03-Strength of the Mate (27 page)

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Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #military, #gay romance, #werewolves

BOOK: 03-Strength of the Mate
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A shiver ran through Adam’s frame when Dawson breathed against his ear. He found Dawson’s hands and laced their fingers together, cradling them against his chest. Dawson’s semi-hard cock nestled in the cleft of Adam’s ass. Dawson’s desire was obvious, but not demanding.

“Are you comfortable?” Dawson whispered. “Will you be able to sleep okay?” He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of Adam’s head.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Adam answered in a whisper.

“Would it help to talk about today?” Dawson kissed the edge of Adam’s jaw.

“No,” Adam replied too quickly. “Today was no big deal.”

Dawson kissed Adam’s chin, beneath his jaw, the pulse in his throat. “It was a big deal for me. I was worried about you for a while.”

Adam tensed. “I said I was sorry.”

“And I said there’s no reason to be sorry.” Dawson traced the side of Adam’s neck with his lips. “Whoever Jase is though, I’m fucking jealous of him.”

“W-w-why?” Adam winced when his voice cracked.

“It’s obvious you cared about him a lot. He’s left me standing in a really huge shadow.”

Adam’s throat clenched. It hurt to swallow. He was grateful the darkness hid his tears. Adam relaxed his fingers when he realized how tightly he was clenching Dawson’s. The feel of Dawson nuzzling behind his ear was his final undoing.

He inhaled on a sob. Adam cleared his throat, but he still couldn’t form the words.

“I’m listening.” Dawson kissed Adam’s shoulder. “Why don’t you start with why you were so sure we were losing Jason?”

Adam cleared his throat again. “I have two brothers. Eric is a couple years older than Tim. We used to have another brother, a couple years younger than me. His name was Jason.”

Dawson placed a kiss on the back of Adam’s neck. “You called him Jase,” he whispered.

Adam could only nod in reply. “Tim and Eric were really close with each other. Jase and I were close. We were each other’s best friend.”

Dawson was silent. He stayed curled around Adam, breathing steadily against the hair at the nape of his neck. Adam took a deep breath so he could tell about the good times with Jase.

“We enrolled in the same university. I was starting my junior year the same time he was starting his freshman. We had jobs, and I had a car. We moved out of our parents’ house and got an apartment together. When we registered for our classes the next week, we were gonna take our classes during the same hours, so he could ride with me.”

Dawson rubbed the calf of one leg up and down the length of Adam’s. He rested his cheek against Adam’s, his light stubble making Adam’s skin tingle. Dawson felt good against him. He was warm and strong, and he smelled good. Adam lay in Dawson’s arms, eyes closed, struggling to steady his breathing.

“We came home from a party one night. We weren’t careless, but these two assholes still blitzed us. They shoved us into our apartment at gunpoint and started loading up with our stuff. We didn’t have shit. A stereo and an old T.V. Some cash. But we didn’t resist them.”

“That’s good. That’s the right thing to do. You did the right thing.” Dawson’s voice was low and soothing.

“But it didn’t help,” Adam choked. “They went to leave, and the one guy turned around and pointed his gun at Jase. I stepped in front of him. The gunshot was so fucking loud. It made my damn ears ring. Jase shouted in fear and that pissed me off. I took off chasing after the guys.”

Dawson gave a shuddering exhale. “I know you’re okay because you’re here with me now. I feel you against me. But hearing this story makes me afraid for you.”

Adam had to pretend he didn’t hear Dawson. He had to keep talking. “I caught one of the guys and started beating the shit out of him.”

Dawson groaned. “I know what comes next.”

“The second guy shot me, so they both got away.” That was it, Adam couldn’t go further. His shoulder burned with pain. He knew that if he remembered going back to his apartment, he’d also remember Jase lying dead on the floor, his blood everywhere. He’d remembered that sight too many times already, today. Sometimes it hadn’t been Jase lying there; it had been Jason.

“You don’t have to finish,” whispered Dawson. “I can guess how it ends. I can guess that Jason getting wounded made you relive it. It’s okay. You don’t have to finish.”

Dawson was too kind, too understanding. Damn him for being so nice. How would he be if Adam confessed how shitty Adam had treated Tim all these years? Was it too late to pretend Adam hadn’t spilled his stupid guts? Maybe Dawson would just fuck him so he could forget again.

Adam struggled to turn in Dawson’s arms. Finally, he lay on his back, Dawson hovering over him. He pretended the darkness hid Dawson’s look of concern.

“I don’t want to talk anymore,” Adam said on an exhale. He wove one arm around Dawson’s back. He reached down with his other hand and gripped Dawson’s ass. Adam tried to slide his leg beneath Dawson as he struggled to pull Dawson between his legs.

Dawson braced his hands on either side of Adam’s head. Dawson wet his lower lip with a flick of his tongue. Adam saw the movement, despite the dim light, and hunger heated his belly.

“Fuck me,” he whispered, kissing Dawson’s chin. “Fuck me hard.”

“Not like this,” Dawson hissed.

“You want me face down?” Adam smiled against the pulse hammering in Dawson’s throat. “Want my ass in the air so you can slam your cock into me?”

Dawson gave a low chuckle. “Christ, you’re driving me crazy. Anybody can make you forget. I wanna make you happy.”

Adam wished that were possible. Dawson probably even meant it, right now. But things would be different by morning. Adam tried to nuzzle Dawson’s cheek, but Dawson lowered himself, nestling his face against Adam’s neck.

“I’ll be very happy if I can forget,” Adam said fiercely. He struggled to get Dawson on top of him.

“Shhh. Let me take care of you,” Dawson whispered. Finally, he settled between Adam’s legs.

“You do take care of me,” Adam whispered, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. He grasped Dawson’s firm ass with both hands, trying to pull their bodies together. “You take really good care of me. Fuck me. I like when you fuck me.”

Dawson pressed a soft kiss to Adam’s scar. He traced the edges with his tongue, shamelessly worshiping Adam’s marred skin. “It’s okay to stop running. You can let me in. Let me show you that you’re special.”

Christ, he wished Dawson would shut the hell up. Adam had surrendered to him. Why did he have to play this mind game?

Pushing at Dawson’s shoulders in frustration, Adam growled. “Just let it go, all right? I don’t need the lies, I want you to fuck me. I know I’m not special, ’cause you don’t kiss me. Now shut up and fuck me.”

Dawson went completely still. Adam’s gut twisted sickeningly. He’d lost control of his own damn mouth again, and he’d gone too far. Adam shoved against Dawson’s immovable body, struggling to get out from under his weight. He needed his clothes so he could get the hell out of here. Adam didn’t want to hear the lies Dawson would tell, just so he could still get laid.

“Stop.” Dawson’s voice was soft, but it was hard as steel. He used the weight of his body to keep Adam in place. “Stop fighting me, dammit,” he said fiercely. Dawson was heavy and he was werewolf-strong, he didn’t have to work hard to keep Adam pinned to the bed.

Adam gave up the fight. He turned his face to the side. He’d already opened a vein, Adam wasn’t going to let Dawson see it all.

Propping himself on his elbows, Dawson pressed his hips against Adam. He stared at him silently, for several moments. Dawson’s dick was still hard, his breathing was still heavy, his voice low, “That’s not fair. I meant every word I said, and I’ll mean every word tomorrow, too.”

“I know. It was a stupid thing to say. Just let me go,” Adam said impatiently.

“Werewolves don’t kiss.” Dawson still used the same calm, quiet tone. He lowered his head and scraped the tips of his fangs over the corner of Adam’s lower lip. “When we’re with another werewolf, we tend to do a lot of unintentional damage to each other with our fangs.”

Adam felt even more ridiculous than he had a moment before.

“I wasn’t holding back.” Dawson used his fangs to nibble at Adam’s lip. “But I should have remembered that you’re human, so things are different.”

Adam looked everywhere but at Dawson. He’d never felt this vulnerable before. Being naked, with Dawson between his legs, made it even worse. “Don’t worry about it. Just drop it.”

Dawson stayed on his elbows, but he slid both hands beneath Adam’s head. Cradling his face, Dawson forced Adam to meet his eyes. With unbearable slowness, Dawson lowered his head and pressed his lips to Adam’s.

Adam made a surprised sound that became a needy moan. Dawson’s lips were warm and dry against his. Dawson pulled back, changed the tilt of his head, and resumed the kiss. Adam slid his arms around Dawson’s shoulders, holding on as Dawson mouthed and nipped at his lips. The gentle kisses were filled with sensuality and affection.

Dawson flicked the tip of his tongue over Adam’s lips. Adam moaned again, opening to Dawson and inviting a deeper kiss. Dawson changed his angle again. He licked into Adam’s mouth teasingly. Adam met Dawson’s tongue, chasing him when he retreated.

Finally, Dawson fused their mouths together. Adam melted against him, licking eagerly at his tongue. Their lips slid against each other wetly. Adam breathed heavily through his nose, rubbing his tongue against Dawson’s, flicking it lightly over his teeth. He thrust his hips up into Dawson’s. They were both hard. Dawson pushed back against him.

Breaking the kiss with a gasp, Adam tilted his head back, greedily sucking air into his deprived lungs. Dawson pressed his mouth to Adam’s throat, biting lightly with his fangs, soothing the bite with his tongue.

Dawson looked down at Adam with hooded eyes. “I see what you humans like about this kissing thing,” he said breathlessly.

“Feel free to indulge yourself frequently,” Adam replied with a laugh.

Kneeling up, Dawson pushed the blankets back. Bracing his weight with his arms, he lowered himself over Adam. His dog tags landed on Adam’s stomach with a soft clink. Dawson kissed a line down the center of Adam’s stomach. With his fangs, he nipped at Adam’s hip bones.

Dawson grasped Adam behind the knees, lifting his legs up and out. As Dawson spread him open, Adam pressed up onto his hands. He searched for something witty to say, but words escaped him. Dawson sat back on his heels, Adam’s knees in his hands. Adam watched, enthralled, as Dawson bent forward over his hips. He gave a strangled shout when Dawson lowered his mouth over Adam’s hard dick.

Arms shaking, Adam admired Dawson’s full, sexy lips as they slid down his shaft. Adam moaned at the wet heat of Dawson’s mouth along his entire length. Dawson pulled off slowly. Adam’s erection was wet and slick. Sucking hard at just the head, Dawson flicked his tongue into the slit.

Dawson pulled off, pressing his wet lips to the thick vein on the underside of Adam’s dick. Adam’s toes curled as Dawson skimmed his lips along that vein. Dawson took Adam’s hard-on into his mouth again. Adam had never felt that much suction. His cockhead pressed into Dawson’s throat as Dawson hummed around him.

“Oh, fuck,” Adam exhaled, collapsing onto his back.

Dawson took up a fast rhythm. Adam pushed against Dawson’s grip on his hips, pressing him into the bed. Adam gazed down the length of his own body, the sight of his shiny-wet dick disappearing between Dawson’s full lips spiked his arousal.

Pulling off, Dawson said in a rough voice, “Get the lube for me.”

Not looking away from Dawson’s violet eyes, Adam blindly felt for the rickety bedside table. He managed to find the drawer handle and tug on it. Feeling around inside, Adam’s fingers closed over something that felt like a bottle of slick.

Handing it to Dawson, Adam was delighted to see he’d gotten it right.

Dawson never stopped sucking hard on Adam’s cock as he managed to pour lube on the fingers of one hand. Adam moved his legs restlessly against the bed. The lube was cool against his hole when Dawson circled his rim with his fingers.

Adam gasped in surprise when Dawson pushed two fingers into his ass. “Fuck,” he hissed, breathing hard.

Leaving just his fingertips inside Adam’s hole, Dawson added lube to his hand. Adam moaned as three slick fingers stretched him open and pushed in deep. He wanted to fuck himself into Dawson’s mouth, but he also wanted to ride Dawson’s fingers. The nerves in his ass tingled as Dawson spread the lube inside him. More cool slick teased at Adam’s opening. His body opened right up for Dawson’s invasion, letting him glide inside easily.

Releasing Adam’s hard-on with a moist pop, Dawson rose up onto his knees. He hissed when he drizzled lubricant over the head of own cock. He made sloppy slick sounds when he spread the gel down his shaft.

Adam wrapped his arms around Dawson’s back when he settled down on top of him. Dawson slid his arms beneath Adam’s back, curling his palms over Adam’s shoulders. Adam drew his knees up, opening himself to Dawson. Dawson’s cock slid along the cleft of his ass, brushing over his sensitive hole. Flexing his hips, Dawson gazed down at Adam, watching him closely.

Adam closed his eyes when Dawson’s mouth covered his. He licked at Dawson’s tongue as the head of Dawson’s erection pushed at his opening. He moaned and Dawson swallowed the sound down, pushing himself deeper and deeper into Adam’s ass.

Adam’s ass pressed against Dawson’s hips when Dawson slid all the way inside of him. He gripped Dawson’s hips with his legs, bracing for hard thrusts. Instead, Dawson stayed still inside of him. Adam kept his arms around Dawson’s back, holding him closely. Dawson cradled Adam against him, licking into his mouth.

Finally, Dawson moved slowly. Adam had never been fucked with such exquisite slowness. He felt every ridge and vein on Dawson’s cock as he slid it in and out. Dawson teased him with gentle kisses, meeting Adam’s eyes each time he pulled back.

Adam’s cock was pressed between their bodies. The underside slid against the slick skin of Dawson’s belly as he rocked against Adam. Dawson used his fangs to bite Adam’s lower lip sharply. Adam gasped as a bolt of pleasure rocketed straight to his dick.

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