Yours for Christmas (Fool's Gold series) (8 page)

BOOK: Yours for Christmas (Fool's Gold series)
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She sat on one side of his desk, while he took the other.

She blew on her drink before tasting it, then she smiled. “This is really good.”

“I’m glad. So what’s up?”

“I want to make a jewelry box for my mom,” she told him. “For Christmas.” She dug some sheets out of her backpack. It showed how to decoupage a box and then seal it. “I’ve saved money for the box and I have lots of pictures to put on it. But my friend Allison’s mom said I’ll need help to get it finished. Can you help me?”

Self-preservation meant saying no. Chloe’s big green eyes told him that wasn’t going to happen. He was in dangerous territory, but that couldn’t be helped.

“Sure thing. We can go get the supplies now, if you want. Then work on it over the next few days.”

She smiled. “Thank you. I also need to get my mom some presents for her stocking.” She shrugged. “I know there’s no Santa, but stockings are important. She doesn’t have one. Just me. Don’t you think my mom should have a stocking?”

“I do. Have you thought about what to put in it?”

“It’s supposed to be fun stuff. Candy and little toys. Maybe a lip gloss.” She pulled several crumbled dollar bills out of her pocket. “Is this going to be enough?”

She might as well have reached into his chest and pulled out his still-beating heart, he thought as he stared at what looked like three dollars and change. Kids were tough—and the best part of life.

“Yeah,” he told her, trying to keep any emotion out of his voice. “That’s plenty.”

Because he would pay for whatever Chloe wanted to get. Not just for the girl herself, but for her mom, who’d done a great job with her daughter.

* * *

,” B
, telling herself it would be bad to start sobbing. Her real estate agent had been incredibly supportive. Breaking down in tears, however happy, would only frighten the woman.

Her agent smiled at her. “Merry Christmas, Bailey. You’re a homeowner.”

Bailey nodded and walked out of the office. She clutched her house key tightly in her hand. It had really, really happened. She officially, legally and every other
word she couldn’t think of right now, owned the house. It was hers. Escrow had closed.

Outside the sky was clear and the sun shining. There were holiday decorations everywhere. She wanted to stop everyone she passed and tell them the good news. She owned her own home!

But rather than frighten her fellow citizens, she walked toward through town and up toward her new neighborhood. She wanted to see the house for just a few minutes before she went to pick up Chloe from school.

Five minutes later she stood on the sidewalk and told herself to keep breathing. That this was really happening.

She stared at the house she’d bought and felt a rush of gratitude. Moving to Fool’s Gold had changed everything, she thought happily. She had a great job, friends and a future. The mayor had given her the rest of the day off, along with Monday and Tuesday so she and Chloe could get moved and settled before the holidays. A few friends were coming by over the weekend to help her paint. Chloe’s bedroom furniture would be delivered on Monday. What more could she ask for?

Right then, a familiar dark SUV pulled into her driveway. Her already thundering heart kicked it up a couple of speeds as Kenny climbed out.

“Congratulations,” he said. “You did it.”

“How did you know I’d closed?”

“Your real estate agent called me. I asked her to.”

Bailey tried to summon some indignation, but just couldn’t. “So much for her working for me.”

He flashed her a grin. “She thought I was charming.”

“I’ll bet.”

He moved to the rear of his vehicle and popped the hatch. Inside were gallons of paint, tarps and brushes, along with bags filled with cleaning supplies, Spackle and sandpaper.

She sighed. “You picked up my hardware store order for me? Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Come on. You can help me carry it inside.”

She took a few shopping bags while he grabbed three paint cans in each hand. She followed him to the front door and tried not to let her gaze linger on his butt. Although she had to admit it was a pretty impressive butt. Kenny looked great in a suit, but in jeans and a leather jacket, the man was devastating.

He bumped his shoulder against the front door.

“Oh, let me unlock that,” Bailey told him.

“Not necessary.”

The door swung open. Before she could figure out how that was possible, she saw over a dozen women waiting in her new living room. Larissa and Isabel stood together, with Dellina right behind them. Noelle and Patience, Heidi, Annabelle and Charlie, the Hendrix triplets, Consuelo, and even Mayor Marsha was there. They were all dressed in jeans and sweatshirts.

“Surprise!” they yelled.

Bailey blinked. “I don’t understand.”

Isabel hugged her. “We’re here to help. We’re going to clean and sand and paint and put down shelf paper. By Sunday night, your house is going to be ready for you to move in.”

Larissa laughed. “Don’t look so surprised. We love you. We were planning on helping when Kenny talked to me about it. The two of us arranged everything.”

“I’m on lunch duty,” Noelle said, patting her stomach. “I can’t do paint, what with being pregnant. But I’m happy to run errands.”

Bailey looked at all her friends and felt their affection wash over her. Turning to Kenny was a different story. She was afraid of what he might see in her eyes if she looked at him just now.

“I don’t know how to thank all of you,” she said honestly.

“Child, we’re your family now,” Mayor Marsha told her. “All right, everyone, let’s get to work.”

By the time Bailey had collected Chloe from school, her house was controlled chaos. Charlie Stryker, a firefighter in town, had taken control of the work parties. The bathrooms and kitchens were being scrubbed from top to bottom. Kenny had been joined by Jack and Sam. They were hard at work, prepping the walls.

“I want to complain about the traditional division of labor,” Charlie said when Bailey walked in with her daughter, “but the guys are doing good work. So I won’t.”

Bailey listened to the happy conversations from every corner of the house and knew that she would treasure this memory always. As for the man who had made it happen...well, that was a problem for later.


the move, Bailey packed up her kitchen. At least the breakable items. Pots, pans and flatware she simply placed loose in boxes. She wasn’t going to move across the country—just a few blocks away.

The weekend had been a lot of work, but so much had been accomplished. The house was clean and painted. Chloe’s bedroom was a beautiful lavender color, with the doors, windows and trim all done in white. Bailey had picked a soft blue-gray for her bedroom, and a muted sage-green for the rest of the house.

She straightened, putting her hand at the small of her back. There were aches and pains from all she’d been doing, but it was worth it. Right after lunch she was meeting the delivery guys at the new house. They would deliver and put together Chloe’s bedroom furniture. Tomorrow was the move and then she and her daughter would be in their new home.

She pulled the step stool over to the cabinet above the refrigerator, then climbed up. There were only a few serving pieces up there—ones she used for special occasions, like Christmas dinner.

As she lowered the items to the counter, she smiled. There was a crystal bowl she used every year. It had be a wedding gift from her grandmother. The bowl had been in the family for nearly a hundred years. While she loved that bowl, for some reason, Will had loved it even more. Her smile faded as she remembered how hard last Christmas had been and how she hadn’t bothered to get down the fancy serving pieces. She just hadn’t been able to face them.

Now she touched the bowl and remembered all the good times they’d had as a family. She might not have been madly in love with Will before he died, but she would always remember how he’d been a good husband and father.

She picked up the crystal bowl to wrap it and saw there was an envelope tucked inside. Her name was on the front, in Will’s handwriting.

She started to shake. After picking up the envelope, she walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. She opened the envelope and found a Christmas card inside. She opened it.

Bailey, I’m putting this where I know you’ll find it on Christmas Eve. I’m heading out tomorrow and I won’t be back for six months. I’m sorry to be away from you and Chloe, especially at the holiday. Know that I’ll always love you both, so much.

Her eyes filled with tears. She hadn’t found it on Christmas Eve, she thought sadly. Hadn’t known he left it. Now, looking back, she wondered if having his card would have made last Christmas easier or more difficult.

She turned the card over in her hand, then got up and took it into her bedroom. She had a box of Will’s things she was saving for her daughter. When Chloe was a little older, they would go through them together.

She placed the card inside and closed the box. Then she got back to her packing.

* * *

the elementary school. He was a couple of minutes early, with his SUV in line with all the parents picking up their children. In Fool’s Gold most kids walked home from school, so he was surprised at the number of drivers. Then he noticed all the sports equipment and stickers for things like dance and drama and figured the kids being picked up were heading to an activity.

He was there for Chloe. Bailey was finishing up the last of her packing before the move tomorrow, so he’d scheduled his stocking shopping trip with Chloe for that afternoon. Bailey had been grateful to have more time to get work done and had tried to give him money to pay for the stocking contents, but he’d refused. He wanted to be a part of their Christmas morning, however remotely.

The doors to the school opened and the first children appeared. He got out of his SUV and stood by the passenger’s side so Chloe could spot him easily. He watched as groups of girls and boys walked together, talking and laughing. A few headed for the cars, but the rest kept going toward home.

He’d wanted this, he admitted to himself. Hell, he thought he’d had it with James. He’d imagined what it would be like to take his son to his first day of school. He’d had big dreams for that kid.

Of course he’d wanted him to be a football star and get the girl, but mostly he’d wanted to watch him grow up and have a good life and be happy. While he still wanted that to happen, he would never be a part of James’s life.

As the sea of children continued to move around him, he let himself feel the emptiness that was always there. The pain of what he’d lost—what couldn’t be recovered. In a way it was worse than if James had died, because he knew the boy was out there. Growing up without him. Connecting with the man who was his biological father.

Kenny knew that James had been young enough to forget him. By now he was only a distant memory. Eventually he would be lost completely. Natalie wasn’t going to ever tell her son what she’d done. No one shared stories that made them look bad.

Which left him alone. He knew he should move on. Find someone else. Start a family. And he would. It was just there hadn’t been anyone who sparked his interest. Not until Bailey—which left him totally screwed.


He looked up and saw Chloe waving frantically. She hugged her friend goodbye, then ran toward him. She was small and skinny and completely adorable. As she got close, she dropped her backpack and launched herself at him. He caught her and held her close.

“You’re here!” she said, hugging him tight. “I knew you would be. I was so excited that I had trouble paying attention and my teacher had to give me a yellow card.”

She leaned back enough to look into his eyes. “That’s only one card away from red and if you get three red cards, your parents are called in. My mom would
if I got red cards.”

“Have you ever?”

“No. I like school and I like following the rules. But today was hard.”

He lowered her to the ground. She picked up her backpack and grinned again. “We’re going to go shopping!”

“I know.”

He opened the back door for her and she climbed in. When her seat belt was secure, he walked around to the driver’s side and got in. While he wasn’t going to announce it with as much enthusiasm, he had to admit, he was a little stoked about their afternoon, too.

“I have a list,” Chloe told him. “I want to get a special Christmas ornament from The Christmas Attic and gloves. We saw them in Aunt Isabel’s store last week and Mom really liked them. But she said because of the house, she wasn’t going to get them.” In the rearview mirror, he watched as Chloe’s expressive face turned serious. “Buying a house is a big responsibility. We’re going to be careful with our money so we can afford it. I’m helping. I’m practicing turning off the lights when I leave the room, so we’re not wasting electricity.”

“That’s very thoughtful of you.”

“Mom and me are a team. Being in a family means taking care of each other.” She bit her lower lip. “I think it was easier when my dad was with us. Because they could take care of each other.” She glanced at her lap, then back at him. “Do you think my mom is pretty?”

A question with an implication he should have seen coming, he thought, pulling out onto the road.

“I do.”

“She says you’re not her boyfriend. That you’re just friends.”

“That’s true.”

“What’s the difference? Is it kissing? Because you don’t kiss my mom and Uncle Ford kisses Aunt Isabel all the time.”

“Some of it is the kissing,” he said, ignoring the memory of the incredible kiss he and Bailey had shared. She’d about brought him to his knees with a chaste kiss. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if things got hotter. Not that they would, because he wasn’t going there.

He tried a not-so-subtle distraction by asking which of the stores she wanted to go to first. Lucky for him, it worked.

They went to The Christmas Attic. He’d never been inside before and despite the name, he wasn’t expecting quite so much...Christmas. There were trees and ornaments, stuffed animals, decorations and Christmas music playing.

“I know what I want,” Chloe said as she took his hand.

“Good because this place scares me.”

She giggled. “It’s okay. You’re safe with me.”

The trees were all done with different colors and styles. He paused by one done in primary colors with Máa-zib tribal ornaments. Chloe made a beeline for one that was decorated in silver and red, and plucked a quirky ornament from one branch, an elephant on rockers.

“This one,” she told him.

He took it from her and they went to pay. The tall blonde at the cash register wrapped it in tissue.

“I wondered if you’d be back,” she said to Chloe. “You’ve been eyeing this one for a while.”

Chloe nodded. “You won’t tell her, will you?”

“Of course not.” The woman looked at him. “Hi. We met at the painting party. I’m Noelle.”

“I remember. Hi.”

Her brows rose. “Helping Chloe with her shopping?”

The question wasn’t a problem. It was the speculative tone that had him shifting his weight. “Uh, yeah.” He passed over a twenty.


He held in a groan. There were parts of this shopping expedition he hadn’t thought through.

She handed him his change, gave the bag containing the ornament to Chloe and wished them a merry Christmas.

Their next stop was Isabel’s store. Fortunately she was too busy to speculate. She rang up the leather-glove purchase with only a harried smile. Kenny took that bag, then guided Chloe outside.

“What’s next?” he asked.

“Candy.” Chloe smiled. “You have to have candy in your stocking. There’s a store by Morgan’s Books that sells fudge. My friend Allison said they have Christmas candy in little bags. That would be nice.”

“Sounds good.” Kenny glanced at the other stores in the square. One in particular caught his eye. “Chloe, can I put something in your mom’s stocking?”

“Sure. What?”

He pointed to the sign that read Jenel’s Gems, and said, “Let’s find out.”

Like every other business in town, Jenel’s Gems was decorated for the holidays. There were twinkle lights and a Christmas tree in the corner. The inside of the glass display cases had shiny ornaments scattered around.

Jenel, a pretty blonde with an easy smile, approached. “Hello. How can I help you?”

“We’re buying something for my mom,” Chloe told her.

“How nice,” Jenel said. She turned to Kenny. “What kind of jewelry does your wife like?”

Kenny froze. “She’s, ah, not my wife. We’re friends. I was thinking of maybe a...” His gaze fell on one of the cases. “A necklace.”

“Of course.” Jenel moved behind the counter. “We have a large selection. Why don’t you look them over and tell me what appeals to you.”

Chloe joined him. Together they studied the circles and hearts. There was a silver snowflake, but Kenny didn’t think Bailey would wear that.

“I like that one,” Chloe said, pointing to a stylized heart that was hanging a little on its side.

Jenel pulled it out and put it on a velvet tray. “This is sterling silver. An eighteen-inch chain. It comes in different sizes, and different materials.”

He studied it. “I like it better than the hearts that are straight,” he said.

“Me, too,” Chloe told him. “It’s happier that way.”

“What else have you got like this?” he asked Jenel.

“Let me show you.”

She brought out similar hearts in yellow gold. One had a few little diamonds on one side. The last one she showed them was the same heart covered in pavé diamonds, on a platinum chain.

“Look!” Chloe said, pointing to the heart. “It’s sparkling in the light. That’s so pretty.”

“I agree.” He looked at Jenel. “We’ll take that one.”

“Of course. Would you like me to gift-wrap it?”


Chloe clapped her hands together. “My mom is going to love that. I can’t wait to see her open it.”

“You won’t say anything, though, right?”

She pressed her lips together and made an
on her chest. “I promise.”

“Good. Are there any presents under the tree?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I’ll go look.”

As soon as Chloe was out of earshot, he turned to Jenel. “I’d like that small silver heart, too,” he said quietly.

Jenel nodded. “For the little girl?”

He nodded.

“I have the perfect chain. When she outgrows it, we can exchange it for a longer one.”

“Good. I’ll pay for these now and pick them up later.” He didn’t want Chloe to see the second box.

After he’d signed the credit card slip, he walked over to Chloe. On the way, he saw the display of diamond engagement rings. For a second, he wanted to stop and look. He wanted to dream about possibilities. Because Chloe wasn’t the only Voss female tugging at his heartstrings.

Only he wouldn’t give in. Wouldn’t think about what could be. He was successful in life because he learned from his mistakes. And lesson one was not to repeat them.

* * *

the walkway in front of her apartment, prepared to give thanks to whomever had arranged for perfect weather on her moving day. The sun was out, the temperatures had climbed to nearly fifty and there wasn’t any wind. She couldn’t have asked for more.

At some point she was going to have to pause and be grateful. Which she would...just as soon as she managed to recover from the shock of her moving crew.

As promised, Kenny had come through with a rental truck and a few friends to help. But somewhere along the way, the few friends had turned into something so much more.

Sam and Jack were there, along with all the guys from the bodyguard school. In addition, there were Dellina’s brothers-in-law, two of the three Stryker brothers, Tucker Janack, Josh Golden and Raoul Moreno. She thought it was very possible there were more men milling around her place than she had boxes.

Kenny climbed halfway up the staircase, then turned back to the crowd. “All right, here’s how we’re going to do it. We’ll empty from front to back here and load from back to front at the new place. If you pick up a lamp or a table, remember where it came from. You’ll be responsible for getting it in the right place. Chloe’s furniture is being dropped off at the donation center. She has a new set waiting in her new house. Everything else is going with us.” He paused. “Oh, and if you break it, you’re buying a new one.”

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