1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (94 page)

BOOK: 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War
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44. A description of a visit to two of these camps by the acting British consul general in Cairo-"the general atmosphere was free and easy"-is appended to Campbell to Bevin, 23 July 1948, PRO FO 371-69259.
45. Unsigned, "Anglo-Jewish Association, Egyptian Crisis," 13 July 1948, PRO FO 371-69259.
46. Translation into English of "Days of Terror," ro, 13 August 1948, NationalZeitung, Basel, PRO FO 371-69260. The "hundreds" was probably an exaggeration.
47. Chapman Andrews to FO, 23 September 1948, PRO FO 371-69260.
48. Government of Iraq, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, untitled memorandum, received by US embassy, Baghdad, 18 November 1949, PRO FO 371-75183.
49. JA, "Memorandum on the Situation of the Jews of Iraq," undated but accompanied by letter from 29 October 1949, PRO FO 371-75183.
5o. Henry Mack, Baghdad, to Bevin, 3 March 1949, PRO FO 371-75182.
51. Robert Marcus, World Jewish Congress, to Trygve Lie, United Nations, 8 November 1949, PRO FO 371-75183; World Jewish Congress, "Memorandum on the Treatment of the Jewish Population in Iraq ... ," 22 October 1949, PRO FO 371-75183.
52. Houstoun Boswall to FO, 24 April 1948, PRO FO 371-68493.
53• British Military Administration, Tripolitania, "Arab-Jewish Disturbances Tripoli, 12th/13th June, 1948," 21 June 1948, and D. Mowshowitch, Jewish Board of Deputies, London, to R. D. J. Scott-Fox, FO, 17 June 1948, both in PRO FO 371-69422.
$4. British consulate general, Rabat, to J. W. Blanch, FO, 15 June 1948, FO 37173022.
55• Boswall to FO, 2 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68371; unsigned, "Anglo-JewishAssociation, the Jews in Moslem Countries, Extracts from a Report Given by a Member of the A.J.A., Who Recently Visited the Countries of the Middle East," z September 1948, PRO FO 371-68377.


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BOOK: 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War
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