7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances) (7 page)

BOOK: 7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances)
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08:35 a.m. November 16, 2004


November rolled in, signaling the start of the
Price of Fame
exhibit in the Tate. Val had spent the last few weeks being ferried to and from work by Jones or someone he personally appointed. Val assumed that he didn’t trust many people, and since neither her car nor Damon had turned up, he was still cautious.

Val had been staying with him for the last four weeks, and he made no mention of her finding an apartment of her own, which she found strange but fascinating.  They spent time getting to know each other better. Jones surprised her with the restaurants he took her to, often knowing the owners, and getting them out of the way tables, where he would stare at her eating for the two hours they spent dining.

Val didn’t let him take the lead all the time, and cooked him meals, delighting in his versatility and non-fussy taste in food. They had become so comfortable that Val forgot about threats, warnings and her missing ex.

Both of them had been so busy that they fell into the apartment at the end of their workdays, often missing each other, unless Jones hauled himself out of bed in the morning to take her to work. His eyes would be blurry and he’d have a grumpy look, which she ignored since this was all his doing.

He made the restrictions himself, so he will have to deal with it
, she thought smugly when she woke him unusually early one morning, knowing he’d arrived home no more than two hours before.

“I could go on the bus, you know,” Val reminded him gently, as she watched him scrubbing his sleep-deprived face as he drove.

Jones turned to her, giving her a hard look. “I told you before.”

“Whatever.” She shrugged, turning to look through the window at the London traffic that had them running late.

They rode along at a snail’s pace for a few more minutes; Val watching him out of the corner of her eye. She hated seeing him push himself so hard because of her, but she knew that Jones wouldn’t have it any other way.

Masochistic bastard!

Jones took the small side alley that led to the gallery as they finally arrived. He pulled to a stop and turned his gaze on Val.

“Don’t think it bothers me to bring you here every day, because it doesn’t,” he said.

“It’s not that. I just feel that you need sleep… or to do something else without me tagging along all the time, that’s all.” She couldn’t help sounding off. She felt that the situation shouldn’t have to be this way. She shouldn’t have to be a burden on Jones. His kindness and consideration were rubbing her the wrong way, making her feel that she was asking him for more than he should be giving her. She didn’t want to have that kind of guilt-ridden relationship that resulted from too many favors done. She wanted,
no needed
, to feel equal in the relationship, but Jones was blocking her at every turn.

“I feel like I'm a burden on you,” Val told him.

“You’re not,” he told her quietly.

“That’s very sweet of you to say, but something has to change, or I'm moving out…

“Val!” he warned


“Don’t!” His voice held an edge.

“Then let me get a rental car so I can drive myself to and from work, and then I wouldn’t have to wake you after you’ve only slept for two hours!”

“Let me think about it,” Jones conceded.

“And while you’re thinking about it, I will be looking for a new apartment. You don’t own me!” She was mad and getting angrier by the second. He was railroading her, domineering and ignoring that she felt sympathy for him, just as he felt possessive of her. He had to give her freedom or he’d break her. She didn’t want to be broken.

As Jones looked at her, his jaw clenched a few times. Then he seemed to come to a conclusion. He slammed the gearshift into drive and took off.

“Stop! Where are you going?” Val shouted at him.


“What! I have work to do.”

“Not today you don’t!”

“What! Are you crazy? Stop the car right now!” she demanded.

Jones slammed on the brakes, pulling them up sharply. He turned to her, reaching between the seats that separated them and drew her towards him, unbuckling her seat belt at the same time. He crushed his mouth over hers, giving her no space to move or protest. He allowed her to feel how much he needed her, how much he feared for her, how ingrained she’d become in his life. Val felt him pour out all his anxieties and frustrations of the past few weeks into the kiss as he squeezed her to him.

“Okay… okay... I get it,” Val told him, pushing on his shoulders so she could take a much needed breath. “I feel for you too, but do you think a day off work is necessary?”

“I need you, Val, today,” he told her, “I’ve been holding this in for a month, I can’t do it anymore, especially not when you’re so damn determined.”


“Sorry, babe, no buts today, just you and I, doing what we should have done weeks ago, and you know it.”

She reached up to cradle his face between her palms, rubbing her thumbs over his rough cheeks. She didn’t know how to give back the reassurance that he obviously needed, but she was willing to try. She couldn’t understand this big strong man showing her all of his emotional stress. There was obviously more that he’d been keeping from her, shielding her from some truth or other while keeping her strapped literally to his side. 

He threw the car back into gear and continued back to the apartment. She wasn’t going anywhere today, no further than Jones’ bedroom she guessed, but they had some serious sexual tension that needed to be itched and today, it seemed, would be the day that those itches would be scratched.


Jones couldn’t believe he’d kidnapped her for the day. But he couldn’t go on any longer, and that comment about not owning her had been the last straw. He would show her who she belonged to, and he wasn’t making the mistake of leaving it for another day. This was one thing that had gone on for far too long. She had taken over his world, and he had no outlet to claw a little bit of his sanity back. Today he was taking back the reins and being the boss he needed to be.

Once back at the apartment, he’d turned and locked the door. They had everything they needed. Just the two of them.

He traced his fingers up her arm, feeling her shiver with delight. He removed her shirt, helped her with her shoes, and lay all the rest of her clothes on the back of the sofa. Not that she would need clothes for the day, not if he had anything to do with it. He removed his shirt and shoes, placing them next to Val’s and looked at the woman who had been driving him nuts for the last month. 

Leading her to his room, he gave her no chance to speak, or ask questions or put up objections. The missing piece of their puzzle was the intimacy they both craved, and he couldn’t take seeing her and not touching her any longer.

Jones took his time removing the last articles of their clothing until they both lay bare and exposed. She had a beautiful body; toned and trim, her body was just right to make the experience pleasurable and rewarding for them both. With the first taste of her, he knew he couldn’t go back and would never get enough of her. Val was his poison and his antidote. He knew he could no longer do without her in his crazy life. He’d been having trouble controlling himself without even touching her as it was; he didn’t want to rush through the first time they shared each other, but his animal instincts to have her, outweighed his desire.

Jones stood watching her. He didn’t want to move, and he didn’t want to stand looking at her with such intensity, but he couldn’t help himself.

“What’s wrong?” Val asked.

“You are so fucking beautiful right now, I can’t even believe you’re here…with me.”

“Where should I be?” she teased him.

“Nowhere. Here with me. I need you,” he told her, his heart was beating in his chest so loud, he was sure she must have heard it. He licked his lips that were dry with desire.

Val held her lip between her teeth, “Kiss me, Pete. Just like this morning. Kiss me and make me forget my name.”

“Anything for you,” he stalked towards her. The intensity in his eyes, pinned her to the spot she’d stood in when Jones had led her to the room.

He enclosed her in his arms, bending to kiss her neck, which Val arched to make it easy for him. She wanted him so much. She had wanted him for days, weeks, but didn’t want to appear too forward. Now she wasn’t waiting. She gripped him, feeling his hardness pulse under her fingers. Her mouth watered, thinking about what she held in her hand.

“Don’t touch what you can’t handle,” he breathed over her lips, biting her, soft at first, and then with more insistent bites, bruising her lips with his teeth…ravenous.

“I can handle anything you have.” She wanted him. No more talking.

Val hadn’t noticed he’d been backing her against the bathroom door, until Jones reached behind her, opening the door, and backing her inside. He didn’t want to release her lips. The last articles of clothing had been shed. 

Jones turned on the shower, “I need to see you wet, just for me.”

Val’s breath hitched. He had no idea just how wet she was, just how wanting she was. She smiled, slow and sensuous. She opened her mouth slightly to lick her lips, to speak and tell him to get a move on, already.

He stepped into the shower, taking her with him. The water cascaded around them, wetting them, shocking them, the warmth adding to the heat of their desire.

Jones pushed Val against the tiled wall, covering her body with his own. His kisses became urgent, desperate. He lifted her leg, seeking entry. Val lifted herself onto her toes, bending to give him easier access.

Jones entered slowly, forcing himself to take it slow. He watched her face, watched her close her eyes with the sensations filling her, saw her open her mouth, as though she wanted to speak, but had nothing to say.

“Look at me,” Jones told her.

She opened her eyes. A small laugh escaped her lips, “You feel so fucking good.” She rocked her hips back and forth, creating friction that had Jones gritting his teeth.

“If you do that, I’m not gonna last.”

“If you don’t move, I’m gonna take it anyway. Move, dammit!” Val gripped his sodden hair, forcing his mouth down onto hers. She sucked his tongue, her hips mimicking the movement of her mouth.

“Fuck, Val,” Jones gasped. He took hold of both her legs, lifting her easily, and settling her more firmly in place. Val groaned with pleasure, her tongue darting out of her mouth. She pushed her ass off the tiles, resting against the wall with her shoulders giving her leverage, and moved with the rocking motion of Jones. Water pummeled his back, as he pushed into her more forcefully, he could feel the tension building, he needed to release, but wanted Val to come along for the ride.

“For fuck’s sake, don’t wait, I need… to… Oh My God!” Val gasped.

Jones needed no more encouragement than that. He gripped her harder, pushing himself faster, losing himself in the friction that had him wondering how the hell he had waited so long. Pleasure, like pain, took them both over the edge, in a groaning, giggling, gasping rush. Jones stood panting, holding Val as their breathing slowed, and as the now cold water rinsed away into the drain.

“Amazing,” Val said. Her arms gripped his neck, “But maybe you should put me down now.”

“What makes you think that’s it?” Jones reached over, turned off the water, and carried Val back to the bedroom.

“We’re wet!” she shrieked.

“Fuck it, who cares,” he said, as he fell with her onto the bed.

They laughed, kissing and touching, exploring new ways to satisfy each other.

They then fell into a drunken, sated sleep, wrapped up in each other’s arms, feeding on the consolation of body heat to drive away the remaining lust. Jones couldn’t let Val go any further than the reach of his arms that day.  He was thinking how difficult it would be for him to allow her to leave him the next day, but he would man up and do the right thing.

He made some calls and a few difficult decisions, but he’d decided that he wouldn’t bully her into position any longer; he didn’t need to.  They both knew where they stood now, and with the understanding came a sense of ease, a sense that they knew where they belonged.



08:25 a.m. November 17, 2004


Val drove herself to work the next day for the first time in a long while. She breathed a sigh of relief, not because she had finally gotten away from her overbearing beau, but because she’d claimed back a measure of her independence. She parked and walked to the gallery’s back entrance as she dug through her bag to retrieve her ringing phone. Jones had been calling her nearly every ten minutes to check up on her.

After the twelfth call since she’d left home that morning, she answered the phone and snapped, “If you call me again, I'm turning off my phone! This is too much. Seriously!”

“If you do that, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” Jones warned her.

“You’re driving me insane!” she said, her hand clawing through her hair in exasperation.

“It’s your own fault,” Jones told her reasonably, “You insisted on driving yourself. If I’d driven you, I’d know where you were.”

“Okay! Fine, but when I crash into oncoming traffic, you’ll be the one to blame because you distracted me!” she snapped again.

She was going to lose her mind because of him. As much as she loved him, he was a persistent handful. He was demanding with a capital D.

“I wouldn’t do that either if I were you. Do you know what kind of cleanup operation a Road Traffic Accident causes?” Jones teased her.


Jones laughed into the phone, “I’ll call you in an hour.”

“Whatever,” Val replied as she punched the button, cutting him off mid-laugh.

Exasperatingly annoying man!

Val walked the last few steps towards the back entrance of the gallery. This early in the morning, the public doors at the front of the gallery would be closed. She rang the bell, waving at the security camera that she knew was watching her every move. Val heard a scuffle behind her, but before she could turn, she felt hands grab her, restricting her movements. Someone was dragging her backward while pressing their hand over her mouth, preventing her scream from escaping.

She took a breath to let out another scream and felt herself becoming drowsy. Val fought for consciousness for as long as she could, which wasn’t nearly long enough. The sticky, cloying, chemical taste coated her tongue, wrapping around her throat, loosening her limbs and making her lethargic.

The last coherent thought she had was,
Jones is going to be extremely pissed!


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