Unknown (13 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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'How did you know that?'

Cameron set down his spoon and smiled at her. 'A little bird told me.'

'A little bird?' He watched her puzzling it out, a frown knotting her brow. 'Don't tell me. Pip's turned traitor.'

'What can I say? She likes me.'

Ginger didn't respond to his teasing, her frown changing to a scowl. 'I don't appreciate you spying on me.'

'I wasn't spying.' His own humour evaporated. This was not going the way he had hoped. 'Pip didn't break any confidences, we were just chatting over coffee. She's worried about you working so hard, and was relieved you were taking the weekend off.' He reached out and took her hand, resisting her half-hearted attempt to pull away. 'Ginger, I just want to spend some time with you away from work. Is that so bad?'

'It's not bad.. .1 just don't think it's sensible. We should try and keep things professional.'

That old chestnut. 'The way I feel about you isn't remotely professional,' he murmured, dropping his voice, seeing the way her eyes darkened with arousal in response to what she saw in his own. He brushed his thumb across her wrist and felt the rapid beat of her pulse. 'Let me share the weekend with you.'

'You want me to cancel my plans for you?'

'No!' He sighed as her eyes narrowed in disapproval. He really wasn't explaining himself very well. 'I want to come with you—share your adventure.'

An unexpected smile twitched her lips. 'You want to come with me?'


'But you don't even know where I'm going or what I'm doing.'

'I don't care,' he responded recklessly, before a flicker of doubt set in at the mischievous glint in her eye. 'Provided you don't expect me to get stuck in any confined spaces.'

Warmth flushed her cheeks and he knew she was thinking back to the lift in London. 'I wouldn't do that to you.'


'Was everything all right with your meal?'

Cameron cursed inwardly as a smiling Jules arrived back at their table and interrupted their conversation. 'Great, thank you.'

'It was lovely, Jules,' Ginger said, freeing her hand from his.

'I told Antonio you were here,' the girl continued, looking over her shoulder with a smile. 'He wants to meet you.' A stocky but attractive young man approached them, his kindly brown eyes full of love when he looked at Jules. 'Toni, this is Dr O'Neill.'

Cameron watched with wry amusement as the Italian grasped Ginger's hands in his and raised them to place a kiss on each. 'How can I ever thank you, Doctor, for all you have done for Jules, for making her well so she can love me?'

'Jules did all the hard work herself.' Ginger smiled at them both with evident affection. 'I'm very proud of her. And delighted that you are both so happy. Congratulations on your engagement.'

'Thank you, thank you. You must come, yes, to the wedding? Both of you?' the ebullient man insisted.

Jules nodded with enthusiasm. 'Please do, Dr O'Neill. We'll send an invitation.'

'That would be very kind,' Ginger allowed gracefully, although Cameron noted that she made no attempt to include him or imply they could be a couple.

Annoyed with himself for being disappointed, Cameron rose to his feet. 'The meal was excellent, thank you. It's time for us to leave, though. I'll come and pay the bill.'

'But no!' Antonio looked horrified. 'No, not at all. No bill. Always, always it is on the house here for you as thanks for all you did for Jules.'

'You don't have to do that,' Ginger protested.

Antonio clasped her hand again, his gaze beseeching. 'Si, of course. I want to.'

'Please let us do this for you,' Jules added.


'Thank you, we really appreciate it,' Cameron intervened when Ginger hesitated and looked at him for assistance.

'Just this once, then.' Ginger smiled and hugged Jules again before shaking Antonio's hand. 'It was a lovely evening.'

Cameron helped Ginger on with her coat and took her arm as Jules and Antonio saw them to the door for final goodbyes.

'They have a business to run,' Ginger fretted, glancing back towards the restaurant. 'I feel bad, letting them pay.'

'You made them happy by accepting their gift. They wanted to show how much they appreciate you.'

'But I was only doing my job.'

A laugh escaped him and he shook his head, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and drawing her closer. 'What you do goes way beyond doing a job, Ginger.'

They walked in silence back to the church hall where their cars were parked. Cameron wondered what she was thinking, wondered how to get the conversation back on track again so he could share time with her over the weekend. At least she didn't pull away from him so he had a few moments of holding her close, feeling her soft curves beside him, and he turned his head so he could breathe in a teasing waft of her fruity scent. A few tendrils of silky flyaway blonde hair caressed his face, and he only just managed to prevent himself stopping in the middle of the pavement, turning her and burying his face against her.

When they reached their cars, Cameron took her hands in his and leaned back against his passenger door, drawing her towards him. 'Well, here we are.'

'Yes.' She looked up at him and he wished he could see more of her expression in the glow the streetlight cast in the darkness. 'I should get home.'

Loath to part from her, he slid his arms around her, locking them at the small of her back. 'I hate having to say good night to you.'

'Cam...' His name escaped on a whisper of breath.


Yearning to taste her, to touch her, he couldn't resist any longer. His lips met hers, finding her soft and warm and welcoming. Groaning, he deepened the kiss, hot and urgent as their tongues glided, tangled, explored. Her sweet honey taste mixed with a hint of minty ice cream and made him light-headed. He widened his stance, his palms cupping the lush roundness of her rear as he cradled her hips to his, feeling the tremor run through her at the evidence of his arousal. They were a perfect fit. He wanted her with a hunger he'd never experienced with any other woman. But here wasn't the place. Unfortunately. Before things spiralled out of control—as they always seemed to the moment they touched each other— he reluctantly, and all too slowly, drew the kiss to an end. He cuddled her close, resting his chin on the top of her head as she burrowed against him. It took a while for their breathing to calm, for pulses to slow to normal.

'About tomorrow,' he murmured.

She drew back, her gaze meeting his in the scant light. 'You're serious?'

'Definitely.' His hands framed her face, one thumb tracing the outline of her kiss-swollen mouth. 'I want to spend time with you, Ginger, want to share the things you enjoy.' .'

He held his breath as she paused, the silence stretching between them, tautening his nerves and tightening his gut as he waited for her answer, desperate for her agreement.

'I'll meet you in the car park outside the hospital at six.'

'I can come?' He searched her gaze, overwhelmed that she had consented. Then the details sank in. 'Six? As in 6:00 a.m.? In the morning?'

She chuckled at the dismay he couldn't hide. 'Too early for you?'

'No, I—'

'I can always go alone.'

'No!' His hold on her tightened again and he scowled at her teasing. He'd do anything, any time, if it meant being with her. 'I'll be there. Are you going to tell me where we're going?'

'Nope. You said you wanted an adventure. I'll surprise you.'

'You always do!' He laughed ruefully. She was amazing.

As she moved to open her car, he was unable to resist stealing one more kiss before letting her go.

Ginger's hands rested on his chest for a moment before she slid behind the wheel. She started the engine and opened the window. 'You need to bring trainers, socks, a long-sleeved top like a fleece—not made of cotton—and swim trunks.'

'Swim trunks?'

'That's right.' He could see her eyes twinkle with amusement in the darkness. 'I'll see you tomorrow.'

Cameron stepped back, watching as her tail-lights disappeared from view, and wondered just what the hell he was letting himself in for.



of excitement echoed above the roar of turbulent water as the seemingly flimsy boat shot its occupants through the pounding rapids rampaging down the rocky river. Bucked around inside, battling with her paddle, Ginger laughed, feeling the buzz of adrenalin and rush of exhilaration rafting the white water always brought her. From her place near the front, she saw what lay ahead, and hung on as the bow of the rubber boat ploughed into a wall of turbulent water, threatening to frustrate their progress, even to tip them over, before releasing them from its hold, propelling them forward again. Streams of spray stung her cheeks, her heart pounded...she had never felt more alive.

They hit a calm patch, giving all eight members of the team—most of whom had never met until that morning—a few moments to catch their breath before the next run of rapids. Ginger looked round, her gaze clashing with Cameron's. Clad in protective clothing, he was as drenched as the rest of them, but his grin boosted her, his eyes shining with evident enjoyment as he entered into the spirit of the trip, making her doubly glad, despite her initial doubts, that she had shared this adventure with him.

He'd been waiting when she'd arrived at the hospital before the cusp of dawn, and her stomach had turned over at the sight of him, heavy-eyed and tousled, but determined. She had driven up to Perthshire while Cameron had slept most of the way, but she didn't mind. It had left her time to question what on earth she had done, agreeing to spend her day off in his company, to share one of her favourite means of letting off steam. She had to be mad. The journey had also allowed her time to shore up her defences and get herself back in some kind of control again. Or so she'd tried to convince herself. She only had to look at him to come unravelled let alone touch him, or kiss him, or remember what it was like to be with him. It was a constant battle between the raging want and the insurmountable reasons why they couldn't be together.

They had stopped for breakfast before arriving at the outdoor adventure centre but she'd refused to give in when he had tried to cajole her into revealing where they were going. She smiled to herself as she recalled the look of surprise on Cameron's face as he had realised just what they would be doing that day. Surprise and a real charge of excitement, which had shown he was up for the challenge.

Throughout the half-hour training session and safety briefing which had followed them changing into the wetsuits, protective cagoules, buoyancy aids and helmets, Cameron had shown that he was taking to the adventure like the proverbial duck to water, learning the paddle strokes, the positioning, the commands and the emergency procedures with the rest of them. None of it was new to Ginger but she always paid close attention, helping any novices who were unsure about anything.

Coming here never ceased to restore her spirit. She enjoyed many on-the-edge activities, from abseiling to bungee-jumping, but white-water rafting was the best—getting back to the wilds, pitting her wits against the elements, running the river and enjoying the environment, sharing time with like-minded people from all walks of life who loved doing the same things she did. This river was of a lower grade, the rapids less rough than she was used to, but Cameron and others booked on the trip were not as experienced, and she really didn't mind. Being here was enough and all the rivers gave her the buzz.

Cameron's arm slid round her from behind and she couldn't prevent herself leaning back against him, resting her chin on his forearm. 'Thanks for sharing today with me, Ginger. It's fabulous. I wouldn't have missed this for anything.' His breath was warm against her wet, chilled skin.

'I'm glad you're having fun.' And she was glad he was there with her, she admitted to herself, spooked by how much she enjoyed his company, how dangerous it was to like him too much.

'I always have fun with you.'

His arm tightened briefly, his lips lingering on a strip of exposed skin of her neck between her helmet and her cagoule, making her pulse race with a whole different kind of excitement. Then he was releasing her and moving back to his place as their guide called for their attention.

'Look sharp, everyone.'

Gary, a young solicitor from Edinburgh, laughed, giving his friend and colleague who sat alongside Ginger a high-five. 'Here we go again!'


'Bring it on!'

The excited cries from others in the boat increased Ginger's anticipation as the next rapids came into view. The roar of the water increased until she could hardly hear herself think. She dug in her paddle, hanging on as the raft plunged between rocks. A shower of water hit them and she gasped for breath, revelling in the wild ride as they careered down the run.

All too soon the adventure was over. The time had gone far too quickly. Everyone agreed. The disparate group had bonded during the day's activities and now worked together with a mixture of disappointment and lingering euphoria to get the boat and equipment from the water to prepare for the journey by road back to the outdoor centre.

Ginger took off her helmet and shook out her wet, tangled hair, taken by surprise when Cameron caught hold of her, all but sweeping her off her feet as he hugged her and planted a stirring kiss on her parted lips.

Laughing, she leaned back to smile at him. He looked amazing, dark hair slicked back, his masculine frame filling out the wetsuit in a way that should be illegal. 'What was that for?' Her question was breathless, her emotions stoked from both the last couple of hours running rapids and from Cameron's nearness. It was all too easy, away from work, to forget all the reasons she shouldn't get more attached to him.

'Does there have to be a reason?' Grey eyes, darkened with the fire of enthusiasm mixed with desire, stared into her own, heating her right through. 'It could be a thank-you for a memorable adventure.' His arms tightened, the length of his body pressing against hers. 'It could just be because I can't keep my hands off you and need to kiss you.'

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