06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure (20 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #Wounded in Wyoming

BOOK: 06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure
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Rance smiles and says, "Well, with luck you
won't ever have to face another situation like that, but living out
here, you never know when you may need to kill a wolf or even a
bear. I think it is a good idea. Pinky told me that Skye, Melanie,
and Jasmine all target shoot regularly. Ask Melanie if you can go
with them. I'm sure they won't mind."

Smiling now, Samantha says, "I will, as soon
as we get back from our honeymoon. Where are we going? Please tell

Laughing Rance says, "No, I'm not going to
tell you. It's a surprise! You're just going to have to be


The next day, Saturday, the wedding of
Samantha Sue Wells and Clarence Kincaid Jr. is held just after
lunch in the great room at the Rock Springs Ranch. Samantha looks
beautiful in her long flowing white gown with fall flowers in her
hair. She carries a bouquet of fall flowers.

Keith "Pinky" Williams serves as the best man
and Melanie Brentwood Farrady serves as the matron of honor.
Pinky's adopted son, Timmy serves as the ring bearer. Samantha is
given in marriage by her good friend, Jim Bradley from Mel's Bar
and Grill. Eric Calloway Farrady and Damian Drake are ushers and
look so grown up in their tuxedoes seating the guests.

Standing before the huge stone fireplace in
the great room, Rance "Stump" Kincaid is a nervous wreck. His heart
is pounding with anxiety and a fine sheen of perspiration coats his
brow. He can't believe he is really here, waiting for the love of
his life to join him before the minister and say their vows. It is
a day he has dreamed about for years. One he feared would never

Tears cloud his eyes as he looks over at his
Mom and Dad, Jesse and Bear. He is so thankful for his parents that
have stood beside him all these years, guided him and helped him
become the man he is today. He prays that he is man enough to be
the kind of husband that Samantha needs and that their love will be
as enduring as his parent's love has been.

He looks over at his buddy Pinky standing
beside him and then he looks around the room at Goose, Barry, Scoot
and their families. He has been so blessed to have met all these
guys when he first joined the Marines. They have been his family
for years and he loves them all like brothers.

When the music starts he looks up and smiles
at little Timmy Williams, Pinky's adopted son advancing toward him
carrying the wedding rings a huge grin on his face. Right behind
him, he sees Samantha clinging tightly to the arm of Jim Bradley.
She is so beautiful with her long pale blonde hair falling in curls
around her shoulders and her sparkling, pale, blue eyes. His breath
catches in his lungs and his heart is pounding in his chest. How
did he get lucky enough to be marrying Samantha Wells, the only
woman that ever came to him a virgin and who is now carrying his
child? He never realized just how special a gift she gave him until
now. To know that he is the only man she has ever known intimately
makes his heart soar with happiness. His heart is so full of love
he is afraid it might just explode and his eyes fill with tears. A
warm smile spreads across his face as Samantha walks slowly toward


Samantha Wells is so nervous she is shaking
like a leaf. Her knees are so wobbly she's not sure they will
support her and she is holding tightly to Jim Bradley's arm. She
can't believe her most precious dream is coming true. Today she
will be married to the man of her dreams. She wishes her
grandmother and grandfather were here to witness this but she knows
they are smiling down from heaven. She looks toward the front and
sees him, the love of her life, her lover, her friend. Rance is so
handsome standing before the fireplace, his chocolate brown eyes
glowing with love and a warm smile curving those sensuous lips. She
still can't believe that her ill conceived, impetuous act on that
night so long ago has led to this, her wedding day. A warm glow of
happiness surrounds her and she smiles warmly at Rance.


Toward the end of the wedding reception,
Rance leans down and whispers in Samantha's ear, "Are you ready for
your surprise?"

Smiling she says excitedly, "Yes, what is it?
Tell me!"

Laughing he says, "I can't tell you, I have
to show you. Go put on some jeans, a sweatshirt and tennis

When Samantha is dressed and walks out of her
bedroom she sees that Rance has changed clothes too. He is now
dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. As they leave out the back door
of the house, they are showered with bird seed by all in
attendance. She stops to toss her bouquet and a collective gasp
flows through the crowd when it is caught by eleven year old Dani
Murray. Her father, Jacob Murray, looks at her, raises an eyebrow,
and says, "You do know you have a few years to wait before you will
be allowed to marry, right?"

Blushing, Dani looks over at eleven year old
Eric Calloway Farrady and says, "Of course, Daddy. We know we have
to wait a few more years." Eric grins at Jacob and he shakes his
head smiling.

Rance escorts Samantha to the helipad where
he blindfolds her. Then he straps her in a seat. Pinky and Scoot
are with them in the helicopter and Samantha is getting nervous.
She asks, "Please guys, tell me where we are going!"

Rance says, "They're not going to tell you.
It will ruin your surprise. Now be patient."

After they have flown for what seems to
Samantha to have been hours, Rance pulls her to her feet and straps
her tightly to his body. Then she feels them being lowered on the
cable out of the helicopter. When they land on the ground she hears
the helicopter fly away. Her heart is pounding with excitement.
Rance takes her hand and they walk a few steps before he says,
"Okay, you can take off the blindfold now."

Samantha removes the blindfold and her breath
catches in her lungs as she looks around. Tears spring to her eyes,
and she looks at Rance. Nervously he asks, "You're not disappointed
are you?"

Smiling she says, "No! This is perfect!" She
throws her arms around his neck and pulls his head down to hers
kissing him deeply. "Thank you!"

He slowly strips the clothing from her body
and lays her gently down on the sleeping bags where he makes slow
sweet love to her in the narrow cave where their journey began.

As they drift back to earth from that world
only lovers know, he pulls her close to his side and asks, "You're
really not disappointed are you? I can call Scoot to pick us up if
you had rather go somewhere else."

Smiling she says, "No, silly, I couldn't ask
for a better surprise. If you had asked me where I wanted to spend
our honeymoon, this is exactly where I would have said. In fact, I
would like to come here every year for our anniversary."


Several hours later in the deep of night,
Samantha wakes. She can hear Rance's soft snore and an idea comes
to mind. Her mind made up she rises on her knees next to him and
places her hands on his chest moving them around enjoying the
sensuous feel of the thick mat of hair on his chest. She moves her
hands over the ridges of muscle and traces each rib with her nails.
Her breathing becomes shallow little gasps and tingles flow through
her body. She is so excited. When she brushes her nails across his
nipples he jerks uncontrollably and a smile curves her lips. Yes!
She loves the feeling of power she gets when he responds to her
touch. She pauses as he slips back into sleep.

Rance is having a very erotic dream. He is
lying on a hard surface and Samantha is running her hands all over
his chest. She is tracing his ribs with her nails and curling her
hands is his thick chest hair. When she lightly scrapes her nails
across his nipple he jerks uncontrollably. Hmmmm, this is glorious
and the memory of another time flows into his mind.

Then she moves her hands down over his rock
hard abs. Mmmmm, he has the most gorgeous body! She scores the skin
around his navel with her nails and hears his sharp intake of
breath. She has a wild urge to dip her tongue into his navel, so
she does. She lowers her face to his stomach rubbing it against the
soft skin marveling at the paradox, rock hard muscle covered by
baby soft skin. Then she dips her tongue in and out of his navel.
Wow! That is so erotic! Her excitement builds and she finds herself
becoming impatient.

Rance is in heaven. Now she is moving her
hands down over his abs. Oh God, this is so exciting! She is
scoring the skin around his navel with her nails and shivers of
delight run through his body causing him to inhale sharply. He is
again surprised at how sensitive the area of his navel is and how
erotic it is for her to touch him there. Then she dips her tongue
into his navel and he almost comes apart. Wow! That is

She moves her hands further down to his male
shaft where she lightly moves her fingers from the base to tip
excited when it becomes hard. She is breathing heavily now and she
feels the moisture pooling in her private area. She has another
wild urge to taste him. She leans her head down and lightly touches
her tongue to his tip. She feels it jerk in reaction. Wow! That is
so cool. She runs her tongue down the sides and back up to the tip
circling it lightly. Yes, she likes this! He is so hard!

Oh God! Samantha is touching his shaft with
her fingers and he is growing harder and harder. His heart is
pounding heavily and his breath is coming in short, shallow little
gasps. What's she doing now? Oh man, she is touching him with her
tongue! Oh, Baby! He's going to have to stop her or he is going to
lose it! Then she stops and he breathes a sigh of relief mingled
with disappointment. Now what?

Once he is fully engorged she slides her leg
across his middle until she is sitting astraddle him. Then she
relaxes and places her chest against his. She slowly moves her
sensitive breasts against the thick mat of hair enjoying the
sensations the movement is creating in her abdomen. Mmmmm, yes,
this is wondrous! Then she slowly moves her body down until she
feels his shaft poised at the entrance to her warmth. She pauses,
takes a deep breath, and then impales herself on his shaft. Oh God,
what a glorious feeling!

He feels her slide her leg across his body
and she sits astraddle him. Oh Baby, touch me! Then she lies chest
to chest with him and moves her breasts around on his chest. Yes!
That's it. That feels wonderful! Now he can feel her warmth just
out of reach of his shaft. Oh man, he wants to feel her so badly.
Then she impales herself on his shaft. He inhales sharply. Oh Baby,
yes! He is fully awake now. This is no dream but a reenactment and
he loves it!

She can feel him filling her and she smiles.
When he moves his hands to her hips she looks at him and can see
him smiling at her. As he slowly lifts her on his length, she
smiles back and slowly begins rocking with him. She loves the
feeling of their bodies rocking together. She lowers her head to
his and plunges her tongue into his mouth drinking deeply.

Suddenly, he grasps her hips and flips her to
her back beneath him. He says, "As much as I was enjoying your
touch, you're pushing too hard and I can't hold out much longer.
Wrap your legs around me."

He speeds their rhythm grinding his pelvis
against her sensitive nub. He lowers his head and drinks deeply of
her sweetness. He raises his head and says, "I love you Samantha."
He slams against her and they crash over the precipice into the
world of lovers.

When they float back to earth Rance says,
"Thank you Sweetheart. I have been wishing we could recreate that
night so I would have more vivid memories of our first time
together. I barely remembered it."

Smiling she says, "I remember it. I thought
it was magnificent but I had no idea what I was doing that night. I
hope you're not disappointed that I added a few extra things."

He says, "Disappointed? Are you kidding? I
thought it was magnificent that first time too. That was why I had
such a hard time accepting that the woman of my dreams was you. We
didn't exactly get off on the right foot at first. I realize now
that my physical attraction to you scared me to death and that's
why I fought you so hard."


When Stump wakes just as dawn is breaking the
next morning, the first thing he realizes is that Samantha is not
in his arms. His heart pounding with fear he sits up and looks
around the cave but doesn't see her at first and panicking, he
frantically calls to her, "Sam?"

He hears her call back, "I'm here Rance, in
the back of the cave."

Staring into the dimness at the back of the
cave he can barely make out her shadow. He asks, "What are you

She says, "I'm looking at the rocks. Do you
have a flashlight?"

Rising from the sleeping bags, he says, "I
have an electric lantern. Will that do?" He grabs the lantern and
walks to the back of the cave where Samantha is staring at the rock

She says, "Look, the rocks on this side of
the cave are different than the ones on the other side. See this
crack it goes from above the top of the cave past the bottom and
all the way across the bottom out to the entrance. I think this
slab of rock was moved upward from below by a powerful earthquake
creating this narrow cave. I want to know how deep that crack is.
And look, these look like ancient markings made by humans. Not
writing exactly but marking the area for some reason." She holds
the lantern as high as she can and tries to look into the crack.
She says, "Damn! Are you sure you don't have a flashlight that I
could use to direct a beam of light into that crack?"

Stump shakes his head, "I don't think so but
I'll look. Scoot and Pinky helped pack my backpack so I'm not sure
what they put in it." He goes to the front of the cave and starts
pulling stuff out of his backpack. "Oh my God, look at all of this
stuff! There's caviar, crackers, cheese, non-alcoholic champagne,
all types of sex toys and a flashlight!" He hands it to Sam and
then follows her to the back of the cave.

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