Too Close To The Fire/Too Hot To Handle (Montana Men 3) (8 page)

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inside her, but simply nestled between her legs—and God it felt good. He moved,
rubbing his cock along her clit. She clenched her thighs when she felt his arms
glide around her waist and his fingers part her throbbing channel. “Open wider
for me,” he whispered.

felt helpless to do anything except what he commanded. He slid two fingers
inside, worked them deeper and rubbed her aching channel. He toyed and teased
her clit, and the entire tire, he slid his cock back and forth between her
legs. The dragging pressure along her wet channel from his swollen cock made
squirm with urgent need.

pumped her hips desperately. She moaned and clawed her fingers into his wrist.
He thrust his fingers faster and faster, paused to toy with her clit. Dianna
screamed with pleasure, bucked harder. Her body shook like a giant oak about to
be felled. She shuddered and rode out every aftershock of her orgasm. “Oh,
God,” she cried breathlessly.

explosions rippled through her again and again until finally she relaxed in his
arms. Her breasts rose and fell with each ragged breath she drew.

then,” he said hoarsely, “go to sleep. If you wiggle again, you get no more
warnings. I’ll be inside you, and I won’t leave until I’m good and ready.”

stilled. “What about you?” she whispered. “I cou–could…uh, you know, use my
My mouth?

didn’t answer. Dianna blew out a long, relieved sigh and relaxed. He’d fallen
asleep in that sudden way he had of dropping off. She lay there with her eyes
open, her breath lodged in her throat and his cock shoved tight between her
thighs. The blunt tip occasionally bumped her inner thigh, as if seeking the
path inside her.

God, sooner or later, he was going to stop fooling around and take her. She had
a feeling she’d welcome him with open arms. She also knew he wasn’t seriously
interested in her.

use her and leave her.

was it about this man that ground her pride into dirt? She blinked back the
tears that stung her eyelids, and lay there listening to the pounding rain and
his soft snores for the rest of the night.


Chapter Eight


Love is the
answer—but while you’re waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good




North Western Australia

The Kimberly

February 8, Sunday


opened his eyes and huffed a resigned sound of impatience into the damp, murky
darkness surrounding them. Dianna was wrapped around him like a limp
kitten—again. He’d never spent such a long, miserable, wonderful night, and it
was still at least three hours until dawn.

to God, if she pressed her lips against his chest, touched her tongue to his
nipples or curled her hot fingers around his cock once more, he’d explode in
her hand.

a female could be so aggressively sexual in her sleep was beyond him. He’d
slept with a few women in his time, even took one or two camping as Dianna had
accused, but he’d never had a woman who plastered herself like a wet noodle all
over him the entire night or one who wouldn’t stop touching him.

didn’t matter he’d been the one to initiate the foreplay earlier. He’d done it
for her, but damn, he couldn’t take much more of Dianna’s limpet routine. He
hurt. His cock was so damn hard it throbbed intermittently between his thighs,
a restless beast ready to howl. His balls had surely turned blue by now, they
were so freakin’ tight.

clenched his teeth. Damn it, his dick just did another tango toward Dianna’s
glory hole.

yes, bop away little fellow! Go ahead, get us in trouble.

it did. It headed straight for trouble. It danced, jumped and did its best to
penetrate, because it was smarter than he was. It knew what it wanted, knew
where heaven’s portal lay.

he knew where it lay, and what he wanted, too. He growled low in his throat.
“You aren’t getting any until she says
, without slurring the words and looking half dazed. So settle down and
suffer quietly and stop that damn dance!”

they first went to bed, Dianna had been as restless as a cat coming into heat.
She’d driven him nutty with her constant wiggling and rubbing against his dick.
She needed sex. He’d known exactly what was wrong, because he had the same

the crash left them with the need to reaffirm they were alive. Besides, the
scene was a magnet for sex. Alone together. Steamy rainforest. Intimate
sleeping arrangements. Two sexually healthy people. Male. Female. Neither
wearing much. Neither had had sex in a long time.

could ask for a better setting?

her temporary relief had satisfied her enough so she’d fallen asleep, but then
he’d lain awake, his cock jabbed between her legs and her sweet ass flush
against his balls. He was a glutton for punishment—he hadn’t changed positions
all night. Hell, his cock was still crammed between her thighs. Every time it
began to soften, she moved, and back it rose, rising like some kind of majestic
dragon ready to plunder and burn paradise.

he had to have some relief.

he tweaked her nipples until they poked up like little soldiers ready to march.
He squeezed her plump breasts. God, he loved her tits. He’d die before he told
her that, but they were firm as peaches, nicely rounded, and they filled his
palms to perfection. He rubbed his fingertips over her extended nipples. She
moaned with pleasure and wiggled her ass against his crotch.

Don’t move,” he whispered. “Just
lie there and let me touch you.”

he wanted inside her so badly. Instead, he kissed her nape, licked the side of
her neck and whispered her name. “Dianna. You feel good, sweetheart. I want to
gobble you up.”

she said in a drowsy voice.


me again. Like before?”

mean like this?” He slid a finger inside her, teased her clit with long, soft

she said breathlessly. “Like that, only faster. Inside me. Deeper.” She drew a
sharp breath.
Mmmm. Like
that.” Sexually aroused, she moaned. Breathless. Drowsy.

worked his hips, rubbing his cock back and forth while he tormented her clit
with tender tweaks. He didn’t stop the sweet torment until she climaxed twice.
Slowly, he slid his finger nearly out of her, then plunged deeply.

can’t do it again,” she said breathlessly.

what?” he whispered.


can,” Taylor grunted and started all over again, except this time, he thrust
his hips. His cock nudged her hot channel seeking entrance. Once, the tip of
his penis penetrated her and he started to back out.

grabbed his hand. “No. Stay right there and fuck me like that.”

honey, I’ll come.”

know,” she whispered.

worked his hips, teasing her entrance with shallow penetrations. She groaned
and wiggled her hips, trying to take him deeper. Taylor gritted his teeth and
pulled out of her.

can’t stay inside you like that.”

moaned her disappointment, then screamed her frustration.

take care of you,” he whispered. “Open for me.”

he inserted two fingers inside her. The velvet pull of her inner muscles
clamped snug around his fingers. Inside she felt as soft, wet and warm as a
freshly baked chocolate cookie. He liked the heat that surrounded his fingers.
Her body quivered. His cock jumped like crazy, desperate to be back inside her,
even if it was a scant inch. When she screamed her release, Taylor eased out of
her, content that he’d pleasured her.

would have gone back to sleep again, but she wasn’t having any of it. Dianna
crawled on top of him. He didn’t know how he kept his cock out of her with her
astride it and him wanting inside her so desperately. She leaned over him. Her
curtain of thick, black hair fell around them.

turn,” she whispered and slid her tongue down his throat.

I’m fine.”

ignored him, searching for and capturing his nipples. “You aren’t fine. This
isn’t going to be only about my needs, Taylor.”

lapped at the hard, flat discs, swiped her tongue around them, nipped gently,
then moved down his chest, pausing to nibble at his hard midriff. She kissed
the blunt tip of his cock. Slowly, Dianna closed her lips around the smooth
head and nibbled. She
it with her tongue,
tormenting it the way he’d tormented her clit.

bucked beneath her and groaned. Fine. If she wanted to suck him off, who was he
to argue? God knew he needed the release. “Jesus, Dianna. Stop teasing me and

stomach muscles clenched as she glided her tongue up and down the solid length
of his shaft. Her fingers fluttered around his balls, and she gently squeezed
the spongy sacs.

moaned. “You’re killing me, baby.”

laughed softly. “I intend to.”

laved the tip of his cock with tiny, kittenish licks and nips until he squirmed
like something wild and bucked madly. At long last, she settled her mouth
hungrily around the broad head and sucked it like it was an all-day sucker.

dug his fingers in the bedding, thrust urgently, and let her have her wicked
way with him. In seconds, he groaned, thrust hard and erupted like a geyser
filled with hot steam.

Jesus.” He didn’t think he was going to stop coming. It had been so long since
a woman had touched him intimately, since he’d climaxed. His balls tightened
painfully. His seed gushed in long, hard bursts. When it was over, Dianna
sighed and curled up against him.

now,” she said drowsily and fell asleep against him.


hadn’t meant for that to happen, not when he’d first set out to pleasure her.
He’d wanted things to remain clinical. But what had just happened between them
wasn’t clinical. It was hot. Dianna was hot. Hell, she’d practically roasted
him alive with her tongue, teeth, and mouth.
I am
in love
with her. I’m

clenched his fingers into fists. He was very much afraid he was lying to
himself. The question was—

the hell did he do about it?


Chapter Nine


not cheap, but I am on special this week.



North Western Australia

The Kimberly

February 8, Sunday


the end, Taylor decided to do nothing about his feelings for Dianna. He lay
there and stared into the darkness, in the shelter, his gut twisted in knots.

So what if the woman had somehow wiggled her way right into his heart? He sure
as hell wasn’t going to admit to her he’d fallen for her like some lovesick

wasn’t about to change his mind about using her as revenge against Jace,
either. He owed Jace. The bastard had seduced his sister. The least
could do was return the favor.

he wished morning would hurry up and arrive, but dawn was at least another hour
away. It was still dark. It was still raining. He shifted and suddenly realized
Dianna’s fingers were splayed around his cock.

the woman acted as if his dick was her own personal toy or exclusive property.
His cock twitched with the memory of Dianna getting him off. Damn, it had felt
good. Touching her intimately was incredible, too.

long night had been filled with soft sighs, tender touches, wet kisses, tongues
and teeth. Slow titillation at its supreme best. They were primed and ready.
Sooner or later, the overload would short-circuit. The major meltdown would be
more powerful than an explosion at a nuclear plant.

night had been spent teasing the senses. They’d done everything to each other
except consummate the final act. Their needs were temporarily satisfied, but
they were nowhere near to being sated. Tension, desire, and need still
surrounded them, and this wild, crazy connection that kept drawing them
together wasn’t going away.

he’d put his own needs on the back burner the first time he touched her last
night, he’d enjoyed giving her pleasure. Dianna had returned the favor by
giving his cock plenty of sweet, wet love and lots of tongue.

knew very well, before too many more hours crept by, he’d be exactly where he
wanted to be—shaft deep inside her hot little pussy. Shit. He needed to get out
of this hut and cool off before he gave in and shoved his cock inside her. Pissed
at needing and wanting her so much flooded his soul.

wanted her to beg him to fuck her. He wanted to look Jace in the eye and lay
all the blame for her seduction on her.

shook her awake. “Let me up.”

not holding you down,” she grumbled.

hell you aren’t. You have one arm wrapped around my neck tight enough to choke
me, and the other has claimed my dick.”

fingers tightened about his shaft as if she was reluctant to let go.

on, Dianna, set it free. It isn’t going to run away. I promise it’s attached to
me and always has been. Where I go, it goes. I need to take a walk. If I take a
walk, it takes a walk with me. Let go.”

she uncurled her fingers from around his aching shaft. Hell, he’d gotten used
to the feel of her fingers around him. Now his cock felt as naked as a stripped

crawled over her to the side closest to the entry.

are you going?”

told you, I need to take a walk.”

the rain?”

yes, in the rain. Maybe it will cool…things down.”

jeez, Taylor, I didn’t realize you had a little problem. It
a little problem…right?”

tell me…you’re the one who had it throat deep last night,” he snapped.

is your problem this morning?”

don’t have a problem, big or small, except for you, and you’re the wild hair on
my ass!”

heaven’s sake, you act as if you’ve never slept beside a woman before.”

haven’t slept beside a woman who can’t keep her hands off my dick all night.”

wasn’t touching it all night, just once in awhile. I can’t help what I do in my

weren’t asleep. Don’t pretend you were.”

pretend you haven’t slept with a woman before.”

usually screwing the woman who shares my bed.” Taylor tore her arm from around
his neck and scooted out of the makeshift shelter. “If you aren’t up to
following through with all that rubbing, squirming, purring, and handling of my
cock and ask me to fuck you, then you need to find somewhere else to sleep.”

mouth snapped shut. “Where else do you think I can sleep except beside you?”
She couldn’t help it if she was a wiggler or her fingers naturally sought his
cock. She was a touchy-feely sort of woman. Worse, she knew she was like a
snake, she needed heat, and Taylor’s body was like a combination steam and
sauna, nice and hot and
didn’t know. She only knew he drew her like a magnet. Keeping her hands or body
away from his was impossible.

don’t care where you sleep, as long as it isn’t beside me,” he snapped.

sighed and listened to Taylor stirring around and mumbling. Even after what
they’d shared in the night, the most awesome foreplay, then oral sex, he really
didn’t much like her. She knew damn well he’d enjoyed the blowjob, but she
supposed in the long run, she’d been a means to an end for him and nothing
more. How pitiful.

back tears, she sat up. Ahh. The rain was letting up. Thank God! Abruptly, it
switched from a monsoon downpour to a slow, steady drizzle. Maybe now they
could at least escape the hut for awhile.

peeped through the opening and shaking her head, watched Taylor disappear into
the darkness. A smile played on her lips. He might not like her, but he was
attracted to her as much as she was to him. He must be, or his dick wouldn’t
rise like a cobra every time she was near him.

wow, he’d kept his arm around her waist, kept her close to his body. His
fingers cupped her breasts all night, not to mention his shaft jammed between
her legs. He might not realize it, but every single time she’d tried to move
and put a little distance between them, his arm tightened, and he held her in
place against his body.

some reason, he refused to admit he wanted her. Given enough time, she’d win
his heart.

lay back down, curled into a ball, and closed her eyes. She might as well try
to get a little more sleep before they faced the problems of daylight.


eyes popped open. Quickly, she poked her head through the opening. “Where are
you? What is it? Why did you yell?”

over here.
Son of a bitch!
stung me.”

What bit you? Oh God, you didn’t get snake bit, did you?”

don’t know. I don’t think it was a snake. Didn’t I see a small flashlight in
your bag?”

Dianna fished out the flashlight and crawled out of the hut. Rising to her
feet, she flipped on the switch and shined the light on the rocks where he’d
been sitting.

it is,” she said as the small circle of light captured the creepy-crawly. “A
scorpion.” She raised the light to Taylor’s face. “Where’d it get you?”

hand. I sat down on that rock and braced myself with my hand. It got me.”

the good news is, it probably isn’t poisonous.”

don’t care. It hurts like hell.”

they hurt. I got stung by one once when I was visiting my aunt and uncle at

wiped a hand over his face. “Where’d it get you?”

I did the wrong thing that night. I crawled into bed without checking it first.
The minute I stretched out, it popped me twice on the thigh. I didn’t know what
had happened. I jumped out of bed and screamed. Silver, my cousin, turned on
the lamp and started jumping around and screaming, too.”

rubbed the back of his neck and blinked. “Why did she scream? Did it sting her
as well?”

laughed. “No, but she knew something got me, and she was afraid it’d get her,
too. She hopped around the room shrieking like a banshee. Uncle Rufus ran in
with an old elephant gun he owned. Scared the heck outta me when he slammed
open the door and stood there glaring at us like a wild man.”

happened then?” He drew a short, ragged breath and released it.

wondered if he was okay. He looked a little pale.

screamed louder and ran round and round my bed. Silver joined me in the race.
We made several circles round the bed. Uncle Rufus yelled,
What the hell is the matter with you girls

shook his hand and winced. “Damn, it feels like my fingers are going numb. Keep
talking. Tell me the rest.”

paused in my race to escape the varmint pointed at Silver’s bed, and said, ‘There’s
a bloody critter in the bed with big teeth and claws.’ Uncle Rufus was so
gallant. He blasted Silver’s bed with the elephant gun.”


Aunt Marion came running down the hall screaming, ‘What in the world? Jesus,
Mary, and Joseph, you’ve killed the bed, Rufus.’”

laughed. “What did he say?”

“Nothing. I was
busy telling Aunt Marion how Uncle Rufus had shot the wrong bed, because it was
my bed the beastie was in.”

my God, what did she do?”

marched over to my bed and yanked back the covers. There was nothing there. But
my leg felt as if a coal of fire had been set on it. Aunt Marion moved the
pillow and there it was, parked there with its tail reared over its back, just
waiting to pop me again. It still gives me goose bumps to think about it hiding
under my pillow.”

Jesus, I’m gonna be sick.”

traced the light over his face again. Now he looked both pale and sweaty. “We’d
better get you inside the shelter before you pass out.”

not going to pass out from a little scorpion sting.”

took one step and promptly collapsed at her feet.


* * * *


Dianna gasped and
leaned over Taylor’s prone body. A watery sun crawled across the sky. Streaks
of orange, purple, and faded blue forced their way through the mountain of
clouds churning across the sky.

would be more rain, and soon.

dragged the flashlight over Taylor from head to toe, but she couldn’t see anything
wrong. He hadn’t pulled on his boxers when he’d left the shelter. Her gaze
settled on the soft package lying between his thighs. What she’d held in her
hands at times last night was reaffirmed in the dawn’s early light. Even soft,
there was plenty there.

tore her gaze away from the tempting sight and picked up his hand, eyeing the
red dot where the scorpion had popped him. There was a little swelling and
redness, but nothing major.


groaned a response.

need to get you inside the shelter before the rain starts again. Can you help

Dianna frowned. He opened his eyes and gazed around. “What…happened?” Confusion
clouded his blue eyes. “Where am I?”

heart fisted with fear. What was wrong with him? “You’re here, Taylor, with

he said, plainly not understanding at all.

scorpion’s stings cause confusion? Dianna bit her lip and wrestled him to his
feet, but he was heavy. She stumbled toward the hut, nearly buckling under the
strain of his weight. “Don’t stop. If you stop, I’ll drop you. Keep walking.
Yes. That’s it. One more step. Another.”

inside the shelter, he collapsed at her feet. “Can’t…breathe,” he moaned.
Taylor struggled to sit up but fell back. “Throat…closing—” He sucked in a
deep, rough breath. “Bee stings…allergic.”

wasn’t a bee that stung you.” Fear raced through Dianna. Oh, God. What should
she do? What
she do? Airway!
She needed to keep his airway clear. For God’s sake, how did she do that if his
throat swelled shut?

grabbed a shirt and draped it across his groin.

faint grin ghosted his lips. “You…hiding it? Not…much point…seen it all.”

didn’t look.”

grinned. “Held it…too.”

didn’t know what I was doing.”


up. You need to concentrate on breathing.”

grasped the front of the shirt she’d tugged over her breasts and pulled her
down to him. “Take…it…off.”

Take what off?”


eyes burned. “You do?”

Lovely. Take…off.”

tore her shirt over her head and flung it aside. Hell, if he wanted her stark
naked, she’d strip. “Better?”

stroked an unsteady hand over her right breast. “Better.”

need to concentrate on breathing.”

to…concentrate on…fucking you. Soon.” He tugged her down to him, captured her
mouth, a faint rub of his lips against hers, then set her free. “Can’t…right…now.”



God’s sake, Taylor, have you suddenly developed a one-track mind?”

ghostly smile flashed across his lips. “Not…sudden.”

could die! I don’t know what to do for you.”

stings, too.”

Anything else?”


laughed a watery sound that lodged in her throat. “Don’t you dare die on me,
Taylor Spencer.”

shivered and closed his eyes. “Won’t,” he rasped. “Promise.”

brought heat, mosquitoes, flies, and terror to Dianna’s soul. An hour after
being stung, Taylor’s hand was so swollen it looked ready to split in half.

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