4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!) (10 page)

BOOK: 4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!)
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“I can’t believe you just kissed that guy,” Jessica whispered as they sat in their freshman English class.

“I know.” Brooke couldn’t believe she had either.
While she was stunned, she was also proud of herself for making the most of her new life philosophy. She’d been in college for over a month now, and yeah, she’d been to several parties, but she really hadn’t done anything super memorable—until just now, that is.

She reached up and touched her lips. They tingled from her recent kiss. Brooke wasn’t inexp
erienced when it came to guys—she’d kissed her fair share of them, and she hadn’t been a virgin for a while now—but there was something about Nick Benson that intrigued her. She had a feeling he was exactly the kind of guy she was looking for; sexy, charming, and dangerous. There was an edge to him. Seriously, what kind of guy would just grab a complete stranger and kiss them like he’d done with her?

“So, are you seriously going to go out with him?” Jessica asked.

Brooke nodded. “Yeah, I am.” She shrugged. “What harm can come from one date?”

Jessica smiled. “Nothing, I guess. Just be careful. You don’t know anything about him.”

Laughing, Brooke said, “Careful like when you brought that frat boy to our dorm and spent all night fucking him?”

“Hey!” Jessica laughed. “I spent all night talking to him before we ended up in bed.”

“You spent all night playing drinking games with him. There’s a difference. Besides, I haven’t done anything crazy since busting out of prison. I owe this to myself.” Brooke smiled with satisfaction.

“You’re right. You do. Get laid while you’re at it, because you’ve been kind of bitchy these last few days.” Jessica winked.

She’s right, Brooke thought, I need to have sex. It had been a few months since she’d been in a relationship or with a man. That’s probably why she’d let Nick kiss her—she wanted the attention of a guy. And now that she had it, she was going to make the most of it. But halfway through the lecture, a disturbing thought struck her. “Jess. Hey, Jess,” Brooke whispered frantically.

“What?” Jessica’s eyes darted from Brooke to the front of the lecture hall where the professor stood, oblivious to their private conversation.

“I didn’t give him my phone number. And I didn’t tell him where I live.” Brooke’s eyes widened at that realization. Then her heart sank. She’d been here a month and hadn’t seen Nick until today. What were the chances she’d run into him again?

Jessica cupped her hand over her mouth and stifled a laugh. Brooke gave her a dirty look. “Sorry, you should see your face,” Jessica mumbled.

Brooke huffed with indignation and turned away. This was so not funny. Didn’t Jessica realize how excited Brooke was about this date tonight? And now it was all shot to hell. That was just friggin’ perfect.

“Oh relax, Brooke,” Jessica whispered.

“How can I relax? I may never see him again.”

“Any guy who will kiss you like he did will not let a lack of address or phone number stop him. I guarantee you will see him tonight at six. Just make sure you’re ready.”

Brooke’s mood improved immediately. “You think so?”

Jessica nodded and turned her at
tention back to the professor, a clear indication that their conversation was now over. That was fine. Brooke got the message and the hope she needed. Yes. Tonight she would go out with Nick Benson and it would be the best night of her life. She’d make sure of it.


Brooke’s heart was in her throat as she walked out of her dorm hoping and praying that Nick would somehow be there. Jessica was convinced he would be. Brooke wasn’t so sure, but she’d gotten dressed for her date just in case.

“Told you,” Jessica said with smug satisfaction.

He was there! Brooke’s smile couldn’t be contained as she looked him over. He was dressed in jeans that were just right—not too baggy and not too tight, but just snug enough in all the right places so there was little left to the imagination in the crotch department—a short sleeved, black polo shirt with the top two buttons undone, and black boots. He was leaning against his electric blue mustang, arms crossed, sexy dark sunglasses on his face. She felt herself salivating at the sight of him.

“Whoa,” Jessica exhaled beside her.

“I know.” He exuded a combination of wholesome boy next door and dangerous sin. It was so damn hot Brooke considered taking his hand and dragging him back up to her room. To hell with going out.

“Hello, Brooke,” he said, his voice oozing sex and confidence.

“I’m in so much trouble,” she muttered under her breath, and then smiled. “Hello, Nick. I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

“And why not?” He pushed off his car and sauntered toward her. “We have a date. Six o’clock remember?”

“Yes, I remember, but I didn’t tell you where I lived. How’d you find me?”

Nick grinned in that same arrogant manner he’d had when they first met. “I have my ways,” was all he said.

Brooke eyed him suspiciously, wondering if she should question him further. But then he reached her and next thing she knew, his lips were on hers, kissing, nipping, exploring. Her eyes fluttered closed and she was swept away by the eroticism of his kiss, by the warmth of his breath, and the soft moans reverberating through her—whether they were hers or his, she didn’t know. His hand cradled the back of her head, his fingers spread into her hair, holding her in place as he assaulted her mouth with his tongue. Each time she tried to pull away, to draw in a breath, he’d change the angle and deepen the kiss. It was turning her on unlike anything else.

Slowly, Nick pulled away with a satisfied groan. His lids were heavy, and his eyes hazy. “I have been thinking about doing that all day.”

“You have?” That surprised and excited her.

“Mmm hmm.” He licked his lips in the most delicious way. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah.” Right then, at that very moment, she’d probably follow him anywhere. How pathetic did that make her?

“Wow, that was uncomfortable to watch,” Jessica teased.

Oh shit! Brooke had totally forgotten her friend was standing there. She gave her an unapologetic smile. Brooke just couldn’t feel guilty about kissing Nick like that.

“Okay, well, you two have fun. If you’re not back by morning I’ll call campus security and tell them you were murdered by serial killer Nick Benson.”

Brooke was mortified. That statement sounded exactly like something her parents would’ve said to her. Flashbacks of living at home rushed through her mind. She was going to wring Jessica’s neck. “Real nice, Jess.”

Jessica laughed. “I’m only teasing.” Then she turned on her heel and went back inside.

“C’mon, let’s go.” Nick took her hand into his, lacing their fingers together, and led her toward his car.

His hand was warm and strong, completely enveloping hers. Her heart was pounding as she followed him. She had a feeling tonight would be a night she wouldn’t soon forget.



Nick helped Brooke into the car and then walked around toward the driver’s side. He reached down and tugged on his jeans, adjusting them around his massive hard-on. His cock had gotten hard the second he’d laid his lips on hers. He hoped to hell she would offer some relief for him. Otherwise it was going to be a very long night.

“So, where are we going?” she asked once he was in the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

“There’s a great little pizza shop not far from campus. I thought we could grab a quick bite to eat, then maybe find a party to hit,” Nick said, glancing over at her.

Brooke’s eyes lit up. “Sounds fun. You know of any good parties?”

“There are always one or two at the frat houses.” But in his opinion they were lame. He wanted to find a party where no one knew them and they could be free to do whatever the hell they wanted.

“Cool. I’m in.”

Nick laughed. “Are you always this agreeable? It could get you into trouble if you’re not careful.”

“I’ve spent my whole life being careful. I’m tired of it.”

He raised a questioning brow. “Oh? Do tell.”

She shrugged
and he noticed the way her boobs bounced slightly when she did. God, he wanted to get his hands on them. By his guess, she was a solid C cup. Just perfect for his hands.

“It’s the typical boring story. My parents were neurotic and overprotective and never let me do anything. So now I’m living life to the fullest.”

“Please don’t tell me this is your first date.” His tone and expression were dead serious. That had happened to him before. He’d thought he’d met a fun, rebellious girl who wanted to have fun, but it turned out she was just sheltered and looking for a prince charming to pick up where her parents had left off.

“Oh God no!” She laughed.

Nick sighed with relief and relaxed in his seat. “So what exactly do you consider to be living life to its fullest?”

“The usual. Having fun, taking chances, not over thinking things, waking up every morning with no regrets for how the day before ended.”

He nodded and smiled. “I like that. But what happens when you wake up and you have regrets?”

“Then it’s time to reevaluate life and make some changes.”

They fell silent. Nick wanted to ask her a hundred more questions, but didn’t want to come across as a total jerk. He wondered if she was a virgin. With the way she kissed, he doubted it. He hoped not.

“What about you?” she asked after several moments.

“What about me?”

, you don’t seem to have any discernible boundaries and you have an attitude that screams trouble.”

He grinned. She had him pegged. That was impressive considering she hadn’t spent much time with him.
Yet. “I like to live life on the edge.”

“So you’re an adrenaline junkie.”

Nick thought about that for a moment. No one had ever called him that before. “No, not really. I mean sometimes, yeah, I like to go find a cheap thrill that will get the adrenaline pumping, but I’m not one of those people who goes out and does stupid, dangerous things like bungee jumping and sky diving.” He shrugged. “I just like to cut loose and have fun.”

“Fair enough,” she said.

He pulled into the pizza place parking lot and parked the car. He was out in a flash and around to her side of the car, helping her out.

“Thank you.” She smiled. “I didn’t take you for a gentleman.”

Not many people did, probably because he didn’t show this side of himself very often. It was just easier not to, but there was something about her that made him want to. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Brooke.”

“Like what?”

Nick pulled her into his arms and backed her up until she was pinned between him and the car, his hands grabbing her perfectly shaped ass. “Stick around long enough and you might just find out.” Then he slowly leaned forward. His tongue flicked over her lips, teasing and coaxing them open, and when they did, he plunged inside, kissing her like it would be the last kiss they ever shared.

Brooke leaned into him, he
r arms wrapping around his neck and her breasts pressing against his chest. He groaned and pushed his hips forward, letting her know exactly how much she affected him. Keeping his lips firmly locked on hers, he reached up, removed one of her hands from around his neck, and lowered it to his crotch. “Feel what you do to me, Brooke?” he mumbled against her lips. “I’ve been a walking fucking erection since I met you.”

She laughed softly and then curled her palm around his bulge, giving it a firm squeeze. Nick groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head, and he swore his knees were going to give out. He thrust his hips forward, greedy for more of her touch. But she released him, and he groaned again.

“Play your cards right and I might just help you out with that tonight,” she said with a wink before pushing him away and walking toward the entrance of the pizza shop.

Nick’s eyes widened as he watched her walk away. God damn, did she just tempt him with sex? That knowledge did nothing to ease the throbbing in his balls. Fuck, it was going to be a long night. He’d have to rush through dinner s
o he could get her to a party—preferably one that had a lot of bedrooms. Hell, he’d use a closet if he had to.

He jogged after her and caught up just as she reached for the door handle, which he grabbed before she could and opened the door for her. She thanked him with a smile that could tempt God into sinning. They entered and he led her to a booth in the far corner that had a rounded bench seat. It was the perfect kind of table for sitting side by side, which
was exactly what he wanted to do. It was also secluded from all the other tables and booths, giving them a bit of privacy.

Once seated, he put his arm around her shoulders. “What do you like on your pizza?”

“Lots of cheese and meat.”

Would she ever stop surprising him? “Meat lovers with extra cheese it is then.” Nick waved for the waiter, gave their order, and sat back in the booth. Brooke allowed her hand to flop down onto his leg just above his knee. He glanced down at it
, then back up at her. “It’s up a little higher,” he said.

Brooke slowly dragged her hand up his thigh, but stopped just shy of his cock. Her fingernails traced circles on his leg, sending shivers through his body.

“Higher,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with anticipation. And so she went a little higher, her delicate fingers grazing across his crotch. His hips lurched forward involuntarily. “I want you to touch me, Brooke.” Nick reached down. He unbuttoned then unzipped his jeans, parting them just enough to show her how hard he was—and there was no mistaking it because he wasn’t wearing any boxers.

“Nick,” she said in a shocked, hushed voice.

He laughed. “Relax, babe. No one’s watching, and even if they were, they can’t see anything.” Then he palmed the back of her head, bringing her mouth to his. Their gazes were locked. “Go on. Touch me. See if you can get me off before our food arrives.”

Her eyebrows shot up, then her eyes narrowed. “Is that a challenge?”

“Yeah.” He licked his bottom lip.

“And if I do get you off, what do I get?”

“Winner’s choice.” He grinned. “You get me off, you can have anything you want. No restrictions. But if you don’t, then I get whatever I want.” He paused. “Deal?” The only way he could lose was for her to say no to his little challenge because he knew it wasn’t going to take much to make him blow his wad, so at the very least, he was going to get a hand job from the deal.

Brooke closed the short distance between them and pressed her mouth to
his. “Deal,” she said. Then he felt her fingers curl around his hard shaft, and he knew he’d won.

She stroked up his length, circling her palm around his cockhead, then slowly stroked down his length, pulling the skin taut as she did. Nick moved his hips in rhythm with her strokes. “Fuck, Brooke, that feels fucking fantastic,” he whispered, releasing her lips and looking down at her jerking him off.

Smiling, she said, “When I win, I’m going to make you fuck me in your car.”

“Shit,” he exhaled the word and forced his gaze to remain on his cock. “I’ll do that even if you don’t win.”

“Do I get a bonus if I can make you come in the next two minutes?”

He jerked his head up to look at her. Nick was already close, but knew he wasn’t that close. Plus, he had the wherewithal to hold out for a while longer, to prolong his pleasure and the feel of her hand on his dick. Yet she’d piqued his curiosity. “If you can pull that one off, I’ll be your personal bitch for the rest of the night.”

Brooke looked around, and when she seemed satisfied with whatever it was she was looking for, she lifted the tablecloth and slid to her knees beneath the table. Nick’s heart thundered in his chest as the realization of her intentions crashed down around him.

“Brooke,” he warned.

But then he felt her hot, wet tongue lick around the ridge of his cockhead and he was silenced, save for his now heavy breathing. Nick extended his arms along the back of the booth and tried to maintain a relaxed façade, even though he was anything but relaxed. His body and his brain were ready to explode from the sensations coursing through them. When he felt her mouth close around him, sucking him deep into her throat, his stomach clenched and he hunched forward, resting his forehead on the table.

“Brooke.” He forced her name through gritted teeth, cautious to keep his voice low enough so as not to draw attention to them.

He heard what sounded like a muffled hum; his only real indication she’d spoken was the vibrations up his shaft. Nick couldn’t believe it, but he was going to come already. Reaching under the table, he grabbed a handful of her hair and held her still as he buried his cock as far into her mouth as she’d allow.

“Don’t. Move,” he said, his voice strained. If she moved, if she continued to suck him right now
, he wouldn’t be able to control the holler of pleasure that was threatening to erupt from his chest. “Oh, God, yeah.” He shoved just a little deeper, the tip of his cock scraping against the roof of her mouth, and then he felt her tongue flick across the underside of his shaft just above his balls.

That’s when he lost it. His entire body tensed, he clenched his jaw, and he struggled to remain as still as possible when all he wanted to do was fuck her mouth hard and fast, scream out how incredible it felt. Come, hot and heavy, spurted from his cock and into her mouth. His head fell back against the booth and his eyes closed. Under the table, Brooke continued to suck him dry, licking every last drop of his seed from his dick. That was hands down the single best blow job he’d ever gotten simply because of how and where it happened.

One final lick up his shaft, and Brooke emerged from under the table, a smile of satisfaction plastered on her face. She took her spot beside him, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and then took a sip of water from the pitcher on the table.

Her lips were red and puffy from their recent workout, and he watched with fascination as she licked them slowly. “Do you give all your dates blow jobs like that?” he asked before he could stop himself.

“Only the ones I like,” she retorted.

Nick frowned. What the hell did that mean? How many had there been? he wondered. Obviously a few because she really knew what the hell she was doing.

She leaned over and placed her lips near his ear. “Put your dick away, our food is here.” She inclined her head toward the waiter who was approaching with a steaming hot pan of food.

Quickly Nick tucked his cock back into his jeans and did them up. His mind was frazzled. The waiter set their pizza on the table. “Do you need anything else?”

“No, we’re all set. Thanks,” Brooke responded.

Without a word, the waiter turned and left. “That was a phenomenal blow job, by the way,” Nick said.

“I know.” Brook smiled. “And now that you’re my bitch, as soon as we get out of here, you’re going to return the favor.”

Damn right he was. And he was going to enjoy every single second of it, too. He was going to make her come with his tongue, then his fingers, then he was going to fuck her so hard he’d have to carry her back to her dorm room.

BOOK: 4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!)
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