06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure (10 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #Wounded in Wyoming

BOOK: 06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure
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When they crash over the precipice into the
world of ecstasy where lovers go, Rance smothers their cries with a
deep kiss.

They spend the rest of the day making love,
dozing, and cuddling.

During one of their times of cuddling, Sam
asks, "Why do you think those men kidnapped me?"

Rance says, "If it was Jack Dempsey, like we
think, it was probably because he overheard you telling me about
your degree in archeology at Mel's. He was a curator at a museum
down in Cheyenne and suddenly left after he came under suspicion
for stealing artifacts. Jeffrey Whitmore told Scoot of an old
Indian legend about a lost cave that is supposed to contain
hundreds of solid gold artifacts that is thought to be located in
one of the off limits areas of the park. We figure he wanted you to
use your knowledge of archeology and geology to help him find the

Sam says, "A lost cave? How exciting! I would
love to find something like that."

"Don't tell me you want to help Dempsey steal
those artifacts!" says Rance.

Offended Sam replies, "Of course not! I would
never steal anything. I would just love to be the one to find the
lost cave."

Rance pulls her closer and says, "Oh Sam, I
was so afraid it was Zeke and Jeb that had kidnapped you. I wanted
to rip them apart limb from limb. They are some bad dudes Sam. You
need to be very careful where they are concerned." He pauses for a
moment then asks, "That reminds me, did you have a party at your
apartment? The morning after you disappeared we stopped by there to
look for clues and it was a real mess. Beer cans everywhere and a
box of condoms on the table."

Shocked Sam says, "What? I didn't have a
party! I have never even had a can of beer inside the apartment. Oh
God! That means someone broke in there. It must have been the same
night I was kidnapped! I left the apartment spotless when I left
for work, just like I always do."

Stunned relief pours through Rance and he
responds, "Yeah, maybe your being kidnapped was really a blessing
in disguise."


Before dawn the next morning Rance wakes with
Sam's luscious naked body curled snugly against him. As usual, his
member is standing at full attention. As he becomes fully aware he
hears crickets chirping so he looks out the mouth of the cave and
sees stars twinkling from above. Damn! The rain stopped and that
means they will be leaving their love nest in a few short hours. He
wonders what will happen when they return to the ranch. Will they
fall back into their usual rut of arguing all the time? Will she
even want to continue seeing him once they go back to civilization?
Does he want to continue to see Sam? Yes, no doubt about that. Sex
with Sam is the best he's ever had and he doesn't want to lose
that. He moves to the mouth of the cave to relieve himself and is
surprised when Sam wraps her arms around his waist from behind.

She whispers, "We're going to leave aren't

Rance says, "Yeah, do you need to relieve
yourself?" He supports her as she takes care of her business and
when he pulls her back into his arms he picks her up and carries
her back inside to their sleeping bags. He gently lays her down and
then covers her with his body taking her lips with his delving
deeply into her warm sweetness.

He says, "Mmmmm, I'm going to miss holding
you in my arms all night."

Tears in her eyes, she pleads, "Make love to
me Rance."

He grabs the box of condoms and shakes the
last one out into his hand, he says, "Maybe it's a good thing we
are going back to civilization. This is the last one." He rolls the
condom into place and moves between Sam's legs. He looks deeply
into her eyes, and slowly enters her body. He lowers his head to
hers and drinks deeply of her sweetness as he begins to move in and
out of her warmth.

Samantha's heart is breaking. She clings
tightly to Rance as he moves within her. Tears are clouding her
eyes and as they break through the barrier into the realm of
ecstasy that only lover's know the tears stream down her face.

He pulls her close to his side and asks,
"What's wrong Sweetheart?"

Sam says, "I'm afraid ... afraid this is it.
It's all going to be over when we leave here."

Rance asks, "What do you mean Sam? It's not
over. I'm not going to let it be over. I want us to continue to see
each other."

Sam's throat is closing and she can't speak
so she nods.

As dawn begins to break across the sky, she
rises from the sleeping bags, puts back on her clothes that are
still damp, and helps Rance pack the rest of the items into the two
backpacks. Within half an hour they hear the approaching
helicopter, and Rance pulls Sam into his arms and drinks deeply of
her sweetness one last time.


When the helicopter arrives and sends down
the cable, Stump securely attaches Sam and signals Pinky to lift
her. Then Pinky sends the cable back for Stump and he is raised
into the helicopter.

As they fly away Sam looks back longingly
toward the narrow cave and imprints its location in her mind. She
will definitely visit here again someday so she can relive the most
wonderful day and night of her life.

Rance is watching Sam as they fly away. He is
worried that things won't be the same now that they are going back
to their regular lives. He's going to try his very best to get
along with Samantha because he doesn't want to lose what they found
in each other's arms. It's just that they never even talked about
their differences so he knows they will arise again.

Once they are on their way, Scoot says, "Sam,
I sent Goose and Bear into town to clean out your apartment. You
are once again under the protection of Drake Security and will be
staying at the ranch for a while.

Stump, I spoke with Jeffrey Whitmore about
his truck being at the construction site. His son is working as a
masonry helper and is driving it.

The cabin where you rescued Sam is rented to
Jack Dempsey and he has been arrested for kidnapping. We still
don't know who the second man is or for sure, why they kidnapped
her. Sam will need to look through some mug shots to see if she can
identify the second man.

So far, we haven't picked up any information
from the bar about the location of the mine. Oh, Zeke and Jeb were
arrested for breaking and entering at Sam's apartment. Their
fingerprints were all over the place.

Stump again breathes a sigh of relief that
Samantha was kidnapped and didn't have to face the two construction
workers at her apartment. He thanks God for sparing her that
horror. He asks, "Have the construction thefts stopped since their

Scoot responds, "No, in fact, one of the
largest yet happened last night."

Stump asks, "Do you have a list of what was

Scoot replies, "Yeah, it's at the ranch on
the computer.

Stump asks, "Why hasn't someone set up
security cameras at the construction site to try and capture a
picture of the thief?"

Scoot laughs, "We did. We have his picture at
the ranch. I'm hoping you can identify him."


When they arrive at the ranch, Scoot sits Sam
down with a stack of mug shots of all of the men that work at the
construction site to see if she can recognize the second man
involved in her kidnapping.

Stump sits down at the computer and looks at
the video from the construction site theft. When the thief appears
on the screen he freezes the frame and calls to Sam, "Samantha,
come look at this guy and see if you know him. He doesn't look
familiar to me."

Sam walks over to the computer and looks over
Stump's shoulder. Shaking her head she says, "No, I don't think I
have ever seen him before."

Stump says, "Scoot, we need to run this
through the facial recognition technology database. Maybe we'll get
a hit there."

"Pinky already did that. He got nothing,"
replies Scoot.

Stump says, "Well, let's print some copies
and show them around the park. Maybe someone will recognize the

Scoot says, "Good idea, print them and Pinky
and I will hit the gift shops and stuff." As soon as the pictures
are printed, Scoot and Pinky head to the park to show them

Once they leave, Stump and Samantha are alone
in the office. Stump says, "I think I'll take a shower. Sam, don't
you need to clean up too?"

Looking longingly at Stump, Sam says, "Yes,
but I don't have anything to put on until they get back from my
apartment with my clothes."

Stump says, "I have a robe you can put on.
Your clothes are still damp aren't they? We can always tell the
guys you got cold."

He takes her by the hand and leads her into
his bedroom where he closes and locks the door. He pulls her into
his arms and kisses her deeply. Sam asks, "Do you have

Smiling Stump says, "Yeah," and pulls Sam's
damp t-shirt over her head. He unhooks the front closure of her bra
then unfastens her jeans sliding them and her panties down her
legs. He strips off his own clothes then carries her into the
adjoining bath. He lets her slide slowly down his body while he
turns the knobs on the shower adjusting the spray to a comfortable
temperature. Then they step inside where Rance spreads soap all
over Samantha's body and then slowly rinses if off with the hand
nozzle kissing each area as he rinses it. When he reaches the curls
between her legs, he gently spreads her folds and licks her
sensitive skin with his tongue. "Mmmmm, you taste good." He inserts
two fingers into her warmth as he suckles her sensitive nub. When
she screams and plunges over into the world of ecstasy, he supports
her while she floats back to earth.

Then it is Samantha's turn. She applies the
soap to Rance's body, caressing each area and rinsing the soap off
followed by kisses as she moves down his body. When Sam reaches
Rance's shaft, she gently applies the soap and then rinses it with
the warm water. She looks longingly at it fully engorged in all its
glory then looks up into his warm gaze.

Rance says, "Hold on baby, I'll be right
back." He darts out of the shower returning with his shaft
sheathed. When he steps back in the shower he pulls her into his
arms and lowers his lips to hers drinking deeply of her sweetness.
He moves her against the wall of the shower where he lifts her and
pulls her legs around his waist then slides his member into her

Sam moans in ecstasy and wraps her arms
tightly around his neck as he starts moving in and out of her
warmth. Rance says, "Oh, Sam, you fit me so perfectly. I can't get
enough of you!" He speeds the rhythm of their joining and asks,
"Come with me Sam?"

Sam nods and pulls his head down to hers and
delves deeply into the warmth of his mouth and he swallows their
cries of ecstasy and they soar out into the universe where only
lovers go.

Stump leans his forehead against hers as the
drift slowly back to earth. Then he says, "Oh Sam, you are so
amazing. I no sooner float back to earth than I am craving another
trip to ecstasy in your arms." He holds her close for a few minutes
and then says, "I'll leave first. I'll lay my robe on the bed for

Sam nods, too tired to speak.

Stump quickly dresses and walks back out into
the office to find Bear and Goose smiling at him from the sofa.
Blushing he says, "Sam was cold in her damp clothes, I was getting
her something else to wear until you guys got back with her
clothes. Where are they anyway?"

Grinning Bear says, "We dropped them off in
her old room over at the house. Should I go get something for her
to wear?"

Still blushing, Stump says, "I'm sure she
would really appreciate it. All I had to give her was my robe."

Bear rises off the sofa and heads over to the
main house to get Sam some clothes grinning from ear to ear. It
sure looks like he was right, his son and Samantha Wells are
definitely involved. It's hard to hide a screamer. He couldn't be

When Bear leaves, Goose asks Stump, "Where
are Scoot and Pinky?'

Stump replies, "They carried pictures of the
thief to the park to see if they can identify him."


A short time later that same afternoon,
Stump, Goose, Bear, and Sam are sitting in the office waiting for
Scoot and Pinky to return from Yellowstone when Damian Drake and
Eric Calloway Farrady, Scoot and Barry Farrady's sons come running
in the office. They sit down at the computer and start looking
through the files of pictures of their heroes, one of their
favorite pasttimes.

Eric spots the picture of the construction
site thief lying on the desk beside the computer and he asks, "What
are you guys doing with this picture of Mr. Wilbanks?"

Stump gasps, "What did you say Eric? Do you
know the man in that picture?"

Eric says, "Yes, that's Mr. Wilbanks. He
teaches math at our school."

Stump calls Scoot, "Come on back to the
ranch. Eric recognized the guy in the picture. He teaches math at
their school."

Scoot says, "That's great because we've been
striking out here. What in the world would we do without Eric?
We're on our way."

While they are waiting for Scoot and Pinky to
return from the park, Stump and Goose are scouring the school
website looking for information about Mr. Wilbanks. They determine
that his whole name is Thomas Wilbanks, a graduate of the
University of Wyoming, married with two children.

They run him through the FBI database and
don't find any record of previous arrests or any type of trouble
with law enforcement. He has no fingerprints on file. He is squeaky

Stump shakes his head, "This just doesn't
make any sense. Why would this guy that has been a law abiding
citizen all of his life suddenly become a thief of building

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