7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances) (54 page)

BOOK: 7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances)
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“Come on, beautiful. I’ve got plans for you later on. Let’s get this over with,” Landon says, pulling me to the table we’ve been assigned to.

At the table, Landon pulls out my chair, and we sit down to a delicious seafood dinner with steamed vegetables. Throughout the meal, we listen to different speakers from CHOP and a few other organizations. They mention the highest donators, and Landon is among them. I look at him shocked, but he just tosses me that beautiful smile of his as if it’s no big deal to donate a hundred thousand dollars. I sigh as I stare at him.

“We have one final donation to present.” The speaker announces. “We’d like to present this check of $50,000 to Melody James for her organization, Philadelphia Cares.”

My eyes bulge out of my skull.
Did he just mention my name?
$50,000 for the organization I am working with this summer?
Instinctively, I turn my head to the left where Landon is seated. He is already standing to pull out my chair so that I can stand too. He flashes a sensational smile that is filled with pride.

“Did you do this?” I ask softly, still shocked and somewhat dazed.

“Go get your check, baby,” he murmurs low in my ear.

Somehow, I stand and my feet begin to move toward the podium. It feels like an outer body experience as I reach the small stage area, and the announcers continues to tell the audience about all the work my organization does for the children of Philadelphia. I nearly choke when the speaker asks me to say a few words. I barely remember what I say, but I do manage to get out a thank you to all who contributed, looking straight into those blue eyes that remind me of the crystal waters off the Puerto Rican coast.

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you,” I tell Landon when we’re alone at the bar after dinner.

“Don’t say anything.” He presses his lips to my forehead, and my eyelids flutter.

I can’t get enough of this man.

Before Landon says anything else, he’s interrupted by Walter who says he needs to go over a few things with him before we leave for the evening. I tell Landon to go on while I remain at the bar to wait for him. I order a club soda with lime as I wait. I begin imagining all of the things I can do with for my students with the check I just received. While sipping my drink, I feel someone approach me from behind.

“I bet you’re satisfied with yourself.”

I roll my eyes, recognizing the voice behind me. “I have no idea what you’re referring to,” I say dismissively without even turning around.

“You know goddamn well what the hell I’m talking about,” Evan hisses, coming around to stand in front of me. “You messed up what could have been a very lucrative deal for my company all because of some petty jealousy. Really mature, Mel.”

“Evan, not that I owe you any type of explanation, but I can assure you that I did not say anything to Landon about your company. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” I attempt to walk away, but I’m halted when Evan steps into my path.

He takes a step forward and glares at me with a mixture of anger and jealousy. “You think he really wants
? You’re just his play thing for now. I know men like him. I work with them every day. He has a public image to maintain. He won’t keep you around for long, and when he drops you,
I’ll take you back,” he says, sneering.

              As much as I will them not to, Evan’s words hit their mark. His venomous insults trigger my insecurities, especially the ones regarding my relationship with Landon. They’re the same insecurities that made me flee his bed early in Puerto Rico. The doubts resurface, telling me that I’m not good enough to be on the arm of a pro football superstar.

“That’s not going to happen. And if you ever get in her face like this again, I’ll kick your ass from here to City Hall.” Landon’s voice comes out low, but menacing, as he steps in between Evan and me. He takes a threatening step toward Evan. “Maybe I should kick it now just for the hell of it.”

I grab his arm. “Landon please. Don’t make a scene. Let’s just go,” I plead. I feel the tension and anger radiating from his body. I lower my hand to his and squeeze it. Evan wisely takes a step back as a spark of fear shows in his eyes. He can tell Landon meant every word he said.

“Please, Landon,” I beg again, not wanting to be the cause of negative publicity to his image.

“Fine,” Landon says, grabbing me around my waist and ushering me out of the emptying gala.

When we reach the limo, he waves the driver off, and helps me inside before joining me. I can tell he’s still pissed off.

“You should have let me kick his ass,” he spits in anger, staring straight ahead.

In the dim light of the limo I can see his jaw clenching. I smile. I can’t help but be turned on. I scoot closer to him and place a hand on his thigh at the same time I press my lips to his jaw line.

“I couldn’t let you do that. You probably would’ve ended up in a jail cell. The only place I want you tonight, is inside of me,” I purr close to his ear and let my hand glide higher up his thigh. I have no idea where my boldness comes from. Well, that’s a lie. It comes from this man. I have become much less inhibited with him. I feel his anger abate and a different type of tension invades his body. This tension fills the entire back of the limo with the sexual energy that has become like a second skin whenever this man is around.

“Talking like that, you’re going to get exactly what you want, Red.” He pulls me in for a kiss and my willing mouth complies and opens easily for his tongue to enter. I feel myself being lifted to straddle his hips. He pulls my dress up around my waist moving it out of the way, and positions my core right against his throbbing cock.

“Tell me again what you want,” he whispers against my lip, while his hands begin to move my hip against his hardness.

Even through the cloth of his tuxedo pants and my red lace panties, the movement sends tingles through my entire body. My hips begin moving on their own accord, needing more friction.

“Tell me, Red. What do you want?”

“I want…” I gasp as he thrusts his hips upward. “Landon...I want you...inside me.” His mouth covers mine at my admission and our tongues entangle. I wrap my arms around his neck and continue to bounce my hips on his bulge, meeting his thrusts. “Landon…” I pant out his name and throw my head back as my orgasm crashes into me. I slump down onto his chest and rest my head in the crook of his neck as I catch my breath. I come out of my daze to realize we’ve arrived at Landon’s condo. I scurry off his lap and adjust my dress, not wanting to be spotted by the driver in that very compromising position. Landon simply chuckles at me, then knocks on the window. The next second the driver opens the door. He must have known to wait until signaled to open. I’m barely able to look at the driver, embarrassed that he may have heard my cries of passion. I hear Landon say a few words to him, before I feel his hands on my waist hurrying me through the doors and to the private elevator.

The doors of the elevator barely close before Landon has my back pressed against the wall, taking my lips in another passionate kiss. His hands are on the wall behind me too, his big body pressing into mine. And his lips are covering mine as he tries to devour me right there on the spot. No doubt I’m willing to let him have every inch of me.

Stepping out of the elevator into the huge living room inside his condo, he unzips my dress without a word and pushes it to pool at my feel. His breath hitches as he spins me around and views my red lace bra and panty set. I know what this color on me does to him.

“I hope you have more of these.”

His words barely register in my mind before I hear the fabric rip and then I feel cool air against my lower half. He drops to his knees in front of me and inhales deeply. More wetness flows from my already saturated pussy. He pushes me to lean against his white leather couch, and I place my hands on the edge to brace myself. He hooks my leg over his broad shoulder and begins licking me in earnest.

“Ooooh.” The moan is ripped from the back of my throat as his tongue continues lap at my pussy.

“That’s it. Scream. You know I like to hear it!” Landon growls before returning to the task of devouring me whole.

“Oh, God!” I scream. “Landon!” I cry out his name when he rolls my clit between his tongue and lips. His hands reach around to my backside, and he grips my ass so tight that I imagine I’ll have a few marks on my skin in the morning. But the pain only heightens my pleasure. Landon’s mouth continues to work his magic on my pussy, and the only thing I can do is throw my head back and take it. He’s marking me as his. I can tell by the way he grips my ass, the intensity of his lips and tongue on my pussy, and the moans that escape his own throat. He’s branding me, claiming me as his personal possession. If I didn’t know it already his next words solidified it.

“I’m not letting you go. You belong to
.” And with that I cum with his name on my lips.

              I’m still coming down from my second orgasm of the evening when Landon rises from his knees, spins me around and without pause, pushes inside of me.

“Ooh, God!” I cry out in ecstasy.

“Shit,” he lets out a guttural growl. “I’m not letting you or this pussy go anywhere. You know that, right?” he demands, pulling my hair so my eyes can meet his.

I know he is referring to Evan’s comments. He wants me to know that Evan was wrong. He’s not going anywhere, nor will he let me go. I see the truth in his heavily-lidded eyes.  “I know,” I whisper on a labored breath while his hips continue to piston into me. The sound of my ass cheeks smacking against his thighs echoes throughout the spacious condo mixed with my moans and Landon’s declarations.

              For a third time tonight, I feel an impending orgasm, and I don’t know if I can handle it. My brain and body are spent.

“Landon, I ca-can’t,” I plead. “It’s t-too much.” I grip the edge of the couch trying to ward off my orgasm.

Landon pounds even hard into me, angling his hips to make contact with the spot he knows always gets me off. “Let go, baby. You can take it. Let go.” His voice is a growl, but soothing at the same time.

I feel safe enough to let go, and in seconds, I’m flying. I hear myself scream as I succumb to my orgasm. “Laaannndon!” His name is the only word I release through desperate pants of air as ripple after ripple of ecstasy surge through my entire body. From a distance I hear his rasping yell behind me.

“Move in with me,” his deep voice is low, but clear in the silence of the room. We’re lying cuddled on the throw rug in his living room naked. We didn’t even make it to his bedroom. After yet another round, we were too spent to make the short trek down the hall to his master bedroom. I’m lying on my side with my back to his chest, his thigh is thrown over mine and his stroking fingers are on my arms sending tingles through my body. Even after four amazing orgasms, my body still has the nerve to react to his touch.

“What?” I pivot my neck to look back at him, wanting to make sure I’d heard him correctly.

“Move in with me.” He looks me directly in the eye. He doesn’t flinch. His gaze doesn’t waver. He’s dead serious.

“Landon…” I say before I take a deep breath, “Is this because of what Evan said? You don’t have to prove anything to me.”

Suddenly, I’m on my back, his body covering mine, and his blazing blue eyes glaring down at me.  “Fuck him. Don’t ever mention his name to me again,” he growls out.

I can tell he is angered, but not at me. The mere mention of Evan’s name is enough to make him want to go back in time and sock him in the face. I reach up and run my hand through his hair.  “Okay…okay. But, I mean, we’ve only been together like a week since we’ve been back from Puerto Rico. Don’t you think it’s a little too early to be moving in together? What if…” I trail off, afraid to say the words out loud.

“What if what? There are no
, Mel. You’re mine, and I’m yours. That’s not going change any time soon. It’s not too soon to know what I’m feeling, and I know I love you already.”

My eyes widen at his admission. My heartbeat kicks up.

“I love you,” he repeats. “Being with you gives me the same feeling as being on the football field. I know this is right. Move in with me.”

              My eyes water at the sincerity in his voice and eyes. I let out the breath I’d been holding since he first spoke those three words. In that moment, I decide to let go of my insecurities and trust what I’ve been feeling.

“I love you too,” I say just above a whisper. “We’ve only known each other a few weeks. I’m scared. I think we should give it a little more time.”

I watch as his eyes deflate. I feel horrible, but I also need to protect myself. “I’m not asking us to break up or anything, just for more time to get to know one another a bit better before taking such a huge step,” I say rubbing my hand up and down his chest. 

He sighs in resignation, “All right, but don’t think I’m giving you too much time.”

I crinkle my brows. “How much time are you willing to give me?”

“A month. Tops.”

I shake my head. “That’s not a lot of time.”

He simply shrugs.

“And what if I say no?”

“I’m taking that $50,000 back until you say yes.” 

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