30 Thoughts For Victorious Living (2 page)

BOOK: 30 Thoughts For Victorious Living
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Remember, God’s plans are blessed, and as you walk in His plan for
life, you will experience His abundance in everything you set your hand to!


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the plan that
have for my life. Help me set my schedule to accomplish
will today. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who is my Comforter and leads and guides me into all truth. Help me
in all I do today!

4 speak what you seek

“Declare what is to be ...”

(Isaiah 45:21)

If you’re going to live a life of victory, you must speak positive words of faith and declare what God says about your situation. Philippians 4:13 declares that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. No matter how inadequate or unqualified you may feel, Jesus promises to strengthen and enable you.

When the time of adversity comes, what do you say about your situation? Do you declare that you are an overcomer through Christ?

Anyone can be positive when things are going well. But the way you respond when adversity comes to will make or break you. What you say in the midst of your difficulties will have a direct impact on the outcome. Don’t look at the facts of your situation. Look at the truth of God’s Word. Declare His truth over your situation until the facts line up with His Word! Make the decision today that you are going to make it through - and quickly!


Precious Heavenly Father, today I commit the words of my mouth to
. I determine to speak
thoughts of victory over my life and the lives of those around me. Help me stay focused on Your Word today, knowing that
have promised that I can do all things with You on my side.

standing strong during adversity

“Put on the full
of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.”

(Ephesians 6:13)

We all face challenges and difficult times. God doesn’t send these storms, but it is in times of difficulty that we grow and become stronger. It is an opportunity to allow God’s Word to come alive in your life and see you through to victory. You can’t run from everything that’s hard in your life and expect God to deliver you immediately. God uses these challenges to stretch you and enlarge your
vision .

Remain faithful during your time of adversity. Make up your mind to serve God no matter what comes against you, and God will
you. Fight the good fight of faith. Remember, God will not waste anything you go through in life. You are growing. You are maturing. You are being prepared for promotion. Simply remain faithful and fight life through. In due season, in God’s appointed time, He will promote you to new levels of victory, and you will live that abundant life that He has promise you!


Heavenly Father, thank You for making me strong through adversity.
I thank
that because You are faithful to me, I can be faithful to You. Give me
wisdom to make the right decisions today and strength to stand strong no matter what life brings.

6 be joyful always

“For the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

(Nehemiah 8:10)

In Psalms, David said, “I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth
At all times means in good times as well as the tough times. The Bible tells us to stay full of joy no matter what we are facing.

The joy of the Lord is our source of strength and that enemy knows it. He knows that if he can get you down and discouraged, before long, you’ll be weak and feeble and he will be able to easily defeat you.

When you are full of joy and have a good attitude, you keep yourself strong. That positive attitude of faith paves the way for God to work miracles in your life - it paves the way for God to turn your situation around!

Decide today to have a good attitude. Keep yourself full of His joy by meditating on the goodness and promises of God. Be full of the joy of the Lord! You will soon experience supernatural strength and discover the victorious life God has planned for you!


Dear Father, thank You for filling my life with joy. Thank you that I am blessed and cannot be curse. Thank You that in all things
cause me to triumph. Thank You for Your strength within me that comes from
joy. I bless
today and rejoice in Your goodness.

you are approved

“Before you were ever formed in your mother’s womb, I saw you and approved you.”

1:5 )

You are approved by Almighty God! Isn’t that awesome? You are created it in His image, and you are the apple of His eye. You did not choose God, but He chose you and He is pleased with you - His most precious creation.

Notice that verse doesn’t say that God approves you as long as you don’t have any faults or as long as you don’t make any mistakes. No, God approves you unconditionally. No matter how many weaknesses you may think you have today, no matter how many times you fall, you’ve got to get right back up again and hold your head up high. Don’t allow of the enemy to bring strife into your life by deceiving you into thinking that you are not “good enough.” Stand strong in your thoughts about yourself knowing that not only have you been chosen, but you are approved by Almighty God!


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unconditional love for me. Thank you for approving and accepting me. I ask that
reveal Your love to me today, so I can share it with others. I determined in my heart that no matter what happens, I will keep moving forward with
on the path to victory!

8 pursue your victory

“This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind,

I press on towards the mark
... ”

(Philippians 3:13-14)

It’s time to be aggressive and energetic when it comes to letting go of the past and pressing forward to the abundant life God has in store for you. It’s time to rise up and boldly go after your victories! It’s time to develop a warrior mentality and proactively pursue the happiness, health, and peace that God has promised in His word.

God told Joshua to cross over the Jordan and go into the
promised land
. “Possess” implies action. It means to drive at all previous tenants. Jesus said in Matthew 11:12, “The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, but the violent take it by force. “ It’s time to stopped dwelling on past mistakes and failures, and determined to never look back!

As you set your focus on the Word of God and His promises, you’ll discover His abundance of joy, peace, and prosperity and every area of your life!


Dear Father, give me the boldness to pursue victory for my life. I determined today to forget my past failures because I know they are washed clean by the precious Blood of Your Son, Jesus. I will rise up today and declare and pursue the plan
have prepared for me. Fill my heart with
joy and peace.

have an attitude of gratitude

“Let no foul or polluting language come out of your mouth.”

(Ephesians 4:29)

Your words can pollute or purify. If you constantly complain, you release poison into your life. Complaining is not based on your circumstances; it is based on the attitude of your heart. If you keep the right attitude during your time of adversity, God will

When you have a heart full of gratitude, it leaves no room for complaining. There is always something to thank God for, no matter what kind of adversity you have in your life. Start by thanking Him for giving
life and salvation through Jesus Christ. Thank God for the air you breathe and the sunsets you enjoy. Thank Him for the promises in His word that no matter where you are in life, He is leading, guiding, and prospering you.

Decide today to live a life of thanksgiving. Don’t allow the poison of complaining to prevent you from receiving all God has for you!


Dear Father, I am so thankful for
love and peace. I’m thankful that
are faithful even when I am not. Thank You for Your promises of victory. I bless
today. With the fruit of my lips I give
thanks and praise all day long. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to

overcome opposition

“A wide door has been open to me and with it are many adversaries.”

(I Corinthians 16:9)

God is always giving us the opportunities to move forward in life. It is God’s desire that you grow and reach your full potential. Any time you take a step forward, the enemy it will try to bring opposition and adversity against you. Paul said in I Corinthians 16:9, “a wide door has been open to me and with it are many adversaries
God promises that through Him, you can overcome any opposition the enemy brings your way.

When you step out in faith and opposition comes, stand your ground and keep doing what you know to do. Keep on praying, reading the Bible, going to Church and walking in love and forgiveness. Keep your heart tender and speak words of hope and victory over your life. When the enemy sees you are more determined than he is, he will back down and you will move forward to new levels of victory! Stay focused and full of joy no matter what comes against. You will overcome opposition and walk through the door the Lord has opened to you!


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this day and for every opportunity to advance in life. I ask for the wisdom to make the right choices, and I determine to stand on
promises. I thank
that You are bigger than any problem I may encounter. Thank You for loving me and setting me free to walk in victory today.

BOOK: 30 Thoughts For Victorious Living
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