Trinity Falls (16 page)

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Authors: Regina Hart

BOOK: Trinity Falls
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The early December evening was cold. A crisp breeze ruffled Megan's hair. He reached up and tucked the tormented strands behind her right ear. “Do you finally believe I've returned to Trinity Falls for good?”
Megan smiled. “Let's say I'm willing to consider the proposition.”
He was two for three. “Maybe this will help convince you.” He drew her into his embrace and lowered his mouth to hers.
Megan's keys fell onto the steps. The sound pulled Ean back to his senses.
“I'm sorry.” He crouched to pick up her keys, then straightened to open the door.
“I'm not.” Megan led him into her home. She locked the door and tossed her keys onto the chaise lounge on the far side of her foyer.
That surprised him. He hooked his jacket onto her coat tree. “Anyone could have seen us, kissing on your doorstep.”
Megan stripped off her coat and hung it beside Ean's. “Ean, by now, everyone knows we're sleeping together. If they don't, they're just fooling themselves.”
“Is that right?” Ean crossed his arms as he tried to get a read on Megan. She'd been cool and professional during the association meeting, quiet on the walk home. Now she was playful. Why?
“Um-hmm.” She stepped closer to him. “And I'll tell you something else. You can't kiss a woman senseless, then apologize and try to change the subject.”
Ean's body responded to the heat gathering in Megan's eyes. “Is that what happened? I kissed you senseless?”
Megan unfolded his arms. “You know you did. Would you like to do it again?”
Ean didn't need to be asked twice. She met him halfway, her mouth parted, lips moist. He swept his tongue inside and felt her sigh. Her body melted against his. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her slender waist. Seconds—or was it minutes?—later he felt her tugging at his clothes.
He stepped back and pulled his sweater off, letting it drop beside their feet. Megan reached for his belt buckle. Something between a chuckle and a groan rumbled in his chest. “Do you need help?”
“I don't think so.” Her voice was shaky.
“Then let me help you with yours.” Ean pulled her sweater over her head, then kissed her deeply as he slipped two fingers into her waistband to unbutton her pants. Her stomach muscles fluttered beneath his touch.
They kissed and stripped their way to the staircase. Ean paused to take the condoms from his wallet. By the time they reached Megan's bedroom, they were naked and thoroughly aroused.
Megan pressed Ean onto her mattress, then straddled him. She arched a brow. “I hope you brought more than one condom tonight.”
“Big talker.” Ean handed her the unopened packets.
She sat up, stretching her lithe, nude body toward her nightstand, tossing the packets onto the surface. Ean's mouth watered.
He reached out to trace her hip. “I love watching you, with or without your clothes.”
“I love watching you, too.”
His smile faded as she traced his erection. She leaned closer to kiss him. Ean caressed her breasts, loving the feel of the soft, warm weight in his hands. He caressed their curves and she moved against him. He pinched their nipples and she pressed closer to him. His erection flexed into her stomach.
Ean held her tighter, shifting on the mattress to put her beneath him. They explored each other, tracing pulses and pleasure points. A kiss, a touch, a taste. Foreplay that carried them to the edge of the tide.
“Are you ready for me?” Ean's throat was dry. He slipped a finger inside her.
“Yes.” Megan sighed.
Ean reached for a condom on her nightstand. He felt Megan's small hand clasp his manhood and guide him into her mouth. Her maneuver caught him off guard.
“Just making sure you're ready for me.” She held his gaze and licked her lips.
“I'm ready, wicked woman.” Ean sheathed himself with the condom.
Megan reached for him. He wrapped her in his embrace, pressing her back into the mattress. He worked his way down her body, pausing to kiss her breasts, lick her torso, tease her navel and caress her hips. He loved the warmth of her body beneath his lips. He could grow drunk on the sweet, soft taste of her flesh. Her moans and sighs encouraged him. She was so responsive to his touch. Megan made him feel needed, as well as wanted.
Ean stopped at the juncture of her thighs. He looked at her again. Her cheeks were flushed. Her eyes were closed. A dreamy expression had settled on her lovely features. Ean lay between her legs, cupped her hips and raised them to his mouth. He worked her sensitive spot with his tongue, starting slowly, then speeding up. He kissed her deeply, then with quick nips. Megan reacted with gasps and pants and moans of pleasure, which fueled his desire. Her body moved in time with the speed he set. Ean drew back, caressing her gently with a soothing touch. He pulled himself up and over her, leaning in to kiss her. Catching him off guard again, Megan pushed him onto his back and straddled his thighs.
She was hungry for control. She wanted to give free rein to the desire that was always just under the surface when she was near Ean. He looked at her and she grew warm. He smiled and she wanted to jump his bones.
She leaned forward to position Ean's erection at her entrance. Her breasts hovered just above his lips. Ean raised his head to take one into his mouth. Megan gasped at the feel of his tongue circling her nipple, his teeth grazing the hardening nub.
She straightened away from him. “Don't distract me.” Her words emerged on puffs of breath.
Ean's smile turned into a groan as she lowered herself onto his erection. “You're so hot, so wet.”
Megan inhaled sharply. “That's what you do to me.”
Ean's hands moved over her body, caressing her breasts, tracing her hips, gripping her thighs. Megan alternated her rhythm—slowing down to savor his every inch, moving faster to bring him more pleasure. Loving the feel of him inside her.
She leaned forward to cover his mouth with hers. She stroked his tongue, teasing it and sucking it. She moved her lips to his neck, licking and tasting his skin. Ean held her hips, moving her closer, faster. His breaths came in pants.
Megan was close, but she wanted it to last longer. “Not yet.”
And then he touched her, slipping his finger between their joining. Her hips quickened on their own. Megan heard her pulse pounding in her ears. Her blood swept through her veins. Her back arched. Her breasts strained toward the ceiling. She gasped as her muscles flexed and burned. Ean drove into her, lifting her higher and higher as he kept pace with her urgency. Drawing closer and closer, pulling tighter and tighter. Then her pleasure crashed over her, shaking her body from the inside out.
Ean thrust one last time and found his release. His body bowed and shuddered. She collapsed onto Ean's chest. His strong arms came around her, holding her closer as their bodies shook together.
“That was cheating.” Megan made the accusation to Ean's neck.
“That wasn't cheating. It was strategy.” Ean used the same response she'd given him when he'd accused her of cheating during their foot race.
Megan chuckled. “Well played.”
She rolled off of Ean and curled up beside him. Already half asleep, she felt Ean tuck her closer to him. She was safe and sated in his arms. Could they make this last forever?
“Whose idea was this five-mile run?” Megan picked up the pace to keep up with Ean.
“Yours.” Ean tossed a smile her way before wiping the sweat from his brow.
“It had seemed like a good idea at the time.” That was before she realized the former college quarterback could outrun her on one leg.
The trail was getting brighter as the sun rose above the park. The cool air was perfect for their Thursday-morning jog, during this first week of December. Who knew how many outdoor runs she'd have the rest of the year?
“Do you need me to slow down?”
Did she detect a taunt in Ean's question? “No, I'm fine. Don't speed up.” Pride goeth before a fall—or a total collapse.
He chuckled. “I promise.”
They jogged in silence for a while. The scent of morning dew, fresh earth and pine trees were some of the reasons she enjoyed running in the morning. She also loved the scenery along the winding path, thick old trees and lush bushes.
“I had an idea about the town center.” Ean interrupted her musings.
“Yeah? What?” She could barely puff out her responses.
A drop of perspiration trailed the side of Ean's chiseled features and slid along his sharp jawline. Megan wanted to trace its path with her fingertip. She resisted the urge. Barely.
“Why doesn't the Trinity Falls Town Center Business Owners Association buy it?”
They looped the halfway point of their run and started back toward Megan's home. The end was near. Thank goodness.
She dabbed perspiration from her upper lip with the back of her wrist. “Considered that. Couldn't afford it.”
Ean seemed to slow his pace. “But there are six of us now.”
“Some of the owners are struggling to pay their rent.” Megan drew in a deep breath. “It would be too much of a hardship. Our best chance is a new mayor.”
“But not you.”
“Not me.”
“You'd be good at it.”
Megan liked the way he saw her, even if his vision was skewed. “I can lead a group, not a town.”
“So you say.” He didn't sound convinced. He didn't sound winded, either.
They slipped into another comfortable silence as their steady strides carried them up the winding path.
“What about you? You won't reconsider?” Megan glanced at Ean. Was this run even challenging to him?
“My future isn't in politics. Who else can we consider?”
“I have an idea.”
“So you've said. Who?”
“Doreen.” Megan braced for Ean's reaction.
“My mother? Why?” He didn't sound ready to jump on Doreen's campaign train. Megan hadn't thought he would.
“She's helped affect changes in a lot of community services—local schools, the volunteer fire department.” Megan took a moment to catch her breath. “Ramona takes credit for the lights along this trail, but they were your mother's idea.”
“Ms. Helen told me about that.” He still didn't sound convinced. “I don't want my mother involved in politics.”
“Why not?”
“I don't want the people of this town calling open season on my mother's personal life.” There was anger around the edges of his voice. His pace increased. “I don't want her to be the subject of rumors, gossip and innuendos. She's a good person. She deserves her privacy.”
He was right. Still . . . “Isn't this Doreen's decision?”
Ean started to speak, then stopped. “You're right.”
“I'll ask her today.”
“Fine. She won't agree.”
“We'll see.” Megan smiled.
That sounded like wishful thinking on Ean's part, but he'd had to contend with a lot of changes in his mother's life—her new boyfriend, her new job. How would he handle his mother's role as mayoral candidate?
“You don't stand a chance running against me for mayor. You know that.” Ramona's overly confident words came from Megan's bookstore office doorway Thursday afternoon.
Megan lowered her pen and looked toward her cousin. “What makes you think I'm running against you?”
“That's your plan, isn't it?” Ramona strode into Megan's office. The ankle-length skirt of her emerald green business suit hugged her slim hips and thighs under her faux-fur coat. “You think that electing a new mayor will save the center.”
“How do you know that?” Megan searched her mind for the source of Ramona's intel.
“Come on, Meggie.”
“Don't call me that.”
Ramona shed her coat. She sank into the teal blue upholstered chair in front of Megan's mahogany-laminated desk. “No one in Trinity Falls can keep a secret. You know that.”
“Who would have shared that particular secret with you?” Only members of the business association knew their plan to identify a challenger for Ramona.
“Does it matter who told me?”
Yes, it does.
“No, I guess not. But what makes you think your reelection is guaranteed?”
Ramona hugged her coat in her lap like a pet. “The people in this town won't vote against me. They're afraid of what I can do to them socially.”
“They should be more concerned with whether you'll serve a full term. The fact that you're planning to leave Trinity Falls at your first opportunity is not a secret, either.”
Ramona's self-assured smile faded. “Leave the town politics to me. You'd be better off figuring out what to do about the bookstore.”
“You mean
bookstore? Our grandparents left it to both of us. Why are you trying to destroy it?”
Temper flared in Ramona's eyes. “I'm not. I'm trying to improve the town.”
Megan studied her cousin in silence. “What is it that you want, Ramona? To run the town or leave it? You can't have it both ways. Trinity Falls needs a mayor who'll stay.”
Confusion nudged out irritation in Ramona's dark eyes. Her gaze shifted. Did she even know what she wanted? “I have plans for this town—”
“How long will you be here to enjoy them?” Megan relaxed back into her seat, enjoying her cousin's discomfort. It was nice to turn the tables on Ramona.
“Are you going to make loyalty your campaign platform?” Ramona cocked her head. “I don't think that will go over well, considering you're my cousin. That's taking family feuds a bit far, don't you think?”
Just that quickly, Megan's enjoyment faded. “We may not be close—”
“No, we aren't.”
“But you're my cousin.” Megan ignored Ramona's interruption. “I care about you. And I care about Trinity Falls. If you were honest with yourself, you'd admit that you're not making changes to the center for the town's sake. You're doing it for yourself.”

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