7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances) (47 page)

BOOK: 7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances)
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Chapter 10


Three months later


“Good morning.” I turn away from stirring the grits to glance over at Jaxon as he enters the kitchen.

Good grief,
I say to myself and sigh.

He was topless with just pajama pants hanging low on his waist. A trail of faint dark hair stretches from his naval into his pants. My eyes drop down to his pants. Sucking in some air, I quickly tear my eyes away from the outline of his bulging cock pressed against the seams. I could practically see everything, even where he started…and dear God, where he ended.

I am still recovering from this morning’s dream, and now this.

“I’m making cheesy grits and sausage,” I say as I lower the fire and walk over to the cabinet to pull out some salt and pepper.  The way he worked my body last night, it’s a wonder I was able to get up early this morning to make him breakfast. I guess that’s what good sex does to a person.  

“That’s cool, but I’m having
for breakfast,” he softly murmurs close to my ears as he cages me in from behind.

. “What do you mean?”

“I want you to feed me your pussy.”

He buries his face in my hair and inhales as he presses his lower half into me. I lean into him, reveling in the heat that radiated from his body.    

Jaxon drops his lips to my ear again and whispers. “Do you know how many times I wanted to bury my head in between your thighs? Too many times to count. You fucked with my sleep, you know.”

“Maybe we should sleep in different rooms.”   

“You don’t fucking get it.” His tongue brushes against my earlobe. “I’m done taking it easy with you.”

Jaxon turns me around and grabs a hold of my waist. Lifting me off of the ground, I wrap my legs around his waist. Our eyes remain connected as he lays me on the kitchen table.  

He holds me close, blessing my body with tender kisses as soft moans escape my lips. Heated kisses left my body tingling with excitement and need for Jaxon to go further.

His fingers wrap around my thighs as he slides my body down. With the palm of his hand, he catches hold of my sex, teasing my hardened clit through my cloth soaked panties with a firm yet sensuous pat. He dips his head and places his nose to where his hand had been and steadily inhales my arousal. My body shivers at the touch of his hot mouth covering my sex.

“Jax…” I manage to whisper through the agonizing pleasure he was giving my body with just his mouth alone.

“I know you can get wetter for me. Let me help you.” His fingers loop on each side of my panties and slide them down my thighs. He spreads my soaked lips apart and blows into my sex. The hot air wisps against me, causing me to shiver with delight.

“Judging by the way you’re flowing for me, there’s no denying that your pussy misses me just as much. Let's see how much she misses my mouth on her.”




I sweep my flat tongue across her pussy, causing her folds to wrap around my tongue. I fuck her tight hole, bringing her the pleasure we both missed during our time apart.  

Needing more of her, I flip her over and spread her ass cheeks apart. Her pussy glistening from behind turns me the fuck on.

Wasting no time, I slip my tongue into her. She growels wildly and pushes back into my face. “Oh fuck, Jax!”

I slip my finger into her wet pussy and rub her clit between my fingers. “Who do you belong to?”

“You, Jax! I belong to you!” she moans as she cums all over my mouth.

As I pull my face from her, I look at the masterpiece that all we could make; her beautiful pussy shining against her swollen lips. My eyes drop down to her clit, still hard and ripe, as if waiting for round two. I bend forward, taking hold of her extended nub. She moans as her knees begin to buckle.

“Keep yourself spread for me,” I command as I rise from my seat. “I want to watch you rub on your clit while I eat.”





December 31
, 2015...10 months later


“Are you really going to time me?”

“Yup,” Ashley says through her giggles as she waves the face of her cell phone at me. “I need to see how quick you’ll be when its time to change the twins.”

At eight months pregnant, she looks absolutely sexy. Everything about her - from her body changing to accommodate my son and daughter, to her cute waddle -turned me the fuck on. A month after getting married, we found out that we were expecting.

“Yeah, well you shouldn’t have made me wait for you to come back. How’d you expect me to react when I finally slid in you?”
I’d say each time she blames me for planting two in her.

I couldn’t have asked for a better year. I had my woman by my side, our babies on the way, and the life I always dreamed about.

Even Uncle James was excited about the babies. He spent most of his days with Ashley while I worked the ranch. He surprised the both of us with two hand carved cribs that he spent his nights carving. They even had the twins’ names on each; Kiara Marie and Jaxon, Jr.

With Ashley being high risk, I tried to keep her off of her feet for these past few months. Earlier today, we finished setting up the twins’ nursery. Ashley, of course, couldn’t decide on which designs to choose from. Needless to say, we changed the room up a few times before it was finally to her liking. Our hospital bags are packed and ready to go, despite us praying our twins will come after New Year’s.   

“Not bad,” Ashley nods her head as she flashes me her stopwatch. “But we need to get you to three minutes and forty-five seconds.”

“Get over here.” I wrap my fingers around her waist and pull her close to me.

“I love you,” she whispers against my lips as she wraps her arms around my neck. She jumps back and averts her eyes to the floor. “Oh my goodness!”

 “What’s wrong?” I follow her gaze to the floor. A puddle of water circled around her feet.

She brought her hand to her stomach and looked back up at me. “Jax, I think my water just broke.”

“Oh shit!” I took a step back, still completely fucked up by the sight. Kiara and Jaxon are coming! “My babies are coming.”

“Not if you just stand there looking at me like I’m some fucking animal in the zoo!”

“Fuck! I’m sorry, baby. How are you feeling?”

“Jax! Please get the car!”

“I’m going to bring the car up front,” I say nervously. There was no amount of movies, videos, or classes that could’ve prepared me for this moment. But seeing the discomfort in Ashley’s face was enough to shock me back to reality. As I make a mad dash for the car, I suddenly realize that I left my keys in the house.

“Get your shit together, Jax!” I drill myself. But before I could even turn around, I hear slow panting sounds behind me.  

“Here,” Ashley stretches her hand out to me.

“I grab a hold of the keys. “Ashley, wait right here.”

“No. No. They say taking walks is good when you’re about to give birth,” she says as she walks closer to me. “I’m fine, Jax. Just relax.”

“Hold my hand then,” I say as I grab a hold of her hand. Together, we walked slowly to the car. Ashley was breathing through the pain like a fucking champ. It was then when I realized that I loved her more than I thought I ever thought was possible.

After situating her in the car, I hop in and rip the streets with my speed. I pull up to the front of the hospital, damn near drove over someone’s foot. As I burst through the doors like a crazed man, I run over to the reception desk and holler, “My wife is in labor!”


8 hours later


“You’re doing good, Ashley. I’m just going to need you to push. Okay, on three. 1…2…3.”

“Ahh, fuck!” Ashley groans as she pushes.

“You got this baby,” I coach her while holding her hand.

“I see a head! Come on, mommy, I know that you can give me one final push. You’re doing well.”

Ashely gives one final grunt while squeezing my hand. I drop a kiss onto her damp forehead.  

“It’s a boy!”

As I cut the umbilical cord off of my son, he’s rushed over to the table, and Ashley is back to pushing again.

Jaxon Right, Jr. was born December 31
, 2015 at 11:57 PM, weighing six pounds, while Kiara Marie Right born four minutes after on January 1
, 2016, weighs four pounds.

“Daddy is always going to be here to watch over you, love you, and protect you,” I say as I held both of them in my arms. Kiara’s eyes, the color of Ashely’s beautiful brown eyes, stared up. Jaxon, Jr. was fast asleep like his mother. It had been a few hours since Ashley gave birth and yet I’m still in shock that I’m a father.

“You’re still holding them?”

I glance up and take in Ashley, my wife, my queen. She gave birth to my babies completely natural without any medication.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” she asks as she shifts position.

“Making my life complete.”



























love in paradise

Tiffany Patterson


It’s been a long school year for middle school counselor, Melody Thomas. Couple that with the painful break up with a man she thought loved her—the same man who up and married another woman— and Melody is ready for a break. Taking time for herself, Melody has planned a two-week vacation visiting her best friend on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. She’s only looking to spend some time under the Caribbean sun relaxing and maybe finding a guy to spend her nights with. She has no expectation of falling in love, but sometimes we can’t control our destiny.


Landon Rogers has had a long football season. Even after losing the Super Bowl, he’s been going non-stop on promotional tours. Now, he is looking to unwind for a couple of weeks before his pre-season begins, and the little island of Puerto Rico seems like just the right place to do it. He’s only looking to relax and lose himself in beautiful women before he returns home. However, plans change on the first day of his vacation when he spots a thick, curvy, caramel beauty sporting a red bikini by the pool. He is drawn to her like a magnet. Soon Landon and Melody find themselves spending their days and nights with one another. Unfortunately, Landon finds that Melody has been hurt in the past and is leery of taking this further than just a vacation romp.


Will the couple fizzle out once vacation is over or have they found love in paradise?  




Chapter One




“Ow, dammit!” I howl from stubbing my toe on my living room coffee table in a rush to get to my ringing phone. I’m hoping it’s not my Town Car chauffeur telling me they’re here already. They’re ten minutes early, and I’m not done getting dressed!

“Hello!” I say, a little more forcefully than intended into the phone.

“Mel?” a male voice asks. I know this voice. And I know I never gave the owner of this voice my new number when I moved.
How the hell does he have my number?
I wonder silently, forgetting I’ve yet to respond.

“Mel, I know it’s you. I know what your voice sounds like,” his arrogant voice reaches my ears and finally my mouth starts working.

“Evan, how did you get my phone number?” My patience is already boiling over. I don’t have time for this right now. I need to finish getting dressed and throw a few last minute things in my luggage to be ready for my car when it arrives. I’ve decided to splurge a little on myself to have a car service deliver me to the airport. It’s been a long, rough school year. I deserve it.

“It’s like that? After all the time we were together and I can’t even have your phone number?” he asks, mounting irritation in his voice.

Good, at least I’m not the only one irritated.
“I thought the last time we spoke I made it very clear to you that I wanted nothing more to do with you. You want to talk to someone? Go talk to your
,” I angrily retort to his asinine questions.

“Damn, Mel, I’ve already told you, it’s not—”

“I know. I know. It’s not like that. She’s good for your image. You don’t love her. Blah, blah, blah… Look, Evan, I have a plane to catch in…” I pause, checking the time on my wall mounted clock, “…ninety minutes. I don’t have time, nor do I care to make time to talk to you. Goodbye,” I declare preparing to hang up the phone. This man has wasted enough of my time over the years. The last few months without him have been eye opening.

“A plane? Where the hell are you going? Are you going with someone?” He demands answers as if it’s his right to know my comings and goings. But he lost that privilege a while ago.

“Goodbye, Evan,” I finally say on a sigh.

“Mel. Mel don’t hang—” is all I hear as I slam the phone down to the receiver. Shaking that call off, I make my way into my bedroom to finish getting dressed. I slip into my flat, strappy sandals, and slide my fingers down the size sixteen electric blue sundress I’ve chosen to don for the three hour flight. I open my laptop and double check to make sure my flight is on schedule, and sure enough, American Airlines Flight 2803 from Philadelphia to San Juan is on time.

Glancing into my full-length mirror one last time, I turn to the side, checking to make sure my dress is okay, and patting my box braids, which have thankfully loosened a bit in the three days since I’ve gotten them done. I’m planning to do a lot of lying out in the sun, swimming in the ocean and pool over the next two weeks. I do not have time to worry too much about my hair. Just as I roll my luggage out of the bedroom, my apartment phone rings again. This time it
my car service alerting me of their arrival. I smile as the driver takes my luggage from my hands and loads them into the trunk.

Let the adventure begin.





“I told you to hold all my calls for the next two weeks. Don’t these people know I’m on vacation?” I damn near shout into the phone, to my personal assistant, Walter. He knows I’m not to be disturbed with anything business, or even football-related, for the next two weeks. I just got off the damn plane two hours ago, and here I am forced to remind him again.

“I know. I know, Lan. It’s just these guys are persistent. They say their PR firm could do wonders for your career,” Walter rushes, trying to defend the reason he called, no doubt.

“Wonders for my career? I’m already a three-time Super Bowl champion. I’ve got the damn rings to prove it and the MVP trophies from each of those Super Bowls too. I’ve got endorsement deals coming out of my ass and more money than I could spend in a lifetime. What more could they do for me?” I know I sound arrogant as fuck, but it’s the damn truth. I’ve excelled in my career as the best damn quarterback in the league. If I was forced to quit football today, I’d be satisfied with everything I’ve accomplished. What was another big-name PR firm going to do for me?

“Well, I mean, they’re saying you might want to beef up your image when it comes to charity work. It will help your overall image and may bolster the image of your current sponsors,” Walter retorts.

I grunt. “All right. I’ll think about that. I’ve been meaning to look more into charity work anyway, but this will wait until I get back to Philadelphia. I’m done talking business for the next two weeks. Don’t call me unless you’re on fire. On second thought, don’t call me if you’re on fire. Call the damn fire department. Send me an email from the hospital,” I finish right before I disconnect the call. Walter knows I was just fucking with him, for the most part. I’m just wound too damn tight. Ever since losing the Super Bowl this season, I’ve been on the run, traveling for different endorsement deals, hosting events. You name it. But now I need a break from it all. This is my two weeks before I get back home and into the grind. Then it's only a few weeks after that until training camp starts back up.

I stand up from the black sectional sofa and inhale deeply. The scent of saltwater hits my nose and instantly the tension from the call starts to release its grip on me. I walk toward the balcony, and am hit with the most stunning view of palm trees, sand, and turquoise water. Closer than the beach, nearly right beneath me, some eighteen stories down, is a luxury swimming pool. As I gaze out at the pool, from of the corner of my eye, I see a speck of red. Shifting my eyes I realize it’s a woman, dressed in a red bikini. She looks short from up here, but I can see she’s definitely not a skinny Minnie. I hike my eyebrows. Even with all those curves, she doesn’t lack the confidence to wear a bikini, a red one at that. Just as I make my observations, she dives head first into the deep end of the pool.
Maybe it’s time for a swim.

Less than five minutes later, I’m in a pair of black swimming trunks, a grey towel over my shoulder, spray-on sunscreen applied, flip flops and I’m making my way down to the pool. Once outside, I claim one of the beach chairs and place my belongings on it. Dipping my toe in the pool to gauge the temperature, I look around for the woman in red. I see she’s at the other end of the pool. She looks like she’s swimming laps because as soon as she taps the one end, she turns and is already headed back in my direction. For a second I wonder if I should wait until she reaches this end to be able to get a full visual of what she looks like up close, but I brush off that idea. Don’t want to seem like a creeper.

Fuck it,
I think and dive in the pool, figuring I’ll do a few laps as well. I slice through the water with ease. My muscles have been developed and toned for nearly two decades as a football player. A few laps in a pool is barely a warm up, but it sure feels good as hell. Around my fourth or fifth lap, I’m at about the six-foot length, when my fingers graze against something smooth. Startled, I break position and upright myself looking for what I just touched.

“Oh, excuse me. I’m sorry,” the vision in red pants. “I sometimes lose my form and tend to drift off into other lanes. Sorry about that.” For long seconds, I don’t say anything, I just take in her face, up close. A face covered in smooth caramel skin, high cheekbones, full, suckable lips, and hooded brown eyes that hold a hint of mischief. When she sucked in her lower lip from nervousness, my cock twitched. My lips turn down into a frown.
How the hell am I having a physical reaction to someone this damn soon?
I don’t even realize I’m giving her my notorious stare down, trying to figure out what’s happening to me.

“Uh, s-sorry again. I’ll watch where I’m going from now on,” she says, as she swims around me. I turn and allow my gaze to follow her. Through the water all I can see is red fabric and what looks to be more smooth caramel skin. I wonder if I’ve scared her off. I can’t even believe I was too dumbfounded by a woman to do anything but stare at her. Shaking my head, I continue to the edge of the pool, press my fingers onto the side and pull myself up and out. I walk toward my beach chair, dry off, and sit down to take in the sun rays for a little while. I sit back, picking up my phone to search for any sports news. While football is my greatest love, I enjoy all sports and check in regularly with my favorite sports teams. Although my intention is to look up sports news, I find my eyes drifting over the top of my phone toward the pool. Without thinking too hard about it, I know I am searching for that vision in red again. I still want to get an up-close look at this woman outside of the pool. Just as I return my attention back to my phone, having not spotted her, I feel a shadow fall over me. Turning my head to my left, I see the woman I was looking for, toweling off by the chair next to me.

Up close, I can see that, yes, her skin is a smooth caramel color all over, she’s got thick thighs, a slightly rounded belly, and a rack any man would be happy to get lost in. I want to ask her to turn around so I can get the back view, but I don’t want to press my luck—

She uses her yellow towel to pat her body dry, then moves to the braids that are loosely tied at the back of her neck. Reaching up forces her breasts out even more, and again, my little man twitches.
Damn has it been that long?
I wonder trying to remember the last time I fucked. It’s only been a few weeks, but maybe my senses are heightened because I’m on vacation. I had come here with every intention of diving into some pussy, so maybe my cock is trying to get the game started earlier than I’d planned.
Easy boy
I mentally admonish him. While I’m trying to talk my jimmy down, the woman in red notices me staring and gives me an uneasy smile.

“Hi.” Her voice is light and tentative.

Again, I can tell she’s nervous. I imagine anyone would be nervous with a six-foot-two stranger constantly staring at them. I can see from the look in her eyes, she doesn’t recognize me, which I like. One of the reasons I came here was because I am rarely recognized while out and about here.  “Hey,” I responded, giving a half smile to ease her nervousness.

“I’m sorry for bumping into you in the—”

I interrupt her with a wave of my hand. “Don’t worry about it. Shit happens.” I shrug. That’s the third time she’s apologized for bumping me. She stares as if she wants to say more.

“Mel!” Someone yells from across the pool, drawing our attention.

“Hey, Lina,” she says and waves. The smile she gives this other woman does something funny to my stomach.

“Hey, Mel.” The other woman rushes toward her, giving her a brief hug, “I just got off the phone with Maritza, and she and her friends are going out to Nuyorican Café tonight in Old San Juan. Wanna go?”

I pretend as if my attention is back in my phone, but I hear every detail of their conversation.

“Yeah, sure. That sounds like fun,” Red-or should I say, Mel, responds. My ears perk up.

“Good. ‘Cause I already told them we’d meet them there.” The second woman giggles, causing Mel to chuckle. I begin to wonder what Mel is short for. Is it Melanie, Melody, or something else? Either way, I’m looking forward to finding out tonight. Guess I will be making my way to Old San Juan tonight.

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