Treasured (8 page)

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Authors: Crystal Jordan

Tags: #pirate time travel romance

BOOK: Treasured
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She nodded and obeyed. Her vocal cords had seized, and she couldn’t force any sound out. The way her thighs brushed as she walked to him only increased her desire. His hands fitted around her hips to haul her over him as soon as she was in reach. Her legs straddled his and he lifted her to set her on the hot length of his cock. Her teeth clenched as she sank down on him. God, he was so big. It was still an adjustment for her to fit all of him inside her. Her pussy stretched wide as he filled her. The pressure of his thrust within her was almost painful, but she craved it. Craved him. All he could give her and more.

Her thighs tensed as she lifted, then lowered herself. Up, down. Up. Down. Faster and faster, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. She braced her hands on his broad shoulders for leverage. His fingers bit into her hips as he guided her through their carnal dance. She rotated her hips, changing rhythm. He groaned, and a sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead. She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his mouth up to kiss her.

He shoved his tongue between her lips, made the kiss a rough demand. She met his ardor with her own, mating their mouths together in a play of lips and teeth and tongue. He nipped at her lower lip, biting the swollen flesh. She moaned and shivered.

His fingers slid around to dive between her legs. He worked her clit in time with his pounding thrusts. She threw her head back and cried out. Her hands tightened in his long hair, fisting in the soft strands. He pressed down directly on her swollen clitoris and rammed his cock deep, once, twice, three times and went rigid beneath her. Pleasure exploded within her and her pussy contracted to milk his dick. His wetness filled her, flooded her, and she shuddered in another wave of orgasm.

She collapsed in his arms and he caught her to his chest. He shifted them until they lay side by side on the bed. She rolled to her back and tried to catch her breath. A bead of sweat slid between her breasts and she shivered at the feel of it tracing over her skin. She heaved a deep sigh, relaxing.

“You know what I find fascinating about the female form?” James rolled up onto his elbow to lean over her.

She laughed and stretched her arms over her head. “Everything?”

“Well, there is that. But specifically, I was speaking of the feminine ability to achieve pleasure again and again without the need to pause.”

“Oh.” She quivered under his hot, possessive gaze. Just like that her body flashed from languid satisfaction to desperate hunger. What would he do to her this time? The unexpectedness of his passion made him so appealing. She never knew what he’d do to her, how he’d push her limits, but she knew she’d enjoy it.

His hand locked her wrists together, and fluids slicked the folds of her pussy. He reached over and hooked his finger in the candleholder beside the bed. Was he going to fuck her with the candle again? She moaned, her hips already lifting for the penetration.

“Ah, ah, ah.” He clucked his tongue in admonishment. “Not so fast.”

She swallowed and tried to still her hips, but they twisted on the bedding. “Please, James.”

“Begging now? I like that. Begging is very good. I want more.”

.” Her eyes went wide when he brought the candle over her belly. “What are you—”

A small squeak erupted from her throat when he tipped the candle to drip the hot wax onto her skin. She jumped at the sting, but it quickly cooled. A shiver overtook her and pleasure zinged straight to her sex. He stayed where he was, watching her, assessing her reaction. He waited to see what she would do. God, she loved that. He pushed her limits, but respected that she had them. Her pulse sped up and she saw his pupils had dilated.

“Do it again,” she whispered.

A fierce smile curved his lips and his white teeth flashed. “Wild lady.”

“You bring out the worst in me.”

a pirate.” He tipped the candle again and another drop fell. Her muscles tensed, waiting. Would it hurt more? Would it feel as good? She wanted to close her eyes and savor it, but his pale gaze locked with hers and they watched each other’s enjoyment.

She arched on the bed as he left a trail of wax up her torso. Her body throbbed at the combination of pleasure and pain. Her knees spread wide and her heels braced on the bed. Fire raged inside her, building with the heat of the wax. Each drop increased her desire and she sobbed on a ragged breath. When the hot wax fell on the puckered tip of her nipple, her hips rose, her pussy fisting on nothing.

Still, it wasn’t enough for her. She needed more. She needed him. Moving inside her, fucking her with ruthless force. The thought alone was enough to send cream trickling down her inner thighs. “James. Please. I want—”

“I know.” He set the candle aside and mounted her, the head of his hard cock rubbing against the sensitive tissue of her sex.

Her hips rose sharply to impale herself on his cock. He stretched her wide and the walls of her pussy contracted on his length. “Yes.
. Please.”

He rode her hard, ground himself against her clit. Her fingers clawed his back and he grunted at the bite of her nails on his skin. Pleasure flashed in his eyes. He liked this. She grinned up at him, lifting her hips to match the hot, fast rhythm he set for them. With deliberate movements, she raked her nails from his shoulders to his buttocks and then grabbed his ass to urge him along.

She rocketed over into orgasm, flying hard and fast. But her eyes never left James’s face. They watched each other race to pleasure; only their harsh breathing broke the silence between them. It echoed in the small room as the humid night air wrapped around them.

“Rebecca. My Rebecca. I—” His eyes closed for a moment, and his back bowed as he came. He shuddered, his come filling her.

She wrapped her arms tight around his back, laying her palms flat on his bare skin. He rolled them until she lay on his chest, her legs straddling his lean hips. He yawned, his ribs expanding. She could hear his heartbeat under her ear as it settled down to a slow, even rhythm. Her eyes fluttered closed. This was perfection. Right here. With him. Nothing had ever felt so good…so
. Sweet contentment filled her.

“I love you,” she breathed, and let herself drift into dreamless slumber.




A flurry of activity overtook the ship as it always did when they left port. James had traded the goods taken from the last galleon they’d pillaged, and
The Dark Fortune’
s holds were full with legitimate trade goods. He might be a pirate, but he wouldn’t turn down honest trade if it came his way. Money was money, and he had men to feed and a ship to keep maintained.

He refused to think about Rebecca and what she’d said to him last evening before they’d fallen asleep. He had no idea how he’d handle her, or what was happening between them. Instead, he focused on the familiar routine of loading cargo, and kept a weather eye on the men working. The first day back on board was always rough—there would be hot tempers aplenty from a night spent overindulging. He’d taken on new men to replace the few he’d lost on this journey, and new men meant a re-sorting of the pecking order amongst the crew.

“Thank you for the dress. It’s beautiful.” Rebecca tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow and leaned her shoulder against his arm. He allowed himself a small moment to revel in the feel of her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“You wanted it.”

“True, but you didn’t have to buy it. So, thank you for that…and the other thing.” He glanced down at her and noted that she fixed her stare on the horizon. A crimson wash of color rose on her cheeks.

He grinned and couldn’t resist teasing her. “You mean the oil? Vanilla is the scent you prefer, is it not?”

Her blush deepened. “I like it.”

“Good. I’ll use it on you tonight.” Lowering his voice so that only she could hear him, he stroked his palm over the curve of her buttocks.

“I—I…W-where are we going next?” She turned a brilliant smile on him, but he noticed her blush hadn’t faded. His gaze dropped to her breasts to see that her nipples stood in high relief against her shirt. And it was her shirt—he’d bought her more than just the dress. He wanted to see her in the red silk, and couldn’t wait to strip her out of it. Tonight. He’d make her wear it for him while they ate their evening meal. His cock stiffened at the thought. God, would he ever get enough of this woman? He was coming to doubt it, and that worried him.

He lifted his gaze to hers slowly before he answered. “Barbados.”

She went rigid against his side. “Barbados? What’s there?”

The look in her eyes made him feel as though he’d slapped her across the face. She pulled away from him, and his gut clenched. Her expression went blank before she turned away from him, her arms wrapped around her waist. She hadn’t shied away from his touch in weeks. Had someone told her about Barbados? He hadn’t yet said anything to her about his plantation. He realized he’d been avoiding making a final decision on it—much had changed since he’d made his original decision. If he didn’t tell her, he didn’t have to deal with her reaction to it. He also had the option to change his mind once he got to Barbados.

“Rebecca? What is wrong?”

He heard her draw a deep breath. “Nothing…nothing. I’m fine. I’m going to go see if I can help…someone.”

Not even glancing at him, she stepped towards the stairs that led to the main deck. He balled his fists, sudden anger flooding him. She
him. He’d heard the words from her lips. The knowledge of it warmed his insides. He tried to suppress it. Others who should have stood by him, loved him, had turned their backs on him when he needed them most. How could he know she wouldn’t do the same?

How did he know she would? He didn’t, but he knew he couldn’t allow her to pull away from him. That he would not tolerate. She was
. Hot possession filled him. He reached out to haul her flush up against him. His fingers wrapped around her arms and he jerked her to him. He slanted his mouth over hers, demanding a response. She resisted for a moment before she slid her arms around his neck and stood on her toes to arch into him. Yes, that was the reaction he’d come to expect from her.

He groaned against her mouth, his tongue sweeping between her lips to taste her. He shuddered as her slim fingers slid against his scalp. His cock hardened almost painfully at the soft whimper that sounded from her throat. If he didn’t stop now, he’d take her right here on the deck without a care for who might be watching. His control held by the barest thread.

He jerked back, panting. Her eyes opened, the warm brown of them dazed. “What was that for?”

turn away from me.” His voice came out rougher than he’d intended, a command, a demand.

She blinked up at him for a moment before relief flashed in her gaze and a beatific smile spread across her face. “I won’t.” Her fingers stroked over his cheek to cup his jaw. He tilted his face into her touch. “I’m with you. But I am going to go help. All right?”

His chest squeezed as he watched her walk away. If it kicked him this hard to have her leave his side, what would it be like to watch her fade on the horizon as he sailed away? The danger of his chosen profession hadn’t abated. How could he continue to expose her to that? What was he going to do with her?

The Dark Fortune
shuddered beneath his feet, the deck creaking as her sails caught wind and began to move them away from Port Royal.

He barked orders to get them under way, and the sea beckoned as they left land behind. He couldn’t stop the question that nagged him. What was he going to do with Rebecca? The sea didn’t hold the answer for him. He was caught between what he wanted and what he knew was right. The sense of duty he’d thought long dead to anyone but the men under his command had chosen a damnably poor time to rear its head.

Ten days. He had roughly ten days until they reached Barbados, and still the question ricocheted through his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, but nothing would stop it.
What was he going to do with her?

Chapter 5

Becca’s muscles ached by the time
The Dark Fortune
moved out into open sea. She heaved a sigh of relief when Jamaica was no more than a fading speck on the horizon. Having never spent more than a few hours at a time sailing, she was amazed at how well she’d adjusted to the roll of the deck beneath her feet and the wind that whipped her hair into her eyes. She hadn’t even gotten seasick.

A calm order issued from the rear of the ship. James had taken the helm from Boyd about an hour ago so the short, tubby little man could get something to eat. It had been a long day for all of them, and she wished for her bed. And for James to be in it with her. She heaved a long sigh. Bones McCrory had been right about
The Fortune
sailing for Barbados, but not about James leaving her there. Why else would he have been so possessive, so demanding that she not turn away from him? It had to mean something. He had to
. She didn’t delude herself into believing that he loved her. The man had had his family and his country turn their collective backs on him. He wasn’t going to trust her enough to love her after a few weeks, but if he left her on Barbados she’d never get the chance to convince him.

Her lips twisted. What if it wasn’t real? She
him. She
it to be real. She’d rather be crazy than live without him now. It didn’t matter how it had happened, she wasn’t about to walk away from something this wonderful. How many times did a woman find a man like James Morrow? Almost never. So what if he was a figment of her imagination? She’d take that risk. A wry grin spread over her face. Maybe she was more of a pirate than she’d ever dreamed possible. It was one thing to gamble her life on a dream, but her heart? Now that was real danger.

“What’s funny?”

She turned as Murdoch approached. “Nothing worth repeating. How’re the new crewmen?”

He grunted. “Nothing special. I’ll ’ave ’em dancing to my jig right enough.”

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