Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) (3 page)

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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I applied for jobs everywhere and so did he. He got a job at a bar working two nights
a week and I got a job as a restaurant hostess working two days a week and three nights
at the Cheesecake Factory.

It was a lot of work but I was able to change my class schedule so that I would only
attend Tuesdays and Thursdays, from eight in the morning until four thirty. It didn’t
bother me at all. I loved school and I loved Daniel.

The weather had gotten bad, go figure it was the end of January in New York, but we
had packed up the moving van and it was off before the next nor’easter was supposed
to hit.

Daniel and I walked inside our little place that was almost bare.

“I can’t believe you wanted me to take everything,” he said as he walked around looking
at our place.

“It’s four months Daniel. I have a bed and a television that works…”

He wrapped his arms around me and gently pulled me against him. “You have a nineteen
inch television and an air mattress and that chair thing.”

“I have a desk too.” I smiled.

“But the bed, couch, recliner, fifty seven inch television, Bose system--.”

“Stuff,” I interrupted him as I pushed myself up on my toes seeking a kiss. “That
will actually fit in your--.”

“Ours, Taelyn. Our new place. Four months,” he sighed as he bent down and kissed me

“You won’t have to leave your house on Friday nights anymore,” I bit my lip and he

“No, but God help me, I will probably be masturbating a lot.”

“It’s not dark yet, maybe we could--.”

He ran his hands through my hair and let out an exaggerated sigh. “How do you feel
about me driving up alone and then next weekend I come get you?”


“The storm. I wouldn’t feel right if something happened to you in this awful weather
on your drive home.”

“Well I guess it’s fine, I can--.”

“No, no look I can catch a train. I really don’t want you driving and I certainly
don’t want you without a car. That wasn’t our agreement.”

“Daniel. I love that you’re so protective of me. I think it’s a good idea. Great actually.
Then I can see you next weekend too.”

“You are simply amazing you know that?”

“Show me.”

He looked shocked and then I laughed. How embarrassing. I grabbed my knock off Coach
purse and the one that I had packed for the weekend and set it on the card table that
would now serve as my desk and dining table.


“You better get going. The storm.” I smiled and then looked down.

“I don’t have very long. Not long enough to take my time with you.”

“I understand. I suppose it’s just that I’ll miss you.”

I felt heat move up my throat. I didn’t cry. Never. I was strong. I was a Patrick
for crying out loud.

“We may have to alter the rules next weekend.”

I looked up at him and nodded.

“Would you like that?”

“Yes. I would.”

“Come here my sweet and give me a kiss. I really should be going.”


I watched as the BMW pulled quickly away from the curb and waited until I no longer
saw the taillights.

I looked around for something to occupy my time. There was nothing. I sat in the beanbag
chair and wanted to cry.

The phone rang and I picked it up. Unknown number. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to
a telemarketer but at least it was someone to talk to.


“Taelyn Patrick?”

“Yes, but I’m not interested.”

“In what Dear?” The woman laughed.

“Whatever you’re selling.”

“I’m not selling anything. I’m calling to offer you a job. My name is Josephina Steel.
I am looking for an assistant for Xavier Steel. It’s an evening position. From about
six at night until around midnight.

“I actually just accepted a job…”

“I’ll double your pay.”

“Ma’am, I’m not sure you understand that I am going to be hostess, not waiting tables.
I have--.”

“Name your price.”

“I can’t work weekends.”

“Every other weekend.”

I really wasn’t sure she understood me.

“I don’t have a car.”

“I’ll have one sent.”

“I’m not interested.”

“Seven hundred dollars a week. Every other weekend off. Your résumé indicated you
would enjoy a fast paced environment learning skills that you could use when you graduate.
You’ll learn a lot. I promise…”

“Ma’am I’m sorry this sounds…”

“Too good to be true?” She didn’t let me answer. “You’ll be helping start a production
company. You mentioned something about computers. Are you skilled in social media?”

“I’m not sure it’s a skill actually.”

She laughed, “Oh it is. I have a hard time keeping up with my sons on that twitter
face thing--”

“Two separate social media sites ma’am…”

“Josephina dear.”

“Josephina, they are two different--”

“Right, you can show us Monday; a car will pick you up at five PM. Welcome to Steel
Incorporated Taelyn. That’s Irish right?”

“Yes ma’am--”


“Yes Josephina but--”

“I have a call coming in. I promise we’ll chat.” And she hung up.

What the hell just happened? Steel? Steel…

I grabbed my computer and typed in Steel Incorporated wondering if it was even a legitimate
company and it was. I typed in Xavier Steel and a picture popped up of nude man with
a lot of tattoos and a guitar.

Good God.

I called my father, told him about the call. He said he’d look into it and that I
was not to get in any damn car until he looked into it. He asked a million questions
and I answered what I could. He asked for her number and I messaged it to him.

An hour later he called me back. “Looks legit. She mentioned that she looked into
your background and chose you because she figured a cop’s daughter would understand
what it meant to be discrete. She also looked into your brothers and mother. I like
her. No arrests on the boy but if he’s the one that pops up in an online search.”
He stopped.

“What Dad?”

“Remember Daniel.”

“Of course I remember Daniel,” I laughed. “If that’s him I will be working for an
entitled rich guy who has tattoos and has an aversion to clothing.”

Dad laughed. “Remember who you are.”

“Dad did you see that guy? Honestly I hope you have more conviction in my character
than that. I’m with Daniel.”

“I know Taelyn. I love you girl. Your fancy new phone has that location device on

I laughed, “Yes and thank you for the phone. I love it. Tell Mom I’ll call her after
I meet the new boss.”

“Kind of disappointed that you won’t be working at the cake place.”

“Cheesecake Factory.”

“Yep that one. You sure you can handle your responsibilities at school and this?”

“Yeah. I have every night free now you know.”

“Are you two on your way up now?”

“No. Daniel didn’t want me to drive back in the storm so he’ll come down this weekend.”

“Good. I may like him after all.”

“You already like Daniel,” I laughed.

“A father never likes a man who
with his daughter.”

“Dad please don’t start that.”

“Call tomorrow. Your mom will want to chat.”


Chapter 3

Shawn White - X


I sat in yet another meeting with Abe at Steel Incorporated. I had been doing this
for four fucking weeks. What have a learned? I hated fucking suits. I hated sitting
behind a desk. I hate being cooped up in a damn building and for some unknown reason,
pencil skirts and buns in long hair makes me hard. Add glasses and I am fucked.

Abe kicked me under the table. I looked away from the hot blondie and over to Abe.
He was poker faced, I was not.

“Thank you all for coming by. We should have a decision next week.” I stood and shook
her hand and her partner’s.

As soon as they left the room Abe gave me a dirty look.

“She’s sexy.” I smirked.

“She’s trying to sell you a building X. You should look past the sexy and at the fact
that this,” he held up the info on one of the buildings I was considering, “is a shit

“Look Abe, I know you, my brothers, and my mother think I should keep
business on this property…”

“It makes sense.”

“No it doesn’t. This place is stuffy as hell. There’s no creativity flowing with all
the, ‘Hello Mr. Steel, good morning Mr. Steel, can I get you coffee Mr. Steel bullshit.”

“You’re full of shit. In that twisted head of yours I’m sure you’ve come up with a
few ways to creatively fuck half of them in bathrooms, offices, over desks…”

“If that’s what I have to do then yeah. Otherwise I’d go out of my fucking mind.”



“You’re a pain in the ass…”

“I’m not some stupid fucking kid Abe. I’m a man. I’m not Cyrus, Jase, or even Zandor.
I don’t have to be either. They caved, I fucking won’t do it. I’ll make myself, not
be made.”

“None of them caved Xavier.” Abe sat at his desk with his fingers steepled. “They
did what was best for your family.”

“They sold the fuck out.”

“Have you told them you feel like that?” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on
his knees.

“Hell no. And you could look a little bit less like the fucking Principal, O’Donnell.
I’m not a kid.”

“I know but you’re acting like it right now…”

“Fuck you! I’m outta here.” I turned to walk towards the door.

“Hang on. Take this. Your first act as a business man is to be a boss. We’ll start
easy. Here’s your first employee. Your assistant. She’ll be working nights with you.”

I took the folder. “An assistant at night?”

“Your mother hired her. Said when you’ve finished up with me then you should meet
up with her and go over plans. Apparently she knows social media…”

“I know social media Abe.”

“Well you’re not looking for a party or a hook up. She can help you with the business

I took the folder and walked out of his office and forced myself not to slam the door.

“Goodnight Mr. Steel. See you tomorrow Mr. Steel. Have a good evening Mr. Steel!”
As much as I wanted to bang some of those chicks what I really wanted to say right
now was ‘go fuck yourselves.’

I walked out of the office and past the waiting car.

“Mr. Steel?”

I waved him off. “All set.”

I took off the jacket and threw it over my shoulder. I would fucking walk home.

I pulled my ringing phone out of my pocket. “Good evening Angel.”

“Where are you at Steel?”

“Just heading home.”

“Hmm. Can I race you there?”

“You need something from me?”

“An orgasm, maybe two. You up for it?”

“Let me think about it.”

“Think about it?” She laughed.

“Had a bad day. I was heading out.”

“How ‘bout you meet me? I’ll get that head on straight.”

“You gonna swallow?”

“That’ll be a surprise.”

“Don’t disappoint or this thing is done.” I laughed.

“This thing?”

“Yep, no fun, I’m done.”

“Good. Ten minutes.”

I looked behind me and the car was a safe distance behind me. “Sounds good.”

I waved to the driver and he sped up. I opened the door and jumped in. “Home James.”


I walked into Cyrus’s house and heard the shower running. I kicked off the damn leather
loafers and saw a skirt on the floor. “Nice.”

I followed the trail of clothing that led to the bathroom and opened the door.

Angel peeked out and smiled, “Oh hey. Looks like I win.”

I loosened my tie and pulled it over my head, unbuttoned my shirt, and tossed it.
“You still looking?” She smiled and nodded. “Don’t look away Angel.”

I unbuttoned and dropped my pants.

“That is one beautiful cock.”

I looked down and wrapped my hand around my dick and stroked it. “This thing?”

She nodded and stepped out of the shower and wrapped her hair in a towel.

“For ten minutes, I’ve been thinking about your hot mouth wrapped around this.” I
stroked it again.

“For fifteen I’ve been rubbing my clit thinking of the same damn thing.”

She walked over and knelt down. She grabbed my cock and rubbed it against her lips.
She stuck her tongue through the ring on my tip and tugged a bit.

“My phone,” she said between licks up the underside of me.

“What?” I asked as I pulled her hair away from her face so I could get a better look.

“I want a picture of my mouth rapped around your beautiful cock.”

“As interesting as it sounds I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I’ll finish.”

“You will regardless.” I pushed into her hungry mouth and she moaned.

“Please?” She asked as she sucked on my balls.

“No face shot.”

“Well not of you.” She smiled as she rubbed her tongue up me again.


Angel Danoza was a girl I’d hung out with for a couple weeks now. We met at a bar,
yeah I know, she and I got to talking about family. Again I know, weird huh? She came
from new money too. So she understood the fact that I hated having to think before
I acted on sexual desire or need.

No strings, no bullshit, just sex, and that’s just the way we both liked it. She didn’t
spend the night and we were not monogamous. Well we wouldn’t be as soon as I found
something else of interest.

I didn’t understand my brothers. Why the hell would you want to go and ruin a perfect
hook up with a relationship? I had no desire to get blankets pulled off me in the
middle of the night. I don’t want to think about planning my life around someone other
than myself and my family. If I wanna sleep until noon, I don’t want anyone to tell
me I should be up doing something else. If I wanted to take off for the weekend I
can. I had no one to tell me what to do and when to do it.

Angel sucked me off, I fucked her and gave her three screaming orgasms and then she
was out the door. Fucking perfect.

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