Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1)
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“Okay. Mark told me they’re going for an ‘off-site strategy meeting’ regarding Diablo Mining and the environmental disasters they are dealing with. Personally, I think it’s going to be a weekend away so they can get drunk and sit around in their boxers scratching their balls without a woman telling them they are being disgusting cavemen. Mark is going up Friday night before Sean arrives Saturday afternoon, and they will both be back Monday morning. Can you get that whole weekend off, or will you be at your parents that weekend?”

Jess considers and then replies, “I’ll see my parents this weekend so I can spend the whole weekend alone with my best friend. It has been a really long time since we did that.”

“Great. I’ll tell Mark we will take his jet and they can arrange to get to Idaho in Sean’s jet. This will be fun, and I can’t wait to spend some quality time with you. We can discuss anything and everything!”

“Yeah, it’ll be nice,” replies Jessica. “So, what’s going on with Mark and Diablo Mining?”

“Ugh. It’s a travesty. Ricardo’s cousin, Hugo, the one you met at the factory, owns Diablo Mining. Mark is finishing up a gold contract with him shortly, but Mother Earth Cooperative discovered Hugo’s company is raping the forest in Brazil to get the gold that’s part of their contract. After checking environmental laws in Brazil, it appears Diablo is within the letter of the law, but their practices are way out of line environmentally. Mother Earth Cooperative has targeted Global Metal Refining here in the United States as the financer of the unethical environmental practices and has started a media campaign aimed at exposing both organizations in hopes of creating boycotts in the U.S. Mark has assured me that he had no knowledge of these practices and as soon as the contract is completed he will never work with Diablo Mining again without drastic changes on their part. Mark is concerned because Global Metal Refining stock has suddenly become very volatile, and it affects liquidity and investor morale. Sean and Mark are devising a marketing campaign to combat all the negative press Mark is starting to get. I understand Hugo isn’t happy about how Diablo Mining is being portrayed, especially internationally. It’s just a really ugly situation for everyone involved. I’m sure Sean will work his spin magic and Global Metal Refining will emerge stronger than ever because they are such an eco-friendly organization.”

“Wow, I had no idea you and Mark were going through such an ordeal. I’m so sorry. I have been so wrapped up in all my issues that I haven’t been a very good friend,” Jess says.

“Don’t be silly, we understand. Besides, Mark and Sean have everything under control, according to Mark,” Bonnie replies.

“Of course they do, sweetie.”

“Apparently,” Bonnie continues, “things have gotten a little heated between Mark and Hugo recently, which isn’t something Mark had wanted to happen. He and Sean are going to try and devise a strategy to repair the damage that has occurred in Mark and Hugo’s working relationship due to a recent press release of Mark’s.”

Jessica is surprised. “I had no idea any of this was going on. Neither Hugo nor Sean gave any indication of friction when I was in Brazil with them.”

“That’s probably because Ricardo told both of them to behave. Ricardo and Hugo don’t really like each other, but Ricardo needs Hugo’s political and business connections, and Hugo is just kind of honorable when it comes to family,” says Bonnie. “But enough of this depressing stuff. How are the designs going? And do you have any really sexy designs for me in these new collections?”

Jessica smiles and shakes her head. “Everyone seems genuinely pleased with the new lines I’ve created, and I’m sure you’ll find something in there to drive Mark absolutely bonkers once its draped on your perfect body.”

“You’re too kind,” Bonnie scoffs. “It’s just because you are such a fabulous designer that I look so good. I can’t wait to see them. Will you bring the drawings to the villa, so I can preorder?”

“Of course. I know you just have to have your clothes before the rest of the world.”

“That’s my girl!” Bonnie says, and Jessica smiles.



ark kisses Bonnie goodbye and tells her to have a wonderful week with Jessica.

“Thanks, baby. Have a wonderful and productive weekend in McCall with Sean,” she replies. Then she double-checks Mark’s schedule to make sure she has everything right. “Okay, so you arrive in McCall this afternoon, and Sean will join you tomorrow around eleven o’clock in the morning?”

Mark says, “Yes, that’s correct.”

Bonnie nods and asks, “Then you and Sean will be home Monday afternoon sometime?”

“Correct again, my love,” Mark says, grinning at Bonnie’s concern about his schedule. “So, you and Jessica will be returning from Brazil Monday evening?”

“Yes. We hope to get back home no later than nine. Jessica has to get back to work for meetings early Tuesday, and I have the global warming symposium to attend. The one Global Metal Refining is sponsoring.” She smiles. “I love you and will see you later Monday evening. You boys behave yourselves in McCall, okay?” She winks at him.

“Yes, dear,” Mark replies, smiling, and heads for the door.

Bonnie lingers in the doorway and watches Mark’s car disappear from sight, thinking,
this is going to be such an incredible weekend catching up with Jess
. She quickly sends Mark a text that reads, “<3 <3 Text me when you land in McCall. I’ll do the same when we get to the villa.”

Mark responds with his usual “K” and smiles, knowing that answer irritates Bonnie. He immediately follows the “K” with a second text that reads, “I adore you and have a great time. All my love, darling.”

Bonnie smiles and then calls Jessica. She answers, and Bonnie says, “I’m on my way to pick you up, and we can ride to the jet together.”

Jessica sounds surprised. “I was just going to meet you there.”

“Don’t be silly. I can drop you off on the way home, since it’s on my way anyway. There’s no need to waste any more fossil fuels than necessary.”

Jessica, knowing this is just another argument she isn’t going to win, just says, “Okay, see you soon then.”

Mark arrives in McCall on time, and Bob, Sean’s groundskeeper is waiting to drive him to the house on Payette Lake. Mark sends the required text to Bonnie, even though he knows she won’t see it until after the girls arrive in Brazil. When Bob drops Mark off, Mark walks into the house, puts his stuff in the guest bedroom, fixes himself a gin and tonic with lime, and then walks out onto the deck, amazed at the beauty of the little mountain town.

Gazing out at the enormous glacier lake, he thinks,
how peaceful.
Even though he’s been visiting McCall every year since he and Sean met, he still marvels at the crystal clear water that reflects the brilliant blue sky. As he stands there pondering how good he and Sean have it in life, he notices the lake is calm and smooth, disturbed only by a single kayaker and a stationary pontoon boat about six hundred yards out on the water. Settling into a deck chair, Mark calls Sean in San Francisco, tells him he made it to McCall, and comments on his earlier reflections.

Sean nod. “Why do you think I keep that house? Its beauty always amazes me when I’m there, but what actually amazes me more than the scenery is the silence when you’re sitting on the deck.”

There’s a pause, then Mark replies, “Wow, you’re right. No sirens, airplanes, or car horns. How nice.”

Sean just chuckles. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning at about eleven.”

Bonnie and Jessica land in Brazil at midnight, Pacific Standard Time. Bonnie replies to Mark’s text with, “We just landed and are heading to the villa now.”

Mark responds with, “Glad you made it. I’m heading to bed. Will call you tomorrow evening. I love you.”

Bonnie replies, “I love you, too. We are going to sleep a little since we both barely slept on the plane, then we plan on enjoying the pool and as much tequila as we want ;).”

Mark chuckles, then replies, “Good night, my love. Enjoy each other’s company.”

Bonnie responds, “Don’t work too hard this weekend. Kisses, goodnight.”

Mark’s response is a typical “K.” Bonnie just groans and puts her phone in her purse.

Mark awakens at seven o’clock the next morning, fixes himself a cup of French press coffee, and takes a seat on the deck. Once again, he marvels at the serenity and the glass-like appearance of the water. This morning, there are no disturbances to the lake’s surface, except for the same unmoving pontoon boat. Mark wonders if the boat was there all night or if one of the locals just enjoys being out on the water enough to get up and get out this early. He smiles a peaceful smile, takes his first sip of coffee, and a moment later he is dead.

There is a slightly muffled sound as the suppressed .308 caliber round exits the barrel, and at almost that precise moment, it strikes Mark Stevens in the forehead, slightly above his right eyebrow. The sniper watches through the scope for the pink mist and listens for the telltale breaking of glass from the window of the living room as the round exits Mark’s skull, carrying with it the pieces of his brain. Scanning the deck, the sniper smiles as he surveys his handiwork. Mark slumps in the chair, the same peaceful smile still on his face. His coffee cup is lying sideways on the deck, devoid of its contents, and brain fragments and blood drip from the back of what was once his skull.

The snipers folds the tarp he had laid down prior to the shot in on itself, successfully containing potential gunshot reside, and places it into his small duffel bag. Starting the pontoon boat, he slowly chugs across the water toward North Beach. In the middle of the area of the lake commonly known as the Narrows, he judges from his previous study of the topography that it is the deepest part of the lake. Unnoticeably, he slips the suppressed .308 rifle over the side and into the water. He watches it as it disappears from sight, resting assured that the murder weapon will reach the unfathomable bottom, some three-hundred-plus feet below the surface. He cruises around the islands of the Narrows and moors the boat back in its slip at the marina. He removes his latex gloves, placing them in his duffel bag, then picks the bag up and walks calmly to the vehicle he parked in the upper parking lot on Mill Street. He starts the vehicle and slips away in the early morning mist, completely undetected.

Bonnie sends Mark a text wishing him a good morning while she and Jessica lounge by the pool, sipping mimosas. Bonnie doesn’t concern herself when Mark doesn’t respond immediately, figuring he might be engaged in work or lounging at the beach. Besides, Bonnie is engrossed in questioning Jessica about her feelings for Sean. Bonnie listens intently as Jessica wrestles with her emotions and words, attempting to describe her feelings.

“A relationship between the two of us would never work,” Jessica says, fiddling with the bottom of her champagne glass. “We’re business partners for God’s sake—”

At this point, Bonnie interrupts, saying, “That is such bullshit, and you know it, girl. I was Mark’s executive temp girl when we became romantically involved,
he was married at the time.”

“I know, but you and I are so different in this area,” protests Jessica.

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