nerves
were firing off. I thrust my hips forward to take him even deeper.
His hands were above my head as he pumped into me hard and deep. I
grabbed onto his back and felt my nails dig into his skin. I couldn't
get close enough to him. It was taking everything I had not to let my
emotions get away from he. He pounded into me. My moans mixed with
his name as it all slid from my lips. Our eyes never looked away from
each other. We were connected on a whole different level. He pumped
into me so damn hard it hurt. The next time he thrust into me, he bit
into my neck and I screamed his name over and over. He followed right
behind me. Our orgasms seemed to go on forever.

lowered his body onto mine. The heat that was coming from him kept me
warm and protected. When he was with me, I felt like nothing bad
could ever happen. Both of our hearts were beating hard against our
chests. He rolled to the side. I sat up and gasped.

I said, as I looked around.

were lights hanging from the trees. It looked like something out of a
movie. There was champagne chilling in an bucket of ice. Our table
had candles lit and covered plates on it. There was a radio, but it
wasn't turned on. I quickly got up and put my clothes on. He reached
out and took my hand.

dressed," I told him. "We need to talk."

got dressed and looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

need to tell you something," I said.

he said. "I need to go first."

held my shoulders in his hands and looked down at me.

love you, Livie," he said.

flew from my mouth before I could stop it.

loved you for so long. I wanted to go with you to prom, but I didn't
want to ruin our friendship. When that fucker came back and said
stuff about you, I had to get to you. When I came back here and saw
you, I had to have you. Once I was gone, you were all I could think
about. My mom told me about you and Mike and how in love the two of
you were. I was devastated. I always thought we would end up
together. I wanted to come back and tell you how I felt. She just
kept telling me how happy you were with him. It was then that I
decided to let you go. If you cared about me the way I cared for you,
you wouldn't have been marrying him. That was when I picked some girl
up and brought her back to my place. She was the one you saw me with.
Every time I turned around, I thought you were there. It was horrible
knowing you were with and marrying another man. I stayed away, but
that didn't change my feelings. When I found out about the divorce, I
knew better than to come back. It wasn't what you needed. When I came
back for my dad's funeral, I came back for you. That night we made
love was the most amazing night of my life. I knew how deeply I loved
you then. It wasn't going to work. I had to go back to New York. I
knew that. You had your bakery. You had two kids. I wanted to be a
part of their lives, but I didn't want to be their father."

wanted to speak, but I needed to hear what he had to say.

was what I thought anyway. When I got home, my house was too quiet. I
couldn't stand it. I watched cartoons so I wouldn't be alone. I knew
they were watching them too. When they called, I got so excited. I
couldn't wait to talk to them again. I tried not to call you, but I
couldn't help it. There were times I just needed to hear your voice.
I would stay awake most of the night thinking of you. It hasn't
gotten any easier. I can't stand being without the three of you. I
was sitting at home this morning watching cartoons. All I could think
about was sitting on the couch with one of the kids under each arm
and you right there with me. I knew that I needed do something. My
life was empty without the three of you in it. I looked around at my
empty place and made a decision. When my phone rang, I jumped. It was
April. She said Jack was worried about starting school and wanted to
know if I could be there for his first day."

I asked.

tell them I told you. You have no idea how good it felt to know he
wanted me there. How was I going to say no? I promised to be there
when they needed me. I wasn't letting him down like my dad did me. I
booked a ticket and packed my bags. I was going to be there for my
boy. April admitted she wanted me there as well. I wasn't letting my
kids down. That was when I realized I wanted them to be mine. I know
they have a dad. You know what I mean. They have no idea I'm here
right now. I love you, Livie. I can't go one more moment without you
by my side, baby. I'm moving back here."

I yelped.

were falling from my eyes.

he said. "I need you in my life. You're it for me. I love you
with all of my heart. I'm so sorry for not being there when you
needed me. I will make it up to you every single day. I sat in front
of that television earlier and thought about everything. You're my
dreams. You always have been. I don't care what I do as long as it's
with you and those two beautiful kids."

fell down on one knee and reached into the pocket of his pants. When
he opened the box with the most beautiful ring inside, I gasped and
covered my mouth.

you please make my life complete, Livie? Will you let me be there
every day for your children? Will you marry me?"

pregnant, Z," I said, as I fell to my knees in front of him.

eyes widened.

he said. "When? Who? I didn't know you were."

devastation in his eyes and the way his head fell forward into his
hands said it all. What was he thinking? Who did he think I was?

I said. "Look at me, Z. You know you were my first. I was only
ever with one other man in my life. You're the only one I've been
with in four years. When you were home for the funeral and we made
love, neither of us ever thought about protection. This baby is

looked up at me slowly. I'm not sure he was processing what I was

did you find out?" he asked. "The doctor never said
anything to me."

just found out this week. Everything has been so crazy in my life
lately. I was exhausted but thought it was because I was doing too
much. My mom came in my room and asked me if I was pregnant. I told
her it wasn't possible. Then I remembered that we hadn't used
anything that night. I bought a test that came out positive. I just
went to the doctor. Seeing as what your last comment was, I made the
right decision by going to another city to see someone."

he asked.

didn't want you to find out by someone in town or by the doctor you
had reporting back to you on me. I wanted to tell you myself. The
funniest part of all this is that I was leaving for New York

he asked.

knew you didn't want kids. I honestly thought that you didn't want me
either. It was something I wanted to tell you in person. I wasn't
going to ask you for anything. I was planning on doing it alone. I
just wanted you to know before someone else told you."

course you weren't going to ask for anything. You never do. Who
knows?" he asked.

I said. "I was going to tell my mom and the kids when I came

reached forward and took my hands in his.

going to be a dad?" he asked.


can't believe this. I'm not going back home. I'm moving here now. I'm
going to be by your side for everything. There is no way you will be
alone. The kids are going to be so excited. My mom is going to flip.
How could you say that I wouldn't want you or the baby? I love you,
Livie. I love you so damn much."

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