Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures (30 page)

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures
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Mother Moon, it felt wonderful! Power roared through him, flooding his mind and

body with life and vigor. He was a primal being, no tame animal held on a leash. Ruled only by his wants and desires, Delin snarled, salivating at the near scent of prey. Plump little Alice was about to get cut by shattered glass…

* * * * *

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


Anita paused, listening to the darkness, to the sudden quiet. Living at the edge of a jungle you got used to hearing noise. The constant chatter of monkeys, the shrill cries of the macaws and parrots -- these things became the norm. When the brush went still, when the silence throbbed like an open sore…then was the time for caution.


Anita shivered as the low, inhuman sing-song wafted toward her on the evening

breeze. Twisting around, she stared into the dense brush, searching for the origin of the voice. “Who is it? Who’s there?”

The creature leapt from a dark copse of palms, falling upon her before she could throw up an arm in defense. Pain exploded in her throat and chest as claws ripped through her clothes like shears through paper. Blood gushed from her severed trachea, rendering her voiceless. She screamed inside her head. Shocked and dying, her staring eyes watched

uncomprehending as Delin shifted enough for her to recognize him.

“You’re about to be late, Aaaalice…for everything!”

“No!” The word gurgled in her throat.

She had time to regret not having kissed her children one more time, to wish she and

Jerry hadn’t fought before she’d left, time to scratch one word in the dirt. Then the real pain began…

* * * * *

Delin lifted his gory muzzle from what was left of Anita’s left thigh and howled

triumphantly. If others heard his cry -- animalistic, with no hint of sentience -- they would discount it as one of their Earth cousins, a simple wolf.

The other animals hadn’t been much of a challenge, didn’t have enough sense to feel

the cornucopia of regret and horror facing death under his fangs and claws. For the animals, it was part of the natural order of things. This was better than the prey he’d taken

before…more emotionally filling. He had to do this again, had to feel the prey jerking beneath him, whimpering and…he paused, thinking. Next time, he’d leave a little more of the throat intact -- allow his victim the ability to beg. He would have enjoyed hearing the bitch plead for her life.

Afterward, he would clean the scene -- dump the remains in a gorge he’d found and

sprinkle the pepper around that would cloak his scent. But now…now he was hungry in a different way.

The moon illuminated the scene in black and white details. The black of blood, the

white of exposed bone. Grunting, Delin pawed at the body, finally realizing he’d have to shift from battle form for this final feast. He’d left her torso intact on purpose. Unlike most wulves, he liked his pussy cold…


Camille Anthony

Heart Syrup


The loud cries of Enri the groundskeeper, accompanied by his frenzied knocking,

awakened Pavel and he came instantly alert. His animal senses told him it was the dead of night, the darkest hour before the dawn light would begin to creep over the horizon.

Immediately, he checked the slumbering woman beside him, a quick touch to reassure

himself she was safely dreaming. Kaila twitched in her sleep, mumbled something, and

shifted restlessly but didn’t awaken.

Easing out of bed, Pavel headed for the door, slinging on a bathrobe he’d scooped from the foot of the bed. He didn’t bother dressing otherwise. For some reason, he suspected he’d soon be shedding the clothes to take on fur. There was something about late night

emergencies that almost always ensured it.

The cry came once more and Pavel hurried to reach the door, anxious the noise not

wake Kaila. The entire spanking scenario had been intense…pleasurable in the end, but emotionally draining for both of them. She needed her rest and he didn’t want her disturbed.

He flung open the door. “Yes, what is it?”

Enri stood on the other side of the threshold, wulf eyes gleaming. The slighter wulf

thrust both hands through his already disheveled hair, body strung tight with nerves. “We’ve found a body, sir. I…” He gulped. “I think it’s one of the clients!”

Pavel’s heart dropped. “Oh, sweet mother Moon!” He stepped out of the doorway and

pulled the door shut behind him. Standing on the porch, he drew in a deep breath, blew it out. “Give me the particulars.”

“Two staff members were out on a clandestine meeting and sniffed out the body.

Turned out to be a female, partially eaten. Kill was made to appear as if done by a wild animal, but there are traces of semen in the vaginal cavity.”

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


Pavel frowned. “Given the nature of this place, we cannot assume rape was part of the crime. She might have consented to --”

“Excuse me, sir,” Enri interrupted. “The body and surrounding area were powdered

with pepper. The only scent the two could get -- and me, too, when I investigated -- was that of the semen. It was deposited after the blood loss.”

Pavel’s mouth tightened. “Damn it.” He dragged his own fingers through his hair, mind racing for a solution. If this news got out, he’d have a full-fledged panic on his hands. “Damn it! This is horrendous. Have the medical staff been alerted? They’ll need to identify the body, give me a time of death.”

Enri nodded. “Done, Alpha. They have the body. The two staff members are

Drestovian. They will say nothing.”

“Nevertheless, I’ll want to speak with them, get directions to where they found her.”

“I have them nearby, sir. I was certain you’d want to investigate for yourself.” The wulf cleared his throat. “I’ve been there and did a preliminary. It may have been staged to be a random animal attack but when you look closely enough, it’s easy enough to see the deed was planned out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Items of her clothing are missing. She’s still wearing what’s left of her jogging top.

Most of her left thigh is gone; consumed is my guess. So where are the pants? They aren’t there, no shredded remnants…nothing. And there are other clues -- the pepper, the

movement of the body after the deed…we might find more clues if we could discover where the killer actually murdered her.”

A massive sigh lifted Pavel’s chest. “Moonlight in shadows, we need answers.

Meanwhile, I’ll have to contact Rickard, though I suspect he’s been eavesdropping and already knows. Listen, Enri…we can’t have the humans learning of this, at least not yet.

Much as I hate the subterfuge, we’ll have to allow them to think this just an unfortunate wildlife disaster.” His mouth firmed. “But I want that murdering piece of shit found. I want his mangy hide strung on a rack and dried!”

“What are your orders, Alpha?”

“Get the office staff awake and have them report to the compound. I want all staff

members out of their beds and in the reception hall within the next hour. We need a discreet head count of the clients, find out which one is our victim. While that’s happening, I’m going to head out with the two who discovered the body, see if I can’t find that original site and catch a whiff of the culprit. Pepper is a classic trick, but not good enough to stump a trained tracker. I should be able to pick up something…even if it’s the scent of this wulf’s excitement. Sooner or later, he’ll trip up and we’ll be waiting.”


Camille Anthony

Enri nodded. “My crew is uncompromised and already mobilized. I sent Len to the

airstrip and Paulo to the boat landing to ask if any suspicious activity had been noted. The others are ringing the compound, making sure no one leaves or enters.”

“Good job. You think the murderer might try to get off the island?”

Enri sucked his teeth. “It would be the logical thing to do.”

Pavel grunted. “I don’t think he meant to indulge his weakness here. This place is too small, too secure. The odds of being caught are too great. This beast isn’t logical, Enri. He’s rabid, out of control. He’s tasted human flesh and liked it, no…he craves it. I doubt this is his first kill, and if we don’t hurry, it probably won’t be his last. Murdering is like potato chips to him now. He can’t stop at just one.”


Pavel, drouch, what is wrong?

“Oh, fuck, that’s all I need!”

“Sir, what’s wrong?”

Pavel’s mouth turned up when Enri jumped, startled by his abrupt outcry. “Don’t mind

me, Enri. I’ve got two inquisitive people in my head, both talking at the same time.”

Enri shook his head. “I don’t envy you, Alpha. Our prince can be very demanding.”

Pavel laughed, even while marveling he could do so in the face of such a tragedy. “I can handle Rickard. An angry Kaila is another matter. I’d better go placate my mate before I take off!”

Enri shared a male smile. “They’re wonderful creatures, but living with them requires some adjustments.”

“Truer words, my friend,” Pavel snorted. “Truer words…”

* * * * *

The last three hours had been hell. Pavel sat on the bed, holding his mate in his arms.

He brushed his fingers down her sweet face, heart aching at the sign of her recent tears.

She’d cried herself back to sleep and all he could do to ease her pain was hold her while she sobbed so wildly he’d worried she would make herself ill.

Telling Kaila about Anita hadn’t been easy. She had a tender heart, and learning one of her new friends had been murdered hit her hard. Pavel had debated keeping the entire truth from her for a full five seconds. Then sanity set in and he told her everything he knew.

Telling her about Rickard had been almost as hard…

Pavel, drouch…

I’m fine, Rickard. I’m holding Kaila.

Oh, that certainly put me in my place! A mental chuckle accompanied that last. My

plane is touching down. I’ll be with you both in half an hour.

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


You must have left two days ago. I told you not to come.

Well, your command came too late, love. What else did you expect from me? Your

mouth said one thing, but your emotions said another. How could I stay away when you

were hurting so badly? In all the years we’ve shared this link, I’ve never experienced such pain…not even when you took con rol of the pack for me.


I keep telling you that wasn’t only for your sake. What your uncle and my father did

was wrong, evil. We had to stop them. Father was rabid…


just like thi fucker we are dealing

with now. Once a wulf goes feral it becomes a danger to everyone, not just humans.

All you say is true, but I didn’t feel half the agony shooting my uncle that you felt having to kill your father.

After all this time, Pavel still felt like squirming when Rickard revealed the extent of their connection. He felt exposed, uncovered. He marveled at how the connection with Kaila made him feel just the opposite. He craved her mind’s touch, hungered to be a shadow in her thoughts. It was the difference between a mate’s bond and a friend’s. Until Kaila, he’d thought the connection with Rickard the closest possible. She’d proven him gloriously wrong.

Believe me, I will not agonize over putting this filthy dog down. Whoever he is, he has betrayed his oath to me and harmed one under my protection. There is no hole deep enough for him to hide in.


I’m glad you realize this fiasco i on us to handle. The normal human authorities

cannot deal with this situation. I’ve alerted the NHP. They’re dispatching two operatives to the island today. I’ve issued the clearances.

Pavel sighed with relief. I’ve met Hunter. If his men are anything like him, they’ll be a great help. He freed one hand to brush the hair off his forehead. Damn it, Rickard, how did this happen? I personally checked out all the wulf applications for trainers and staff. How did I miss this motherfucker?

My love, don’t even go there! Rickard’s mental tone was harsh. Don’t dare start your

usual: ‘Everything’s my fault because I’m God and control everyone around me!’ spiel!

It isn’t anyone else’s fault but mine.

Really? What about the


killer? Doe n’t he share any blame?

Pavel clenched his jaw. He never could make Rickard understand his need to protect

those he loved, to stand between them and danger. When he failed, he felt it on a personal level. You don’t understand…

I understand this mess is no doing


of you s and I won’t allow you


to shoulde the


blame. Not even in you own mind.

Pavel clenched his fists, forgetting they were wrapped about Kaila. When she gasped

and thrashed in his arms, he thought he’d awakened her.

“What are you doing? Let me go!” Her frantic voice started him.


Camille Anthony

Pavel tried to soothe her. “Shh, baby. It’s okay.”

“Please…!” Her voice broke, terror lacing the single word. Pavel stared down at her,

belatedly realizing she still slept.

Pavel, what is happening? Why is Kaila so frightened? Rickard’s panicked mental

questions stabbed through his brain. He’d forgotten their connection would allow Rickard to pick up Kaila’s emotions, if not her exact thoughts.

I don’t know. I’m trying to find out. Don’t distract me.

Fine, but don’t try to shut me out.

Pavel growled and Rickard’s presence retreated to the back of his thoughts. A second

later, he cringed when Kaila seemed to respond to the ominous sound.

“Please don’t do this! What have I ever done to you?”

“Oh, baby, please wake up. Please don’t cry so,” Pavel begged, rocking his mate as she sobbed in fear. “Your tears melt my heart.”

Pavel had no idea how long he held Kaila as she struggled and screamed, trapped in a

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