Waves of Desire (6 page)

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Authors: Lori Ann Mitchell

BOOK: Waves of Desire
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Chapter 12:




Derek paced nervously in the visitor’s room of Sunnyside Wellness Center, jittery from two cups of free coffee from the little table in the corner. It was a functional room, well-lit and breezy, but he was nervous just the same.

Dana had been in rehab for two weeks now and, this being her first weekend for visitors, she’d asked to see Derek. And only Derek. Sage had pitched a fit, wondering why her first thought hadn’t been of little Archie. Derek couldn’t really argue with her, until now.

Despite the visiting room’s sunny yellow walls and soft tiled floor, the worn wicker chairs and puffy green cushions, it was what it was: A rehabilitation center for adults dealing with substance abuse. And cheery or not, the room smelled like a hospital, and felt like one, too. Between the framed beach and sunset prints hanging on the walls were warnings ranging from “Absolutely zero food or drink permitted in this room!” to “No physical contact allowed!”

Derek had to empty his pockets on the way in, forgetting that the breath mint strips in one pocket could “stimulate alcohol cravings” if Dana smelled them and forgetting that the small bottle of “Ocean Breeze” hand sanitizer Sage had given him for good luck contained, duh… alcohol!

He sighed, hearing a door shutting down the hall and, behind it, several sets of shoes squeaking down the long, linoleum hallway. As he stood nervously, wiping his hands on his best blue jeans, he heard muffled voices and, then, the door opened.

“Derek, hello,” said a middle aged African-American man, sturdy and fit, with large biceps bulging beneath his blue on blue striped golf shirt. “I’m Serge, Dana’s Rehabilitation Sponsor.”

“Hi Serge,” he said, extending a hand to feel it swallowed by the man’s vice-like grip. “It’s nice to meet you. I appreciate… I appreciate you letting me see her today.”

“Well, about that,” Serge said, nodding toward a cluster of wicker chairs in the corner.

“Can I stand?” Derek asked. “I’m a little nervous.”

“Totally understandable, Derek. And, apparently, Dana is, too.”


“She’s been doing really well all week but, the closer this day got…”

“I thought she wanted to see me?”

Serge held up his hands, as if to assure him. “She does, Derek, she does, she just… without the alcohol, Dana is finding new ways to explore her emotions. It hasn’t been easy for her.”

“Is it supposed to be?” Derek snapped. “I mean, it hasn’t been easy on us, either.”

Serge nodded, eyes flashing protectively. “I’d kind of like to avoid that type of blaming language if you two see each other today,” he said.

“I’m sorry, Serge, it’s just… she has a little boy, you know?”


“Right, and… shouldn’t he be here now, instead of me?”

Serge looked around the room, confirming Derek’s earlier fears. “Do you think this would be a healthy scenario for either of them?”

“I guess not, I just… she doesn’t seem to have much interest in her son, you know?”

Serge sighed, his overly pleasant, overly cautious façade suddenly faltering. “It’s… something we’re working on, Derek. Dana has a lot of baggage, being a teen mom, you know?”

Derek smirked. “And with me not being a teen dad, I suppose?”

Serge snorted, his steely façade crumbling even further. “You could say that. But, you know what… let me give you guys a few minutes together and hopefully it will work out, okay?”

“I don’t want to set her back,” Derek said.

“I’ll be right outside,” he said, already halfway across the room. “I won’t let anything happen… to either of you.” Winking, he turned around and stepped into the hallway. After a little muttering, Dana stepped into the room, the door closing softly behind her.

She looked radiant, skin aglow and kissed by the sun, auburn hair tousled and frisky, smile vaguely bashful but there was no mistaking the panther-like prowess in her steps as she approached, looking sleek and sexy in a simple white sundress and soft, brown sandals.

“You look great,” he said.

“Thanks,” she gushed, brushing a lock of hair behind one blushing ear. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, too, Derek.”

“It seems like you’ve been in here forever,” he said, finally sinking into one of the room’s worn wicker chairs.

“To both you and me!” she snorted, sinking into the chair right next to him. Warmth and sexuality oozed off of her in waves and Derek felt ashamed of the warm, sexy thoughts he was feeling in response to her glowing skin and the way her full breasts pressed against the thin cotton of the sundress.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Great!” she said, but there was sadness in her eyes and brittleness to her tone that belied the act she was obviously putting on just for him. “They’ve really taught me a lot in here.”

“Like what?”

She slid a hand atop his knee, their eyes meeting as she obviously hadn’t read the warning signs about “close physical contact” plastered all around the room. “About what’s important to me,” she purred and Derek half-expected her to stand and do a striptease. “Like you, Derek.”

“And Archie, right?” he said.

“That goes without saying, Derek,” she insisted, turning to face him. “I think… I think the reason I’ve been so miserable is because I couldn’t give Archie the family he wants, and needs. But now that I’m here, now that I’m getting sober… I can.”

He nodded, mind racing, but figuring this wasn’t the time to remind her – again – that he was in love with Sage. That he would always be in love with Sage. That he loved Archie, and would never do anything less than love him, but that if they were going to be a “family”, they would have to work around the fact that Derek and Sage were a couple.

Instead he peered back at her, wondering why, if all of the above were true, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to sleep with Dana again…

Chapter 13:




“Welcome home, babe.”

Sage enjoyed the surprised look on Derek’s face as he walked into the loft to find it aglow with a dozen flickering jar and votive candles sprinkled throughout the apartment and, just beyond, the small deck overlooking quiet, downtown Seaside, Florida.

“Wow,” he said, closing the door behind him. “What’s the occasion?”

“The occasion,” she said, pouring him a frothy frozen margarita from the fresh batch she’d made the moment she got his text that he was downstairs, “is Colby is babysitting Archie tonight so we could have some quiet time alone.”

He smiled, slurping some of the frozen drink off his finger where it had sloshed during the handoff. “Wow,” he said, beaming. “What an unexpected surprise!”

“Not for me,” she said, taking his hand and leading him into the living room. “I’ve been setting it up for days now, and Colby finally got a break in her school schedule, so… wa la!”

On the little bistro table in the nook by the bar was a feast of all their favorites: Hummus and olives, rice crackers and breadsticks, sliced fruit and cheeses. Just hearty enough to keep their energy up, Sage figured, but not too heavy to weigh them down.

“Wow,” he said again, sampling a grape before polishing off his drink. “This is… you are… great!”

“I was thinking the same thing about you,” she said, reaching for his glass to refresh it. He grabbed her wrist instead, gently, but insistently, turning her toward him.

He smiled, melting her heart and fluttering her belly in tight, distant places she hadn’t felt in weeks, maybe months. “How long’s it been?” he asked, as if reading her mind.

“Too long,” she said, afraid to count the times they’d
had sex since Dana and Archie had shown up. In fact, the math was suddenly quite easy: They hadn’t had sex since Dana and Archie had shown up!

Either Derek was babysitting Dana, or Sage was babysitting Archie, and the few times since Dana had gone to rehab that Sage figured they might “connect,” Archie had somehow sensed someone other than he might have fun so he chose to stay up all night long, never giving them the chance!

Now they had all night long, and Sage had vowed not to miss a second of it. From the look in his eyes, Derek was just as eager as she was. “I can’t believe we used to do this all the time,” he said between long, lingering, smoldering kisses.

“We were spoiled, I guess,” she gushed, tugging at his grey and white striped tank top before peppering his bare chest with light, feathery kisses.

“Speaking of spoiled,” he said, gently pushing her away to tug off her sleeveless tan blouse and unzip her pleated brown skirt before it slid down her legs into a puddle around her feet. “I’m going to make you come so many times tonight, it will make up for all those times we haven’t been doing it this month.”

She shivered with anticipation as he lifted her in her arms and carried her to the bed beneath the long row of windows overlooking the deck. Soft ocean breezes fluttered the curtains above as he unclasped her bra and admired her bare breasts before using the bra straps to tie her left wrist to the slats in the metal headboard.

She moaned with delight as he drew off her panties, releasing her moist pussy to breathe the salty air and drool onto the soft white sheets beneath her squirming ass.

“Mmmmm,” she muttered as he used the panties, already damp, to bind her right hand to the same headboard. “I think I came already.”

“Pace yourself,” he said, standing at the foot of the bed as she squirmed to watch him unbutton his pants and drag them from his lean, boyish waist. His cock was straining and she wished for all the world to take it in her mouth and devour it, but Derek had other plans. And, besides, they had all night.

If he didn’t wear her out first, that is…

Chapter 14:




Derek sank to his knees, cock straining, heart pounding, the very sight of Sage’s naked, writhing body making his dick drool and his lips moist. He sank onto his belly, burying his throbbing, damp staff in the bed sheets while beginning to kiss the insides of Sage’s thighs.

She murmured and cooed, fragrant waves of her feminine musk scenting the room as he inched closer to pepper her thick, moist mound with deeper, richer, more insistent kisses. She mewled and panted as he licked around her glistening labia, tongue thick and eager to collect every drop of moisture as it drizzled like frosting along her pink, wrinkled lips.

She spread her legs wider, grinding her ass into the sheets as he wedged his lips on either side of her pink, throbbing bud and greedily sucked her clit until it responded with a fiery throb and thrum.

“Jesus,” she murmured, sounding miles away as Derek lost himself in her damp, fragrant pussy. Sage lost herself too, grinding her molten mound against his bruised lips, wriggling against his greedy tongue as, pant by pant, drop by drop, tremble by tremble, she groaned, moaned and came with a glorious wash of heat and bouquet across his gleaming face.

He basked in it, missing it, grateful for it, his own cock throbbing in the sheets, damp with his pre-cum and eager to glide inside her molten cave. When at last she had shaken and trembled, exploded and burst with half a dozen orgasms, she clamped her damp, trembling thighs on either side of his head and begged, “Please, no more!”

Derek obliged, pressing himself up to a kneeling position and peering down at Sage’s beautiful, sweaty body. Her small nipples were pale and aglow in the flickering candlelight, rouge nipples standing stiffly at attention.

She strained at her bonds, head propped atop two pillows as she peered back at him blissfully. “Let me taste you,” she murmured, eyes glassy and voice hoarse.

“Later, baby,” he purred, inching forward until his hands caressed her inner thighs, still trembling, and he could run his throbbing cock along her damp strip of auburn pubic fuzz. “I can’t wait to fuck you any longer.”

She chuckled, lazily licking her lips. “If you insist…”

“Oh, I do,” he said, gently guiding his thick, purple tip along the glossy lips he’d so recently feasted upon. He could still taste them, exotic and musky, as he watched them writhe and clench around his rigid staff as, inch by inch, he slid into the heavenly warmth between Sage’s legs.

She sighed with the intrusion, he trembled and, before too long, he was buried seven inches deep, their pelvises meshed and meaty as he ground against hers to cement himself deep, warm and wet inside.

“God, I’ve missed this,” she moaned as she ground her sweaty mound against the meaty joint where their flesh wed.

“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” he bragged before thrusting forward, gently, to watch her face wince before melting into an expression of pure joy. “Show me, baby,” she grunted as he began to thrust in earnest, the hot and wet and sensitive flesh making him realize it wouldn’t be long before he, too, erupted in a gushing torrent of joy and bliss. “Show me…” she panted. “Show me… fuck me… fuck me!”

Her hoarse voice, her writhing body, her sweaty skin, her damp bush and tight pussy and hard nipples made Derek a weak boy indeed. He thrust fervently, the fire building, the wave cresting until he slid out and, with just a few strokes up and down his dripping dock, came all over her dancing belly, dotting her stiff, pointy breasts with a molten spray as he milked himself to her giddy delight.

When at last he grew limp and lifeless, Derek slumped down beside her. “Release me,” she purred, wriggling against her bonds. “I want to hug you.”

“All in good time,” he said, lying on his side and rasping hungry fingers along her perfect, boyish breasts before dragging them down her still whimpering belly. “I want to try a few things first.”

“Already?” she gasped as he slid his hand along her pubic thatch only to circle desperate fingertips around her belly button.

“Like you said,” he murmured, inching closer to lick a bead of sweat from her shoulder. “We’ve got to make up for lost time…”

She turned, angling her head and pursing her lips so that they could kiss, long and slow, fragrant and wet, heavy and deep. “Well,” she sighed, easing back into the sheets as he continued to ply her fiery skin with his greedy hands. “If you insist…”

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