Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures (28 page)

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures
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Isn’t being mated supposed to make us each other’s best friend? Best friends never


Pavel swallowed his grin. He knew she had no idea she’d slipped into mindspeak. He

couldn’t resist hooking a hand in her thick curls and pulling her down for a lengthy kiss.

“You are the best thing to ever happen to me.”

When she just smiled, he gathered the courage to tell her everything. “To keep the

rank and file under control, the Alphas allotted times when separate packs could roam and thin what they called the herd. The ancient stories of werewolf abductions were based on fact, as was the universal stories of Little Red Riding Hood, more than likely. Wulves would lie in ambush, wait for a remote family to return to an empty house, and slaughter all the men and boys. They’d rape the women and steal the girl children, returning with them to their ships where they raised them as nothing more than group whores, casual relief for the unmated males.”

“Oh, my god!”

Pavel hung his head. “I told you it wasn’t pretty. Our history is not something we are proud of. As a people, we are guilty of many crimes against your species. This is one of the reasons our leaders developed laws to protect humans from us, to keep our peoples separated so we could never take advantage of you again.”

“I don’t know what to say. It all sounds so barbaric!”

“It was a barbaric time, but it was long ago. I have to believe we wulves have changed for the better, though there are still factions among us that want nothing more than to return to the so-called freedoms of that time.”

“Pavel --?”

Something, a note in her voice, alerted him to what she wanted to ask and he adroitly sidestepped her bid for his attention. “There’s nothing to worry about on that score, at least.

There are enough Alphas who oppose that view to render it an impossibility.”


Camille Anthony


He sighed, giving in to the inevitability, unable to resist her when she demanded on

their intimate channel. You’re becoming too good at this.

And you’re doing a good job trying to sidetrack me.

He snorted. Obviously not good enough!

Why don’t you want me to see this other form of yours?

Because I don’t want you to think of


me a a monster and


that form IS monst ous to


He lifted his face toward hers, let her look into his eyes, revealing his vulnerable

feelings. “It’s our fighting form, the one most used to kill. I was in midform when I cheated during a challenge fight and murdered my father.”

“Oh, my God!”

Her choked cry raked claws across his heart. Battling the urge to howl in loss, he flung himself off the bed. Back turned, he snatched up his pants and jerked them on, needing some form of hiding from her horrified reaction. So much for not condemning me…

“You idiot, I’m not condemning you, I’m crying for you.” Kaila’s arms came about his

chest. She pressed her warm body against his back and hugged all she could reach of his trembling body. “You are not a cold-blooded killer, Pavel. Nothing you or anyone else can say will convince me of that.”

He turned in her arms and buried his face in her neck. “You’re wrong, Kaila. I can put on the form, the outward appearance of a human, but I’m a wulf, not a man. If you persist in seeing me like that, if you judge me as a human, I’ll lose every time. I’ve killed as a matter of course. Given the right reasons, I’ll kill again.”

She drew back to gaze up into his eyes. “Is that what you think I’m doing…judging


“Aren’t you?”

She shook her head slowly, worrying that full bottom lip of hers. “When I came to the office looking for you, I’d already dismissed the jury. I know I’m not much to look at, no great prize in the couples’ sweepstakes, but once I’ve made up my mind, I’m loyal. If this relationship ends, it won’t be me wielding the knife.”

Her expression of pained embarrassment, the cringing way she held her body filled

Pavel with a burning anger at whoever had so thoroughly brainwashed this gorgeous female into believing herself unworthy, unbeautiful.

Eyes narrowing, Pavel stepped away from Kaila, his anger growing as he watched her

fold in on herself, believing he was rejecting her. That she still thought he would ever abandon her boiled his blood, set it pounding in his temples.


Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures



He turned his back on her and stalked across the floor, yanked open the closet, and

pulled out a flat, wide belt. Hearing her gasp, he glanced back over his shoulder, mouth tight in a disapproving grimace. “I recall I owe you a spanking and we might as well get it out of the way, now.”

Her fear blossomed like a flower in a rain-swept desert -- like the quick-lived plant it died just as fast. The acrid scent flooded his nostrils, but almost immediately turned to the more peppered smell of hot anger. “Why now? Because I dared to question you?”

“No. Because you dared to think less of yourself. If I do nothing else with the

remainder of my life but teach you the error of your beliefs, I will count it well-lived. Kaila, you are beautiful.” He deliberately let his gaze rove over her generously plus-sized figure.

“There is no portion of you that is not worthy of love, worthy of respect…that does not call to my carnal nature.”

Tears dripped down her face, her expression confused and hopeful all at once. “I would give anything to believe you. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I just can’t understand how you can say that and mean it. I’m nobody, a woman who can’t even keep her weight down…”

Sobbing, she bent way over, her arms clasped about her belly.

Angry as he was, Pavel couldn’t stay away from her. Her pain drew him to her and he

took her in his arms, holding her close. “You are the woman I love. I see you, see into the heart of you. You smell honorable and except for that one time, I know you to be

compassionate and caring. I want a mate like that…want my cubs to have a mother like you.

They’ll need the kind of love I believe you’re capable of giving.” When she continued to cry, he grew impatient and shook her. “Kaila, looks fade! Only love lasts. I love you now and always. Will you love me in return?”

“I do,” she sobbed wildly. “I do!”

He bent and kissed her forehead, lingered to drop soothing pecks on her wet, swollen

eyes and cheeks. “Then don’t denigrate the woman I’ve chosen to life-mate with. You are my true-bond mate and it pains me to see you hurting when there is no need.”

She looked up, her startled gaze meeting his. She hiccupped then gave a shaky laugh.

“You mean that.”

“Every word.”

She sighed, leaned into his chest. “I think I need that spanking.”

His arms tightened about her. “You’ve got thirty-five strokes coming.”

She stiffened. “That many? I haven’t been spanked since before high school.”

Pavel leered down at her. “Trust me…your father would have been jailed if he’d given

you the punishment I mean to mete out.”

She looked up from under those thick, sexy lashes of hers, eyes gleaming with

trepidation and excitement. “Will it hurt?”


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A slow smile curved his lips. He felt his fangs growing as lust rose under his skin,

wakened the beast. “Oh yeah…so good you’ll be begging for more.”

She shivered in his arms. “Oh! Hearing that made me wet.”

His words were a low growl. “I know. I can smell your juices flooding your pussy.

When I finish heating your seat, I’m going to lick every nook and cranny of that juicy cunt clean.”

Kaila wriggled. “Where do you want me?”

Pavel gritted his teeth, almost coming as her innocent question sent lust screaming

along his nervous system. “On your knees. If I recall, you also promised me a blowjob. If I don’t release some of this steam, I’ll never last through your disciplining.”

“Sucking your cock is no punishment, it’s a reward!” She dropped with alacrity, her

hands shaking as she ripped at his fastenings. “I’ve been dying to get you in my mouth.” She pulled his organ out as she spoke, fingers wrapped around the fat barrel in a firm hold. “Just the thought of having my lips around you has me so wet my juices are dripping down my thighs.”

“Stop talking. Open your lips and take me in your mouth.” He knew his words were

curt, even abrupt, but he was struggling to keep from turning, from shifting into mid form and scaring the hell out of her.

Her hot mouth engulfed his turgid erection and Pavel hissed, sensation exploding in his balls, heat flashing up and down his legs, centering in the heavy organ disappearing behind her lips. He grasped his cock at the base, circled the shaft to keep from accidentally feeding her too much. He was big and didn’t want her gagging, possibly forming a negative opinion about going down on him. One day, he’d teach her to deep throat, but for now, her

enthusiastic sucking and the tight, wet interior of her mouth was all the heaven he craved.

“Ooh, yes, baby! Suck me in…use your tongue and teeth…let me feel you.”

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures



Kaila drew hard on the thick cock between her lips, overjoyed at how Pavel’s body

bowed, his legs shook. He couldn’t fake his pleasure, his weakness as she fondled his heavy balls and gripped his thighs to pull him towards her as she slurped on his stiff penis. The little eye in the blunt head leaked a sweet, earthy syrup and she was surprised to find she liked the taste.

It felt good, right, to be at his feet, to have his thick cock stretching her lips wide. She loved being naked before him, anxious to please this man -- no, this wulf -- who’d promised to cherish her always. Her nipples were hard, her cunt dripping and aching to be filled, but she knew he wouldn’t fuck her until after she’d received the spanking she deserved.

Kaila shivered, remembering the daydream she’d had in the restaurant. The torrid

images flashed before her closed eyes and her womb clenched. A gush of fluid ran down her thighs. No matter the reason, she wanted Pavel’s hands on her, his cock in her, his mouth locked on hers. As long as he touched her, she’d never call it punishment.

“Precious Moon, I’m going to come, Kaila.” Pavel’s gravelly voice rasped over her

nerves, igniting the corridor of her cunt like dry tender before a flamethrower. “Will you swallow my seed?”

She nodded, mouth too full to speak. Yes. Give it to me, Pavel. Come in my mouth!

A moment later, he did. Head thrown back, he howled his release, body strung tight as a bow, hips flexed, holding his groin flush against her mouth, Pavel came in thick hot gushes that blasted the back of her throat. She swallowed and swallowed, determined to accept every ounce, greedily licking down the shaft to catch each errant drop.

Feeling triumphant, Kaila sat back on her heels, smirking up at him as Pavel swayed on his feet. Her tongue darted out to catch a dab of moisture by her mouth. The look on his face 158

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told her everything she needed to know. “Any chance my performance will impact that


His voice was a sexy drawl when he answered. “Oh, you can bet on it!” He sat on the

side of the bed and patted his thighs. “Come here.”

Her belly twisted into knots as she rose from her knees and began the short trek

toward the man waiting to administer thirty-five swats to her naked butt. All of a sudden, her fantasy didn’t seem too exciting…more like daunting.

“Don’t get cold feet, now. There’s no need to be so frightened. Baby, I keep telling you I’d never really harm you.” His voice chilled as he added, “In fact, I’d destroy anyone who threatened you and I’d sure as hell kill anyone who succeeded in hurting you.” Pavel held out a hand. “Trust me?”

With a sigh, she placed her hand in his, letting him draw her down to his lap. “If I

didn’t,” she murmured, sparing a disparaging glance down at her full breasts and rounded tummy, “I’d never bare all this skin in front of you.”

He chuckled, rubbing a big palm over her belly, leaning over to tweak a jutting nipple with lips-covered teeth. “I adore this skin and everything it covers, wench. It displeases me when you make less of yourself. Remember that.”

“I’ll try. Just keep reminding me if I forget.”

“I will. Your first lesson in the consequences of earning my displeasure will be this spanking. I warn you, I won’t go lightly with you just because I love you.”

A wry grin curled her lips. “Somehow, the thought never crossed my mind.” She stared

up at him, gathering her courage. “Let’s get it over with.”

“Wait.” Pavel captured her face between both his hands, held her still as he brushed his soft lips over hers, coaxing her mouth open beneath his. When she parted her lips his flavor burst on her tongue. She tasted the tart-sweet tang of his woodsy essence, the wild pureness of his beast as he devoured her mouth, and she was just as urgent in her greed for him.

“Oh, god, I love you!” Groaning, she clutched at his shoulders, twisting her fingers in the thick, silky growth of hair covering his nape. The soft strands twined about her hands, seemed to cling with a mind of their own.

Panting, Pavel pulled away, rested his forehead on hers. “Keep that thought


Before she could respond, he exhibited that unnerving inhuman strength that

ordinarily thrilled her. Lifting her off her feet, he flipped and turned her, bringing her down over his knees. Feeling herself tipping, Kaila yelped and grabbed at his leg, trying to steady herself. One strong arm came across her back, anchoring and stabilizing her. “Relax. I’ve got you, babe.”

One broad palm smoothed up and down her back, the calluses scraping over her skin

setting up a delicious tingling in the nerves along her spine. It was like that feeling you get Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures

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