Authors: Kimberly Schwartzmiller

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The next few weeks were still strained between Kellan and me, but it was getting better all the time. Each time we talked it was more like old times. I still loved him, and I knew I always would. But, I knew that he didn’t feel the same about me, so I forced myself to move on.

“Hey Abby, I um, I was wondering if you had a date for prom?” Justin Copeland asked me. I was stunned. He was the quarterback of our varsity football team, and he was dating the head cheerleader Victoria Jefferson.

“I um, I hadn’t planned on going. Aren’t you going with Victoria?”

“We broke up…I figured that you knew. It was all over the school three seconds after it happened.” He wasn’t trying to sound self-important; he just knew how fast news traveled through a high school. As far as good looking jocks go, he seemed to be a really nice guy, and I was flattered.

Tyler stood there, looking like he wanted to kill Justin. We had grown a lot closer since the incident with Kellan and as I looked into his eyes, I knew he wanted to ask me to go with him. And, even though I swore to myself that I’d never go to another stupid dance, I found myself volunteering to be Tyler’s date.

“I um, I appreciate the offer, really, but um, I kind of already have a date, I think.”

“Oh, I should have known. He’s a lucky guy.” He smiled at me and slowly walked away. I knew he’d have no problem finding a date, so I didn’t feel too bad in turning him down. 

walked me to my next class, as usual, but this time he didn’t utter a word.

“You’re really quiet. I think that’s the quietest you’ve ever been since the day I met you,” I said, smiling up at this now, very tall, very handsome senior.

“I guess I just don’t have anything to say.”

I knew he was fretting over what I told Justin, but I wasn’t sure how to tell him that I’d be his date…if he still wanted me to.

He handed me my books and then started to walk away. He took two steps and then turned back to me suddenly. “Who is he?” he asked, blocking the doorway as other kids were trying to get into the room before the bell rang.

“Who’s who?” I asked.

“Mr. Wills, don’t you have a class now?” Señor Marquez said to Tyler and pointed down the hall.

He nodded and said, “I’ll um, I’ll see you later.” 

I started to head out the door, but Señor Marquez had other plans and blocked my path. I sighed and sat down at the table and pulled out my Spanish book.

We didn’t see each other for two more periods and then it was finally lunch. Like usual,
Tyler met me at my locker and we headed to the cafeteria together. But, once again, he was quiet.

Finally, when I could no longer stand the silence, I said, “
Tyler, what’s wrong? Are you angry about the prom?”

He was trying desperately to keep his temper in check, but he finally shouted, “Who are you going to prom with?”

Before I could answer, he continued, “I mean, I know you don’t really want to date, but I thought we were good friends…and friends tell each other if they’re going to the prom…with someone else,” he said, ending on a quiet note, angry and embarrassed over his sudden outburst.

Tyler, I um, I just thought that…you’d like to ask me, but you hadn’t had time, yet.”

He sat down next to me and said, “You mean, you’d go…with me?”

“Why not?”

“Well, after the last dance, when you didn’t have any fun, I thought…”

“I had fun with you. I just felt out of place. You’re a senior, and you should go to prom.”

“So, you’re just volunteering because you think
should go?”

“No, I’d like to go with you…be your date,” I said softly, looking up at him slowly.

“Date? But, you don’t date,” he said.

“I um, I think that’s kind of what we’ve been doing, isn’t it?” I blushed.

“I don’t know, I didn’t think you felt that way about me. I know you still…have feelings for Kellan.”

“He doesn’t love me like that. It’s time I moved on. You’re a great guy, Tyler. Any girl would be lucky to go to prom with you. So, do I need to buy a dress, or what?” I smiled.

“Hell, yes!” he smiled from ear to ear. “Sorry, I know you don’t like swearing,” he said looking contrite which made me laugh at him.

was obviously excited about the prom, and he couldn’t sit still, so I finally sent him to get a couple of milk’s from the lunch line. While he was gone, Braydon Thomas walked up to me and said, “Hi Abby. I was um, just wondering if you would like to go to prom with me?”

was standing right behind him and stopped when he heard one of the most popular guys in school ask me to the prom. He looked like he thought I might actually say yes, even though, not five minutes before I said I’d go with him. I knew I had put him through a lot over the last year and a half and I guess I felt I owed him and I knew he was a great guy. He was wonderful, and even though quite a few guys had asked me to go with them, I knew just as many girls had asked Tyler to go with them.

I knew I had been foolish to almost let this great guy slip away, so I took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry, Braydon, but I’m going…with my boyfriend, Tyler.”

“Oh, I just thought…it’s okay. I didn’t know you guys were an official couple. Well, then I guess I’ll see you there. I’m sure you’ll be easy to spot as the most beautiful girl there.”

“That’s nice of you to say. Thanks.”

“Just telling it like it is. I hope Tyler knows how lucky he is,” he smiled.

“Trust me, he does,”
Tyler said from directly behind Braydon.

Braydon turned around and said, “If um, you ever need someone to take her off your hands…you know who to call.”

Tyler stared at me, ignoring Braydon’s comment. When we were finally sitting alone at the table, Tyler said, “Was I dreaming, or did you call me your boyfriend?” He hadn’t touched his food or drink; he was just sitting there, staring at me.

“What else should I call you? Look, I’m not really…ready for…anything, but I do know that I care about you. I want to be with you, go places together, laugh with you. You make me happy, and if you still feel the same way for me, then yes, I’d be proud to be your girlfriend.”

He looked at me and I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but he knew I wasn’t ready for that. Besides, we were in the school cafeteria which was certainly no place for a first kiss. He didn’t say anything; he just pulled me close and hugged me. He rested his chin on the top of my head and I could feel his heart pounding as I leaned in and rested my head on his chest.

walked me home from school that day and as he stood on my porch, he couldn’t stop smiling.

“I should probably go in, now,” I smiled back.

“Yeah, okay. Um, so I guess we should probably go shopping for a dress this weekend.”

“We?” I grinned.

“Well, yeah, I mean, if you want.”

“I thought you weren’t supposed to see the dress until prom. Aren’t we just supposed to choose a color so we sort of…match?”

“Yeah, but I know Nancy won’t take you shopping, so…”

“I’m a big girl. I think I can buy a dress on my own,” I grinned.

“Oh, okay. Well, what color of tux should I rent?”

“I um, I don’t know yet. I haven’t had time to find a dress…since this afternoon,” I laughed.

“Oh, yeah. Um, do you need some money?”

“No, I have some money that Kell…I have some saved.”

“It’s okay to talk about him, Abby. I know you still love him.”

“Yes, I do. I’m sorry, but it’s true. But, I’m learning to love someone else…too,” I smiled.

He leaned down to kiss me…our first kiss. I wasn’t ready and just as I started to pull away; Nancy opened the front door and yelled at me to get inside. I was angry and grateful at the same time. I wasn’t ready to kiss him, but I was still irritated that she stood there screaming at me on the porch in front of Tyler.

“I um, I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” I said, mortified by
Nancy’s behavior, even though it was her normal behavior and I should have expected it.

“Yeah, okay. Bye Abby, goodbye Mrs. Filbert.”

“Goodnight, Tyler!” Nancy snapped.

I walked inside and got a ten minute lecture on the sins of kissing, and how it leads to even more sinful things.

“I haven’t kissed anyone. I haven’t done
!” I shouted back at my ‘holier than thou’ foster mother.

“I should hope not. Now, go to your room!”

I knew she thought sending me to my room was punishment, but I didn’t mind it in the least, in fact, I preferred it to being anywhere near Nancy or Joe.

The next night, Tyler and I went on our first official date as a couple. Spending time with him didn’t seem any different than before to me, but he seemed different. He was working harder at trying to make sure that I had a good time. He kept opening doors for me and taking my arm to lead the way. When he opened the car door for me to drive me home, I couldn’t stand it anymore and I finally said, “Tyler, knock it off, would you?”

“What?” he asked, shocked.

“You don’t have to open every door for me…and you don’t have to…I don’t know, just stop. We’re still the same, right?” I asked him, not really wanting things to change.

“I’m sorry, I just, well, I’ve never had a girlfriend that I cared so much about.”

“You’ve had other girlfriends?” I
was shocked to hear that from him, although I didn’t know why, all the girls seemed to go out of their way to talk and flirt with him.

“Well, yeah…a few. But, I’ve always just wanted you.”

“When did you have a girlfriend?”

“I’ve been with a few girls. You know, while you were um…”

“Pining away for Kellan?”


“I guess I was being silly.”

“Loving someone isn’t silly. Abby, it’s only you now, you know that, right?”

“Yes, I know.”

He sat down close to me and took my hand in his and said, “I love you, Abby. I know you don’t feel that way for me right now, but I hope you will. I’m so happy right now...”

“But?” I asked when I noticed he looked like it wasn’t going to last.

“I just…”

“You just what?” I asked.

“I just keep waiting for Kellan to come home and realize that he made a mistake.”

“A mistake?”

“Yeah, he already loves you, and once he sees you…now, he’s not going to think of you as his little sister anymore.”

I hoped he was right, I prayed he was right, but I couldn’t tell him that. “I still don’t understand why you…want me.”

“You still don’t get it, do you? Abby, you’re perfect. You’re beautiful and sweet and smart, and you never say an unkind word against anyone…even your horrible foster parents. You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met.”

I stared up at him, shocked by his admission and then thought about what he said about how he’d been with a few girls. “What did you mean when you said you’ve
with a few girls?” I blushed.

“I just…I mean, yeah, I’ve been with…a couple…” he looked away ashamed.

I didn’t know what to say. I thought we were both equal in that area. I couldn’t find my voice, I just stared ahead.

“Does it matter, Abby? I mean, I’m a guy and, well, guys are…well…”

“I know. Kellan told me.”

“He told you what?”

“He told me what guys want…from girls. He bought me a book,” I blushed again, “I don’t blame you, but um, I’m not…”

“I’m not asking, Abby. I don’t expect anything you’re not ready to give.”

“I know. I just thought that we…”

“You thought that we, what?” he asked.

“Nothing, never mind.”

He pulled my face back up to his and said, “You thought I was a virgin…too?”

I pulled away and nodded.

“Does it bother you? I mean, I would’ve waited…for you, but, I honestly never thought we’d be more than just friends.”

“It’s okay, I guess. It doesn’t matter.” Images from the book Kellan bought me flashed through my mind again, but this time it wasn’t Kellan doing those things, it was Tyler…and I realized at that moment, I didn’t like that, either.

“What book?” he asked me.


“You said Kellan bought you a book?”

“Nancy um, never told me anything about…anything, and she took me out of health class, so Kellan bought me a book.”

“Oh. I’m sorry that you didn’t have anyone to talk to.”

“I did. I had Kellan.”

“Yeah, but that couldn’t have been too comfortable, for either of you.”

“It was okay. He had to explain…a few things, and finally, he just bought me the book.”

“Do you still have it?”

“No, Nancy found it and took it away a long time ago. Why?”

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