Work Like You Don't Need the Money (10 page)

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Authors: SJ McCoy

Tags: #SJ McCoy, #Sweet N Steamy, #Summer Lake

BOOK: Work Like You Don't Need the Money
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Pete laughed. “It still seems strange to me to see the eligible Mr. Benson mooning around after my 'little sister'!”

“Laugh all you like, partner, but don't tell me you're not as eager to get down there as I am!”

“What do you mean?” Pete stalled for time, he still hadn't figured out how he wanted to handle this. What he could say or do about Holly.

Jack closed up the RV.  Once they were in the truck he turned to Pete as he started it up. “Don't give me that shit. I mean Holly and you know it, Bro. Whatever is going on between you two has high voltage sparks flying.”

“It does?”

“Damned straight it does! And listen, I'm sorry if I messed up by coming to get you at the airport. You could've have told me, you know.”

Pete let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, I guess I could. See, I don't know myself what's going on with me and Holly. All I know is she's gotten under my skin.”

Jack grinned as he turned the truck toward Summer Lake Resort. “I knew it. So what are you going to do about it?”

“It's complicated.”

Jack laughed out loud at that. “Oh, man! You've got it bad, believe me, I know. I recognize the symptoms.”

Pete glowered at him. “No you don't, Bro. It's not like you and Emma. It's just complicated.”

Jack laughed again, totally unconvinced. “Go on then, explain to me what kind of complicated.”

Pete drummed his fingers, considering it, what could he say? What was the complication really? They were sleeping together, that was all, nothing complicated about that, right?

 “Nah. It's not that big of a deal. Forget it.”

Jack looked across at him, his eyes saying so much more than his words, “Whatever you say, man.”

They parked in the square at the resort and made their way through the bar, looking for Holly and Emma. Pete's heart raced when he spotted her. She sat at a high top table with Emma and Missy. Quite a sight, three amazing looking women, but he could only see one. She was stunning with her hair falling in soft curls around her shoulders. He wanted to tangle his hands in it, pull her head back, watch her lips part, ready for his kisses. She was wearing another one of those long slim dresses. It clung perfectly to the contours of her breasts. His imagination was already filling in the details of how it clung to her tight little ass, too. She was smiling, her eyes sparkling, gesticulating wildly as she spoke. She had Em and Missy in stitches as she rolled her eyes and fanned herself with a menu. He grinned, guessing she was telling a story about Roberto whom she obviously adored.

He felt Jack dig him in the ribs, making him realize that he'd stopped dead when he'd seen her.

“Not that big of a deal, huh?”

Pete turned to his partner. “It can't be,” he growled.

Jack stared at him. “You want to tell me what's going on, Bro?”

Pete blew out his cheeks and shook his head, “There's nothing going on, okay? Drop it.” He started toward the girls' table with a grim look on his face. Jack matched his stride.


Holly turned as she sensed Pete's presence in the bar. That was impossible, she knew, but still she felt her body tense and tingle in anticipation. The butterflies swirled in her stomach and when she turned she locked eyes with him as he was making his way through the crowd to their table. Her heart thundered and her throat went dry as she took in his dark blue jeans and white cotton shirt, sleeves turned up to display muscular forearms. His broad shoulders stood above most of the crowd, and above them she could see his perfectly chiseled features were set and grim. Oh, dear! Not a happy camper. She glanced at Jack beside him, another drop dead gorgeous man, she had to admit. By comparison though, he exuded an air of fun and happiness, his eyes shining as he looked straight past her to Emma, who was sitting beside her.

When they reached the table, Missy greeted them first.

“Hey, guys! What's with the Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy act? Are you practicing to play good cop bad cop?”

Holly and Emma laughed with her as Pete and Jack exchanged a look then laughed themselves.

“Hey, Miss!” said Jack “The only explanation I have is that I just laid eyes on my beautiful wife-to-be. You know that always puts a smile on my face.” He leaned in to kiss Emma, then pulled up a stool beside her. “As for Mr. Grumpy there,” he nodded at Pete, “He, well he's just a basket case!”

“Watch it, Benson,” laughed Pete. “That 'grumpy face' as you call it, Miss, is actually grim determination and, as my partner will vouch, it means I'm about to get what I want.”

“And what is you want now, Pete?” asked Missy.

Pete pulled up a stool between Missy and Holly and patted them both on the knee. Holly caught her breath as he slid his hand up her thigh a ways before removing it. “I already got it, Miss.” He grinned at them both, “The best seat in the house, between the two most beautiful women.”

“Hey, Hemming!” said Emma.

“Sorry, Mouse. I meant between two of three most beautiful women, but you know I have to watch my mouth these days, ‘cause Jack might get jealous.”

Jack put an arm around Emma's shoulders. “Yeah, pay attention to your two women and leave mine alone.”

Holly laughed, pleased to see her friend Emma finally happy and relaxed with a man who loved her so much. She envied Emma this group of friends she had here in this wonderful place. She was looking forward to spending more time with them in the in the lead up to the wedding. She'd gotten to know Missy last weekend and liked her very much. She knew the two of them would become good friends as they took care of many of the wedding details for Emma.

“So where are the others?” asked Pete. “I thought we were all under orders from Bridezilla here not to be late.”

“Careful, Hemming,” laughed Emma. “You call me Bridezilla one more time and I'm putting you in charge of flowers!”

“I'll be good, I'll be good!” Pete held up both hands with a look of mock horror. “Anything but flowers!” He pulled Holly and Missy's stools closer to his own and put an arm around each of them. “Though I don't mind if you want to put me in charge of bridesmaids.”

Missy slapped his arm away. “Hands off, Hemming!” she laughed. “You only get to be in charge of one bridesmaid and, for both our sakes, I'm glad it's Holly and not me.”

Pete tried to look hurt, but Holly could see the half smile lurking as he turned and wrapped both arms around her. “I pity poor Dan,” he shot back at Missy. “He's going to have his hands full with you.”

Holly couldn't believe it as he hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. “Did you hear that? I get to be in charge of you!”

Holly looked around at the others who were all smiling in amusement.

“Not so fast, Mr. Grumpy! Are you sure you can handle being in charge of me?”

He grinned down at her. “I'm not at all sure, no, but I think it'd be fun to find out, don't you?”

Holly looked at Emma. “In the hierarchy of the wedding party, who ranks higher, the Maid of Honor or the Best Man?”

Emma frowned. “I think it'd have to be the Maid of Honor.”

“No way!” chimed in Jack, “Best Man, hands down.”

Missy laughed. “I spy the beginnings of a power struggle, and you know, Pete, normally my money would be on you, but I think you've finally met your match in our Holly here!”

Holly smiled at her. “Why thanks, girlfriend!” Missy high-fived her above Pete's head.

Jack laughed. “Sorry partner, but I'm with Miss on this one. I second the notion that you have met your match.”

Emma nodded, smiling a knowing smile at them.

Holly could see what they were thinking. It was quite ironic really that they all thought they were witnessing the beginning of a relationship between her and Pete, while he didn't want to admit that that would never happen. That they were in fact just screwing each other!

“Here's the lucky guy who gets to be in charge of me,” said Missy with a big smile on her face as Dan joined them, accompanied by Laura.

“Now, Miss, don't you go pushing my brother-in-law around,” said Emma.

Another gorgeous looking man! This place was overrun with them. Dan looked a lot like Jack, but not quite as tall, and he had that kind of stubble that was almost a beard, but wasn't quite. Holly always thought it looked so very attractive but wasn't so sure about how it would feel. Her impression of Dan when she'd met him last weekend was that he was incredibly smart, incredibly sweet and considerate, and perhaps a little shy. So she, along with the rest of them apparently, was a little surprised by his reaction to Missy's words.

He smiled at her and said, “Seriously? I get to be in charge of you?”

Missy nodded happily.

“In that case...” he held out his hand to her and she got down from her stool looking puzzled. “You're coming with me. Right. Now.” With that he led her away from the table and the others sat staring after them.

“Wow!” Jack was the first to break the stunned silence. “Looks like this wedding party is going to be quite a party!”

Holly felt Pete's arm tighten around her shoulders as he said, “I'm banking on it, Bro.”

Laura took Missy's empty seat and said, “And it looks like I'm late to the party, as usual. Hey everyone.”

“No party could start with my cousin,” said Jack.

“Yes, thanks for coming,” added Emma.

Holly looked up as Ben, who owned the resort and was the final member of the wedding party, pulled up a stool.

“Sorry guys, we've got a function upstairs tonight, and I wanted to make sure everything was set. I really want to get out of here after we've eaten. I need a break from the place. Is that still the plan, Em? For us all to head up to yours?”

“It certainly is. We could have had dinner up there, too, you know.”

“I know, Mouse. But you just got engaged and I wanted this first little celebration to be my treat, not have you cooking for all of us.”

“Well thank you. It is very sweet of you.”

“Yeah, sweet, that's my problem,” he laughed, “But come on,” he passed menus around, “Let's eat and get out of here, can we?”


Holly had enjoyed dinner immensely. The food was wonderful and Emma's friends were great company. There had been much teasing as Emma had laid out her plans and areas of responsibility for each of them. What she'd enjoyed most was the way Pete had teased her and challenged her every chance he got. And the way he'd kept an arm around her shoulders for much of the night.

They were standing in the square, trying to figure out the logistics of getting everyone back up to Emma's place.

“I can take a bunch of us in the minivan,” said Missy. “I know it's not a glamorous ride, but you're all welcome. We need to stop and pick Scot up on the way through.”

“I'm in,” said Dan. “I can't wait to see my little buddy.” Holly knew that Dan had been working with Missy's son Scot for the last few months on some computer projects.

“Me too,” Laura and Ben spoke at the same time.

“Thanks, Miss, but I'm going to chauffeur my lady home in her mouse-mobile,” said Jack, referring to Emma's convertible which really wasn't a good match for the country roads around the lake. He threw his own keys to Pete whose hand shot out to catch them. “Would you bring the truck back up for me, Bro?”

“Sure thing,” said Pete. “As long as Holly will keep me company?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

Holly put on a big sigh, she was thrilled at the chance to be alone with him again.  “I suppose so. Someone needs to keep an eye on you.”


Pete started the truck and let it idle while Emma's Lexus and Missy's minivan pulled out of the square. He looked across at Holly who was smoothing her dress down over her long slender legs. He badly needed to have those legs wrapped around him.

“You, Sweetheart, are driving me nuts. Do you know this?”

“The feeling is mutual, Bigshot.”

“I am so tempted right now to drive this truck down a dark country lane and make out like a couple of kids.”

“Yes, but we can't, can we. Since you're too ashamed of me to tell anyone what we're up to.”

“I am NOT ashamed of you! I thought you understood that.”

“I do, Pete. You're just too easy to wind up.”

He shook his head. “You're the only one that can do that, you know? I don't get wound up.” It was true. Sure, Jack could get to him sometimes, but they'd known each other half their lives. He'd only known this woman a week.

She laughed. “It's only ‘cause you're used to everyone and everything being just what you want them to be and I'm not, am I?”

“Dammit, Holly! You're exactly what I want. You know how much I want you.”

“You're going to have to figure out how to make it happen then, aren't you? How and when. We both know it can't be now. We're going to have to get up to Emma's before they send out search parties.”

She was right, of course. Much as he wanted to forget the others, drive her out to the cabin, and make love to her all night, he knew they couldn't. He did have to figure something out. He put the truck in gear, mostly to stop himself from unbuckling his seat belt to kiss her. If he kissed her now, there was no way they'd make it to Emma's tonight.

When they arrived at North Cove, everyone was sitting out on the front deck.

“Hey you two,” called Emma. “Bring your bags up and I'll show you your rooms. You are staying, right, Pete?”

“Course, I am, if there's room. I didn't have a drink with dinner, and I could use a cold one right about now.”

“I'll grab you both one,” said Jack and headed into the kitchen while Emma pointed upstairs. “You're going to have to share with Ben this time.”

Pete's stomach dropped, he was planning to sneak into Holly's room.

“That way the ladies can all have their own room.” Emma had inherited this place from her great aunt, it was huge. It had five bedrooms and had been used as a vacation rental for many years, there was certainly room for all of them, but he didn't like the way the sleeping arrangements were working out. Maybe Holly would be right next door to him?”

“That's great, thanks, Mouse.”

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