Worlds in Chaos (128 page)

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Authors: James P Hogan

Tags: #Fiction, #science fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Space Opera

BOOK: Worlds in Chaos
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“But hey, people still need to talk to each other. A lot of them are still going to be too busy to know all the options. . . . And besides, I
meeting people.”

“What happened to the celebrity?”

“Oh, by next month they’ll have found another one to put on the screens everywhere. That’s the way it works. But with real friends you don’t get forgotten.” His voice warmed to the thought as a lot of aspects he really hadn’t considered before started clicking into place. “In fact, it could even be a lot
now, considering what we know. Take those people in Australia that I told you about, for instance. They’re already doing it right, but only in a small way that suits their own needs. You know what scientists are like. Now if a few more of the right people on Chryse knew more about that . . .”

They came out into a glass annex with a walkway leading down to an outside door. Through the wall they could see the landing area with its assembly of Hyadean aircraft, and across a stretch of terrain beyond, the distant silhouettes and towering shapes of the launch complex. Cade stopped to stare again at the Querl vessel that would ferry them up to the mother ship tomorrow. Even after all that had happened, he still found it unreal to think that in the morning they would be leaving Earth itself, and in a matter of days be at a different star system. What changes the rest of his life might have in store beyond that, he was unable to imagine. But he would make certain that it was all for worthwhile things. He thought of people like Rocco and Miguel and the things he had learned from them; Mike Blair and Bob Powell, who wouldn’t be seeing Chryse, ever; Wyvex and Luodine, who wouldn’t be going back there. All so that something better might come out of it. He resolved to himself that he wouldn’t let them down.

He felt a tug at his sleeve. It was Marie. “Come on. We’ll be there soon enough.” The rest of the party were disappearing through the door at the bottom of the walkway.

Cade grinned and took her arm. They followed down after the others, through a ramp to a Hyadean ground vehicle that would take them to the accommodation arranged for the night.


James P. Hogan (1941-2010) was a science fiction writer in the grand tradition, combining informed and accurate speculation from the cutting edge of science and technology with suspenseful story-telling and living, breathing characters.

Born in London, he worked as a digital system engineer and sales executive for several major computer firms before turning to writing full-time. His first novel,
Inherit the Stars
, beginning his celebrated “Giants” series, was greeted by Isaac Asimov with the rave, “Pure science fiction . . . Arthur Clarke, move over!” and his subsequent work quickly consolidated his reputation as a major SF author.

He wrote over thirty novels, nonfiction works and mixed collections, including
Echoes of an Alien Sky
Moon Flower
(both Baen). His earlier works include the Giants series (Baen) the
New York Times
best sellers
The Proteus Operation
Endgame Enigma
, and the Prometheus Award winners
Voyage from Yesteryear
The Multiplex Man

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