What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (59 page)

Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Tabitha hurried back to the hotel, eager to get to her room. The idea of an orgasm enticed her. Once in her room, Tabitha immediately unpacked her purchase, plugged it in, and tossed it on the bed. She undressed and slid between the sheets. Spreading her knees, she turned the vibrator on and brought it to her clit. It was so loud! She grabbed a pillow and placed it over her knees to muffle the noise. Without that distraction, she relaxed and allowed herself to enjoy the pulsations.

Tabitha imagined Gorgeous Guy taking her into his arms. She melted against him in her mind. His fingers teased and tormented her as she clenched her internal muscles. She licked her way down his body until he pulled her to the ground, crushing her beneath him. He rolled to bring her on top and pulled her head in for a deep kiss. Tabitha straddled his hips. His erection pushed against her and she longed to feel him deep within her.

Tabitha pushed two fingers inside herself as she envisioned him entering her. He would be hard and hot as he stretched her. The entry would be slow and prolonged, stimulating every nerve ending. As she pictured his dark head at her breast, she exploded. Her whole body tightened and then went limp when her contractions faded. Tabitha flicked the vibrator off and set it aside.
Wow, I need to do that more often.
Her body hummed with satisfaction.

That evening, Tabitha decided against the room-service plan. She wanted to get out and experience some local cuisine. Numerous restaurants lined the street where the hotel was located, and she was sure she would find one to her taste.

Tabitha dressed carefully, anticipating that the evening might turn cool as the sun set. She double-checked her purse to make sure she had her phone. If people watching didn’t work out, she could always read an e-book. She exited the hotel, the still-warm breeze of the day enveloping her. It brushed over her skin with a soothing touch, raising the fine hair on her arms. She strolled down the sidewalk, taking in all the sights and sounds. Stopping in front of a gallery, she admired the beautiful koa wood objects displayed in the window. A radio played Hawaiian versions of classic hits.

Tabitha wandered the block in no particular hurry, pausing when something caught her eye. She stopped to peruse the menu at several restaurants and ambled into a place that was not quite as busy. It was a bit pricier than she wished, but she would splurge on this one meal.

The hostess seated Tabitha at an out-of-the-way table, which suited her fine. She had no desire to be the center of attention. She took the server’s suggestion for her order and settled back into the cushioned seat. Her location was the perfect spot from which to observe the other diners. Most were well dressed, but there was the occasional upscale aloha shirt paired with khakis. She doubted that anyone dared to wear something loud and garish into this establishment.

Tabitha surreptitiously observed a young couple seated several tables away. They seemed ever so slightly out of their element and she speculated it was a special evening for them. Tabitha had her theory confirmed when the young man pulled a ring box from his pocket. The sheer joy on the recipient’s face hit Tabitha with an uncomfortable pang.
Will I ever find a bond like that?
She’d spent her share of sleepless nights hoping there was a man out there for her, a man with whom she could spend her life. She averted her eyes and swallowed. She was happy for them. She truly was. However, it was a harsh reminder that something was missing from her own life.

Her meal arrived and her melancholy mood evaporated as her taste buds experienced a transcendent feast. The fish was delicate and flaky and covered with a wonderful mango sauce that was smooth and tangy. She savored the bread with its light and fluffy texture and just a hint of sweetness. As she took the next bite, the couple at the hostess stand caught her eye.

It was Gorgeous Guy, again.
What a weird coincidence.
Tabitha couldn’t help but stare. His clothing was understated but clearly expensive. The woman he escorted was quite simply stunning with long, glossy brown hair. Tabitha’s hair was a similar length but tended to fall in tousled waves. It appeared to be the same woman from the beach. They made a very attractive couple. His lips looked so kissable.
A girl can dream, can’t she?

Tabitha directed her attention back to her plate. The purple sweet potato was amazing. She’d never had anything quite like it. In fact, the whole meal made her wish she had the funds to eat like this more often. The hostess headed in her direction with the couple trailing behind her. She seated them at the next table.

Tabitha’s skin tingled.
Uh oh, that’s what you get for letting your imagination run away with you.
Tabitha sighed as she gazed at him out of the corner of her eye. He was out of her league and she knew it. She felt no sting at that admission. She knew she was reasonably attractive. Former flames had complimented her on her humor and positive outlook. It came in handy for her now as she ruefully accepted that she hadn’t yet crossed paths with Mr. Right.
I’d let him be Mr. Right Now
, Tabitha chuckled to herself.
Naughty Tabby

“I don’t see why not.” The shrill voice of Gorgeous Guy’s date cut through her wandering thoughts.

“Keep your voice down please.” Impatience laced his words.

A petulant pout marred the woman’s beautiful face. “When it’s important to me, you never listen.”

“Monica, you know that simply isn’t true.”

“You always agree with Daddy. I need you to speak to him for me.”

The server interrupted their conversation to offer drinks. Tabitha attempted to focus her attention elsewhere. It was hard though, the brewing drama attracted her. Was that so wrong? They were in public after all. It wasn’t her fault they provided entertainment. Tabitha usually kept her nosy streak to herself, but when it was right in front of her, was she obliged to turn away?

As the server left, Gorgeous Guy picked up the thread of the conversation. “He told you no and I happen to agree with him.”

The woman paused and seemed to collect her thoughts. “Then do it yourself. It would be nothing to you. Please Marcus.” With her change of tactic, she altered her tone to saccharine sweet.

Tabitha’s ears perked up.
. It suited him.

“The amount you’re asking for isn’t nothing, not to me or anyone else. When you have a viable plan, I’ll ask Dad to hear you out. You have no plan. You have a scheme and one that’s likely to get you into trouble at that.”

“Marcus ….”

“Enough. This discussion is over. Don’t ruin our time together.”

Their conversation drifted into neutral territory as Tabitha finished her meal. Knowing that the woman was his sister somehow freed her to fantasize about him further. He had a commanding presence, but she sensed intelligence and charm as well. His exasperation with his sister hadn’t completely muted it. Of course, just because his “date” turned out to be his sibling, didn’t mean he was single and available.

Why do I let my thoughts stray like that?
Tabitha admonished herself. Men like Marcus dated models or lawyers, not executive assistants. Tabitha knew she had positive qualities, but not the ones required to land such a man. She was more cute than beautiful. She knew people liked her friendly demeanor, but she had no money or background to speak of.

Tabitha smiled, deciding there was no harm in daydreaming. Eventually the right man would come along, but until then she was free to drool over a prime male. And Marcus? He was the definition of prime.

The next morning, Tabitha settled into her beach chair. She felt restless and reading didn’t appeal. She removed her swimming cover up and headed toward the water. Stepping in, Tabitha let the edge of the ocean waves lap at her feet. It was warm! She was used to the cold waters off the shore of the east coast. This was more like a cooled bath. She didn’t need to acclimate her body gradually and waded right in. She was cautious, knowing from experience that breaking surf had more strength than was apparent.

The retreating waves carried her out a bit and Tabitha treaded water, riding the swells. She noticed a number of stand-up paddleboarders close by and steered herself away from their path. Tabitha relaxed her body and tilted her head back, looking up at the infinite azure sky. The cloud formations floating above mesmerized her. Time slipped away until a bird startled her out of her reverie. Turning toward shore, she realized that she had floated much farther from the beach than she intended.

Tabitha was unconcerned. She was a strong swimmer and in no hurry. She struck out toward the beach but quickly discovered that she was not making progress. Alarm raced through her as she realized that she must be caught in a rip current. Panic spread through her brain as she struggled to recall what she should do. Fear shortened her breath as she fought against the receding water carrying her toward the open ocean.

Logic returned and she stopped struggling futilely against the flow. She raised her arms, waving, hoping that someone on shore would see her.

“Hey, are you okay? Grab the paddle.”

Tabitha turned to see one of the stand-up paddleboarders behind her. He extended his paddle and she grasped it. He pulled her toward his paddleboard and helped her on.

Tabitha’s heart raced in her chest. “Thank you.”

“You have to be careful in this area. The sand bars create strong rip currents.”

“Now you tell me.”

“It’s posted on the beach.”

Tabitha nodded. “Okay, I plead guilty to being a stupid tourist.” She steadied herself on the paddleboard and looked at her rescuer more closely. It was Gorgeous Guy! Tabitha sighed.
Way to make a first impression.

He laughed and held out his hand. “I’m Marcus.” Wet droplets clung to his tanned skin.

Tabitha grasped it. “I’m Tabitha, and thank you, really, for helping me out.” Tabitha didn’t reveal she already knew his name.

“My pleasure. Anyone would have done the same.”

His blue eyes captivated her and Tabitha released his hand with reluctance. “But maybe not so quickly. Thank you for not making me feel like more of an idiot than I already do.”

“You’re not an idiot. You’re a beautiful woman who got caught up in the grandeur of the ocean. It’s deceptively powerful.”

Tabitha blushed.
Did he just say I was beautiful?
She shivered, whether in reaction to her fear or his nearness, she wasn’t sure. The adrenaline rush still clouded her thoughts.

When they reached the shallows, Tabitha clambered off the board and tumbled into the water.

Marcus grabbed her shoulder to steady her. “Are you feeling okay? Do you need to get checked out?” His intense blue eyes reflected worry.

“I’m fine. Just unnerved I guess.”
I could get lost in those eyes.

“It’s understandable. You should take it easy.”

“I think I’ll head inside for a while. Thank you again.”

“Enjoy your day and be careful.”

Tabitha gathered her things and headed into the hotel. Returning to her room, she showered off and readied herself for souvenir shopping. She’d try the beach again later after her nerves steadied.

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