7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances) (21 page)

BOOK: 7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances)
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Victor massaged his temple, thinking of how stubborn his Taylor was. She had called to tell him that she was leaving work early and that she and Maria were going out drinking. Apparently, Maria was having some issues at home; issues that must have been an issue for Taylor as well, because when she called, Victor could hear the anguish in her voice. He'd suggested that they leave their cars at work and allow Collier to take them where they wanted to go, but of course Taylor said no. So his suggestion ended up becoming a request, then an insistence, then ultimately, an order. Taylor obviously didn't like being told what to do, but Victor could give less than a damn as long as she was safe.

She eventually gave in.

As if he was giving her a choice.

It was Friday, not that it mattered to Victor. The job as governor kept him busy seven days a week, but the Sickle Cell Ball was the next day, and he was actually looking forward to it. It was going to be his first public outing with Taylor. He wanted to rip off the bandage, so to speak; making their relationship public. He wanted to get the news out his way so that it could no longer be news worthy. He couldn't believe that he was so eager for the world to know about a woman... after Rosemary. But of course, their relationship was only formed for promotional purposes. And ever since her death, his privacy was extremely important to him. Now, because of Taylor, he needed the news of their relationship to become old news so that things could get back to normal for her. He was thankful that the media hadn't already driven her away.

Victor put in a quick call to Collier, telling him that he was on Taylor duty. Then he called Gregor and arranged his own transportation. It had been a long day of meetings filled with the mayor of Chicago and smaller Illinois cities, explaining why their failure to manage their city's budgets wasn't their fault. They, apparently, thought that city funding miraculously fell from a money producing tree. The explanations/excuses were exhausting.

He grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and prepared to leave. Relaxing at his apartment while waiting for Taylor to come in and give him some drunk pussy was Victor's idea of heaven.

"Governor Creed, your dad is here," Kena announced through the intercom.

Well, drunk pussy would have been heaven.

"Send him in."

Victor Creed Sr. stepped into Victor's office. He was wearing a crisp grey suit that flattered his tall, solid frame. For a man his age, Victor's dad was still turning heads. The man didn't have so much as one grey strand in his hair. And when he smiled, which was rare, his green eyes sparkled like a man half his age.

Good genes
, Victor thought. And he prayed that he'd inherited them.

"Hello, Son," he said as he sat without an invitation.

"Dad, how are you?"

"Good, Son; good. Just coming by to see how you're doing," Victor Sr. responded with a smile.

Victor narrowed his eyes at his dad. He wasn't buying it. "No, really, what's the real reason for this unexpected visit?"

"Can't a dad come by and check on his eldest son?”

"Yes, Father, but I suspect that's not why you're here."

With no further hesitation, he asked. "What's with you and this Black girl?"

Victor didn't like the way his dad phrased his question. "What's with me and this
girl?" he repeated.

"Yes, what's this all about, Son?

"We're dating, Dad. We're together, and her name is Taylor…Taylor Montgomery, not Black girl."

"Is it serious?" he asked, disregarding Victor's tone.

"She's important to me."

"Okay. I can't wait to meet this important woman of yours."

Victor rubbed his temple. Surely, that wasn't all his father had to say; not the man that had had his life and wife mapped out since he was a child.

"Really?" Victor asked.

"Really," Victor senior assured.

"Anyway, she'll ensure more Black votes come election time."

The statement, to Victor, was offensive. "Dad, I'm not with Taylor for votes."

"Yes, Son, I know. I was just pointing it out. I'm sure she's a lovely young lady."

"That she is, Dad," Victor confirmed. "You got dinner plans?"


"Perfect. Let's head to my apartment. I'll make us a couple of steaks."

"Well, I'm not one to turn down a steak. Let's go."





"Hey, Gregor," Taylor squealed as she stumbled out of the elevator.

After studying her a few seconds, he smiled. "Hello, Taylor. I see you ain't feelin' no pain," he chuckled.

"I'm goooood," she sang.

When Taylor walked into the penthouse, she could hear Nickelback's S.E.X. blaring from the rec room. Sex was exactly what she had in mind, so she took it as a subliminal message to shed her clothing. She danced her way into the rec room, leaving a trail of clothes behind. She entered, fully prepared to put it on her sexy man.

"Hi, honey. I'm hoooome," she sang in her best seductive voice.

But, unfortunately, she found herself standing butt ass naked in front of an older Victor lookalike. Drunk and stunned, Taylor stood frozen, staring at the man that was staring at her.

"Taylor!" Victor shouted, snapping her from her daze.

She attempted to cover as much as she could as she backed out of the room. She ran to the bedroom and searched for the t-shirt and sweats that Victor had given.

After dressing quickly, she began to pace the floor. Instantly and completely sober, whatever buzz that she may have had was gone.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God," she was chanting to herself until Victor entered the room. "Oh God, babe, I am soooo sorry. I didn't know you had company. Is that your dad? Fuck! Of course that's your dad. Oh God, I just stood there. Victor, your father saw me naked! I'm so sorry."

Victor grabbed Taylor's shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. "Baby, calm down. It's okay. It's fine."

"Victor, I am so embarrassed. I could just die."

"Sweetness, it's fine," he assured.

"How am I supposed to face him?"

Taylor didn't think she could be more horrified.

"Well, you’re going to have to figure it out, because he's waiting to meet you."

"I can't, Victor," Taylor insisted while shaking her head.

"You can and you will. Besides, I suspect that my dad has seen a naked woman once or twice," he chuckled, attempting to put her at ease.

Victor gently kissed her forehead and walked over to the drawer that he had assigned her. He fished out a bra. His eyes grazed over her breast, causing Taylor to look down at herself. Her hardened nipples were poking through the thin material of the t-shirt. She looked up into Victor's smoldering gaze.

"Sweetness, tonight I'm gonna have a go at those. But for now, I need you to put this on," he said with a sexy smirk, handing her the bra.

Taylor pulled the shirt over her head and took the bra. Victor's moss colored irises seemed to darken. He caressed her bare breast and let out a feral groan before stepping back.

"Woman, in a minute you're gonna make me say to hell with the old man. Put your clothes on and meet us in the recreation room," he told her as he backed out of the bedroom.

He was smiling that double dimpled smile that made him look young and mischievous. In such a short time, Victor had become very important to Taylor. Her insides fluttered whenever he was close. She had often found herself counting down the hours and minutes of the day until it was time to see him. Taylor went to bed thinking of him, and he was her first thought when she awakened every morning. She slipped on the bra and threw the t-shirt over her head. She walked over to the mirror and checked her hair before reluctantly exiting the bedroom.

When she entered the rec room, Victor Sr. and Jr. were laughing loudly, each nursing a drink. Victor Sr. looked up at her and smiled. Taylor's face was burning with shame, but she returned his smile with her own shy grin. He placed his drink on the table and stood.

"Hello, Miss Montgomery. It's nice to meet you," he said, walking toward her with his hand out.

Taylor met him halfway and extended her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Senator Creed. I…Um...I apologize for...” Taylor stuttered.

Creed Sr. gently squeezed her hand. "Nonsense, it's forgot. Well, not completely forgot," he said with a wink that somehow made Taylor feel a tiny bit less embarrassed. "Come, young lady, let's sit down and get to know each other," he said, leading her to the sofa.



Victor was relaxing in the tub, holding Taylor close, and thinking of his father's visit. Watching Taylor charm his dad gave Victor one more reason to be impressed with her. Victor Sr. usually wore a suit of armor that wasn't easily penetrated. He'd settled into a comfortable conversation with Taylor about everything from her job to fishing with her dad. He'd even teased her about her naked entrance. Victor Sr. never teased. Victor tried to remember a time when his father had actually had a personal conversation with Rosemary. He couldn't remember one single incident.

Other than another man's eyes on Taylor's beautiful body, the introduction had gone well. Before leaving, he'd even told Taylor that he was looking forward to seeing her at the family outing the next week. Victor was pleasantly surprised that they'd hit it off so well.

"You're too quiet. What are you thinking about?" Taylor asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"You. I'm always thinking about you," he admitted.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I think about you all day every day."

"Oh yeah?" Victor said, lifting her by the waist.

"Let's get out of here and go to bed so I can give you some more to think about."

"Shi-id, let's go."





At the sound of the ringing doorbell, Taylor crossed the living room and inhaled a deep breath before opening the door. She was preparing herself for the earful that she was sure to get.

She exhaled and opened the door.

"Oh, so you now need me, huh? You’ve been avoiding me for months. Hell, the only time I get to see you is when your ass is in the paper,” her sister ranted as she entered the house, pulling a rack of dresses behind her. “But now that you need something from me, I'm suddenly graced with your presence. But it's cool. I'm not important. Obviously not since I had to find out that you were fucking the governor from the Sun Times."

Taylor had no rebuttal. After all, Nicole was right. She had shut her family out, not knowing how they would react to her seeing Victor. She remained silent as she went to close the door.

"Don't close it. Momma's right behind me," Nicole said with a devious smirk.

"Oh, you bitch," Taylor mumbled under her breath.

"What? She wanted to come. I'm supposed to say no? You’re gonna have to face her someday. Why not today?"

Before Taylor could respond, Martha Montgomery walked in, juggling several shoe boxes. Taylor grabbed the boxes from her mother's arms and sat them on the floor.

Victoria stood and gave her mother a hug.

"Hey, Ma. You look so pretty."

And she did. She was wearing a smart, grey, figure flattering pant suit and black pumps. Her mom had beautiful dark skin, hazel eyes, and bouncy shoulder length hair.

"Thank you," she replied curtly.

Taylor, not wasting anytime, started groveling right away. "Ma, I'm sorry I’ve been avoiding you. I was just really embarrassed when that article came out. I was too scared to tell you that I was dating Victor. I didn't know how you'd respond. And I didn't know what it was that we were doing exactly. I'm real sorry, Mommy."

Martha grabbed both sides of Taylor's face and stared deep into her eyes. "Don't you ever be afraid to talk to me. You know damn well that you can talk to me about
Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Ma. I apologize."

Martha kissed Taylor's cheek and said, "You're forgiven."

"Thanks, Mommy."

"That's it!" Nicole blurted. "She's forgiven just like that? If it were me, I'd a’ been disowned."

"Child, hush and pull them damn dresses out."

Nicole pretended to pout as she flipped through the dress rack. Taylor laughed at her antics.

"Oh, and Taylor, if I were gonna be slutting it up with anybody, that fine ass man woulda been at the top of my list too,” her mother smiled.

"Umm... Yuck," Nicole responded without looking up.

"How about you stick to ‘slutting it up,’ as you call it, with James Montgomery," Taylor remarked.

"Girl, I'm just saying," Martha chuckled. "The man is gorgeous."

"Kill me now," Taylor muttered, walking over to Nicole. "Can we just find me a dress for tonight?"

"Yep," Martha replied. "And while we do that, you're gonna tell us all about your new man."



"Wow," Taylor gushed after opening the door for Kena. "You look amazing."

"Thanks," Kena responded after completing a twirl.

She was wearing a strapless black ball gown that accentuated her every curve. Her long hair was pinned on one side by a beautiful red flower.

"I do believe, Miss Montgomery, that the governor is going to blow his top when he sees you tonight."

"You like?" Taylor asked while striking a pose.

"Girl, you look incredible."

"Well, thank you."

Miraculously, Taylor, her mom, and her sister had agreed on a gown. It was a form-fitting white gown made of satin with a square neckline and capped sleeves. Thank God for Nicole and her fancy job in fashion, because Taylor would never have been able to spend so much on a dress. She completed her ensemble with a pair of silver strappy stilettos and a silver clutch. Her mom and sister had loved the dress on her, but they were unified in their hatred of her hair. She wore it loose, letting her wild curls free. They did their very best to persuade her to pin it up. Their pleas fell on deaf ears, because Victor loved her hair wild and free. And at some point, she intended on him digging his fingers in her scalp while riding her hard.

"You ready?" Kena asked. "I got champagne chilling in the limo."

"Yep, let's go."

Taylor grabbed her keys from the table and they were off.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Four Seasons on Michigan Avenue. This year, the Ball was to be held in their Grand Ballroom, instead of the Barrington Country Club. Maybe the country club was a bit gun-shy after a bomb went off at the last Sickle Cell Ball. It all worked out, because the Four Seasons was absolutely breathtaking. When they pulled in front, Taylor noticed that there was actually a red carpet surrounded by reporters. She was immediately intimidated.

"Don't sweat it, lady. Hold your head up high. You're the governor's lady," Kenyatta encouraged, handing her another glass up champagne.

When Collier hopped out of the front seat, Taylor downed her champagne with one gulp and placed the glass in the holder.

Collier opened the door and helped Kena out of the limo.

"It's the governor's limo!" one reporter shouted when he saw Kena.

When Collier's hand entered the limo, Taylor took a deep cleansing breath and grabbed his hand. She stepped out, held her head high, and joined Kena on the red carpet. The flashing lights, from what seemed like a million cameras, were blinding. She smiled and followed Kena down the red carpet.

"Taylor, where's Governor Creed?" a reporter shouted.

When others began to scream the same question, Kena leaned and whispered, "Smile and answer them."

"Really?" Taylor asked, praying that she was joking.

"Yes. Trust me."

Taylor turned to the reporters, brandishing her sweetest smile and said, "The governor had to finish up a little work. He's a very busy man, but he'll be here shortly."

She turned around and continued down the red carpet.

"You look beautiful, Taylor!" one shouted.

"Who are you wearing?!" shouted another.

Taylor and Kena entered the hotel and were immediately escorted to the ball room. They were on time and the place was already packed. She looked around at the elegant decor and beautifully designed tables. Each table had a centerpiece with floating white orchids. Taylor adored orchids. She had never been in a room so beautiful in all her life.

"This place is a palace," Taylor whispered to Kena.

"Oh my God, yes," Kena agreed.

"Well, gotdamn, Taylor. Girl, you look gooood."

Taylor turned, knowing that Victoria's flirting ass was behind her, but she didn't expect to see Natasha Walker, well Natasha
now, standing next to her.

"Tash!" Taylor shouted with excitement.

"Wassup, Tay?" Natasha responded with excitement.

The ladies embraced, happy to see each other.

"Umm... Helloooo. I'm still here." Victoria grumbled.

"Girl, shut up," Taylor said. "I just saw yo’ ass."

The ladies laughed. Well, all except for Victoria. She was, now, focused on Kena. Taylor chuckled.

"Vic, Tasha, this is the governor's PA, Kenyatta," she announced.

"It's nice to meet you both," Kenyatta said, not taking her eyes off of Victoria, who in turn was still staring at her.

Oh shit. What's this?

"It's nice to meet you," Natasha intervened. "Please forgive my rude cousin," she added, staring at Victoria.

"She's forgiven," Kena responded quickly, still staring at Victoria.

"Jesus," Natasha grumbled.

"Where's your husband, Victoria?" Taylor asked, chastising.

"Trust me," Natasha assured. "If Jack comes over here, it's gonna get a lot worse."

Taylor couldn't suppress her laughter.

"So, Kenyatta, what do I have to do to convince you to participate in my bachelorette auction?" Victoria asked.

Kenyatta smiled. "Victoria, I suspect that you could get me to do just about anything if you asked nicely."

"In that case, come with me. Let's get you a drink so that I can ask you nicely," Victoria said, rather seductively, Taylor noted.

Together, they walked away, leaving Taylor and Natasha staring at their backs.

"What the fuck just happened?" Taylor asked, with a chuckle.

"Storm Victoria."

"That girl hasn't changed a bit," Taylor said, shaking her head.

"I know. She's something else. Gotta love her though. Come on. Let's go get a drink."


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