You're the One (23 page)

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Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #friendship, #pets, #family, #laughter, #sexual desire, #contemporary romance, #small town romance, #australian romance, #sexual intimacy

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Dee nearly
spilled her drink. “Moz sleeps with you?”

Elissa groaned. “Brother, remember?”

“Do tell,”
Molly added. “And I mean

“No, you bunch
of dirty bitches. Not you, Ash.” Reaching down, Del patted Ash’s
head where she sat on the bench. “Just those other three.”

“Thanks.” Ash

Del looked
around at her friends. “I meant Mozart, not Moz. Mozart sleeps with
me and Missy.”

“Geez, that’s
a let down.” Molly brightened. “Does that mean you both just do it
on the sofa?”

“Have you
nothing else inside your head but sex?”

“Am I supposed

doesn’t,” Dee commented.

“Ryder doesn’t
have sex on the brain? I find that hard to believe.”

“No, I mean he
doesn’t have anything else
sex on the brain.”

“I hope he
doesn’t have it on the brain when he has to do CPR on some poor
unsuspecting person. That’d be a surprise for them.”

Elissa shook her head. “Just hopeless.”

Laughing, Del
looked back at the men. “Oops, looks like Ryder’s ambo expertise
might be needed after all.”

No sooner had
she said that than there came loud yells from the men, accompanied
by various advice.

“Run, Simon,
!” Kirk yelled.

“Jesus, just
throw the ball, dipstick!” Ryder hollered. “That big ape is
breathing down your neck!”

Simon had the
ball gripped firmly under his arm, face set, feet pounding across
the grass. Behind him came Moz, longer legs eating up the space
dividing them, his attention focussed on Simon.

“’Atta boy,
Moz!” Grant called encouragingly. “Take the ball!”

“Throw the
ball, Simon, you dickhead!” Ryder waved his arms. “Get rid of it
before he kills you!”

Simon put on a
burst of speed.

Moz was right
behind him.

“Oh geez.”
Elissa shut her eyes. “I can’t look.”

Del poked
Dee’s arm. “Ten bucks says Moz takes him down.”

“You’re on.
Look at Simon fly across the ground.”

“He’ll need
the practice,” Molly stated. “Once he’s in Heaven, he’ll have

diverted, dodging, arcing around which placed him closer to the
women but still in the playing area.

Moz was right
behind him.

“Oh shit,”
Scott said.

Moz lunged,
grappled Simon and brought him down flat. The ball shot out from
under Simon and rolled to a stop ten feet away.

Lily squealed
in delight.

“Damn,” said
Dee. “I wanted that ten bucks.”

Elissa looked
between her fingers. “Is he alive?”

“Haven’t got
word back yet.” Del took a sip of apple juice.

Scott, Ryder,
Kirk and Grant gathered around the two men on the ground.

Moz pushed to
his feet, hands on hips, looking down at Simon. “Get up, you piker.
Show some backbone.”

“I don’t think
I have one left,” Simon replied weakly. “I may need first aid. I
may need CPR. Get Ryder.”

“I’m sure as
shit not putting my mouth on yours,” Ryder retorted. “Moz almost
killed you, make him do it.”

“He’s my
brother-in-law. That’s kind of incestuous.”

Grant nodded.
“I can see that.”


“Send Elissa
over.” Simon lifted an arm. “My vision is going dark.”

Moz sighed.
“Looks like I have to sacrifice myself for my sister.” Dropping to
his knees, he reached for Simon. “Pucker up.”

“It’s a
miracle! I’m recovered!” Simon jolted into a sitting position.

“You sure?”
Moz queried. “’Cause, you know, you’re kind of cute.”

“Touch me and
I’ll scream.”

“I can make
you do more than scream.”

“Should we
leave you alone?” Kirk queried. “I’m starting to feel like a

“I’ll watch,”
Molly called.

grinned except Kirk, his eyes cutting to her. “You’ll stay

“Awww, honey,”
she whined.

His eyes
sparkled with laughter even while he kept his face stern. “Just do
as you’re told, kitten.”

“You make me
hot when you go all stern like that.”

“Never mind
that.” Elissa gagged. “Oh my God, my brother and my husband, this
is so sick.”

Simon peered
around Moz’s bulk to wink at her. “Aw, sweetheart, my mouth is for
you only.” He made kissy sounds.

“What about
the rest of your body?”

“All for
pleasuring you, love of my life.”

Moz shuddered.
“So, so wrong.”

“Yeah, well
you asked for it, you big lug. What the hell? Were you trying to
kill me or something?”

“Don’t be a
wuss.” Straightening, Moz bent, grabbed Simon’s arm and hauled him
upright, looking down at him. “Grow a pair.”

Simon flipped
him the bird.

Oh boy, the
easy way Moz manoeuvred Simon, the way those magnificent muscles
flexed and bunched, had butterflies dipping and winging in Del’s

“We won,”
Grant stated.

Ryder retorted immediately.

“I kept

“That must
have been why the ball kept getting past you.”

Grinning, Moz
strode across to the picnic table, the other men following, Ryder
and Grant still arguing.

Del watched
him walk right up to her. With a wink, he plucked the apple juice
from her hand, placed it to his lips, tipped his head back and

Oh my
His strong throat worked as he swallowed. It took all she had not
to place her hand on all that smooth skin and ripped muscle. She
definitely wasn’t into public displays. Damn it.

Lowering the
bottle, Moz leaned forward to drop a light kiss on her lips.
“Thanks for the prize.”

“There wasn’t
one,” she replied, a little flustered.

“Oh, sorry,
let me give it back then.” He gave her another kiss, this one a lot

Holy heck, her
head was almost spinning.

Pulling back,
he winked again before turning and sitting on the wooden bench, his
arm brushing her leg.

She’d have
been a little worried about everyone watching but a quick glance
around showed Scott getting the BBQ ready, Kirk carrying the tray
of snaggers and chops over to it, Ryder saying something to Dee
that had her mouthing ‘dumb arse’ at him, which promptly had her
kissed thoroughly, Grant holding Lily while Molly joined Kirk at
the BBQ, and Simon, Elissa and Ash setting the table.

Moz looked up
at her. “Might want to shift your cute arse, baby.”

She slid down
to sit beside him. “You won me ten bucks.”

“Glad I helped
out.” He drained the rest of the drink, tossed the empty bottle
unerringly into the bin a short distance away. “How about a walk
after lunch?”

his visits lately were of the house variety, Del welcomed the
chance to spend time with him outside. “You’re on.”

Lunch was
happy, relaxed, Del enjoying spending time with her friends.
Looking around, she realised how big their group had grown over the
last year. The small group of six single friends had become eleven
with the various spouses, one boyfriend, and one unattached bloke.
Grant was the newest to the group, having being brought in by
Simon, though they’d seen more of him since Moz had arrived. The
two men had struck up a good friendship.

Maybe because
they were unattached? Though now she and Moz were together…Del
pondered. It didn’t bother anyone else in their group, but maybe
because half of them were old friends?

Cripes, the
complexities of people and relationships. Animals were far easier
to understand, no wonder Moz loved them so much. But she had to
admit, she was so content with life. Good friends, easy life. Could
anyone ask for more?

Well, yeah,
some probably would, but she was happy with her lot in life.

everything was cleared away and everyone relaxing lazily either
lying on the grass or sitting at the table and talking, Moz took
her hand and led her towards the river.

In comfortable
silence they walked along the bank, the sounds of their friends
fading. Birds called, a slight breeze playing in the tree tops
making several gum leaves fall to the ground.

When Moz
turned towards her, using his body to crowd her back against a
tree, it caught Del unawares. Before she knew it he had her pinned
against the trunk and was kissing her hard and deep.

desire flared up in her, the heat of his body calling to her.
Wrapping her arms around his waist, she kissed him back.

God, could the
man kiss or what? He basically ate her up and she revelled in it.
His taste filled her, his scent filled her, his heat seeped into

His hands at
her back lowered, strong arms surrounding her, lifting her up with
ease to bring her face level, resting her against his muscular

“Oh wow,” she
said breathlessly when he finally released her mouth.

“Sorry, baby,
been dying to do that all day.”

“We’ve only
been here since eleven.”

“So? I want
you from the moment my eyes open to when they shut.”

“Aw, that’s so
sweet.” She linked her hands around his neck.

“I want you
other times, too, but I’ve been told to be a good boy.”

She flashed
him a grin.

“I had to
shave my palms this morning.”

“No wonder
they’re so smooth.”

He gave her a
gentle squeeze, dropped his forehead to hers, looked deeply into
her eyes. “We good?”


He winked. “We
could be better.”

“And we could
be back at the picnic table with everyone else.”

“I wouldn’t be
a man if I didn’t try. Speaking of men…” Amusement fled to be
replaced with seriousness. “Have you heard anything lately?’

“What kind of

“Dogs. Men.


“Anyone come
into the shop mentioning it?”

“Not that I
can recall.” She studied him. “What’s going on?”


wondering my arse.”

“It is a cute
one.” He jiggled her in his arms.

“Don’t change
the subject.”

“It was just a
question, Del. I can’t go further into it.”

“Does Molly
know anything?” she queried.

“I don’t

“Kirk talks to

“He doesn’t
tell her everything. Every profession has things they can’t
divulge.” Moz slid her down his body until she stood once more on
her own feet.

Tipping her
head back, she looked up at him, concerned. “Moz, you’d tell me if
you were in danger, right?”

“Danger? Me?”
He actually looked surprised. “I’m not in danger.” When she just
looked searchingly at him, he lowered his head to press a kiss to
her lips. “I swear, baby, I’m in no danger.”


“I’m telling
the truth.”

The tight knot
inside her eased a little. “Okay.”

Wrapping his
arm around her shoulders, he pulled her into his side, turned them
both and started slowly walking back the way they’d come. “Mozart’s
settling in well.”

Taking the
hint, she switched topics. “He and Missy are like two kittens
together. It’s good to see him playing, he wasn’t sure at first
what to do, nearly broke my heart.”

“He’s found
his feet with Missy.”

“Do you really
put little jumpers on him in winter?”

“If it’s cold
enough, yeah. Sphinx’s don’t have furry coats to keep them warm, so
it’s important to watch their temperature.”

“And you wash
him once or twice a week to keep his skin from being too oily. I
still find that weird.”

“He hasn’t got
a coat to absorb it. If I didn’t, he’d leave not-very-nice patches
on the furniture and linen.”

“Poor baby. He
looks naked.”

“He looks
perfectly normal.”

“For a


They wandered
the rest of the way back in silence until they heard the sound of
their friends talking.

“By the way,”
Del said, “what does Moz stand for?”

“Don’t you

“You never
said, Elissa never said, I never asked. Until now.”

“Why now?”

“You know my
full name. What’s yours?” Tipping back her head, she looked up at

His lips were
quirked in amusement. “If I tell you, you have to swear to


“Oh yeah.
Revealing it would bring dire consequences.”

“I want to

“Only if
you’re prepared for the dire consequences should you ever reveal my

“My lips are


She stopped
walking. “I beg your pardon?”

Percival Baylon, at your service. Moz to the rest of the world.

Holy crap.
“Bugger me.”

“I’m not into
back door jobs, but if you really want to give it a try-”

lovely names.”

He grinned.

“Why not call
yourself ‘Monty’?”

Elissa has called me Moz ever since I can remember. It’s all I
really remember being called.”

Del was
appalled. “Even your parents didn’t call you by your full

“Even they
weren’t that cruel.”

Sliding an arm
around his waist, Del leaned into him. “It’s not such a bad

“Uh huh.”

“I like you

He gave her a
gentle squeeze. “Good to know.”

“I’ll keep
your secret.”

“Also good to

“I have to
ask, though, what would be the consequences of my revealing your
true name? Because I’m telling you, Dee would pay good money to get
it out of me.”

“Depends if
you love your cousin more than being able to sit comfortably for a
long, long time.”

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